PARISH NEWS Anglican Parish of Colac Ss Johns’ Colac, Christ Church Birregurra, St Andrew’s Alvie Rector: Fr Canon Graham Snell 5231 3646 Parish Secretary: Lynette Harris 5233 8383 February 1st 2015 ~ 4th Sunday after Epiphany 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Today’s Services Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac Eucharist at St Andrew’s Alvie Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac Parish Diary Monday 2nd 10:30am Eucharist at Barongarook Gardens Tuesday 3rd 4:00pm Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac (Please note the earlier time – 4:00pm) Wednesday 4th 10:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac 10:45am Ss Johns’ AWG Thursday 5th 10:30am Eucharist at Mercy Place 5-5:30pm Meditation at Ss Johns’ Colac Saturday 7th 5:30pm Youth Group Eucharist followed by tea and planning activities for 2015 Up-coming dates Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday February 10th. Ash Wednesday – Wednesday February 18th; 10:00am and 7:30pm Eucharist at Ss Johns’. Parish Fete – Saturday March 21st – Please put this date in your diaries now and begin to set aside items, preserves, books etc. that can be sold at the fete. Next Sunday, February 8th – 5th Sunday after Epiphany 8:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac 9:30am Eucharist at Christ Church, Birregurra 11:00am Eucharist at Ss Johns’ Colac Music At The Basilica – Geelong – A program of Sacred Music from February to May, including a commemoration of the Centenary of World War One, are available on the table at the back of the Church. Anglicare Fundraiser Anglicare, Ballarat Diverse New Cookbook - on sale now at $20. The cookbook covers a wide range of recipes from cakes and jams to main courses and soups. A pre-production order sheet can be found in Church entry. 2015 Calendar – Anglican Churches of the Ballarat Diocese are available for $10. From the Ministry Development Committee 2015 is the year of Mark, the first of the Gospels. Some say it is the “darkest” of the Gospels – over half of it is devoted to the last week of Jesus’ life, his passion, death and burial and it is the only Gospel without an appearance of the risen Christ. There are three opportunities to explore Marks Gospel with the Revd. Canon Dr. Tim Gaden: Horsham - Saturday January 31st, 10:30am – midday at St John the Divine, Ballarat - Sunday February 1st, 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Christ Church Cathedral, And Warrnambool - Saturday February 7th, 10:30 – midday at Christ Church. Extracts from; Joan Chittister’s book “Our Holy Yearning – Life Lessons for Becoming OUR Trusted Selves”. Garratt pub: 2014. From chapter 1; Perfection: Perfection is a warped shadow of what really is. Life consists of twists and turns, a maze of possibilities through which we wind our way to becoming everything we are. (page 11) Parish Lenten Quiet Day at the Abbey has been set for Friday March 13th from 9:30am – 5:15pm. Please mark this date in your diary now – even if you can only stay for the morning or afternoon. Today’s Gospel Reading – Mark 1:21-28 Mark records for us an event, which carries two aspects of Jesus’ ministry which are in close parallel. Verse 21 sets the scene: Jesus goes to Capernaum with the disciples he had just called, enters the synagogue on the Sabbath, and begins to teach. Verse 22 describes the reaction – amazement – that his teaching “with authority” provokes among those present. After the exorcism (vv. 23-26), the episode ends with a similar expression of amazement at his teaching, this time taking account also of the exorcism (v.27). This arrangement serves to place the exorcism within the frame formed by the two reactions – one at the beginning, one at the end – to Jesus’ authoritative teaching. Moreover, for all the drama of the exorcism that has taken place before their eyes, the congregation “keep on asking each other” first about his teaching with authority and his command of the evil spirits. What links the two is the note of authority. The entire episode, then, breaks like a thunderclap over the entrenched rule of Satan. It serves notice that here in the synagogue, where scribal teaching has for years ineffectively chipped away at that rule, a new era has dawned. The demon’s “rending” of the person as it leaves (v.26a) unmasks its destructive intent; the accompanying loud cry is both an acknowledgement of defeat and a protest that the regime of the demonic in this human life has come to an end. In all these ways, this episode in the synagogue, a report of which spreads widely throughout Galilee, opens up and sets the pattern for the entire ministry of Jesus that has begun to unfold. Trinity Study 2015 This year we will be doing units 4 and 6. We will commence Unit 4 –The Anglican Church – Our Story; in February and will conclude in May/June. The aim of this unit is to enable group members to gain a better understanding of their own Christian experience through knowing more about the Church’s story, by understanding today’s Church in the light of its past and to explore the roots of some major issues facing the Church in Australia today. If you would like to be part of this 9-session unit, please give your name to me by the end of January so that workbooks can be ordered. Unit 6 – Serving Christ Today; An 8 Session Unit will commence in August – November. Fr. Graham. Gospel readings for this week; Monday February 2nd - Sunday February 8th Monday 2nd Mark 5:1-20 Tuesday 3rd Mark 5:21-43 th Wednesday 4 Mark 6:1-6 th Thursday 5 Mark 6:7-13 Friday 6th Mark 6:14-29 th Saturday 7 Mark 6:30-34 th Sunday 8 Mark 1:29-39 We Remember the Anniversaries of January 8th Jeanie Evelyn Davis ‘15 February 4th Emma Neale ‘12 February 6th Mary Smith ‘12 February 7th Marguerite McGarvie ‘10 Mary Milthorpe ‘12 Lindsay Salmon ‘14 February 8th Houston Dalrymple-Hay ‘10 Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord And Let Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them Items for the Parish News can be forwarded to Catherine Bennett via email ([email protected]) or left in the ‘blue box’ at the hall by midday Tuesday. “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.” ~ Mk. 1:24
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