Ongoing and recent projects Organic beef and other ecosystem services produced at semi-natural pasture and forest mosaics, Gärdenäs A. (PI), Olsson M, Hessle A, Kumm K-I, Emanualsson U., (The Swedish Research Council Formas, 2015-2018). IMPRESS (Intregating Microorganisms into Predictive Models of Carbon sequestration) is a Formas funded strong research environment. The core consists of 10 researchers from SLU and Örebro University Björn Lindahl (PI), Ågren G.I., Ekblad A., Clemmenson K., Finlay R., Fransson P., Gärdenäs A., Grelle A., Hyvönen R. & Karltun E. (2012-2017) The Future of LULUCF and REDD+ in the Post-Kyoto Framework. Petersson H., Ellison D, Lundblad M, Gärdenäs A, Karltun E, Ståhl G, Sandewall M. (Swedish Energy Agency, 2013-2015). Irrigation as a measure to reduce radioactive storage in cereals grains. Gärdenäs A (PI), Eckersten H., Bengtsson S., Rosén K. (Swed. Radiation Safety Authority, 2014-2015). Modelling accumulation of radionuclides in the spring wheat after atmospheric contamination Annemieke Gärdenäs (PI), Linnea Berglund, Stefan Bengtsson, Klas Rosen, SLU. (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management (SKB), 2013-2014). CLEO - Climate change and Environmental Objectives A research programme funded by the Swedish EPA and carried out by a national consortium of IVL (Dr John Munthe PI); Lund Univ., SLU, SMHI, Stockholm Univ., Univ. of Gothenborg. (2010-2015). Critical load of nitrogen – test of concepts and models on long-term forest experiments Annemieke Gärdenäs (PI), Martin Rappe George, Dan Berggren Kleja, Mona Högberg (SLU), (FoMa Acidification 2009-2015). COST-action 639 greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use. Dr Robert Jandl et al.,. (2009-2011) The COST-action resulted in a book Jandl et al. 2011 with chapter 10 Gärdenäs et al. 2011. FGI-Program of the Dept. of Soil and Environment 'Soil Science for Sustainable Multifunctional Land-Use' Gärdenäs A. (PI), Aronsson H., Stenberg B., Rappe George M. (2014-2017). N leaching after final felling of previous N fertilized forests, Eva Ring (SkogForsk, PI), Annemieke Gärdenäs, Lars Högbom, Karin Johansson and Martin Rappe George, Linnea Hansson, (Formas 2008-2010). Securing dry season flow in the northwestern highlands of Ethiopia: How much can forest management help as the climate changes? Kevin Bishop (PI), Annemieke Gärdenäs, Solomon Gebreyohannis (SLU), Per-Erik Melander (present: Teagasc Ireland), Woldemak Bekwet, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, Jan Seibert Dept of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Sida funded 2007-2010). Verification of Swedish climate report – Evaluation of four models for estimating climatic impact on soil carbon storage Annemieke Gärdenäs (PI), Carina Ortiz, Johan Stendahl, Göran Ågren (SLU) & Jari Liski (Syke, Finland), (FoMa Climate project 2009). Tracey – a simulation model of radionuclide fluxes in soil-plant system for long-term assessment of groundwater contamination. SKB funded 2006-2008. Annemieke Gärdenäs (PI, SLU), Henrik Eckersten (SLU), André Reinlert (ESRI S-group), David Gustafsson, Per-Erik Jansson (KTH), Per-Anders Ekström, Rodolfo Avila (Facilia Co.), Maria Greger (Stockholm Univ.) for report click here
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