ST LUKE’S CATHOLIC PARISH SCHOOL 45 Degen Road, Capalaba Phone (07) 3245 9595 Fax (07) 3823 2222 Email: [email protected] Website: NEWSLETTER 4 November 2014 No. 34 St Luke’s School 1989 - 2014 St Luke’s School 1989-2014 FROM OUR ADMIN TEAM PREP 2015 TRANSITION DAY A transition day for new students is to be held on Wednesday 12 November. Students will be involved in various activities to help them make a smooth transition into full time schooling. Thanks to Prep teachers for their direction and organization of these events. Parents are invited to stay on for a cuppa on the Emmaus Centre deck. P&F ACTIVITIES A big thank you in advance to a group of our parents who will be supporting activities over the weekend that will help build partnerships in our school. The Bunnings BBQ takes place on Saturday and we encourage parents to volunteer to support this activity as it takes the fund raising process outside the school into the community. It’s also a good way to promote our little school with a big heart. The second activity is the Prep participation Mass on Saturday evening which traditionally is very well supported by families and we also provide a sausage sizzle for the gathering. Once again we thank all those who are able to help the school build community spirit and connection. P&F AGM The P&F AGM takes place this month and in keeping with previous tradition positions are declared vacant and nomination forms can be secured from the school office. We thank our hard working and dedicated P&F Executive lead by Adam Gould; they are making a positive difference to education and community at St Luke’s. Please find P&F notices later in the newsletter. St Luke’s Oval redevelopment It is very pleasing to announce that Oval redevelopment works will begin on the Christmas school holidays. The P&F have worked hard all year raising funds to support this vital development at our school. The redevelopment involves irrigation systems, resurfacing, levelling, drainage works and returfing the Oval area. DATE CLAIMERS NOVEMBER Wed 5 – Mon 10 BOOKFAIR Thu 6 Prayer Assembly 2Blue 2pm School Board Meeting 7pm Fri 7 Mass 1Blue 9am Sat 8 Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 8am-4pm Prep involvement Mass 6pm Wed 12 Prep 2015 Orientation morning 9.00am-10.45am Thu 13 Prayer Assembly 5Blue 2pm Fri 14 Booklists due Mon 17 P&F Annual General Mtg 7pm P&F Meeting 7.30pm Thu 20 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Prayer Assembly 3Blue 2pm Fri 21 Mass 1White 9am Catholic swimming carnival Mon 24-Fri 28 Swimming lessons P-2 Wed 26 Big Breakfast 7.45am Canberra Tour meeting 6pm Thu 27 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Yr 6 & Yr 7 Thanksgiving Fri 28 Yr 6 & Yr 7 excursion DECEMBER Wed 3 Christmas Carols Thu 4 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Fri 5 Whole School Liturgy 10.30am School closes 12noon JANUARY 2015 Wed 28 School resumes Monday Assembly 2pm in the Emmaus Centre. Thursday Prayer Assembly 2pm The outcome should be a new surface and resource for our school that will make a big difference to our sporting and HPE programs for our whole learning community. More information to follow! STAFF NEWS On behalf of the school community I would like to congratulate our HPE teacher Cynthia Milligan and her family on the exciting news that her 3rd child is due to be born next year. Cynthia will complete her duties in 2014 before taking maternity leave in 2015. A suitable replacement for Cynthia is being appointed over the next few weeks. We wish Cynthia well during this exciting time for her family and also acknowledge her excellent efforts to build the profile of sport and HPE within our school. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A reminder to School Board members that the last meeting of the Board membership for 2014 takes place on Thursday 6 November. The meeting will provide an important opportunity to discuss the progress of the school community throughout the year as well as plan the next stages of development of the school as we look towards 2015. We also acknowledge and thank Leanne Baker our Board Chairperson and her team for doing such a great job in supporting the strategic direction of the school during 2014. CLASS STRUCTURES The following structure for class groups is being implemented in 2015: Prep - 2 groups Year 1 - 2 groups Year 2 - 2 groups Year 3 - 2 groups Year 4 - 2 groups Year 5 - 2 groups Year 6 - 2 groups Towards the end of term 4 final staffing will be announced. Similar to last year, students will receive their class listing for 2015 when they receive their Semester 2 report during the last week of school. Students will also have an opportunity to meet with their new teacher during the last week. Class lists will be displayed outside the office from Wednesday 10 December. CLASS SELECTION Similar to last year, we no longer accept letters or emails from parents regarding your child’s class placement. Parents are aware that present class teachers have the greatest input into class selection for 2015. Classroom teachers know your child very well having spent a whole year with them. Our teachers are highly professional and they are the ones in the best position to make judgments about your child’s placements. Please speak to your teacher over the next couple of weeks if you have any concerns. 2015 PLANNING AND PREPARATIONS- FAMILIES EXITING THE SCHOOL AT THE END OF THE YEAR. Planning for the 2015 school year is well underway and it is helpful for families to indicate at the earliest possible time, their intentions if they do not wish to return in 2015. This information impacts on class structures, staffing, support services, individual class vacancies, waiting lists and the finances of the school. If this information applies to a family they are respectfully requested to contact school admin in writing, at the earliest possible time. SCHOOL BUDGET Planning is well under way for the 2015 School Budget and Fee Schedule. Parents can expect a slight increase in the Tuition Fee and Capital Levy in line with CPI. We do not expect new fees or levy increases in 2015 outside those outlined above. Parents must be congratulated and thanked for the considerable financial commitment they make to our school through the capital levy. The levy has allowed the school to maintain and refurbish various facilities in the school. This development could not take place without the dedicated financial support of our community. Thanks for putting such commitment towards the education offered at St Luke’s. IMPORTANT NEWS- ONE TO ONE Details are being finalized for the 2015 One to One computer program for current year 3 students. A package of information will be put together including information, policy, procedures, timeline and next steps and this will be sent out to parents by mid November. Hopefully this will keep parents informed of next steps. More information to follow. Once again in 2014 there will be an 4 day block swimming lessons program held during week 8 of term 4. The program received excellent support from families last year and is viewed as an important part of the HPE program and the children’s safety and development. An information letter was sent home recently in preparation for this activity. DEGEN ROAD SIGNAGE CHANGES! VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Parents please be advised that the section of Degen Road from the Child Care Centre to the Lions Respite Centre is now a no parking zone between 2.30pm and 3.30pm School days. This essentially means that this section of road is to be kept free for our pick up line and is the point where parents can line up so as not to block Degen Road. Parents will have noticed with some frustration that cars are still being parked and left there and this is holding up traffic and blocking Degen Road. We are sure that working together with regular reminders we can actually improve the pick-up line and road safety even further and we thank all those families who behave in a safe and courteous way to help this happen each day! STOLEN PROPERTY Parents will be very disappointed to know that in recent times a person or persons has been stealing plants, shrubs, mats and any non-fixed items from various places around the school. These activities take place typically on the weekend at or around dawn! CCTV footage has recorded suspicious behaviour but we are no closer to identifying or following up with this person. It was disappointing for staff, students and parents to return to school this week to see plants taken out of two sacred spaces. The Mary garden and memorial garden both had plants taken from garden beds. We are endeavouring to follow up with Police and security services and we are open to further suggestions or advice as to how we can protect the property of the school. CANBERRA TOUR A Canberra tour meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 26th November 6.00pm to begin preparations for the 2015 tour! The tour takes place every 2nd year and next year will be our 3rd tour at St Luke’s. Due to popularity our most recent tour reached the maximum number of seats. Next year the tour will be open to year 5 and 6 students and we encourage families to come along and learn more about this excellent educational tour. The school works with Pam Walsh and EDUCA tours and they are a high quality educational tour provider with many years’ experience. The tour takes place in the first week of the September holidays. More information to follow. FEELING SAFE STRATEGY- BE A HERO WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR SAFETY! Brisbane Catholic Education has for many years promoted in schools the ‘feeling safe strategy’, which is an important child protection procedure and process. The strategy has been updated in 2013 and now is known as ‘Be A Hero’ when it comes to ‘Your Safety.’ The children learn the key terms, RECOGNIZE, REACT and REPORT when you are feeling unsafe. More information to follow. Student protection contacts in our school community are in the first instance our class teachers or Guidance Counsellor, APRE and Principal. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING PROCESS Class teachers are currently working towards the completion of their report cards for second semester. The process is the culmination of a long term effort of judgements about the development of each student. Reports will be forwarded to parents in week 9 of term 4. Once again thanks to teaching staff for their efforts in this area. STAFFING DEVELOPMENTS Parents may not be aware that the school is currently taking steps to establish the school staff for 2015. A number of teaching contracts need renewal as well as the appointment of staff in key support positions. Once these positions have been secured and finalised the full staffing complement can be shared with community in week 8 and 9 of term 4. More information to follow. RELIGIOUS LIFE OF THE SCHOOL St Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas Appeal Mr Alan Casperson from the Alexandra Hills and Capalaba St Vincent de Paul chapter joined us on assembly yesterday. Alan expressed his gratitude for the support St Luke’s has provided the association with throughout the year, and explained to the students the importance of the Christmas Appeal. For the remaining 4 weeks of school we are asking our community to help support the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal by donating non-perishable foods and Christmas treats (no toys please). FRIDAY MORNING MASS This Friday 7th November Year 1 Blue will celebrate Mass with Father Emmanuel at 9:00am. Parents are always welcome to be part of this celebration. THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL- This weekend’s gospel of John reminds us that a community of believers is the place where God dwells. He can be found in our connection with Jesus and the relationships we have with each other. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT – The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which mean never losing your enthusiasm. Aldous Huxley Tim Lomas, Principal and Renae Collier, Acting APRE CURRICULUM NEWS LEARNING AND TEACHING - SCIENCE RULES YEAR 3 EXCURSION: SCIENCE CENTRE As a culmination of the work they have being investigating in Science, the Year 3 students visited the Science Centre in Brisbane. The students have been examining the differences, similarities and properties of solids, liquids and solids. Thank you to the teachers, school officers and parents who attended, and to the students for being wonderful ambassadors for St Luke’s! YEAR 4 EXCURSION : DREAMWORLD The Year 4 students travelled to Dreamworld last Friday to continue their investigation of forces in action. The students were able to experience firsthand the full forces of gravity on the Giant Drop, kinetic and potential energy on The Cyclone and magnetic forces on the Tower of Terror. Thank you to the teachers, school officers and parents who accompanied the students. Our Year 4 students were also wonderful ambassadors for St Luke’s. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING PROCESS Class teachers are currently working towards the completion of their report cards for second semester. The process is the culmination of a long term effort of judgements about the development of each student. Reports will be forwarded to parents in week 9 of term 4. Once again thanks to teaching staff for their efforts in this area. STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING This Thursday afternoon the teaching staff of St Luke’s will be participating in a professional learning session. David Gall from BCE will be presenting a session around modern pedagogy (e.g. design thinking) and effectively integrating digital technology across the curriculum. With the new Australian Technology Curriculum near validation, this session enhance the use of digital technologies, and design and technologies in our school. FROM OUR PARISH OFFICE Greetings from the Parish Office! Between the Living and the Dead This weekend’s liturgy, as we mentioned last week, is quite unique because two important immovable feasts, All Saints’ and All Souls’, fall on the two days of our weekly Eucharistic worship. Both feasts actually celebrate those who have gone before us. The more glorious of the two celebrations is All Saints’ because it celebrates those whom we can say, though with merely human certainty, lived outstanding holy and exemplary lives and are now in the company of God and the angels. All Souls’ on the other hand, is less celebratory. During All Souls’ we remember and pray for all the dead, especially those whom we knew and shared our lives with, and those who have no one to pray for them. So, rather than a celebration like All Saints’, All Souls’ is a commemoration. The Church places the two feasts a day after the other to remind us of the closeness between living and dying. We should not forget that life is God’s gift and an opportunity to do good to others and to contribute to the wellbeing of all God’s creatures. It is obligatory for us to love, enjoy and promote life as God’s precious gift to us. This places us on the path of sanctity. The beautiful teaching of our Christian Faith is that we should hold on to this weekend because life does not ever come to an end, it only changes. The first preface of the Mass for the Dead says “Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is changed, not ended, and when our earthly dwelling turns to dust, an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven.” This should be our consolation as we remember to pray for our loved ones as we commemorate All Souls’ on Sunday and throughout the month of November. God Bless, Fr Emmanuel Parish Christmas Picnic (Including Altar Servers Break-up) St Anthony's School Grounds Sunday 23rd November commencing at 10.30am. There will be activities for adults and children. Lunch Chicken and Salad $5 Adults $15 Family. Cold Drinks on sale. Christmas Mass Helpers for St Luke’s If you are available over Christmas to help out at any of the Masses, please place your name on the roster that will be at the back of the church or phone the Parish Office on 38200100. Year 1B Class Mass This Friday 7th November we will be celebrating 9am Mass with Year 1B. Parents are most welcome to attend. St Anthony & St Luke’s Parish Calendar The year is fast drawing to a close and its nearly time to begin preparations for our 2015 Parish Calendar. If you have information that needs to be included in the calendar, please contact the Parish Office on 3820 0100. MASS TIMES ACROSS OUR PARISH Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 7:00 9:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 am St Anthony’s am St Luke’s am St Anthony’s am St Luke’s pm St Anthony's pm St Luke’s am St Luke’s am St Anthony’s CONGRATULATIONS The following students received awards at Assembly recently: Ashlee, Luke, Maddie, Azaria, Elliette, Grace, Matthew, Joseph, Jack, Tylah, Dylan, Patrick, Rhys, Zoe, Mia, Thomas, Kasper, Caitlyn, Pru, Lachlan, Niamh, Jacob, Alexander, Georgia, Elise, Evelyn, Ella Monae, Mitchell, Kailee. OFFICE MATTERS SCHOOL FEES School Fees accounts were emailed on Monday 20 October. If you have not received your account please contact the office so we can update your email address. Fees were due last Friday 31 October. Overdue reminder emails were sent yesterday. School Fees are sent from PCAPFinance@ P&F Levy rebate – a reminder to all families to fill in your levy cards which are kept in the office. If you have worked at working bees, covered or shelved library books, tuckshop or helped with student banking you are entitled to claim a levy rebate. Please ensure your cards are up to date as the total rebate is calculated from these cards. Rebates are credited to Term 1, 2015 fees unless the family is leaving the school and then a cheque will be issued. All cards must be completed and handed in by Friday 28 November. BOOKLISTS FOR 2015 – Online – quick & easy Booklists have been sent home and are due by Friday 14 November. Orders can be processed online and details are on the form. Books can be collected from Mt Cotton Road Newsagency on Mt Cotton Road on certain dates in January 2015 or from St Luke’s School on Tuesday 2 December 2014 (8am-9am or 2.30pm-3.30pm) Tips for ordering online: must be typed into the url address bar at the very top of screen (not in google box) An account must be set up the first time you use this website – click on My Account (top right hand side) then Create My Account Select School and Year Level from drop down box Please contact the school office if you have any queries. WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTO – $22 ea Order forms are available from the office. 25TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE th We still have plenty of 25 Anniversary merchandise available for sale: Drink Bottle $5.50 Travel Mug $7.00 Caps $4.00(purple, pink, blue, navy) Umbrella $22.00 USB $6.50 (credit card shape) Flexible Ruler $1.50 Pen $2.00 Rewarding Regular Savings with Precious Prizes The Dollarmites have uncovered the ancient Clam of Fortune. Inside they found these amazing prizes that you could win a share of: 40 GoPro HERO3 White Edition Cameras 150 Slip ‘N Slide Double Wave Riders to be won. Every deposit you make with School Banking will automatically create one entry for you into the competition. So the more you save the more chances you have to win (up to a maximum of 6 entries). – Conditions apply. Promotion runs from 20 October to 30 November 2014. To find out more, visit FROM OUR RESOURCE CENTRE Sirromet Wine – St Luke’s limited edition Cabernet Merlot $15.00ea Sauvignon Blanc $20.00ea Sets 1 white 1 red $30.00 2 white $35.00 2 red $25.00 STUDENT BANKING – Wed 5 Nov – Narelle Carter and Katrina Olive. Calling for Parent Volunteers to help with School Banking! We are SEEKING PARENT HELPERS, to act as the School Banking Coordinators at our school. School Banking deposits are currently processed on a Wednesday morning at the library. We will be holding a training session later this term. Parents willing to help should complete their details below and return to the Office ASAP. Yes, I would like to help with School Banking! Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ St Luke’s School Library Book Fair Open Wednesday 5th November until Monday 10th November. Located in the library, opening times 8.15am until 3.30pm, with late shopping on Monday 10th until 4.30pm. This is a great opportunity to shop for a book with your child or start your Christmas shopping. Limited stocks of posters and stationary available. Congratulations to those fantastic readers who received a certificate on Monday from the Premier of QLD for their great reading in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Help Needed We have some new books that need covering and would love some parent helpers. If you haven’t helped out before we can show you how to cover books and you can take them home to cover at your leisure. Thank you, Katrina & Maureen. FROM OUR P&F Sausage Sizzle @ Bunnings Capalaba Saturday 8th November 8am-4pm. If you can help out for an hour please put your name down here. ecode=KGYLE IS BOOKED FOR 2015 Friday 6 March UNIFORM SHOP NEWS Extra opening times Term 4. This Saturday 1st November 9am - 12noon This day is not only for Prep Parents it is open to anyone who wants to come and get uniforms. The year one parents may want to come in and get the formal uniform for 2015. Other Extra Opening Days Thursday 20 Nov 8am – 9.30am Thursday 27 Nov 8am – 9.30am Thursday 4 Dec 8am – 9.30am Tues 20 Jan 2015 2pm – 4pm Fri 23 Jan 2015 9am – 12noon Tues 27 Jan 2015 1pm – 3pm Uniform shop is open every Friday 8am – 9.30am except Fri 5 December (last day of school). 2015 Event Planning EVERYONE in our community is invited to attend the 2015 P&F Planning Meeting in the Emmaus Centre at 7.30pm Monday 17th November – immediately following the AGM. It is at this meeting where ALL P&F EVENTS including FESTIVAL will be ‘locked in’ to the school calendar. Most importantly, it is also the opportunity for new events/ideas to be put forward for consideration. Please come along to share your ideas for 2015! Please be advised that we welcome all Visa/ Mastercard/ EFTPOS & Debit Visa cards There is now a minimum purchase amount of $20.00 for all card and debit card transactions. Lay By is also available. If you need any information please email Joy on [email protected] TUCKSHOP NEWS TUCKSHOP MENUS are on front page of school website ( under tuckshop link on left. - every Wednesday COMMUNITY NEWS Subway orders must: be in by 2pm Tuesday be attached to a brown paper bag have name and class on top of form be placed in red satchel in classroom An order form is available on St Luke’s School website Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as orders are collected Tuesday afternoon and delivered to Subway. Summer Menu is still available on Thursday and Fridays. Sushi - every Thursday Sushi orders must: be in by 2pm Wednesday be attached to a brown paper bag have name and class on top of bag be placed in tuckshop box in classroom Sushi menu is available on St Luke’s School website Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as orders are placed on Wednesday afternoon. This week’s helpers are Kathy McCaul and Melinda Thomson. Thank you. Juanita Holman, Tuckshop Convenor. FOR SALE – best offer $100 Voucher for Gianni Photography - studio or location shoots. Valid until 31/12/2014. Phone Fiona on 0421 768 695. WANTED TO BUY Second hand kayaks for children between 10-14 years. Please contact Mrs Burford (STIE) via the office or [email protected] if you can help.
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