Anglican Parish of Colac

Anglican Parish of Colac
Ss Johns’ Colac, Christ Church Birregurra, St Andrew’s Alvie
Fr Canon Graham Snell
5231 3646
Parish Secretary:
Lynette Harris
5233 8383
November 16th 2014 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost/Ordinary Sunday 33
Today’s Services
8:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
9:30am Eucharist at St Andrew’s Alvie
11:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
Parish Diary
Monday 17th
10:30am Eucharist at Barongarook Gardens. All
Tuesday 18th
12:30-3:00pm PLAY GROUP
1:30pm Christ Church Birregurra AWG meeting
4:00pm Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
Wednesday 19th
10:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
10:45am Bible discussion group – Paul’s Letter to the
12:30pm Colac Minister’s Fellowship meeting
Thursday 20th
10:30am Eucharist at Mercy Place
5-5:30pm Meditation at Ss Johns’
Friday 21st
Rector’s day off.
Saturday 22nd
Parish Garage Sale at Geoff and Emily Thompson’s
home, at 71 Hart Street Colac.
Next Sunday, November 23rd - Christ the King - Last
Sunday of the Liturgical year (Ordinary Sunday 34)
8:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
11:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
5:00pm Eucharist at Christ Church Birregurra followed
by a light meal.
For a trial period from now until the end of the year, our
Eucharist at Barongarook Gardens will be held on the 1st
and 3rd Monday’s of the month at 10:30am.
Next Trinity Study, Session 8 – We Believe, will be on
Tuesday November 25th from 2:00-3:30pm.
Parish Budget Update
From our three Churches the Parish needs to receive
$6958 per month from weekly envelopes and loose
offerings. During the month of October the Parish
offerings totalled $5960. A shortfall of exactly $1000.
Please pray about your stewardship towards your Parish.
Up-coming Dates
Saturday December 13th, the Bishop will Ordain the Rev.
Mathew Crane and the Rev. Geoff Humble as Priest in
the Church of God in the Cathedral at 11:00am. Please
uphold Geoff and Matthew in your prayers.
Parish Christmas Fete
Time is coming around rapidly to the
Christmas Fete. With only two weeks to
go plans are well under way and our hope
is for a warm sunny day and lots of goods
to sell.
Thank you to the kind people who have donated some
dried fruit and eggs. These items have been welcomed by
those making Christmas cakes and puddings.
We are looking for a plentiful supply of items such as yoyo’s, shortbread and mince pies. In fact all items of
cookery sell really well.
As in other years we will have a plant stall, book stall,
produce and preserves, a children’s stall, craft and gift
items. If you can help in any way to fill these stalls we
will be grateful.
Throughout the morning there will be a sausage sizzle
and Devonshire tea’s available. Activities are being
arranged for children and a Jumping Castle will be a fun
thing for the younger children to enjoy.
We hope to have someone demonstrating the making of
Christmas baubles, so while enjoying a cuppa you can sit
and watch a talented lady demonstrating her skills.
At the back of SS Johns’ church you will find a roster
for the stalls. If you cannot help or wish to swap the
job allocated to you could you please let Lyn Harris or
Jean Tann know.
The Hall will be open to receive goods from 10:30am on
Thursday 27th and again on Friday from 10:30am until
This is a parish effort and we look for support from all
who are able to assist in any way.
Today’s Gospel – Matthew 25:14-30
This parable is a gentle reminder of the
abundance of our capabilities and
challenges us to use them in the service of
God who is interested in what we make of
our lives. Jesus calls us to be people of
faith who are up and doing rather than people of fear.
Sooner or later we have to decide – either to listen to
those fears that stifle life and growth, or to listen to the
voice of Jesus, which tells us to take risks and move
forward. No giftedness can survive the blight of neglect.
Even a musical note will lose its sweet romance and
become a wasted treasure unless it is exercised
frequently. How can we say we are making the most of
our potential as children of God if we are not using
wisely the gifts we have been given?
All of us have been given natural abilities and today’s
Gospel parable reminds us that we will be judged on the
daily use we have made of them in the service of Christ
and our neighbour.
Gospel readings for this week;
Monday November 17th - Sunday November 23rd
Monday 17th
Luke 18:35-43
Tuesday 18th
Luke 19:1-10
Wednesday 19
Luke 19:11-28
Thursday 20th
Luke 19:41-44
Friday 21
Luke 19:45-48
Saturday 22nd
Luke 20:27-40
Sunday 23
Matt: 25:31-46
We Remember the Anniversaries of
November 17th
Phyllis Tregea ‘05
Joyce Down ‘06
Edith Sculley ‘08
Parish Calendar
Sunday November 23rd at 5:00pm - Feast of Christ The
King at Christ Church Birregurra followed by a light
Saturday November 29th - Parish Pre-Christmas Fete
held at Ss Johns’.
Sunday November 30th - St Andrew’s Day Eucharist at
10:30am at St Andrew’s, Alvie, followed by a BYO BBQ
shared lunch.
Sunday 14th December Service of Carols and Lessons,
at 7:30pm in Ss Johns’ with the Colac Chorale; soloist
Rev. Linda Osmond and organiser, Mr Ken Allen.
Christmas Services:
Christmas Eve:
6:00pm Christmas Family Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac
8:00pm Christmas Mass at Christ Church, Birregurra
11:30pm Christmas Mass at Ss. John’s
Christmas Day:
8:00am Christmas Mass at St Andrew’s, Alvie
9:30am Christmas Mass at Ss Johns’
Ss Johns’ Anglican Women’s Guild
Members have organised a Combined Guild Luncheon on
Wednesday December 3rd at the Baronga restaurant at
12:00pm. This is a 2-course luncheon and will cost
approximately $30. We would also like to invite
members of the Parish to join us on this occasion.
Attendees are asked to bring a non-perishable grocery
item that will be donated to the Abbey in Camperdown.
RSVP by November 26th. Carolyn Weston 5231 2011.
Lesley Thorburn 5231 3724
Ss Johns’ Hall
November 19th
Roy Boyd ‘13
November 20th
Doris Tann ‘05
November 21st
Joe Taylor ‘07
November 22nd
Alice Watson ‘11
Gertrude Sonnet ‘12
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord
And Let Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them
The hall has been leased to Trinity College Colac for the
duration of the Year 12 exams. The dates are from
October 29th until November 20th. Sunday morning tea
following the 11am service may still be held in the
Walton Room with access from Pollack Street.
Items for the Parish News can be forwarded to Catherine
Bennett via email ([email protected]) or left in the
‘blue box’ at the hall by midday Tuesday.
For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what
they have will be taken away. ~ Mtt 25:29