Volume 10 Issue 9 November 2014 www.icacalgary.com Facebook: Inglewood Community Association, Calgary Twitter: @icacalgary The Future of Ninth Avenue SE Mainstreets Workshop November 19th 2014 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Alexandra Centre, 922-9 Ave SE (in the Gym) Dates to Remember Nov 15: Caprices Pre-Holiday Art Sale @ ICA Hall Nov 19: Future of 9th Ave @ Alexandra Centre Nov 20: Christmas in Inglewood Kick-Off Please Recycle This Newsletter Dec 6: Vixens of Vintage Market @ ICA Hall Dec 13: ICA Family Christmas Party @ ICA Hall Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 1 What’s Up At ICA Hall? Inglewood Community Hall 1740 - 24 Ave SE T2G 1P9 Call the Hall: 403-264-3835 Inglewood Community Association (ICA) ICA Office Hours Drop in Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9am –3.30pm Please call for an appointment for all other times Phone: 403-264-3835 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.icacalgary.com Twitter: @icacalgary Facebook: Inglewood Community Association, Calgary ICA General Meetings 7 - 9pm @ ICA Hall Mondays: Nov 10th, Dec 8th, Jan 12th, Feb 9th, Mar 9th, Apr 13th, May 11th, Jun 8th • Everyone Welcome. Get involved with your Community Association. Meet the Board of Directors. Discuss and vote on issues. • Buy an ICA Membership. • Draft minutes of each meeting are posted on our website www.icacalgary.com 2014-2015 ICA Memberships Memberships renew in Sept every year. Memberships will be available at the Nov 10th & Dec 8th ICA General Mtg from 6pm to 7pm Family - $20 Individual - $10 Seniors - $5 2 Regular Events Friday Night Drum Circles Every Friday 7 - 9pm @ ICA Hall Djembe drums provided. No experience required. $15/adult www.circlesofrhythm.com Inglewood/Ramsay Shack Pack Saturdays, 7 – 9pm @ ICA Skate Shack For teens Grade 7 - 12 who live in Inglewood or Ramsay. Suzanne: 403 265-4655 Women/Girls’ Ball Hockey Saturdays 10:45am to noon @ ICA Rink Once the ice is ready (usually late December), the Ladies’ Ball Hockey will become a fun Women/Girls’ ice hockey Shinny game. Very informal, all levels welcome. Helmets mandatory. Mens/Boys’ Ice Hockey Sundays 7 – 9pm @ ICA Rink OK men – your turn! If you are interested in joining an informal shinny hockey game on Sunday evenings once the ice is ready (usually late December), please e-mail [email protected] If there is enough interest, we will reserve this time slot on the rink schedule. Colonel Walker Programs Before & After School Care: Monday to Friday (Sept - June) 7am - 5.30pm @ ICA Hall Including delicious, healthy, home-cooked hot lunches! Ph: 403-263-2151 www.colonelwalker.com Hall Manager: Angie Lovegrove LEARNPrograms for Disabled Adults Creative Voices/Cooking Made Easy/ Music & Movement Various days/times @ ICA Hall Ph: 403-263-6880 www.ilrcc.ab.ca **NEW** **FREE** 24-Fit Fitness Classes 4 wks: 4th – 27th Nov Tuesdays 8 – 9pm & Thursdays 7 – 8pm @ ICA Hall Please pre-register: Jenn: 403 612-9359 Upcoming Events Caprices Pre-Holiday Art Sale @ ICA Hall Sat Nov 15th 10am - 5pm Painting, photography, ceramics, wood carving, jewellery, etc. and live music throughout the day. Admission: a suggested $3 donation for the Calgary Humane Society. www.capricesfinearts.com Facebook: Caprices Fine Arts Vixens of Vintage Market Sat Dec 6th 9am – 5pm @ ICA Hall All things Vintage-inspired or Upcycled Vintage Handmade Market. 2 food truck vendors will be on site. Still space for some vendors [email protected] Facebook: Vixens of VintageMarket THANK YOU to all fabulous volunteers who helped to rake leaves at the Community Hall. Awesome Job! Mt Zion Fellowship, Brownies, Col Walker Programs, Ed Top, Angie L and Trevor McGinn. St John the Evangelist Catholic Church ___________________________________________________________________ Our parish is rooted in Catholic teaching and practice; our worship is infused with our noble Anglican liturgical, musical and spiritual patrimony, as reflected in our liturgy, preaching and teaching. Sunday 10.00 a.m. The Parish Mass is celebrated ad orientem at the High Altar with incense, and includes hymns, plainsong and a homily A Nursery and Sunday School is available Low Mass is celebrated daily Sunday through Friday at 7.00 a.m. Additional Low Mass are held on Monday at 7.00 p.m., Tuesday at 12.00 p.m., Wednesday at 10.30 a.m., Thursday at 6.30 p.m. (Ordinary Form), Friday at 12.00 p.m. and Saturday at 9.00 a.m. followed by Holy Rosary at 9.45 a.m. Weekday Masses are celebrated ad orientem in the Lady Chapel Confessions are heard from 9.00 to 9.30 a.m. on Sunday Parish Priest : The Very Revd Lee Kenyon VF Ph: 403.764.6827 - [email protected] Assistant Priest : Fr Jonathan Gibson Ph: 403.804.2824 - [email protected] 1423 - 8th Avenue SE, - Ph: 403.265.5072 Office Hours: 3.00-6.00 p.m. (Tue & Thu); 9.00 a.m.-12.00 (Wed & Fri) E-mail: [email protected] www.CalgaryOrdinariate.com 3 Community Life Phase I and II of 1912Cross shown here SOUTH OF THE BOW INSTANTLY GRATIFYING. IMMEDIATE POSSESSIONS AVAILABLE - VISIT OUR SALES CENTRE FOR DETAILS. Phase II of SoBow is almost complete, which means you don’t have to wait to take possession. Choose from one, two or three bedroom suites, two-storey loft townhomes, garden townhomes and penthouse suites. Live well at SoBow, right now. ONE BEDROOMS – $306K / TWO BEDROOMS – $367K / TOWNHOMES – $575K VISIT OUR SALES CENTRE & SHOW SUITES: # 1640 17A STREET SE | TUESDAY - FRIDAY 12PM - 6PM | SATURDAY - MONDAY 12PM - 5PM CONTACT: 587.353.8955 | DAVID FRID: [email protected] | MONIKA BLACHUT: [email protected] 4 SOBOWCONDOS.COM The Future Of Inglewood BRZ Report by Rebecca O’Brien Thanks to Meg Van R. and her team with the IDI, and LJ Robertson’s eyes on what is coming down the pipe in Inglewood, the changes that are underway throughout both the commercial and residential area are being monitored, and always with the emphasis on community engagement The Carstar building site, across 9th Ave from the Arts Block (Bite, Gravity, Espy, Cucina....) is set for redevelopment, with Jeremy Sturgess Architecture doing the design. To give a heads- up on multiple award winning Sturgess Architecture, think Glacial Skywalk, the Water Building in Ramsay, and the ‘Spiral House’ on the Elbow river (for more information on their work go to sturgessarchitecture.com). The CarStar site redesign that Sturgess Architecture has undertaken is exciting for the BRZ; the commercial area strives to distinguish itself with a blend of cutting edge contemporary architecture mixed in with our historically significant buildings. ( The new yoga studio being built adjacent to The Apothecary captures the spirit of design and juxtaposition of old and new in Inglewood. ) The BRZ understands that cities are fluid and dynamic; the last thing Inglewood needs is mediocre, bland buildings that say nothing (much of recent development along 17th Ave is an example of this). The BRZ is confident that the Sturgess architectural team will deliver a contemporary, quality, dynamic design. However, the one issue that the BRZ board is struggling with, a crucial issue in many ways, is the height relaxation that is being sought. On the surface what may seem a minor issue of a height relaxation of 2.5 metres is actually a critical discussion for the future of the neighbourhood. Board members have articulated the concern that one height relaxation that veers from the current ARP, opens the floodgate to others. Preserving a streetscape that is human-scale and pedestrian-friendly is critical to the unique character of the neighborhood’s main street. Conversely, some board members expressed concern that rigid alignment to the ARP may set up roadblocks for creative and high-quality development projects within the neighborhood. Their greatest apprehension being that too many regulations or too inflexible an adherence to them may turn away developers. So, on the one hand, the BRZ is concerned about the repercussions of the height relaxation, and, on the other hand, in no way wants to discourage the kind of dynamic design that the CarStar redevelopment represents. It is neither easy nor straightforward for the BRZ to reconcile these two perspectives. Calgary’s most historically significant communities. We need to figure out how to build new in this historic context. We have to get it right.” Christmas 2014 In Inglewood: 1. The Inglewood Christmas Kick-off is Thursday evening, November 20th from 5 pm. This includes a window dressing competition between merchants. Last November, businesses in Inglewood rose to the occasion for the Christmas window dressing competition. Windows were whimsical and vibrant; 9th Ave looked beautiful for the Christmas season. CTV will be live in Inglewood to film the morning of November 20th, and a panel of judges will be doing the rounds at dawn to decide which window really stands out for first prize. 2. December Saturdays In Inglewood: • Gift wrapping at Silver Threads (December 13 and 20th from 12- 4 pm) • Carollers • Wildegrainz gingerbread cookies will be given out by Inglewood Brownies at one of two warming stations on 9th Ave • Free parking Dec 6 and 13th (11:30am -4 pm) at CPA lots on 12st and 9th Ave and 11st and 9th ave • Possible tree lot on 10th Ave and 12st (tbc) Pedestrian Crossing, 9th Ave and 9th St The BRZ would like to see more than a flashing light installed to make this very dangerous intersection safer for pedestrians. The BRZ would like to see improvements to this intersection that are not in the interest of traffic flow rather in the interests of a pedestrian corridor. A flashing light and a few other minor changes will give an illusion of safety, but a pedestrian island will shorten the walk across the road, as well as force cars to slow down, thereby making it significantly safer. Calgary-Inglewood.com 403 266 6962 That being stated, the BRZ echoes the IDI on the following: “This building seems to have become a tipping point for Inglewood because it’s the first of several new buildings on 9th Ave to have asked for a height relaxation. It’s time to formally establish the best guidelines for future development of one of Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 5 President’s Report By Bill Bakelaar As you read through this publication, some of you may fall under the impression that the ICA seems to be going a little over the top with regards to building heights. Yes, there is some serious contention over a proposed development along 9th Avenue. Yet, contrary to our reputation; Inglewood is not anti-development at all. This reputation is mostly based on the well known opposition that Inglewood took to the building of a Tim Horton’s franchise years ago. It wasn’t that Inglewoodians didn’t enjoy coffee, and it wasn’t even so much about a franchise opening up in our community. The reasoning behind the opposition was that a drive-through on 9th Avenue was not welcome, the appearance and flexibility for future uses of the cinder block building was not satisfactory, and the developer did not wish to add extra floors for other potential uses. Aside from the Tim Horton’s franchise, the only other major opposition the ICA has taken with developers in recent years was to the building of an affordable housing project. Some immediately viewed this as NIMBYism. It was actually quite the opposite. It was considered by the ICA that the chosen location, bordering an industrial site at a far corner of the community would isolate the tenants of the project. We actually wished for the housing complex to be built in the middle of the community. What many people often overlook are the many developments the ICA has endorsed. Most notably there is the Art Block, where the ICA struggled alongside the developer to help meet all of the ongoing additional requests that were being presented by the city. After years of wrangling and petitioning, reaching out to all levels of government, the ICA in concert with the developers of Inglewood House watched the new affordable living complex for seniors finally get built. This developer has actually approached the ICA to work with them on a new project. It was with collaboration that the ICA and Sarina Homes found a way to convince the City to set aside certain regulations in effort to build a better project beside “Speed Trap Park” along 9th avenue. Let us also remember the support that the ICA gave John Kerr during the absolutely wonderful reconstruction of the National Hotel and accompanying Livery Stables. Unfortunately, there are times when we feel that we do have to make a stand. Whether the struggle be with the developer, the Calgary Planning Commission, or simply just the fact that somehow rules have been interpreted as mere suggestions. 6 Redevelopment Director’s Report By L.J. Robertson We are well and truly into the fall season now – at least we got some color after “treemagedon”. We had much to discuss this month, if only two development permits (DPs). We received a revision to parking of the new Torode Building at 1410 9 Avenue SE. The change was purely technical and didn’t involve any exterior changes. Due to the nature of the application and timing, the RDC expressed support for it internally which was ratified at the last general meeting. We were given a heads-up about an application for a Change of Use Medical Clinic that will be coming up next month. It is DP2014-4403 at 1336 9 Avenue SE. We didn’t have the application at the time so just discussed it briefly. It is an application for a clinic which provides patients with information and access to medical marijuana, i.e. by prescription. The product is shipped to the patient. We are still gathering information but this is a potentially sensitive subject so I wanted to let the community at large know that it is coming up for discussion. We had a neighbor in the 2000 block of Eight Avenue attend to show us his plans for a proposed home there. He did not have to attend as he will be applying for a permit under the contextual rules – in other words, when one builds within a specific building envelope without relaxations, the application cannot be refused. You have seen me rail at the too frequent result of such applications which tend to result in very thoughtless construction, since there is no community circulation or Planning Department adjudication. We were pleasantly pleased at the quality of the proposed home and the fact that the applicant cares enough about his relationships in Inglewood so that he wanted the RDC to “vet” it anyway. We wish that this happened more – often, the committee has very constructive ideas that the applicant hasn’t even thought of and appreciates hearing about. A visit to the RDC isn’t all about criticism. Further to the above, we have received another already approved contextual application that is a poster child for indifferent design at 2304 16 Street SE. We will be sending another letter to Planning to indicate our displeasure regarding being cut out of the design loop again. I have been told by a Planning Officer that often applicants will threaten to build the biggest ugliest house possible under contextual rules if relaxations are not granted under normal application guidelines. This is a dreadful illustration of unintended consequences and something that we strenuously object to. We are about to head into an extremely important challenge to our development future from Planning. As you are aware, the ICA has twice expressed its objections to an application for an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) amendment to allow a new tower to be built on the CarStar site (Ninth Avenue SE and Tenth Street SE) to a height of 22.5 m. when the by-law limit is 20 m. The amendment has been passed unanimously by the Calgary Planning Commission and is going to City Council. As has been outlined in this space several times, the substance of our objection is as follows: 1. The by-law governing height has been in place for 22 years. It has been relaxed twice but only to buildings on the south side of the street attached to plans that were specifically designed not to shade residential neighbors. By-laws are in place to protect the rights of both property owners and those affected by the developments thereon. If the guiding principles of building can be amended to accommodate one developer, there is no purpose in having zoning at all. 2. The applicant has said that the relaxation is to accommodate density. We feel that quite a lot of density (which we support within reason along Ninth Avenue) can be accommodated within the existing height. Several new developments are under construction or in the application stage that respect neighbors yet will provide three to five floors of residential in addition to retail. 3. Our Main Street, Atlantic Avenue (as was) is a unique heritage treasure that is recognized and revered not just in this City, but the province and beyond. There are specific guidelines there to acknowledge that and they need to be respected. 4. The Inglewood Design Initiative has been working for over twelve years to generate a position on our future development wishes for the community. We have been waiting for almost three years to be heard and have the plans put into, not just a by-law, but a comprehensive plan. To have our positions and future options taken away by accommodating developers on demand is anti-democracy in its worst form. The repercussions from an efficiency and economic perspective could also be irreversible. 5. Generally accepted Urban Design guidelines promote a relationship between buildings and pedestrians that is human in scale (generally four storey maximum) to encourage the walkable urban environment that we want Inglewood to continue. 6. The ARP maximum is not just set by height; the actual words are that “Maximum height of buildings on both sides of 9 Avenue should be established to ensure reasonable sun exposure to the north sidewalk and rear of the properties along 8 Avenue.” The developer submitted a sun/shadow study to support his assertion that his angled 22.5 m. height shades no more than the 20 m. in the ARP. This study shows that backyards are in shadow by September 21 at 1:00 and lots are fully shaded by 4:00 in either case. Loss of sun from equinox to equinox does not comply with the ARP principle. 7. When one looks to other City planning guidelines one notes the 16 Avenue North Urban Corridor ARP sets a maximum height for buildings backing on to residential of 16 m. with 22 m. allowed on alternate corners (Map 2A). It seems incongruous that residences essentially backing onto the Number One Highway get more consideration than is being supported by the amendment proposed. It is critical that our voices be heard loud and clear by the City Council. We are asking all of our neighbors who are concerned about this situation to 1) sign the petition that is circulating (phone the ICA Hall if you don’t see it), 2) write a letter outlining your concerns to all of the City Councillors and c) attend the Council Chambers with us on November 3. An ICA contingent will be leaving the Alexandra School at 9:00 that morning. Just being seen at Council will help greatly to convey our resolve – call the Hall for details. ONWARD. 3rd Annual Inglewood Wildlands Christmas Tree Decorating Party Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Inglewood Wildlands Christmas Tree Decorating Party on Sunday, December 7 from 2-4pm. Everyone is invited to celebrate the holiday season and enjoy the beautiful Wildlands in winter. A special tree for us to decorate has been planted in honour of this new Inglewood tradition! Please bring a home-made natural or biodegradable ornament that we can hang on the tree – preferably one that our furry and feathered friends can eat. We’ll have activities planned as well as hot chocolate and cookies to enjoy by the bonfire. Meet us at the edge of the park on 9th Avenue SE and look for the Santa hats. For more information call Sara at 403-383-2249. Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 7 Update from Girl Guides Pathfinder, Ranger and Trex units went to a Stampeders football game, had a campfire in Fish Creek Park, volunteered with the By Judy O’Keefe, Blackfoot District Guiding CIBC Run for the Cure and will be having a fabulous bridging Laser Quest Lest We Forget outing. They will be working November is a time when we reflect on the sacrifices our men and on service projects women in service made and continue to make fighting for the like gift wrapping rights and freedoms of all people. We must never forget. for the Cerebral Palsy Association, We would like to thank everyone who supported Guiding by buying a box of our yummy mint chocolate cookies. Cookies help stuffing hampers at the food bank, support our many activities throughout the year. going to Calgary All the units in Blackfoot District came together for a super swim Area Ranger Camp night at Acadia Pool. It was a wild and wet evening of fun thanks and volunteering at to a grant from ParticipACTION Canada. ParticipACTION the Remembrance Canada promotes physical activity as an important part of a Day ceremonies at the Jubilee Auditorium. healthy lifestyle – lets “Bring Back Play”. Guiding is a great place to grow lasting friendships and experience Spark units have been enjoying the good weather by going new opportunities. Why not give us a try! on nature walks and learning about animals. They have held If you have any questions regarding Guiding or registration please enrolments, held a yoga meeting and had a visit from the Girl call 403-283-8348 Guide music trainer. Brownie units are working on their program, making crafts and doing outside activities. Some held Halloween parties, will be going to a sleep-over at the zoo and will make poppies for Remembrance Day. Guide units went to camp, sold cookies, collected school supplies for a service project and some will be writing letters to our soldiers overseas as part of their Remembrance Day activities. YOUR HOME SOLD… GUARANTEED! Jordan Wasyliw, Realtor and Inglewood resident. Phone: 403-921-8045 Web: JordanW.ca INGLEWOOD’S TWO MOST TRUSTED NAMES IN REAL ESTATE Mike Heltay 403-818-9688 Real Estate Professionals Inc offers a guaranteed home sales program. Call for details. Terms & restrictions apply. Fax: 403-228-5373 Email: [email protected] www.mikeheltay.com RE/MAX iREALTY INNOVATIONS Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 9 Artisan Fair 2014_PRINT.pdf 1 2014-10-13 Community Life 11:05 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Featuring work from local crafters and artists. Jewelry, paintings, books, cards, glasswork, knitting, crocheting, toys, ornaments and more will be for sale. Fresh food and drinks will be available from the Fort Calgary lunch counter in the Officers’ Mess. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:30am to 5:00pm Free admission with a donation of non-perishable food to the Veteran’s Food Bank. fortcalgary.com (Summer Only) $600 per event or $65/hr. $700 for weddings or other large formal events. 10 $150 per event or $20/hr (min 2 hours) we have s n o i opt for ! u o y View from City Hall and logical set of responsibilities for each level of government, along with the sustainable and predictable funding sources to carry out these responsibilities. Dear Inglewood Neighbours, September and the first part of October were times of significant change for your Team Ward 9 and for our municipal government. Closer to home I welcomed Katie Hope and Eric Peters to my office, who I introduced to you in last month’s report. During the beginning of October, the three of us made the rounds to Ward 9’s community association meetings in order to meet your community leadership. I am elated with the enthusiasm and capabilities of my new team and want to assure you that our mission remains steadfast - the relentless pursuit of Great Neighbourhoods. On a broader stage, Alberta history was made on Tuesday, October 7th. Our Mayor, Naheed Nenshi, Premier Jim Prentice, Edmonton’s mayor, and Alberta’s Minister of Municipal Affairs met at Calgary City Hall and signed the “Framework Agreement for Charters”. This Agreement is the first step on the century-old dream towards a City Charter for Calgary and Edmonton. When realized, this will transform these important cities from “creatures of the province” into full-fledged governments in their own right. Establishing a new relationship with the Province is the fifth component of my five-point Great Neighbourhoods plan. This Agreement commits the three parties to establishing exactly this kind of next-generation leadership, with a more efficient Keeping with the theme of municipal empowerment, on September 5th I was extremely honoured to be invited to present at the first annual Alberta Municipal Governance Symposium in Grande Prairie. At the Symposium close to 300 municipal leaders from across Alberta met to discuss the future of our Province. In a very balanced way we explored the idea of amalgamating the hundreds of Alberta municipalities into significantly fewer and significantly stronger organizations, in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of government. The event left me inspired and I encourage you to view the remarks I made at the symposium, which can be found at: http://albertamgs.ca/ Over the next month, Council will redistribute roles and responsibilities at our annual Organizational Day (I expect my role to remain largely unchanged) and debate Calgary’s first ever four-year business plan and budget. I look forward to reporting to you on that next month. We remain at your service at 403-268-5330 and at ward09@ calgary.ca. Gian-Carlo Carra Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 11 Community Life RIO Does Anime and Superheroes By Emily Firmston, Club Member Recently Reality Is Optional kids’ writing club ventured into the world of superhero speed dating. What, you ask, is superhero speed dating? It is when you create a character with randomized powers, costume colours, and goals. We then gave our heroes names and motives. After that we interviewed each other’s superheroes and made teams. Our teams went on grand adventures in such places as France and Great Britain. We don’t know if we’ve made a great difference in the world or just annoyed the heck out of French people in general, but our intentions were good (sort of). In other news a Japanese High School full of goats sprang up in the RIO classroom, with two of our members speaking in only Japanese Anime phrases for a good chunk of the meeting. We invented new sports such as Kawaii Toast Running and Monocube. Both are amazing and challenging sports, one more deadly than the other. We also had a pun off, an election for class president (won by a goat), and created a really badly translated theme song. See all of these in either October or November’s RIO E-zine. We had a very chill Free Fall Friday, where we wrote for an hour in somewhat quiet. It was nice. Pen and Panel cartooning club, our sister club, is doing well. They have created new characters, new comics, and lots of inside jokes – like Tim and Sad Volleyball. Go to their website to see the fun. www.penandpanel.com. For random movie night we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail – probably one of the best movies ever. We can now NEE with the best of them and know a shrubbery when we see one. The movie reminded us of our latest Dungeons and Dragons club adventure where we battled spiders and got into a ship wreck. We are always taking new members so if you wish to give up your sanity and play with words contact us via the RIO website: – www.realityisoptional.weebly.com So Inglewood, what do you think of Project Space artist Ron Terada’s “We Will Not Grow Old Together” installation, now lighting up the nights from the Project Space window? Don’t miss this installation, formed from the little-seen 1967 font ‘New Alphabet’! Terms of Engagmement will continue through to December 14, and November sees the public programming in high gear. Megan Kerluke, Public Engagement, has been busy preparing for November’s fascinating programs. Join Mike Vernon, soldier and reporter, on Saturday, November 1st, 3-4pm for “Reporting Canada’s War in Kandahar”. On November 14, artist Adrian Stimson holds his artist talk between 7-8 pm. November 15th between 3-4:30 hear the exhibiting artists in Terms of Engagement and curator Christine Conley discuss the complexities of Canada’s role as peacekeepers and warriors in a time of perpetual war. Now�open�in�our new�location!� 1309 9th�Ave�SE www.stashlounge.com 12 Esker invites curator Lindsey Sharman of Calgary’s Founders’ Gallery of the Military Museum to speak to artists’ use of abstraction when depicting times of conflict on Thursday November 27th 7-8 PM. Lastly, on the 28th, we are proud to facilitate a discussion with esteemed writer Shyam Selvadurai is a 2014-15 Distinguished Visiting Writer for the Calgary Distinguished Writers Program at the University of Calgary, who will discuss the relationship between writing and reconciliation. Esker Foundation thanks Inglewood for the amazing turnout from the neighborhood and community members to the Terms of Engagement reception September 27th. We look forward to hosting you again! 2014 CHRISTMAS in NOVEMBER 20TH - DECEMBER 24TH It's NOT the mall... it's Christmas in Inglewood! 65+ locally-owned shops and restaurants! Get IN-the-spirit! Kick-off starts at 5pm Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 13 STARbuildingCalgary.ca Whether helping build communities, or projects in the home, we believe in quality products coupled with qualified expertise. Our reliability, competitive pricing, and next-day delivery make for smooth projects with support every step of the way. Visit us for all your home improvement needs. 2345 Alyth Road SE (Blackfoot Trail & Alyth Road) 403.720.0010 Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 15 How can we help Community Life your business We know you have questions when it comes to your small business. That’s why we redesigned our facility with YOU in mind. GO AHEAD. TAKE ADVANTAGE! Free Workshops, Great Meeting Space Print & Marketing Advice, Extended Hours (7am to 11pm Mon-Fri / 7:30am to 11pm Sat-Sun) Workshops are delivered by Grant Basiuk of Forzani Business Coaching Corp. STAY IN THE LOOP for workshops & Hub News follow us chat biz theHUByyc drive success 1601 9th Ave SE, Inglewood 16 P177737 create buzz Appies Cocktails Beverages CANADA’S PREMIER SPICE SHOP IS RIGHT HERE IN INGLEWOOD LAST CALL November 8, 2014 7:00PM Festival Hall incredible selection expert knowledge gifts and accessories Live Jazz, Art & Silent Auctions, Historic photographs from CPR Archives… Join in the fun. Make a difference. Put Your Best Foot Forwar d 1403 9 venue 403 261 1955 A TH $100.00 Sponsors one sq. foot of land for Elder House. WWW. SILKROADSPICES . CA Be recognised onsite, On a Wall or Path of Fame. CLASSIFIEDS Help us develop a truly unique model of seniors’ housing for local Elders. Looking for an opportunity to give back to your Community; why not become a Board Member for Inglewood Housing Corporation or the Alexandra Centre Society? Both groups are well established non-profit groups and they are looking to replace dedicated volunteers so their legacies will continue. Please contact Pat Abbott at 403-265-5519 for more information. Inglewood based cleaning lady is now accepting new clients.Eco-friendly products,flexible rates,guaranteed work.Invoices are available. 403-616-0882 / europeanmaidscalgary2@gmail. com [email protected] Tax receipts available. Help build an affordable supported living house. Contact Shirley-‐anne Reuben 403-‐265-‐6809 [email protected] http://www.jacklongfoundation.com Jack Long Foundation Registered Charity No. 86287 5317 RR0001 Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 17 Community Life 29 Reasons to Renew Your ICA Membership The ICA Customer Club is just one of the perks of community membership. Below is a list of all the great shops in the ’hood that offer you a discount when you show your membership card. To renew your card drop by the hall, renew at general meetings or renew online at icacalgary.com/ica-membership. #ShopLocal #InglewoodYYC! AMA SWISS 20% off all regular-priced diamond watches and jewelry. Free jewelry cleaning. amaswisswatches.com The Apothecary 10% off your total purchase www.the-apothecary.ca Boft Fine Rugs 10% off any purchase, service or cleaning. boftfinerugs.com BITE GROCETERIA & CAFE 5% off your total purchase biteyyc.com The Blues Can 10% off food and beverage. thebluescan.com Citrus Laser & Advanced Esthetics 15% off services. citruslaser.com Cinquecento Cucina 10% off food and beverage (excluding specials) 500cucina.com Kane’s Harley Diner 10% off all food and non-alcoholic beverages. 403 269-7311. Spolumbo’s Fine Foods and Deli Wholesale prices on sausages. spolumbos.com Lullaby Lane Children and Maternity Consignment 10% off anything in the store including sale merchandise. lullabylane.org STASH Needle Art Lounge 10% off all classes and knitting circles. stashlounge.com Nikola Clothing 15% off anything in the store. shopnikola.com Tea Trader 10% off any purchase. teatrader.com. ReWorks Upcycles Shop 10% off everything in store excluding Loll furniture. shopreworks.ca Ty Renolds Video Services 15% off all video-to-DVD transfers. SuzieQ Beads, Buttons and Bijoux Moonstone Creation Native Gallery & 10 % off any beads in our beading Gift Shop 10% off everything, excluding dept. Offer excludes jewellery lines. consigned art. moonstonecreation.ca suzieqbbb.com Riva’s The Eco Store 10% off clothing, shoes and housewares. rivasecostore.com Savour Fine Foods & Kitchen Ware 10% off Kitchenware (except sale items) savourfinefoods.com Uniquities 10% off everything excluding quarried-stone and sale merchandise. uniquities.ca West Canadian Graphics 10% off services in digital print center. westcanadian.com Willow Natural Foods 5% off everything in the store. willownaturalfoods.com Get Banged Salon 10% off. getbangedsalonboutique.com Shades of Sleep Save the GST on all purchases. shadesofsleep.ca Hose and Hound Pub 10% off all food and beverage. thehose.ca Shoulder to Shoulder Militaria and Collectibles 10% off all merchandise. shoulder-to-shoulder.net Willow Park Florist 10% off all walk-in and phone-in orders. willowparkflorist. com Smithbilt Hats 10 % off all in-stock hats. smithbilthats.com If you are a merchant and interested in joining the program please contact: Lonnie Starling, Customer Club Volunteer: [email protected] Inglewood Beauty Bar 10% off product and services. calgarylashes.ca Kane’s Harley Davidson 10% off clothing and general merchandise, excluding sale items. kanesharleydavidson.com Silk Road Spice Merchant Save 10 % on all spices and merchandise. silkroadspices.ca Inglewood Music Club at the Lantern Church Drop-in programs at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Saturday October 25 2014 Join us at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary for interactive, nature programming for families. Topics vary weekly and include glimpses into the nature, history and hidden secrets of the site. Brothers Landreth Tickets & details at www.inglewoodmusicclub.com Tickets also at Swans Pub in Inglewood. Dates: Thursdays, October 2 to December 18 Time: 10 a.m. - noon 18 Heritage Committee Update by Manfred Baum This month, we are going to talk about another boom period building. The Carson Block at 1336-9th Ave SE contains the local watering hole and restaurant, Swan’s of Inglewood. The building was started in 1911 for James and Edward Carson. It was finished in 1912 but not after some controversy. A new construction method, reinforced concrete, was specified by architect David McIlroy. However, before the building was finished, the cement floors collapsed. The collapse resulted in an inquiry and aggravated a feud between City Building Inspector Richard Harrison and Alderman A.J. Samis. The origin of their conflict was related to the construction of the Samis Block on 8th Avenue and continued over to the committee overseeing the inquiry. The committee was chaired by Alderman Samis. They investigated the involvement of the Building Inspector’s department in the collapse. Tempers flared during the proceedings which resulted in Mr. Harrison launching punches at Alderman Samis. Harrison immediately left and as the committee was suspending him, he resigned. There is one final thing I would like to mention. If there is a topic from Inglewood’s historical past, such as a person or building, you would like to see in this column, please contact me at [email protected]. I will try to write about those topics. Please note that I will not necessarily do your house’s history but if you need help in finding the resources you need, please contact me. Also, if you have any Inglewood stories or photos, please contact me as well. Free Swim at the Inglewood Pool Date: Nov 11 (Remembrance Day) Free Swim Times: 1 pm – 2:30 pm; 3 pm – 4:30 pm A depressed economy after World War I saw many properties revert back to the City due to non-payment of taxes. The Carson Block was no exception. It was City property from 1920 until 1939. The Inglewood branch of the Calgary Public Library was located in the Carson Block from 1946 until 1953 when commercial uses returned to the block. Architecturally, the classically inspired tripartite façade has projecting end bays, giving the wall surface some variety and balance. The purple blocks at the main entrance were used to let in natural light for the basement. This is no longer the case. Today it mainly exists for decorative and historical reasons. The façade was restored by the Inglewood Business Revitalization Zone and the Alberta Main Street Programme in the mid 1990s. Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 19 Community Life ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES AND WIN! Wondering what you could do for the Roll Up Your Sleeves and Win contest? Here are some examples of the kinds of things people do to make their community feel more comfortable and “browsable” for pedestrians; to make the public realm more animated and social; attract diversity of all kinds; preserve and promote our rich heritage; go green etc. Steacy Collyer has a “Little Free Library” in front of her house that has become a little free gathering place. (And Bridgeland has Tiny Galleries!) Mieka West dreamed of a community cob oven, raised the money, met with the City, found some volunteers, and voila, we have a handsome handmade cob oven in the ICA yard. FIND IT (Pop-ups in Inglewood & Ramsay), a small group of locals who aspire to be community animators, produced the New Street Spoken Word Safari, Chandelierville the Inglewood Night Markets, and other pop-ups. In Brentwood, Cheri Macauley had a hugely successful idea for a once-a-week walk-around-the-block hour to get neighbours out meeting each other. Cost nothing, and it worked! Someone suggested an “enticing entryway” challenge for 9th Avenue businesses. Why not for residential blocks too? Brian Imeson, President of the BRZ Board, mused about Inglewood becoming a music mecca like Austin TX. Why not? It’s already well on its way! What would it take to make this happen? SoBow developers bemoan the lack of a sidewalk to serve all the residences in that NE section of Inglewood, and they’re working with The City to get one. Three cheers! Someone hung hand-painted swings in several trees in the park next to the river a few years ago. A divine intervention! They disappeared as mysteriously as they arrived. What about using election lawn signs as “easels” for a children’s art show on lawns throughout the ‘hood? A self-guided historical tour of Inglewood? Fun wayfinding signage promoting things to do and sights to see? A basket of flashing crossing-guard hand signs at risky intersections like 9th & 9th to help people cross the street safely? A weeding crew? A cycling repair station like the ones on Canmore’s main street? An edible urban forest? Review the IDI themes – you’ll find more detail at icacalgary. com – then start brainstorming. You can propose big ideas that might take months and dozens of people, or little ideas that just take a few hours. If you have a big idea you need help with, pitch it to us by December 1st, and if you win, we’ll not only help figure out how to make it happen – you’ll win a prize package from Inglewood merchants and a fun trophy too. Prize category 2: if you complete a project by December 1st, send us pictures and a description. If you did something cool before the contest even started, tell us about that too – that’ll be prize category 3. All attendees at the December 9th ICA meeting at the hall (7pm) will vote for the winners. Imagine the impact on Inglewood – physically and socially – if we all roll up our sleeves and work together to bring some of our neighbours’ great ideas to life! Send your entry to [email protected] by midnight December 1st, or email Meg at the same address if you need help. We’ll post ideas on the ICA website so you can review them before the vote. This is a joint project of the Inglewood Community Association and the Inglewood BRZ. 20 warranted it for a flashing-light pedestrian crossing. We’re still exploring other pedestrian-oriented improvements such as traffic pattern modification, lighting that actually lights the pedestrians, less dangerous corner cuts for wheelchair and stroller use etc, and will keep you posted. THE FUTURE of 9th AVENUE: MAIN STREETS WORKSHOP NOV. 19th Do you remember the Inglewood walkabout with Planning chief Rollin Stanley last March? (Go to www.icacalgary.com to read a synopsis.) He was ready to launch a new Local Area Planning initiative focussing on the future of Calgary’s main streets and promised that Inglewood would be an early participant in the process. It’s coming to Inglewood Wednesday November 19th. Mark it on your calendar! It’s REALLY IMPORTANT that you take an hour or so to participate. Let’s see if we can get hundreds of stakeholders out. The City of Calgary wants to hear from you! Join us for the 9th Avenue SE MAIN STREETS workshop. Date: Wednesday November 19th Time: 6:30-9:00 Location: Alexandra Centre, 922-9 Ave SE (in the gym) Thriving main streets are ideal places to live, work and play. The City’s Planning & Development team wants to explore how growth could happen in a meaningful way for residents, businesses and developers. At the 9th Avenue Main Streets workshop on November 19th, you’ll participate in a mapping exercise to identify the issues opportunities and outcomes for your main street and the surrounding neighbourhood. The input shared will be used to help understand local perspectives on the future success of Calgary’s main streets. Visit calgary.ca/mainstreets to learn more about this new Local Area Planning process and sign up for email updates. 9th AVENUE PLANNING cont’d The Main Street workshop is the process promised by Calgary’s top city planner, Rollin Stanley, on his Inglewood walkabout last March. Read a summary of the walkabout conversation on icacalgary.com. A 9th Avenue Steering Committee, reporting to the IDI and made up of representatives from the ICA, BRZ, business owners and developers, has been struck to guide us in all the upcoming planning processes, from The City’s Main Streets workshop to our Councillor’s highly-anticipated TOD planning in the spring and the heritage studies currently underway to qualify us for Provincial Mainstreet funded opportunities, also in the spring. GOOD NEWS re 9th & 9th The City has heard our concerns about the dangerous pedestrian crossing at 9th Ave and 9th St near the Alexandra, and has 21 TRAFFIC, PARKING & INFRASTRUCTURE Inglewood is growing, but its footprint isn’t. Given that planning is underway for two new bridges, increased density on 9th Avenue, 8th Avenue laneway upgrades, an expanded transit corridor and more, it is imperative that we understand the capacity of our infrastructure and what demands this growth will make on it. How much density can Inglewood handle? How much commuter traffic and transit? How much and what kind of parking will be needed? Will sidewalks be built to new residential areas like SoBow? The Board is making an urgent request for support from The City in preparing a long term traffic, parking and infrastructure plan for Inglewood, starting with a current . COB OVEN Yes, we have a lovely new hand built cob oven in the ICA yard, but it needs a protective structure over and around it. Chris Brett has done the drawings, Star Building Materials is donating the materials, and Ryan Murphy Construction (with volunteers) will build it. Soon I hope! Then we’ll let you know how we can all start using it. Thanks again to Mieka West for the idea, the grant-writing, and organizing the build. This will be a fabulous gathering place for Inglewoodians year round. COMMENTS or IDEAS? Write to the IDI Committee at [email protected]. Community Life Dental care should be as tailored asafinesuit. We all have our own style and we all have uniquehealthcareneeds.That’swhyIbelieve that no two dental care strategies should be the same,andit’salsowhyIspendthetimewith youthatyoudeserve. Iwantyoutolookgreattoday,andhaveadental planthatwillkeepyoulookinggreatforyears tocome.Giveusacall,orbetteryet,comeonin andseeus. -Dr.LauraBrescia Every great picture deserves abeautifulframe. Like surrounding a work of art with a beautiful frame, BOTOX® can help to complement a smile makeover with a more youthful, relaxed, smoother, wrinkle free appearance. Did you know? • BOTOX® treatments are painless and quick, with no downtime. You can be back at work right away, and nobody will ever know. • Dr. Brescia also uses BOTOX® in the treatment of chronic headaches, migraines, TMD, and tooth grinding habits. • As a doctor that is trained in BOTOX® procedures, facial anatomy, and smile design, you can be confident that Dr. Brescia will have you looking your absolute best. All services are provided by a general dentist. #100,1809thSt.NE 22 (403).294.1077 alpinedentalcare.ca ......... And there you have it folks, the Mulligan Way! Garden Path Society By Vineetha Jaydeep Gratuitous and excellent food at the Harvest celebration, drool worthy door prizes at the AGM, an exquisite board room to ponder the trials and triumphs of our path.... All this and more, we owe in no small measure to an exemplary volunteer in our midst. Jo Mulligan, we notice, we care and to acknowledge all that you have done Jo, the Inglewood Community Garden (ICG) is excited, nay honoured t o proclaim a path that you have tread innumerable times – THE MULLIGAN WAY!! For those of you new to the community, the Mulligan Way bears scrutiny. Few in the community can miss the ubiquitous Jo. Jo, with her wispy white hair and dazzling smile, made Inglewood her home about fifteen odd years ago and immediately went about making herself indispensible to the community. Jo’s dalliance with gardens started way back in rural Minnesota, and upon her return to Alberta soils, continued her love affair with gardens by becoming an active member of what was then known as the Victoria Community Garden. Jo’s leadership and coordination skills were soon called to test, when she and her fellow gardeners were given notice to vacate the premises of the Victoria Community Garden. These hardy pioneers literally picked up plot and plough, shed and dirt and moved it to the current location – the actual tail end of Blackfoot trail. Around this vestige of a discarded trail, with the help of Jo and her friends, blossomed a gardening community. This garden has proved itself vital to Inglewood, offering the simple pleasures of gardening, copious amounts of produce to local charities and being a favorite gathering spot for neighbors to reach out and connect with one another. Jo’s ability to galvanize people and resources has served us all well during her numerous years on the IGA board. Jo does 23 not simply serve - she lives the grow, gather, give mantra of the garden to the fullest. Jo’s remarkable ability to cajole and connect, coerce and charm for the good of the community will remain the essence of her genius, the quintessential Mulligan Way and for that we are grateful. Thank you Jo for your decade of dedication to the Garden. Here’s wishing you many more years of service to the community and remember folks, when those piercing blue eyes come calling, you don’t say NO. Jo Mulligan stands beside the sign Mulligan Way – A recognition by the Inglewood Community Garden for Jo’s stellar service to the Garden. And as the summer spirals to a close, our wind down activities have begun in earnest. Chief among them is our process to welcome our slate of gardeners for next year. With a view to provide maximum benefits to our gardeners and to recognise and reward all the sincere work that goes to support the garden, our committee has worked hard at refreshing and clarifying the garden mandate as well as streamlined the plot registration process. Other yeoman service for 2014 includes the plot assessment and replacement project with a priority on rebuilding the accessible plots. Please visit our website at http://www.calgarygardenpath.ca/ for more information on all that we do and stand for. WANTED: Advertising Manager for the Inglewood Newsletter Are you someone who likes to meet new people, likes to stay abreast of what’s happening in your neighbourhood, enjoys the interaction of working with a team but can work independently, and is available to volunteer 15-20 hours a month? If so, YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Our newsletter is a vital communication link for our Inglewood neighbourhood and we’re looking for a special person to assume the role of Advertising Manager. Sound like this might be fun? It is! Interested? Please email [email protected] for more information. DOCKET 35020 OFFICE WPG 24 VERSION 4 DESIGNER Bryan LOVE LOVE We love our work We love work We love ourour customers We love loveto our customers create beauty We love to create beauty That’s what we’re all about. Come in, try us out and let us create the look you will love That’s what we’re all about. 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Crème Brulee 2022-70 Balance Paint & Decor Purchase 1 sample can of 473 ml, and the 2nd one is free. 6101 Centre Street SW Calgary, AB T2H 0C5 On the corner of 61st Ave & Centre Street S 403-453-2070 www.balancepaint.com Email Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign me up today to begin receiving communications from: _____ My Local Retail Store _____ Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited *Only available at location listed above. Only original offer will be honoured, no photocopies or faxes will be allowed. Must present coupon to redeem. Subject to availability. Retailer above reserves the right to cancel this offer at any time. Limit one coupon per household. While supplies last. Cannot be combined with any other offers. ©2014 Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited. Benjamin Moore and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks and For everything that matters is a trademark of Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited. Please note a printed rendition of painted substrates can only approximate the actual colour on the painted surface. Colour accuracy is ensured only when tinted in quality Benjamin Moore® paints. Colour representations may differ slightly from actual paint. Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 25 S oft Tissue Rehab Centre #7, 1922 - 9 Avenue SE Active Release Techniques Chiropractic Graston Technique Massage Therapy (403) 248-7907 www.softtissue.ca We treat many other conditions, so please give us a call to inquire if we can help you or to book an appointment. Chronic Muscle Injuries Headaches Motor Vehicle Accidents Nerve Entrapments Plantar Fasciitis #7, 1922 - 9 Avenue SE 403.237.5578 www.motionchiropractic.ca CHIROPRACTIC 26 | ORTHOTICS | MASSAGE Inglewood Community Newsletter Team McKayla Toews, Editor & Layout [email protected] Bob Mathison, Advertising Manager [email protected], 403-510-8254 Sherri Dixon, Website & Online Media [email protected] Lonnie Starling, Distribution [email protected] Amy Adams, Counting-Collating Team Leader 403-261-0926 ICA Board of Directors, Liaisons and Staff President Bill Bakelaar, [email protected] Vice President Richard Finlay, [email protected] Secretary Aditya Banerjee, [email protected] Advertise In The Newsletter Next issue: December 2014 Ad submission deadline: November 10, 2014 One Issue Business Card : $45 Quarter Page : $75 Half Page : $150 Full Page : $300 Flyer Inserts : $80 Frequency: Five Issues Business Card : $175 Quarter Page : $275 Half Page : $455 Full Page : $995 Back Cover : $1095 Ten Issues Business Card : $315 Quarter Page : $500 Half Page : $820 Full Page : $1790 Back Cover : $1970 Circulation: Published 10 times per 2,100 year Support Your Community and Place an Ad Today! Contact: [email protected] Treasurer Hugh Johnson, [email protected] Redevelopment Director L.J. Robertson, [email protected] Casino Director Bob Mathison, [email protected] Bingo Director Pat Abbott, [email protected] Sports Director Sabina Bruehlmann, [email protected] Communications Director Aditya Banerjee, [email protected] Inglewood Design Initiative Director Meg Van Rosendaal, [email protected] Membership Director Angel Garant [email protected] Environment Director VACANT, [email protected] Safety Director- David Frid [email protected] Publish A Story Social Director (Vacant) [email protected] Do you have a story, letter or interesting bit of news you’d like to share with the community? We’re always looking for new voices. E-mail [email protected] for details. Calgary Police Service Community Liaison Cst. Simon Staples, 403-803-9457 Community Hall Manager Angie Lovegrove, [email protected] Story submission deadline: 15th day of each month prior to publication. Send story submissions to [email protected] ICA Office Manager Ann Cegielnik, 403-264-3835 Published by the Inglewood Community Association as a Public Service. 27 810 ~ Macdonald Ave SE 14 Active Listings currently $374,500 > $1,098,000 34 Sales for the Year to date $ 50,000 > $1,513,598 The Inglewood market is extremely excellent for sellers! Who wouldn't want to own a home in Calgary's historic community ~ Inglewood! Excellent Investment opportunity to buy this 101 year old two storey with 2 suites on a 50' sub dividable lot with a potential of 2 homes with some City and awesome community views! 3 properties up from the Elbow River but sitting high and dry! Walk to downtown! $599,900 Your home is unique and has its very own “Top” market value. Call me for a complimentary, confidential and up to date evaluation!
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