33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 15th / 16th NOVEMBER 2014 Parish Priest and Dean of Brisbane West Deanery Very Reverend Fr Gerry Kalinowski G20 Summit: It has been the practice over the past few years for the Pope to write to the political leader of the country hosting the G20. The full transcript of the Letter of Pope Francis, to the Australian Prime Minister is detailed below and over the page. [email protected] Parish Office Manager Michael Doherty Sacramental Co-ordinator Vanessa Sullivan LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA ON THE OCCASION OF THE G20 SUMMIT 2014 [email protected] Parish Visitor Malia Mar [email protected] Youth Programme Facilitator Nadine McDonald [email protected] Parish Finance Officer David England Finance Assistant Alana McDonald Volunteer Office Assistant Sr Evelyn Page Parish Office 18 Clewley St, Corinda, Qld 4075 Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Fri) Ph: (07) 3379 1534 Fax: (07) 3379 7931 E: [email protected] W: www.corindagracevilleparish.org.au St Joseph’s Church Oxley Rd & Martindale St, Corinda Christ the King Church Churchill St, Graceville St Joseph’s School 28 Clewley St, Corinda Ph: (07) 3379 6937 Christ the King School 7 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 7872 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 19 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 8635 - Anne Delsorte Outside School Hours Care Clewley St, Corinda Ph:(07) 3278 5606 Julia Cumming Community Child Care Centre 12 Addison Rd, Graceville Ph : (07) 3379 3069 Brisbane West Deanery [email protected] www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au To the Honourable Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia On 15 and 16 November in Brisbane you will chair the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the world’s twenty largest economies, thus bringing to a close Australia’s presidency of the Group over the past year. This presidency has proved to be an excellent opportunity for everyone to appreciate Oceania’s significant contributions to the management of world affairs and its efforts to promote the constructive integration of all countries. The G20 agenda in Brisbane is highly focused on efforts to relaunch a sustained and sustainable growth of the world economy, thereby banishing the spectre of global recession. One crucial point that has emerged from the preparatory work is the fundamental imperative of creating dignified and stable employment for all. This will call for improvement in the quality of public spending and investment, the promotion of private investment, a fair and adequate system of taxation, concerted efforts to combat tax evasion and a regulation of the financial sector which ensures honesty, security and transparency. I would ask the G20 Heads of State and Government not to forget that many lives are at stake behind these political and technical discussions, and it would indeed be regrettable if such discussions were to remain purely on the level of declarations of principle. Throughout the world, the G20 countries included, there are far too many women and men suffering from severe malnutrition, a rise in the number of the unemployed, an extremely high percentage of young people without work and an increase in social exclusion which can lead to criminal activity and even the recruitment of terrorists. In addition, there are constant assaults on the natural environment, the result of unbridled consumerism, and this will have serious consequences for the world economy. It is my hope that a substantial and productive consensus can be achieved regarding the agenda items. I likewise hope that the assessment of the results of this consensus will not be restricted to global indices but will take into account as well real improvements in the living conditions of poorer families and the reduction of all forms of unacceptable inequality. I express these hopes in light of the post-2015 Development Agenda to be approved by the current session of the United Nations Assembly, which ought to include the vital issues of decent work for all and climate change. The G20 Summits, which began with the financial crisis of 2008, have taken place against the terrible backdrop of military conflicts, and this has resulted in disagreements between the Group’s members. It is a reason for gratitude that those disagreements have not prevented genuine dialogue within the G20, with regard both to the specific agenda items and to global security and peace. But more is required. The whole world expects from the G20 an ever broader agreement which can lead, through the United Nations legal system, to a definitive halt to the unjust aggression directed at different religious and ethnic groups, including minorities, in the Middle East. It should also lead to eliminating the root causes of terrorism, which has reached proportions hitherto unimaginable; these include poverty, underdevelopment and exclusion. It has become more and more evident that the solution to this grave problem cannot be a purely military one, but must also focus on those who in one way or another encourage terrorist groups through political support, the illegal oil trade or the provision of arms and technology. There is also a need for education and a heightened awareness that religion may not be exploited as a means of justifying violence. (continued over page….) These conflicts leave deep scars and result in unbearable humanitarian situations around the world. I take this opportunity to ask the G20 Member States to be examples of generosity and solidarity in meeting the many needs of the victims of these conflicts, and especially of refugees. The situation in the Middle East has revived debate about the responsibility of the international community to protect individuals and peoples from extreme attacks on human rights and a total disregard for humanitarian law. The international community, and in particular the G20 Member States, should also give thought to the need to protect citizens of all countries from forms of aggression that are less evident but equally real and serious. I am referring specifically to abuses in the financial system such as those transactions that led to the 2008 crisis, and more generally, to speculation lacking political or juridical constraints and the mentality that maximization of profits is the final criterion of all economic activity. A mindset in which individuals are ultimately discarded will never achieve peace or justice. Responsibility for the poor and the marginalized must therefore be an essential element of any political decision, whether on the national or the international level. With this Letter I express my appreciation for your work, Prime Minister, and I offer my prayerful encouragement for the deliberations and outcome of the Summit. I invoke divine blessings on all taking part and on all the citizens of the G20 countries. In a particular way, I offer you my prayerful best wishes for the successful conclusion of Australia’s presidency and I willingly assure you of my highest consideration. From the Vatican, 6 November 2014 FRANCIS Rest in Peace: May Mooney passed away last Saturday at 104 years of age. May lived in the parish from the early 1940’s until 2004. May and her husband Ron raised 7 children at Ardoyne Rd, Corinda. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated at St Joseph’s Church last Wednesday. May Christ, the eternal light, welcome May into His Kingdom of everlasting peace and love. Feast Day of St Raphael Kalinowski Wednesday 19 November. We should all be having a day of rest and celebration to honour this great Polish saint who lived 1835 – 1907. Known as “the saint from the salt-mines”, Pope John Paul II canonised him in November 1991. Happy Feast! RCIA Team: meeting this Thursday 20 November at 11am at the Parish Office. Please remember in your prayers those adults who are actively engaged in becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: On Friday 21 November the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We celebrate also with our Presentation Sisters at Graceville and we give thanks for all the Sisters who have lived and ministered in our parish. The Presentation Sisters came to Graceville in 1937 founding Christ the King School. God has graciously bestowed many blessings on our parish community through the lives and work of these most faithful women. Happy Feast Day Sisters! Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: St Joseph’s School and Christ the King School will sponsor the 6pm Saturday night Mass, and the 9.30am Sunday morning Mass respectively. A choir is also being formed for the 9.30am Mass next Sunday. A single practice will occur at 10.30am today - see page 3. Also, at the 8am Mass next Sunday morning, the young people’s string, brass and woodwind ensemble will lead the assembly triumphantly in music and song. And at the Sunday evening 6pm Mass the youth band will play, encouraging energetic participation. On the weekend when the Catholic Church throughout the world celebrates the feast of Christ the King, it is wonderful to have our school families, youth and young adults, as well as keen musicians and cantors adding to the joy of the celebration. CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD ~ EVENING RETREAT IN PREPARATION FOR ADVENT TUESDAY - 18TH NOVEMBER 7.00 - 9.30 PM Open to parents, grand parents, teachers, catechists and anyone who wants to think more deeply about themes for reflection over the coming weeks of Advent. Although one of the main aims of this retreat is to give parents attending the atrium an experience of some of the meditations experienced by the children it will also give an opportunity for personal reflection and prayer. We will look more closely at some of the Advent prophecies and Infancy narratives and consider how these scriptures help us to understand more about who is this Child who comes to us and how His Coming will touch and transform us and touch and transform the world. Numbers are limited so please RSVP by MONDAY 17th NOVEMBER to Anne Delsorte on 3379 6267 (home) or 3379 8635 (atrium). The retreat will be held at the atrium above the Parish Centre, 19 Randolph St Graceville. There will be supper following the retreat and an opportunity to ask questions and look in more detail at the atrium. PARISH YOUTH NEWS ....... Parish Youth Ministry Team Meeting: Wednesday 19 November, 7.30pm, Parish Office Corinda: We are delighted to announce the formation of our new Parish Youth Ministry Team to be led by Fr Gerry and the Youth Programme Facilitator, Nadine McDonald. We welcome David Thrum, Elizabeth Trad, Michael Doherty, Trish Blumke, and Kerry Brown who have generously agreed to volunteer their time to this important ministry. We look forward to working with this team to develop a youth programme in our parish. Youth Pizza Nights: We will be holding a weekly Pizza Night for Youth during Advent following the Sunday night Mass at Christ the King. The dates for the Pizza Nights are 30 November, 14 & 21 December. All young people are invited and encouraged to attend, particularly young adults 18-35yrs, and high school aged youth. We will be providing pizza and soft drinks as well as friendly conversation! We look forward to seeing you there. The Sausage Sizzle will be held on Sunday 7 December as usual. Children’s Liturgy Group for Children in Grade 4 - 6 has commenced in our parish. We encourage children who have completed the Sacramental Program to participate in order to grow their faith. To facilitate this new group, we require group leaders to present the material to the children and facilitate the discussion. We are looking for members of the parish who would be interested in helping in this ministry at the Sunday 9.30am Mass at Christ the King. The parish would provide all teaching materials. We aim to recruit enough leaders so that each leader would have 1 or 2 sessions each school term, so the time commitment would not be huge. If you are interested in helping out or being involved in any way with our youth ministries, or if you would like to share any thoughts, ideas or questions, please contact Nadine McDonald, our Youth Programme Facilitator, on 0404 221 144 , or at [email protected] PARISH NEWS ....... BOOK OF LIFE The Book of Life will be placed in front of the Paschal Candle at each Church during November. You are invited to write the names of deceased family members and friends, who we will pray for at each Mass Envelopes for November Offerings are available in the perspex stands at the doors of both churches. You may place these on the collection plate at any Mass, hand them to Fr Gerry or leave them at the parish office during the week. Break Open the Word: Copies are available now for the new liturgical year. They are available from Fr Gerry or Sr Cyprian after Mass, or from the Parish office during the week. If you are a Minister of the Word this book is essential for the preparation of your Ministry. Please purchase a copy as soon as possible, at a subsidised price of $10 per copy. Parish Book Club meets at 3pm on Friday 21st November at the Parish Office. If you enjoy good company, reading and chatting, come along and share with other avid readers in the parish! This will be the last book club gathering of the year. Please bring a plate to share for afternoon tea. All Welcome. Prayer Vigil for those on Death Row 7.00pm Tuesday 25th November All Welcome. FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS ANOINTING MASS AND MORNING TEA 10am - Wednesday 26th November - St Joseph’s Church. As this is our last Friends and Neighbours Mass for 2014 would you please bring a small Christmas gift to the value of $5 to share. If you require transport please ring Maureen Doherty on 33754483. All welcome. CWL Christmas Lunch Tuesday 2nd December Summer Morning Tea for widows and widowers 10am Thursday 4th December - Parish Centre Graceville To RSVP please phone Carmel Cole on 3379 7570 or Sr Cyprian on 3379 2181 Liturgy Team Meeting 10.00am Saturday 6th December, Parish Office Corinda An invitation is extended to students of string, woodwind and brass instruments to share their talent at the 8.00am Mass, Sunday 23rd November. We will be celebrating the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Rehearsals will be held in St Joseph's Church on Monday November at 6.45 7.45pm and on Saturday 22nd November at 2.00 - 4.00pm. Contact Cathy Gleeson 3379 6919 or Elaine Keogh 3379 6272 for more information. CHOIR - 9.30AM MASS, SUNDAY 23 NOVEMBER A choir is being formed for the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 23 November at Christ the King Church. Practice will occur at 10.30am TODAY (Sunday) at Christ the King. For further information, phone Chris Larter on 3379 6579. All welcome! NEWS FROM THE DEANERY…... You are invited to a special craft sale to be held at the Mercy Convent “Goldicott” 65 Grove St, Toowong, on Saturday 22nd November from 9am to 12 noon, in memory of Sr Jeanette Collis, a Mercy Sister who passed away in June 2014. Among many talents, Sr Jeanette was extremely creative and her magnificent embroidery, patchwork, crochet and sewing brought pleasure to many. On sale is some of Sister’s craft and a large collection of her craft materials. All are welcome to attend. All proceeds of the sale will go to Mercy Charities. ECUMENICAL MEMORIAL SERVICE ~ CANOSSA CHAPEL Thursday 20th November at 10.00am For staff, residents, patients and relatives to come together, remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have died at Canossa during the past 12 months. Morning tea will be served after the service. RSVP to 371705540 or [email protected] The Amazing gRace Deanery Event A night of trivia & crazy activities for young adults aged 17 + Saturday 29th November 2014 Commencing at 7:00pm ~ Finishing at 9.15pm St Joseph’s School Hall, Clewley St, Corinda Form a team or join a team on the night. Gold Coin Entry. Register your attendance with Michael Doherty on 0409 235 480 or at [email protected] St Mark’s Parish Inala ~ YOUTH AND MISSION DAY Sunday 30th November, 2014 commencing 1.30pm Including a Youth Mass at 5pm followed by dinner & concert St Mark’s Mercy Hall, Eucalypt St, Inala, All welcome! RSVP to Phone 3372 5658 or email [email protected] We pray for the good health, strength and healing of Tony Angwin, Bishop Ray Benjamin, Trevor Butler, Judith Cremin, Noni Darch, Bernie Denham, Antony Doran, Grace Fanton, Betty Ferguson, Chris Ferguson, Joy Follent, Clare Foster, John Gagen, Irene Hannon, Rose Hodgman, Veronica Howard, Gary Howkins, Juliette Jamieson, Marge Kent, Richard Lynch, Cheryl Matheson, Gordon McCormack, Fr Gerard Mulholland svd, Jonathan O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Terry O’Donohoe, Paul Ogden, Paul O’Sullivan, Barbara Overell, Emma Parer, Mary-Pat Parer, Naomi Parer, Roland Peterson, Daphne Quinn, John Quinn, Carmel Radford, Les Raymer, Theresa Raymer, Ron Riley, Sandra Riley, Olive Schmidt, Bryan Simon, Fr Brian Taylor, Annette Thrum, Paul Vickers, Margaret White, Bill Willliams, Colleen Williams-Kee, OLSH Sisters Lucy, Bernadetta, Valerian, St Bernard and Damian. May those who have died recently rest in peace, especially May Mooney, Norma Cameron, Kathleen Buckley, Dagmar Parer, Susie Whitehead, Nancy Sheehan We pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Mary Grehan, Julian Neuendorf, and the deceased Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart We remember in prayer Matrin Mulkerin, and the Lourigan & Parer families We remember loved ones whose names have been entered into our Parish Book of Life and for whom November Masses have been requested. WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday 8.30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word St Joseph’s – Liturgy of the Word with Communion Wednesday 8.30 am St Joseph’s – Mass Sunday 9.30 am Christ the King 23 November HYMNS AND RESPONSES FOR SUNDAY MASSES Thursday 9.00 am St Joseph’s – Mass RESPONSORIAL PSALM: "PSALM 128: O BLESSED ARE THOSE" Friday 9.30 am Christ the King – Mass O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways, O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways. Saturday 7.00 am St Joseph’s – Prayer of the Church with Communion PSALM: “TO WALK IN GOD’S PATH” Sunday 6.00pm How good to revere the Lord, to walk in God’s path. How good to revere the Lord, to walk in God’s path. SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Christ the King Christ the King COMMUNION: "UNLESS A GRAIN OF WHEAT" Refrain: Unless a grain of wheat shall fall upon the ground and die, it remains but a single grain with no life. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 5.00 pm – 5.30 pm St Joseph’s SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism for Children is celebrated by appointment on the following Sunday’s of the month 2nd Sunday 11.00 am St Joseph’s 4th Sunday 11.00 am Christ the King LITURGICAL CALENDAR All enquiries to the Parish Office PRAYER GROUPS Monday 7.00 pm “The Flock” Young Adults (aged 18-35) (call or text 0431 117 139 for further details) Tuesday 7.45 pm 4 Merring St, Oxley (ph. 3379 6780 / 3379 7402) Wednesday 9.00 am Parish Centre - 19 Randolph St, Graceville Friday Community of the Risen Lord Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group Christ the King Church, Graceville 7.30 pm COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEGMENTS "Psalm 128: O Blessed Are Those" by P. Inwood, © OCP Publications; “To Walk In God’s Path” Text: ICEL, Music by David Haas © 1994 GIA Publications; "Unless a Grain of Wheat" by B. Farrell, © OCP Publications Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Licence No. 186E. Clip Art, © LiturgyHelp. Praise, Worship & Message - every Friday Adoration - 2nd Friday of the month CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS Tuesday 5.30 pm 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) Thursday 9.00 am 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) LITURGY SNIPPET: New Year Resolution through Active Participation In two Sunday’s time we begin the Season of Advent which is the start of a new liturgical year. The cycle of readings change with the Sunday readings rotating to cycle B and the weekday readings rotating to cycle 1. As we begin a new liturgical year, it gives each one of us a chance to examine our own participation in our parish liturgies by asking the question “How involved am I when I come to church?” (Printed so that users may live daily in the spirit of the Prayer of the Church) THIRTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME SUN, 16 NOV 33rd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thess 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 MON, 17 NOV St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious - Memorial Apoc 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 (Alt. 1 Jn 3:14-18; Lk 6:27-38) TUE, 18 NOV Dedication of Basilicas of Sts Peter and Paul, apostles - Optional Memorial WED, 19 NOV THU, 20 NOV FRI, 21 NOV Apoc 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 (Alt. Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-33) Apoc 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Apoc 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary - Memorial Apoc 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 (Alt. Zech 2:14-17; Mt 12:46-50) SAT, 22 NOV St Cecilia, virgin, martyr - Memorial Apoc 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 (Alt. Hosea 2:16-17, 21-22; Mt 25:1-13) THIRTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME SUN, 23 NOV Our Lord JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE - Solemnity Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy says, “In the liturgy the whole public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the Head and his members.” (#7). It is Christ and the members of Christ’s body – all of them assembled – who “do” the liturgy, not the presider, or the liturgical ministers, but every single person of whatever age and stage who is present! The role of liturgical ministers is not to do anything for others but to assist the assembly to do its work of worship. We can always improve on our own participation in our parish liturgies. A starting point could be sitting up in the front seats; extending a welcome to everyone, not just the people you know; and joining in the singing and responses. (Source: Liturgy Lines, Liturgy Brisbane; Active Participation, Fr Chukwudi Chinaka) 18 Clewley St, Corinda Qld 4075 P (07) 3379 1534 If you play a musical instrument and would like to participate in the combined music ensemble at the Advent Service please contact Rev Dr Robert Brennan at Graceville Uniting Church on 3379 6372 or [email protected] F (07) 3379 7931 E [email protected]
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