SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas V. Doyle, Pastor Rev. John S. Wtulich Rev. Patrick Longalong Deacon Vincent LaGamba Deacon Armand D’Accordo Mr. Robert Ruggiero, Religious Education Mr. Christopher Scharbach—Principal Mr. Jonathan D’Amico – Music Ministry PARISH OFFICE 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Belle Harbor, NY 11694 MISSION STATEMENT St. Francis de Sales, a parish steeped in tradition, rich in natural beauty and bountifully blessed with a community devoted in love to serve God and our neighbor. We seek to live actively the Word of God through the example of our patron saint, a life devoted to energetic, generous and constant fidelity to the will of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we will grow in our faith through continuous education, formation, communication, and out-reach, while passing these values on to our future generations. We endeavor to be a most vibrant community of faith which will effectively utilize the talents, resources, and treasures of our parish for the good of all God’s people. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 6:30am and 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am; 9:00am and 5:30pm (Vigil) SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:30am, Noon, 5:30pm and 7:00pm (Polish) HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil of Holy Day at 7:30pm Holy Day at 6:30am; 9:00am and Noon CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Seasonal Penance Services during Advent and Lent CARE OF THE SICK If there is an elderly, sick or infirm parishioner who wishes to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Communal Celebrations of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place in the Fall and in the Spring. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Evening—by appointment Saturday—by appointment Sunday—No Office hours BAPTISM Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon to complete the Baptismal Registration Form. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Instruction at 7:00pm on the First Thursday of the month. Baptisms are celebrated on the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. MARRIAGE Preparations for the Sacrament of Marriage are very important and take time. Couples planning to be married at Saint Francis De Sales are asked to contact the Parish Office no less than eight months prior to the wedding date. Please do not schedule the catering hall prior to making arrangements at the parish. Couples are required to attend the Pre-Cana Program of the Parish at least six months prior to the wedding. PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office/Rectory Parish Office/Rectory Fax Parish Email [email protected] Parish Religious Education Office Saint Francis De Sales School Saint Francis De Sales School Fax 718-634-6464 718-634-0716 718-634-6464 718-634-2775 718-634-6673 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, October 12, 2014 Masses for the week of 10-12-19, 2014 Sunday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM Margaret and Thomas Keating 10:30 AM Kitty and Martin Dunbar 12:00 PM Tom and Mary Cotter Monday NO 6:30 AM Holiday Columbus Day 8:00 AM John Schilling 9:00 AM Deacon Ace Proce Tuesday 6:30 AM Mary Tomasetti 9:00 AM Catherine Ryan Wednesday 6:30 AM Teresa LaGamba 9:00 AM Mary C. Hartnett Thursday 6:30 AM Patrick Keena Jr. 9:00 AM Robert Regan Friday 6:30 AM Mary and William Chelius 9:00 AM Lorraine Vitale (22A) Saturday 8:00 AM The Dowd and Clarkin Families 9:00 AM Anna and Anthony Wolanin and Family 5:30 PM John H. Kowsky Sunday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 10:30 AM Bridget, John and Margaret Fitzpatrick 12:00 PM Peggy Murphy RECTORY OFFICE will be closed on Monday October 13th for the holiday. Enjoy the holiday… BREAD AND WINE: to be offered at the Masses for this week is donated in memory of Mary Sullivan. 500 Club Weekly: Congratulations! Winners are: $100 #200 The Gavigan Family 50 #244 Philip F. Hughes 25 #243 Desmond O’Leary ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE – The October through December schedule is ready if you haven’t received a copy you can get one at the rectory. If you haven’t already contacted Lorraine Agoglia with your preferences and contact information you can email her at [email protected] SEA BREEZE GOLDEN AGE CLUB – will have their “Chinese Auction” this Wednesday, October 15th at 12:00 Noon in the small hall. Please bring food for the needy. For further information call 718-474-1280. SEA BREEZE TRIPS Thursday, November 13th – 911 Memorial – Tour of Museum and Show – Price $101 (40Min) and $112 (U/40) Thursday, November 20th – South Pacific – Westchester Broadway Theatre – Lunch and Show – Price $85.00 Monday, March 16th – Andy Cooney Concert at Westbury – Show and Dinner at Swan Club – Price $89.00 For more information call: Mary Ellen at 718-634-6307 or Kate Hanratty at 718-634-1941. HELPER OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS VIGIL FOR THR UNBORN - Saturday, October 18th at St. Joan of Arc located at 82-00 35th Avenue in Jackson Heights. 7:30 AM Mass, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a walk to nearby abortion mill to pray the rosary then return to the Church for Benediction. If you prefer, you may stay in the Church in the company of the Blessed Sacrament until we return. For more information call Rita Hayden at718570-7908. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, October 12, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DOYLE Dear Parishioners: October is Respect Life Month, designated throughout the Catholic Church in the United States. I have prepared a list of thought-provoking quotes that focus on this theme. There are three threads that weave their way among the profound insights expressed here that help us reaffirm the truth which are at the heart of our Christian faith. 1. God is the author of life and the gift of life confers on us a sacred dignity because we are created in God’s image and likeness. 2. Decisions regarding the termination of human life from conception to natural death test the degree of our humanity on a continuum of humane to inhumane. 3. Abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and suicide are tragic choices and leave behind so much pain, sorrow, and suffering for those left behind to deal with the consequences. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo (Archbishop of Galveston-Houston) at the 2010 National Vigil for Life said: “There are some in our culture and in our country…who think civil institutions or some given human subject bestow the right to life. No! Not anyone of us can bestow the right to life. We can only recognize the right to life, uphold and defend it and cherish its beauty.” Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life writes: “There is a story from the days of the Nazi atrocities that tell of a church along a road where the trains passed, carrying Jews to execution. When they passed the church on Sunday mornings, they would cry out in the hope that the worshippers would hear their cries and rescue them. The noise of the wailing prompted members of the congregation to ask the pastor, “What are we to do about the disturbance to our worship.” The pastor paused and then said, “Tell the people to sing a little louder.” This sad temptation to avoid the distraction of human lives in danger can surface again today for Christians who may think they are too busy with other things to worry about the abortion issue…too busy to worry about justice.” One of the shortest and most powerful prayers we can say, taught and used by Jesus himself is “Thy will be done.” It is also the soul of the Culture of Life, where we do not pretend that human life is subject to our will. Rather, we welcome human life because it is God’s will to create life, and God entrusts the lives of others to our care. Accepting the will of God causes us to serve the weak, and to work to see that human law reflects God’s will by protecting the vulnerable. Much peace! Rev. Fr. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL UPDATE If you have not had an opportunity to give to the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal, there are pledge envelopes around the church, you can also go to: to make a pledge online; please make sure to indicate Saint Francis De Sales. A special thank you to all our parishioners who so generously made a pledge/gift to the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal this year. GOAL $121,579.00 AMOUNT PLEDGED $ 99,235.00 (81.62%) AMOUNT RECEIVED $ 92,549.17 (76.12%) AMOUNT NEEDED TO REACH GOAL $ 22,344.00 (18.38%) INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Saint Francis De Sales Parish considers it a privilege to continue Jesus’ welcome to the little children. We welcome parents who wish to present their children for Baptism. In doing so, we are aware that we pledge to help parents as they raise their children in the faith of Jesus Christ. The entire process is begun by the parents contacting the Rectory (1-718634-6464) to complete the Baptism Registration form prior to the Baptism Instruction and Baptism date. A Birth Certificate must be presented at the time completing the registration form. In choosing Godparents (Sponsors), parents might be interested in knowing that the Church asks the Godparents/Sponsors be: 1. At least 16 years of age; 2. Baptized and Confirmed in the Catholic Church; 3. Living and upright Catholic life, if married, married in Catholic Church. 4. Not a parent of the child. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY – WILL BE HOLDING A SIX WEEK PROGRAM ENTITLED: WORKING OUR WAY THROUGH GRIEF A Journey from Grief to healing for People coping with the Loss of a Loved One Wednesdays – October 15, 2014 through November 19, 2014 - from 7:30 to 9:00 pm For registration information, please call Winifred Fitzgerald at (718318-2123). There will be a limited registration. 9:00 AM MASS - CHILDREN FOLK GROUP – Looking for new members. Children in 4th grade and up are eligible. Rehearsals are held in Church on Mondays at 3:30 pm UNTIL 5:00 PM. The group sings at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays. We are also seeking someone who plays guitar and would be interested in joining us. STAY HEALTHY – It is time to get your Flu shot! Take steps now to help prevent getting the flu. Free flu shot for people 18 years or older. Please bring your Medicare card if you have one. No insurance is necessary and there is no cost to you. Wednesday, October 15th from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM in front of the school building. There are 1000 free flu shots available. FAITH FORMATION INFORMATION FOR 2014 - 2015 CLASSES TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Grades 6, 7, and 8 – meet on Mondays: Arrival Time 6:30 PM – Class Duration: 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM. Grades 3, 4, and 5 – meet on Wednesdays. Arrival Time: 3:00 PM – Class Duration: 3:15 to 4:45 PM Grades Kindergarten, 1, and 2 – meet on Thursdays. Arrival Time: 3:00 PM – Class Duration: 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM Overflow of Grades 7 and 8 meet on Thursdays. Arrival Time: 6:30 PM – Class Duration: 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM Location: Please enter through the main doors to the Small Hall of the Academy of St. Francis de Sales. Students will be dismissed from these doors. Missing Sacraments If your child has not been baptized or has not received First Holy Communion and is beyond the age of 7 years old, please contact Robert Ruggerio at the rectory 718-634-6464. Even if your child is presently enrolled in the religious education program, kindly bring it to the administrations attention.
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