CHRISTIAN LIGHT 10145 N.W. Expressway Yukon, OK73099 Phone:405-283-0800 Fax:405-283-0801 Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service: 7:00 p.m. Christian LIGHT NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE: Welcome to Westside Westside! By Transfer on Sunday, October 19, 2014: Al H. Sochor, Jr. 6316 Overcourt Manor Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Phone: (405) 201-2127 E-mail: [email protected] Birthday: December 3, 1949 back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, November 1! Westside Christian Church Celebrates 11 Years Y at Noon on Sunday, November 2, 2014! Westside first met on Sunday, November 2, 2003, 2003 in a residential home,, but quickly outgrew that space and moved into a portion of the Rockwell Crossing Shopping Center. A few months later, we doubled the space. Then in 2008, we broke ground to build our own building build on our current site. So, let’s celebrate with a fellowship dinner, dinner praise God for guiding us in the many decisions made in the last 11 years,, and be thankful for all in our church family. Westside will provide the meat. The rest of us will provide all the other food dishes. Invite your family and your friends to join us. “Teaching God’s Wor ord to achieve evangelism, discipleship, and service.” serv CHRISTIAN LIGHT A Note from Phil “Give thanks in all circumstances.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 I am so thankful for the Lord’s church named “Westside!” Indeed thankfulness fills our hearts when we realize God has called us to be a part of a bigger story than just our own. We’ve been included in the greatest cause on the planet! Sharing the eternal Gospel is the paramount mission of our existence. Assuredly, God wants us to take our eyes off of merely our own interests and focus them on Him and His Kingdom. Just think of the scores of new believers one day saying “Thank You” to God because we reached out to them. Listen to the multiplying effect of thanksgiving… “…so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. – 2 Corinthians 4:15b I am so thankful to hear of how God is using many of you on a personal basis. To hear your stories of “faith-walking” is so encouraging. By the way, thank you for your effort in the BREAKING 100 campaign during the month of October! God brought encouragement to many through your efforts. It was neat to see so many family and friends. I am so thankful for your willingness to reach out. Thank you for your effort on our first Trunk or Treat event! I am so thankful for the 11 years God has blessed His church. Happy Birthday, Westside Christian Church! Sunday, November 2, marks over a decade of faithful service and the springboard for future growth. I hope you’ll join us for a very special worship service and a meal of thankfulness and celebration after church this Sunday. Oh, and by the way, please remember to “fall back” one hour this Sunday, November 2nd! I am so thankful for our leadership team’s willingness to consider a youth intern/part-time youth minister. There will be a special announcement concerning this on Sunday! These are exciting days! Can you see it? God is at work in our lives and in our community! Please be praying for our teens. I am so thankful for our church’s emphasis on missions. I get the awesome privilege of attending the International Conference on Missions (ICOM) November 13-16th in Columbus, Ohio. Warren Woodrome will fill in for me on Sunday, November 16th. Thanks, Warren! I am so thankful that Christ’s church named “Westside” has compassion and concern for those in need. To see the projects for lap covers and hats (etc.!) and to know that the church will soon make some adjustments to provide specific space in the auditorium for those in wheelchairs is impressive! Page 2 I am so thankful for my family, my church family, and my friends. God is so good. We are so richly blessed! And yes, I am so thankful for even the hardship that often enters our lives. It’s in our walk “through the valley of the shadow of death” that we often realize the need for the Lord to be our Shepherd. It’s in those dark and difficult days that our faith is purified and proved genuine (See 1 Peter 1:6-7). Struggle can produce a thankful heart. Let’s be so thankful! Happy Thanksgiving! Phil Congregation Votes on Elders and Deacons Sunday, December 7. Les Lusk has agreed to continue to serve as a deacon, and Stan Nichols has agreed to continue to serve as an elder. Westside will hold its annual congregational meeting at the end of the 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, December 7. At that time, we will vote on these men who have been nominated as Elders and Deacons. LET’S HONOR OUR VETERANS ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9! Wear your patriotic ties, scarves, shirts, blouses, ties, hats, and whatever else that is red, white, and blue to church Sunday morning, November 9. Let’s remember the veterans who have kept this country free. We Are we can sing with our friends at Prairie Wind, 8300 N. May Avenue, on Friday, November 28, 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. Join us and be thankful! CHRISTIAN LIGHT Monday, November 3, 2014 FEATURING: JUDGE ROGER STUART David Elshire Madison Murphy Jacob Smith Laura Murphy Jim Conner Brian Greve Kyndal Smith Callie Harper Joyce Swart Page 3 November 1 November 4 November 7 November 8 November 11 November 14 December 2 December 3 December 4 ELDERS WILL MEET SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, AT 4:00 P.M. FOR PRAYER. DEACONS WILL JOIN THEM AT 4:30 P.M. TO DISCUSS CHURCH BUSINESS. Poinsettias for Christmas! WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, DISMISSED FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS! ‘Twas the month before Christmas, When all through God’s House, Everyone was stirring, even the mouse. The wreaths must be hung above the door. The tree must go up, ten feet from the floor, Dressed with an angel, garland, and lights To honor the birth of God’s Son that holy night! HELP DECORATE GOD’S HOME AT WESTSIDE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 10:00 A.M. If you would like to help adorn the church building with poinsettias in memory of or in honor of someone for the Christmas season, please fill out the form that will be inserted in the bulletins for November 9th, 16th, and 23rd. The price for a 6” poinsettia will be $9.00 each, and the price for a 10” poinsettia will be $17.00 each. Place your check and a completed form in the suggestion box at the back of the sanctuary. WE’RE TOURING THE OKLAHOMA HISTORY CENTER AT 10:00 A.M. ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8! November is American History Month at the Oklahoma History Center. So, let’s go to the Oklahoma History Center on Saturday, November 8th. There will also be Native American Indians at the center on this day. We will carpool from the church at 9:00 a.m. The cost of the tour is $5.00 for seniors, $7 for other adults, and veterans are free. The Oklahoma History Center is located at NE 23rd and Lincoln Boulevard, just east of the Oklahoma Capitol for anyone who would like to just meet us there at 10:00 a.m. The tour takes approximately 1½ to 2 hours. After our tour, we will lunch at Cheever’s Restaurant at 2409 N. Hudson. If you have any questions, ask Carolyn Morse or call her at 936-9394 or 650-0599. Let’s have some fun! CHRISTIAN LIGHT Attendance & Offering September 28, 2014 Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship General Offering Missions Fund Building Fund October 5, 2014 Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship General Offering Missions Fund (Camp Sooner: $14.00) October 12, 2014 Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship General Offering Missions Fund October 19, 2014 Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship General Offering Missions Fund Building Fund October 26, 2014 Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship General Offering Missions Fund 45 81 33 $4,181.00 $612.15 $100.00 Page 4 SUNDAY NIGHTS 2014 KIDS’ CHOIR & PARABLES FOR KIDS (For children, ages 3 through 6th grade) Sunday evenings, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 45 93 44 $7,335.00 $1,076.15 42 69 33 $3,290.25 $536.00 48 105 Not available $5,307.00 $758.55 $250.00 50 95 35 $2,196.00 $329.40 God Harvested ed Peace and Love God sowed the seeds of love and harvested the seeds of peace for three of our couples at Westside who will celebrate anniversaries during November. Dennis and Elynn Wagner nourished their love for each other until God blessed them with the presence of each other on November 7, 2003. May the Lord fill your home with His abundant goodness. For 57 years on November 23rd, Joyce and Raymond Swart cultivated their love for each other to get them through every stage of life. May God fill your lives with His ever everpresent joy. The day after Thanksgiving 53 years ago, Tom and Vivian Harper pledged to always be rooting for each other. May the harvest of God’s love bless your life this year on November 24. NOVEMBER SCHEDULE November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Parables of the Talents (Matthew 25) Kids’ Choir Kids’ Choir Kids’ Choir Thanksgiving Party Dear Westside Family, We would like to send special thanks to all of you for your thoughts, cards, and prayers during my surgery. I’m thankful for the thoughtful, kind, and caring things you do. I would like your prayers now that I’m in the healing process. May God continue to bless one and all. Rockie and Cari Koerner Westside Christian Women’s Fellowship ellowship meets Tuesday, November 11, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Our ladies sew pillows and lap robes for those facing the struggles of cancer at several local organizations. Occasionally, they receive a note from someone who has been given one of their pillows, such as the note from Pam Telford: Hi, Ladies, My name is Pam Telford, and I live in Chandler. I was given one of your pillows from Dr. Boggs’ nurse. I was diagnosed with ith breast cancer June 24 and had a mastectomy July 28. My pillow was so soft and just the right size for me to put under my arm. I took it with me for 2-3 3 weeks to help my arm. My surgery went great, and I’m ’m taking chemo and then radiation. The Lord has blessed lessed my family so much this summer with wonderful people like you. My family and I would really appreciate your prayers. My 2nd treatment was Monday, September 8th. After October 20th, treatments will be every Monday for 12 weeks. May God bless your ministry, Pam, Mike, and Taylor Telford
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