“One Holy Church of God Appears” words by Samuel Longfellow from “Kentucky Harmony” arr. by Eugene Butler One holy church of God appears through ev’ry age and race, unwasted by the lapse of years, unchanged by changing place. From oldest time, on farthest shares, beneath the pine or palm, one unseen presence she adores, with silence or with psalm. The truth is her prophetic gift, the soul her sacred page, and feet on mercy’s errands swift do make her pilgrim age. O living church, thine errand speed, fulfill thy task sublime, with bread of life earth’s hunger feed redeem the evil time. One holy church of God appears through ev’ry age and race, unwasted by the lapse of years, unchanged by changing place. Amen! The Link…Making Connections for Ministry FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY, November 9th, 2014 The Welcome mat is out for you! We are glad to have you here today as a partner in prayer, in song and in the hearing of God’s Word. We hope that you will stay for refreshments and fellowship after worship, so that we may become friends, strangers no longer! The Congregation of First Presbyterian Church WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday November 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Monday Tuesday November 10 November 11 Wednesday November 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday November 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday SERVING YOU TODAY IN WORSHIP Reverend Dr. Bruce Taylor Pastor: Amy Muegge Choir Director: Burton Tidwell Organist: Linda Taylor Liturgist: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Church School - all ages November 16 5:00 p.m. TOPS 6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Admin & Finance 7:00 p.m. Deacons 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ------------------------------- NOON 1:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission Committee Midweek Meal & Program Youth & GOLD "Narrative—Transforming the World" Adult Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Presbyterian Women - CT Presbyterian Women Pastor's Adult Study Jubilation Ringers Chancel Choir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Church School - all ages Youth Silent Auction Fundraiser will be held until NEXT November 16 NEXT Sunday is the day to put in your final BIDS!!! All donations support the First Presby youth group and are very much appreciated! Thank you! Sunday, November Brent & Fran Colle; John & Nancy Cool 9 Monday, November Don & Betty Daily; Bob & Paula Denson; 10 Hope Gillespie Tuesday, November Shirley Dunster; Barbara Ebbert; 11 Wallace Edwards Wednesday, Kerry & Jolene Ebbert; Jimmie & November 12 to Frances It's time put out Elenburg the luminaries, November 22nd at 9:00 a.m. We will have some pastries and beverages for all those Thursday, Steven & Susan Ernst; Alice Evens; who are November 13volunteering. Gwyn EvensIf you can help, please get in contact Galen Miller at & 763-4901. Thank youSandy in advance for helping Friday, November Bud Pearl Farris; Flegler; to set them up this year. 14 Joey Furber Saturday, Bruce & Jeanie Foster - Amber Wilson & November 15 Jamie Meadows 9th Jolene Ebbert Sunday, November Telle Harry Miner& Glenda Gartside; Saundra Gee; 16 Kaylee Wanda Vick Gillespie 10th Saundra Gee Marcia Hickman 11th Donna Secrest 13th Ben Kline 15th Tony Goebel Janet Wehrle Pastor Bruce Taylor 16th Alorah Whitehouse FAMILY NIGHT Please join us for Church Family Night this Wednesday, November 12th for a delicious Taco dinner. Program: POHI Choral Singing Cost is $5/person and $10/family. Guests eat free. Please invite family, friends, and neighbors! DAILY PRAYER FAMILIES-PLEASE PRAY THIS WEEK FOR: Prayer List Please help us keep this list updated. Let us know of additions and/or deletions. We pray for those in mourning: Let us remember in prayer those who are mourning the death of loved ones. We pray for those who are homebound: Stella Aggers; Betty Throop; Jack Bowker; Carolyn Bourne; Saundra Gee; Joan Fuller; Delma Jackson; Eva Roberts; Virginia Brown; Ann Harlin; Don McKay We pray for those who are undergoing tests, treatments, rehabilitation and recovering from surgery: Ann Salmons; Telle Miner; Agnes Hatlelid; Sharon Uhlig; Nancy Cool; Pat Keast; Floyd Griggs; Frances Elenburg; Scott Dewey We pray for those in need of prayer: Bill Coddington; Suzan Walsh (daughter of Pat Tebrinke); Bill Majors; Kyrsten (step-daughter of Lou Ann Bush); Mavis Robison; Fred & Peggy Lyon; Andrea Lambert; Ray and Annette (neighbors of Lou Ann Bush); Wendy (neighbor of Lou Ann Bush); Cathie Huddleston (daughter of Donna Miller) We pray for those in military service to our country: WO2 Nathan Smith and family, USA (nephew of Mary Ann Holt); Major Keith O'Halloran and family, USAF, (nephew of Mary Ann Holt); Capt. Jacob Lynes, USAF, (White Sands Military Reservation, New Mexico) (grandson of Chip & Jody Whipple); Specialist Jason Paynter; Cadet Carol Southard (Air Force Academy) (daughter of Mark and Laura); Capt. David James (son of Jack and Bonita); Capt. Maren Lowrey (granddaughter of Betty); all the women and men serving our country in the military. We pray for the victims of natural disasters: the people who continue to recover from the numerous natural disasters, all those affected by the drought, and everyone still affected by various hurricanes and tornados. We pray for our community, state, country and world: people all over the U.S. suffering from one disaster or another; our world leaders; for the US congress, unity and cooperation among the churches in our city, our state, and our country. PRINTED SONGS ARE UNDER LICENSE CCLI#321348 ORDER OF WORSHIP SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 9, 2014 – 9:00 A.M. WE GATHER IN GOD’S NAME PRELUDE “Liturgical Improvisation” George Oldroyd GREETING AND CONCERNS OF THE CHURCH (Please sign the friendship register and pass it on to those seated beside you. Then, as it is returned, note the names of fellow worshipers in order to offer them a personal greeting at the close of worship.) *CONGREGATIONAL INTROIT The Doxology (Hymn No. 606) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. OLD HUNDREDTH *CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 24:1-6) The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend to the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the God of their salvation. Such is the company of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. We are gathered to worship God. *HYMN No. 14 “For the Beauty of the Earth” *indicates assembly may stand CONFESSION OF SIN AND PRAYER FOR PARDON (Unison) God of mercy, we confess that we are tempted, and sometimes give in to the temptation, to seek out other gods and give them our devotion— the gods of our culture, even gods of our own making. We have not served you with single heart and single mind. We have not obeyed your commandments. We have frequently given our allegiance, and our treasure, to idols. Forgive our faithlessness, O God. Pardon our disobedience, we beseech you. Keep us mindful of your saving deeds in our lives. Move us to honor you in our thoughts, words, and deeds— with our intentions, with our relationships, with our work, and with our leisure. We pray this in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, who worshiped you alone and obeyed you alone, even to the point of dying for us on the cross. (Silent confession) Amen. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON (concludes with…) Friends, believe the good news of the gospel. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “Halle, Halle, Halle” Halle, halle, hallelujah! Halle, halle, hallelujah! Halle, halle, hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Repeat) CARIBBEAN *THE PEACE Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. DIX PROCLAIMING GOD’S WORD SHARING THE GOOD NEWS WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES THE COLLECT FIRST READING: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Joshua gathers the Israelites at Shechem and reminds them of God’s saving acts that brought them to the promised land; Joshua puts before them the question of whether they will serve and obey the one true God rather than the gods of the land, and they pledge to do so. SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The commandments and deeds of God are to be proclaimed to all generations. This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM: “One Holy Church” Eugene Butler *GOSPEL READING: Matthew 25:1-13 In a parable about bridesmaids who did not plan ahead to have oil in their lamps in the event the bridegroom returned home in the middle of the night, Jesus tells the disciples that it is necessary to be prepared for the coming of the kingdom of heaven. This is the gospel of our Lord. All praise to our Christ. SERMON: “Pledge of Allegiance” Dr. Taylor RESPONDING TO THE WORD *HYMN No. 51 “To Abraham and Sarah” LLANFYLLIN *AFFIRMATION AND ACT OF FAITH (Unison, from A Declaration of Faith) We acknowledge one God alone, whose demands on us are absolute, whose help for us is sufficient. That One is the Lord, whom we worship, serve, and love. (Worshipers are invited to bring their pledge cards forward to the Joash chest; those who are unable to do so may place their pledge cards in the offering plate.) We must not set our ultimate reliance on any other help. We must not yield unconditional obedience to any other power. We must not love anyone or anything more than we love God. To worship God is highest joy. To serve God is perfect freedom. THE OFFERING Prayer of Dedication Offertory “St. Columba” Healey Willan *Congregational Response “We Give Thee But Thine Own” We give Thee but Thine own, Whate’er the gift may be: All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. Amen. WINDERMERE PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND INTERCESSION THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. GOING IN GOD’S NAME *HYMN No. 301 “Let Us Build a House” TWO OAKS *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “We Are Marching in the Light of God (Siyahamba)” (Hymn No. 853) We are marching in the light of God; we are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God; we are marching in the light of God. We are marching, oo, we are marching in the light of God. We are marching, oo, we are marching in the light of God. POSTLUDE “Old 113th” Gerald Near HYMN NOTES: “We Are Marching in the Light of God (Siyahamba)” – This Zulu/Xhosa freedom song originated with a Meethodist young men’s group called “Amadodana”. Anders Nyberg included it in the 1984 collection Freedom Is Coming, where the English version is a translation by Gracia Grindal of a Swedish translation. The text seems simple, but is rich in meaning, as Michael Hawn describes: “we” is the community of the living and the dead; “marching” unifies the community, which moves physically and spiritually in the same direction in response to the Spirit; and “the light of God” is a symbol of the creation and Jesus Christ as well as an African refrain for seeing clearly through struggle and darkness to hope. The music’s cyclic structure draws in the community, and its portability allows it to be taken to places of darkness to illuminate evil, while its flexibility makes possible additions to the demands of the particular situation in which it is sung. “The song accommodates and even facilitates a growing, evolving community of believers,” Hawn observes. “‘We are marching,’ knowing that the living dead are singing with us. If this song is taken into the liturgy as a processional or recessional, it brings with it the struggle of the streets and sanctifies it in the Sanctus of the Eucharist.” C. Michael Hawn is University Distinguished Professor of Church Music and Director of the Master of Sacred Music program at Southern Methodist University. He has been an active researcher and advocate of global congregational song, and is a Fellow of the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Bruce L. Taylor, Pastor 1505 East Grand Avenue, Ponca City, Oklahoma 74604 www.fpcponca.org Office Telephone: (580) 762-2431 Pastor’s Residence: (580) 762-1377 YOU ARE WELCOME to First Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Worship is our primary response to God. We hope that you find our worship service inspiring and our time together cordial. Please join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall, which is at the north end of our building. If you are a visitor, we invite you to provide your name, address, and telephone number on our fellowship register so that we can be in touch to thank you personally for being with us today. Christ calls us into community. There are many ways of serving God through this community of faith—ushering, teaching, singing in the choir or playing a musical instrument, serving on a committee or task group, or engaging in evangelism and mission outreach. If you have any questions about your faith, our church or the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), or wish to explore membership with this congregation, please see me following worship today or contact me at the church number or my residence telephone listed above. We are honored by your presence this morning. Blessings, Bruce L. Taylor, Pastor HOLY WOMEN, HOLY MEN November 10 – Leo the Great (d. 461) was elected Bishop of Rome while he was absent from the city on a mission in Gaul. He was born into a Western Roman Empire that was almost in shambles. Ordained a deacon with responsibility over church possessions and finances and managing the grain distribution, he was a gifted preacher and strong administrator, and negotiated with Attila when the Huns were about to sack Rome and, later, with the Vandals. November 11 - Martin (d. c. 397) had been a soldier in the Roman army and settled in Poitiers, whose bishop, Hilary, he had come to admire. Ordained a presbyter, and inspired by a new monastic movement from Egypt, he established a hermitage, but was elected Bishop of Tours. He agreed to serve only if he could continue his strict, ascetic habit of life. His monastery had a great influence on the development of Celtic monasticism in Britain. A diligent missionary to neighboring pagan folk, he staunchly defended the poor. November 11 – Peter Taylor Forsyth (d. 1921) was a Scottish Congregational minister, teacher, and theologian whose writings significantly influenced British Protestant thought and anticipated Neo-Orthodoxy. World War I strained any human explanation for the presence of evil in God’s world, and prompted him to conclude that God must justify himself, and that God has done so in the cross of Jesus Christ. November 11 – Booker T. Washington (d. 1915) was an educator who founded an institution of learning in Tuskegee, Alabama, which became a progressive center for helping African Americans improve their lives. November 12 – George Simeon (d. 1836), realizing that the law could not make one righteous, became the recognized leader of an evangelical movement in the Church of England and helped to found the Church Missionary Society, recruiting and supporting missionaries. ADULT EDUCATION Today (10:30 AM): FAITHWEAVER STUDY FOR ADULTS – The Bible study, related to the lectionary readings and paralleling the scriptural basis of the children’s classes for the same day, meets on the lower level in the Multi-Purpose Room. Steve Ernst leads the study. CURRENT EVENTS – Jolene Ebbert leads the discussion of current events and the way in which our always-changing world affects us as Christians, in the Parlor. A DECLARATION OF FAITH – “Christian Discipleship”. The ninth chapter of the Presbyterian Church’s “Declaration of Faith”, includes section titles that spell out the substance of what it means to be a disciple (related to the word “discipline”) of Jesus Christ: “Christ calls us to be disciples”, “Christ calls us to live in disciplined freedom”, “Christ calls us to live in the presence of God”, “Christ calls us to live for our neighbors”, and “Christ calls us to pilgrimage toward the kingdom”. It concludes, “Christ calls each of us to a life appropriate to that kingdom: to serve as he has served us; to take up our cross, risking the consequences of faithful discipleship; to walk by faith, not by sight, to hope for what we have not seen.” Our discussion of this contemporary faith statement continues in Room B-9 on the lower level. Dr. Taylor leads the class. “Late-comers” are always welcome. ADULT EDUCATION This Monday (7:00 PM): 1 CORINTHIANS – Mark Southard continues a reading and discussion of Paul’s first letter to the Christian congregation in Corinth. The class meets on the lower level in Room B-9 (lower level). ADULT EDUCATION This Wednesday (7:00 PM): IMAGINATION: NEW APPROACHES TO THE BIBLE – “Moses – The Mouthpiece of God”. We continue a three-part video Bible study with noted biblical scholar Walter Brueggeman. Moses’ speech to the Israelites as they were on the brink of crossing the Jordan River in the book of Deuteronomy became a part of the Bible because it was not intended to be heard on only one occasion; it has new things to say to each hearer in each new circumstance. Moses warned that societal amnesia of the situation from which God had rescued them and God’s purpose for doing so would bring on destruction—the unraveling of the social fabric. How does our abundance today threaten our gratitude for God’s deliverance and our responsibility to fulfill God’s purpose? The study is held in Room B-9 (lower level). ADULT MID-WEEK STUDY This Thursday (2:30 PM): THE BOOK OF CONFESSIONS – “The Confession of 1967”. Many of us remember when the Presbyterian Church adopted the Confession of ’67 and the divisions in society and in the world that prompted the denomination’s decision to address them with a faith statement. It was rooted in Second Corinthians’ declaration that following Jesus Christ is to be God’s agent of reconciliation in the world, giving witness to the reconciliation that God has worked through Christ. We continue our study of the Book of Confessions in Room B-9.
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