Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 1st & 2nd 2014 As a Parish we pray at Holy Name Cathedral (411 South 5th St.) and Holy Rosary Church (204 Rosemont Ave.) Liturgical Schedule Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Name Closed for renovation, restoration, renewal Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Rosary Daily, Monday–Friday 7:00 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:15 p.m. Novena, Monday after 5:15 p.m. Mass Saturday 8:30 a.m., Vigil 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Confessions 10:00–11:30 a.m. Saturday, or by appointment Parish Office P.O. Box 908 Steubenville, OH 43952 200 Rosemont Ave. 740-264-6177 After hours urgent—press 4 for transfer Parish web-site: Parish E-mail: [email protected] Pastor—Fr. Thomas R. Nau [email protected] Parochial Vicar—Fr. Bradley Greer [email protected] Director of Rel. Ed.—Barbara VanBeveren Catholic Schools [email protected] R.C.I.A.— Drake McCalister [email protected] Bishop John King Mussio Elementary ......................264-2550 Parish Nurses [email protected] (740) 346-0660 BJKM Junior High School .........................................346-0028 Catholic Charities (740) 282-3631 Catholic Central High School .....................................264-5538 AIM Women’s Center (740) 283-3636 1 TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS — PARISH COMMUNITY NEWS INDULGENCES: NOVEMBER 1 THROUGH NOVEMBER 8: An indulgence is granted the Christian faithful who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, if only mentally, for the dead. This indulgence is applicable only to the souls in purgatory. A plenary indulgence can be gained on each one of these days. On other days of the year this indulgence is a partial one. (Handbook of Indulgences – Norms and Grants #13) WRAP CAMPAIGN: The weekend of Nov 1-2, members of our parish CWC will be passing our white ribbons before the Masses, encouraging participation in the WRAP Campaign. The White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) began in Butler, PA in 1987. Norma Norris heard a sermon by her pastor, Msgr. Francis Glenn, where he stated that the local law enforcement thought that people did not care about porn being sold in the community. Norma thought, “That can’t be. They are all here.” She wanted to devise a plan that was simple, inexpensive and could catch the imagination of all. She thought of a simple white ribbon as a symbol of decency and the movement was born. That same year Morality in Media became the sponsor of the WRAP Campaign and now citizens in communities coast to coast follow Norma Norris’ inspiration and fly the white ribbon proudly to say: We care! We Count! PARISH POLICY REGARDING EULOGIES The Order of Christian Funerals is the canonically approved rites for the prayers of the deceased. At various occasions in these rites it states: “A member or a friend of the family may speak in remembrance of the deceased.” In the General Instruction of the Roman Missal it states: “382. At the Funeral Mass there should, as a rule, be a short homily, but never a eulogy of any kind.” “Ristorante Mussio!” The Seventh Annual Bishop John King Mussio Schools Pasta Dinner, Sunday, November 2nd, from Noon till 5 at a new location, the Triumph of the Cross Holy Rosary Auditorium. Adult Dinners are $8.00, Students, 4-14, $5.00 and Kids 3 and under eat free. Dinner includes pasta, meatball, salad, bread, drink and desserts. Eat in or carry out, and check out great raffle items like Penguins tickets—Steelers tickets with a parking pass—Legos and American Girl themed baskets—a gift card tree—and much more. Thank you for your support of our Bishop John King Mussio Schools! Based upon these directives from the Church and for pastoral reasons, beginning on November 2, 2014 and thereafter , eulogies for Triumph of the Cross Parishioners will take place at the “Vigil for the Deceased” or at the cemetery. Another alternative that the family may choose is during the luncheon after the Funeral Mass. SAMARITAN HOUSE: We are preparing to make over 50 Thanksgiving Baskets for families so we will be in need of Green Beans, Boxed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Pie Crust, Yams, Corn, Stuffing, Gravy, Pie Filling, Pumpkin, and evaporated milk. We also are in need of the usual tuna, chili, pork n' beans, fruit, peanut butter, and soup. Thank you for your generosity for Jesus' little ones. TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS CWC MEETING: All ladies of the parish are invited to the CWC Meeting on Tuesday evening, November 4th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Holy Rosary Auditorium THURSDAY – NOVEMBER 6TH – HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS: We invite everyone to spend time in prayer for vocations. After the 8:30 Mass we pray and have Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. PRAYER SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 9TH – CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD – We invite the children in the Kindergarten and First Grade to participate in the 10:00 a.m. Mass. During the Liturgy of the Word they will go to the Holy Rosary Auditorium. There the readings will be from the Children’s Lectionary and a special explanation will be given to them that is age appropriate. The children then “Pray Like a Saint”, Wednesday, November 5th from 6—7:00 p.m. at Triumph of the Cross Parish (Holy Rosary Church). No registration and no fees. Last of three presentations given by Matthew Leonard, internationally renowned speaker and author and Executive Director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Three traditional kinds of prayer taught by spiritual greats like; St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila and St. Francis de Sales. Practical steps to achieve union with God through deep prayer even in the midst of this busy, distracting world. If you are not really praying, you're not really living! Please come even if you missed the 1st talks. return to their families at the time of the Offertory. DEANERY CWC MEETING: The Council of Catholic Women, Mother of Hope Deanery will have their meeting at St. John Fisher Church – Richmond, OH on Sunday, November 16, 2014, at 2:00 PM. 2 CCHS Marching Band Boosters is having a raffle for $1,000 Gift cards to Wal-Mart, Reisbeck’s, or any other Catholic Faith Formation major retailer (70 to chose from) that is supported by SCRIP! The amount can be for all the same retailer or mixed and matched. Tickets are $5 each and the drawing will be held at the CCHS Concert Band Christmas performance December 10th. Please Contact Michelle Fouts (275-6504) if you are interested in purchasing a ticket and arrangements will be made to have your tickets delivered to you. In Steubenville Please pray for our catechetical program in the City of Steubenville. Check out our website for Information on our Religious Education in the City of Steubenville: Dates to Remember: WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: “For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Jesus challenges us to come together in His name. Is God in your marriage? Restore, renew and rekindle your marriage. Celebrate the gift of love God has given you in one another. Enhance the excitement, romance and intimacy in your marriage on one of the upcoming World Wide Marriage Encounter weekends on November 14-16 in Parkersburg, WV or February 13-15, 2015 in Green, Ohio. For more information or to apply call (330)305-9963 or email: [email protected] or go to the website at: November 9 Confirmation Meeting at Blessed Sacrament Parish for Parent/Sponsor and Candidate 6– 7:30 PM November 15 Youth Day at Holy Family Parish Youth Day: The first Youth Day will be Saturday, November 15th from 9:30 a.m. – Noon. All children in Grades K through 6 are invited to attend a morning of prayer, fun, song and learning. Sign ups will be in the back of the church or sign up online when you receive the email from sign up genius online. Come to Holy Family Malara Hall! CONFIRMATION UPDATE: (November 9 th session) Our next session for our 5th graders and those older who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation is Sunday, November 9th, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the upper Sargus Hall at Blessed Sacrament Church in Wintersville. If you have not submitted your Information Form, please do so immediately. All pastors are willing to meet with you and review the information that was presented at the first session. WHY NOT A CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER weekend? Approved by the Diocese, this alternative pre-Cana preparation provides plenty of time alone and interesting activities to plan for a lifetime Marriage. Find out more at This fall date is: November 21st through 23rd. For questions call Charles & Carol Menk at:(740)283-4568. 13th ANNUAL USED CHRISTMAS DECORATION SALE: Held at the Sacred Heart Church Basement, Hopedale, OH, sponsored by the CWC. Friday, November 7—Saturday, November 8th Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bake Sale Items & Lunch available. Call (740)937-2941 or740)937-2062. One of the main items for the parent or sponsor to have prepared beforehand is the “Journey of Faith” reflection. A segment of this is being incorporated into the November 9th session. Also, as you have given us permission to take pictures of the candidate to be placed at the church entrance requesting the prayers of the community, we will be taking those pictures on the 9th. ANNUAL FESTA DEL VINO: The Italian American Cultural Club is hosting this wine tasting event on Friday, November 14, 2014 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at St. Florian Hall, 286 Luray Dr., Wintersville, OH. Please come and enjoy the evening. Tickets are $35 in advance or $40 at the door. To purchase tickets call Francesca at (740)317-3209 or Mary at (304) 723-0596. Tickets are also available online at Please call with any questions. All proceeds benefit scholarships for area students. If you as a parent or sponsor will require child care in order that you may participate with the candidate, please notify us by calling 740-264-6177 (Triumph of the Cross Parish Office) by November 5th so that we might make appropriate arrangements. GS (Gioventù Studentesca) is open to all High School students and is a parish youth group. We will meet at 6:30PM on Sunday evenings in the Marian Room at Holy Rosary. Study hall on Tuesday evenings. For more information, please call Suzanne Lewis (740) 424-6382 or email [email protected] Triumph of the Cross Parish Website: RADIX: Parish youth group this Sunday @ 6:45 p.m. @ Holy Rosary. 9th—12th grade. 3 TUESDAY – NOVEMBER 4TH – ELECTION DAY: If you have not voted by absentee ballot, everyone is encouraged to go vote on November 4th. There are many important issues concerning our City and government on all levels placed on the ballot. As you vote please remember to ask the question, “Which candidate has the values, the courage and vision that will support and defend the human dignity of each person from conception to natural death?” We have a moral responsibility to be capable of answering this question when voting. CONDOLENCES (CCC 1405) “There is no surer pledge or clearer sign of this great hope in the new heavens and new earth ‘in which righteousness dwells,’ than the Eucharist. Every time this mystery is celebrated, ‘the work of our redemption is carried on’ and we ‘break the one bread that provides the medicine of immortality, the antidote for death, and the food that makes us live forever in Jesus Christ.’” With this great hope we pray for our brother who has died: CHARISMATIC MASS AND HEALING PRAYER: A Charismatic Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the Father of Mercy Chapel at the Motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters, TOR located at 369 Little Church Road, Toronto, OH 43964. Father Bradley LePage, TOR will be the celebrant. Prayer for healing or other needs will be offered following Mass. All Catholics in the area are invited to attend. Refreshments following. Robert D. Carducci, 91, October 7 May he enjoy the eternal banquet the Lord has prepared for him. DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF THE CONSECRATED LIFE and the joy of a FILIAL RELATIONSHIP with OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART. Women 17 years old and up...Spend a weekend with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. November 7-9, 2014 (starting Friday night) at the Daughters of Holy Mary of the Heart of Jesus, 700 Lovers Lane, Steubenville. Adoration, Vocational talks, Sisters’ testimonies, Free time. Come to her ORATORY in Steubenville. Contact or call: (740) 346-2625. PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Sunday, November 9th, K of C, St. John Neumann Council 11828, cordially invites all to our Breakfast Buffet to assist the talented singers and musicians of Encounter. Steubenville to attend World Youth Day Poland. We will serve from 9am til 2pm In the Hall of St. Peter Church 425 Nth 4th Street Steubenville. Prices are $3 under 12; $6 individual; and $25 Family maximum. Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors and Servers: The next Ministries Schedule cycle will begin on November 29th 2014 (First Sunday of Advent) and continue through January 18th 2015 (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time). Looking at this next schedule cycle, please inform Mr. Chuck Macpherson at the parish office of any special requests or concerns; for example, if there are any particular times you would not be available. Please contact the Triumph of the Cross Office— by Monday, November 4th with any special needs you may have prior to our printing the schedule. Thanks! Ministry Schedule for 8 / 9 November 2014 Mass 4:00 pm at HR 5:30 pm at HR 8:30 am at HR 10:00 am at HR 11:30 am at HR Eucharistic Minister Lector Deacon Redington ** Jean Manfresca Anita Gargala Donald Lawrence Linda Lawrence Mary Redington Denise Augustine Deacon Redington ** Marianne Belback Vera Paulowski Andrew Hrezo * David Antonelli Christine Antonelli Judith Russelo * Stanley Miles JoAnn Glauser Donald Coen Francis Piverotto Colleen Bahen Elizabeth Loizzo Sonia Fischer Stephen Lewis Vickie Nurczyk James Coyle Alvin Williams Joseph Sciarra Note: * Changes are in italics. ** Indicates Ordinary Minister 5:30 pm at HR 4 Altar Server Olivia Lopresto Ian Phillips Isabella Phillips Jeffery Bensie Thomas Bensie Dillon Arai Clayton Criss Alison Grimm Kayla Inomata John-Paul Tysz Jacob Wright John Wright Joseph Zinno Isabella Zinno Justin Hartzell Dominic Argentine Carlo Fabian The Week Ahead at Triumph of the Cross Mon - Fri 6:40 AM 8:00 AM SACRAMENTS Sacramental Information and registration forms are available at parish web-site Baptism: Call the Parish Office to register for a class. PRAYERS Morning Prayer recited at HR Church Rosary prayed at HR Church (also on Sat.) Weddings: Six month preparation required. Schedule the date with the priest. Funerals: Please schedule with the priest before publishing dates and times. November 2 Sun Noon BJKM Schools Pasta Dinner in HR Auditorium Sun 6:30 PM GS meets in Marian Room Sun 6:45 PM RADIX in Holy Rosary Auditorium Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office. Communion to the Homebound – Please call the Parish Office. DEVOTIONS Rosary prayed Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. Holy Rosary Church November 3 Mon 6:30 PM (Journey) Bible Study in Marian Room Novena of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, Mon. 5:15 p.m. Holy Rosary Church November 4 Tue 8:00 AM SCRIP sold in Holy Rosary Auditorium Tue 9:00 AM Rosary Prayer Group in Marian Room Tue 6:00 PM CWC meeting in HR Auditorium Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Chapel in the basement of Holy Rosary Office; entrance around back (6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) For information call 740- 264-6088 or visit our website at: November 5 Wed 1:00 PM SCRIP sold in Holy Rosary Auditorium Wed 6:00 PM PRAYER presentation at HR Church Wed 6:15 PM EDGE in HR Auditorium Hour of Prayer for Priests and Vocations: 1st Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Holy Rosary Church First Saturday Devotion: 8:30 a.m. Mass, 9:15 a.m. Rosary & DVD in Marian Room November 6 Thu 9:00 AM Holy Hour for Vocations at HR Church Thu 9:30 AM School of Communion & Liberation in Marian Room Thu 1:30 PM Bible Study (Psalms) in Marian Room Thu 7:00 PM RCIA meeting in Marian Room Contact the Parish Office at: 740-264-6177 Readings for the Week of November 2, 2014 Sunday: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 Monday: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:1322 November 7 Fri 8:00 AM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium Fri Noon Soup Kitchen at HN Cathedral Undercroft Fri 1:00 PM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS & DEACONS November 8 Sat 9:00 AM LAMP Ministry Day in HR Cath. Undercroft Sat 10:00 AM Confessions at Holy Rosary Church Loose Collection: $1,197.00 Children: $8.00 Votive Lights: $165.00 School: $20.00 All Deceased Priests MON Msgr. Frederick Pasquinelli TUE Msgr. J. Michael Campbell WED Rev. Jonas Shell Deacon Stephen Miletic Deacon Daniel Murray Collection Totals: October 25 & 26 Regular Collection: $8,448.51 SUN Soup Kitchen: $104.00 Deacon Stanley Piasecki Building Repair Fund: $287.00 Deacon Ralph Poyo THU World Missions: $105.00 Msgr. John Cymbor Deacon Randall Redington DPSC pledged: $129,998.00 314 families of our parish have responded FRI Rev. Robert Gallagher SAT Rev. Timothy Kozak Rev. Charles Calabrese Deacon Lee Weisend Deacon Richard Adams 5 PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Call Lil Meronoff for prayer requests at 740-264-5782 New this week: Richard Acconcia / SPECIAL INTENTION, Baby A., Baby David, Jay, Jeffery, Julia, Owen, Paula K., Robin, Rylee, Sam, Sue, Taylor, Teresa - Mieko Acconcia, Rose Alkire, Beverly Andreen, Edward Bucky Argentine, Barbara Bartemes, Ken Beck, Vicki Bedard, Claudia Bell, Michael Bowling, David Brown, Leonard Calabrese, Megan Campbell, Karen Canestraro, (young) Paul Carapellotti, Pam Cattrell, Josephine Chioda, Rita Ciancitta, Nancy Cicone, Velma Cilli, Elizabeth Clark, Robert Cochrun, Florence Constantino, Joanne Controguerra, Jim Corra, Dave Corsi, Chuck & Lisa Cowser, Hilda Cowser, Livi Crum, Tracy Dalanno, Elizabeth Dana, Kenny Davis (young), Douglas Day, Richard DeBias, Lou & Briana DiBacco, William DiLeonardo, Peggy Elliott, Sam Fortunato, Lottie Grajewski, Marcia Gulan, Ben Gundrum, Paul Gundrum, Liz Hagerty, James Hamilton, Karen Hanzel, Sandy Herman, David Hill, John Holdinsky, Debbie Horston, Carey Howard, Mike Johnson, John Kaczmarek, Kitty Kakasick, Laura Kane, B. Karamanolis, Michael Keane, Kelley Kent, Carolyn Klonowski, Danny Kanfler, Virginia Kovaleski, Dr. John Kuruc, Sharon Larkin, Carter Leimberger, Philip Lopresto, Betty Maley, Wendy Marker, B.J. & Connie Mavromatis, Robert McFarland, Betty McVanna, Justine Medley, Jeff Melnarcik, Pamela Merritt, Delores Michael, Janice Molinaro, Terrel Murray, Helen & Elizabeth Noble, Tammy Nodianus, Mary Notich, Desere Oliver, Mary Orenchuk, Pam Orlando, Alan Pease, Karen Pennell, Diane Pernick, Helen Petrella, Margaret Checca Puzzole, Jim Raha, Braiden Reed, John Reszke, Tosa Rhodes, Terry Richardson, Mary S. & Family, Dr. Edgar Sanchez, Lil Scalise, Angelo Sciarroni, Carol Scott, Rose Sczruba, Robert Secret, John Sellaroli, Jay Showalter, Mary Slater, Charly Sloane, Ramona Snodgrass, Sara Snyder, Mary Ellen Summerville, Vera Talamonti, Betty Tarquinio, Patty Teramana, Eleanor Thomas, Susan Thomas, Lou Torack, Harry Toriscelli, Rod Torrance, Bernie Treglia, Tim Turner, Amber Tuttle, Barbara VanKamp, Anna Maria Vicar, Anna Walkosky, Darene Waszkiewicz, Elizabeth Wilson, Stella Wilson, Jackie Woodburn, Linda Yanok, Louise Yaskanich, Steve Young, Beth Zdinak, Teresa “DeeDee” Zrinyi Triumph of the Cross Mass Schedule for Nov 1 - 9 Sat 1 4:00 PM 5:30 PM at HR at HR William & Catherine Zamana by Family People of the Parish Sun 2 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM at at at at HR HR HR HR Joseph A. Quattrone, Jr. by Mary M Conley Madeline Rinaldo by Tony & Joyce Cammilletti Robert D'Amico by wife Lisa & daughter Natalie Mary Federico by Bill Davis Mon 3 7:00 8:30 5:15 7:00 8:30 5:15 7:00 8:30 7:00 8:30 5:15 7:00 8:30 at at at at at at at at at at at at at HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR James Buffone by Mr. & Mrs. David Stasiulewicz Athena Senatore by Family DiCarlo Family by Jim DiCarlo For the Protection of Human Life by anonymous Jim Swan by Family Robert Carducci by Therese Mastrangioli Philip Bartemes by James Price Palmina Albarano by Mary Daloisi Ramo Perrone by Tom & Kim Bartemes George Burke by Dick & Peggy (Dailey) Maloney Thomas Boychan by Robert & Michael McGough Michael Ryan by Uncle Flip Herrick Paul Moore by Family Tue 4 Wed 5 Thu 6 Fri 7 AM AM PM AM AM PM AM AM AM AM PM AM AM Sat 8 8:30 AM at HR Michael Carapellotti by Martello Family Sat 8 4:00 PM 5:30 PM at HR at HR Robert "Rab" Carducci by Marilee & John Eugenius Joseph & Evelyn Belotti by Dr. & Mrs. William Grant Sun 9 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM at at at at James & Amelia Tripodi by Family Palmina Albarano by Tom & Judy Lucas Mary DelFiandra by Anthony Mieczkowski People of the Parish 6 HR HR HR HR
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