1931 Sumter Street
C o l u m b i a, S C 2 9 2 0 1
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
1931 Sumter Street, Columbia, SC 29201
803-252-6758 (phone) 803-254-6197 (fax)
The Entrance of the Theotokos
into the Temple
By Sergei V. Bulgakov
When the Most Holy Virgin became
three years old, her parents, true to
their vow to the Lord to dedicate their
child (refer to Sept. 9) to Him, in procession with young maidens "adorned
with the beauty of virtues" "with lamps
in their hands" and accompanied by
relatives and acquaintances, "with
gladness" solemnly led their Most-pure
Daughter into the Jerusalem Temple
"to be brought up in divine grace"
"before the Lord." Though at that time
the Most Holy Virgin, as expressed in
church hymns, was yet "three years old
in the body" she was already "many
years in the spirit", although still "a
child in the flesh she was already perfect in soul". She looked at the Temple
of the Lord as a paradisiacal dwelling
of the glory of God, as the most cultivated haven, for which Her soul
thirsted more than the home of her parents, and is why she entered into the
Temple majestically and rejoicing. The
Holy Virgin was put on the first step of
the Temple and to the surprise of everyone, with no one supporting her, being encouraged by the spirit of love for
God, climbed firmly up the fifteen
2 0 1 4
steps of the Temple. Invisible angels of
God surrounded her and served her.
Embraced with priestly delight, the
high priest Zechariah, "having blessed,
receives" "the holy young Child" "with
rejoicing, as the dwelling place of
God", and according to a special revelation of God, entered into the Holy of
Holies where only the high priest entered once a year. Not only all the participants in this celebration were
amazed, but also "the angels were
amazed seeing the Most Pure as Virgin
entering with glory into the Holy of
Holies". Having left their daughter in
the temple, Saints Joachim and Anna
returned home, rejoicing and thanking
God, who granted them the fulfillment
of their vow to Him.
The Holy Young Child, living in the
temple,* spent all her time in prayer,
reading the word of God and thinking
about God. She occupied half her time
with her own needlework, especially
loving to prepare clothes dedicated to
serving in the Temple; which she fulfilled while growing up, and occupied
the other half with works of charity at
the Temple, serving the needy, the
crippled and the infirm, which tradition
says to whom she also gave all her
food, herself eating only the “most glorious bread from heaven”, brought to
her by the angels”, and “conversing
with them”. Living at the Temple and
devoting all her time to pious occupations, the Most Holy Virgin was
continued on next page
continually in soul and body, in mind
and heart, in thought and desire before
the all-seeing, omniscient Lord God
and His almighty will, having formed
in herself a living and firm faith in the
word of the Lord, a fervent love for the
Lord and for neighbor, an all-perfect
fidelity to the will of God, the deepest
humility and meekness, inscrutable
patience and obedience to the word of
the Lord. "Succeeding in wisdom and
grace", she surpassed the high sincere
qualities of those her age," as St. John
of Damascus teaches, "presenting herself as a paradigm of the best and purest life in comparison with others".
self to God, having made a sacred vow
to virginity forever. She became the
first virgin in the world, because in the
Old Testament up to her time there was
still no example that a maiden forever
remained unmarried and preferred virginity to matrimony. When the time
had come for the Most Holy Virgin,
according to the then existing custom,
to leave the sacred dwelling of her pious formation and like other maidens
to marry, she, "rich in goodness and
purity of soul", declared to the high
priest and to the priests her vow and
with their advice and consent, for the
protection of virginity, at that time being 11 years old, was betrothed to her
In the early years of her life she lost relative, the aged righteous Joseph, and
her parents. After their death, she all moved from the Temple into his house
the more turned to the One God with which was in Nazareth.
all her soul, and with all the desires of
a pure heart and singularly sought Him In continuing her life the Most Holy
out for joy and consolation. Together Virgin Mary, as St. Ambrose of Milan
with her growth and strengthening in attests, "was virgin not only in the
spirit, she also grew in asceticism in flesh, but also in the spirit, restrained
her way of life. With diligence she ex- in her heart, divinely wise in her
panded her meditation about God and words, not hurried in her speech,
through prayer she ascended from chaste in her conversations, offended
power to power, and the gifts of the no one, wished everyone good, and did
Holy Spirit grew in her. The "All-holy not shun the poor, and did not ridicule
Spirit has sanctified all things, her anyone. Her visage was the paradigm
dwelling inside the Temple, and eating of internal perfection; all day long she
the heavenly food", "that she may be- fasted. Sleep was betrayed only by the
come the divine Throne of the Master demand of need, but also as her body
of all, His bridal chamber, His resting- rested, her spirit was awake, repeating
place, and His dwelling filled with in dreams something read or reflecting
light", and "become the dwelling place about some intention not fulfilled, or
of Him who was begotten of the Father on some new plans. She left the house
without change before all ages, for the only for church, and then only travelsalvation of our souls". As though ing with close relatives. However, alemulating her heavenly companions in though she was outside the house acpurity and in the foreknowledge of her companied by others, she was the best
great destination, she firmly decided to protection for herself. Others protected
be a Virgin forever and, when she only her person, but she observed the
reached her maturity, she wedded her- customs by herself".
The Reverend Father Michael Platanis, Protopresbyter
2014 Parish Council: Chris Manos, President, Peter Postal, Vice President,
Drew Theodore, Treasurer, Jane Schwantes, Secretary, Tommy Billas,
Elizabeth Chiarel, James Leventis, Robert Lewis, Mike Psillos, Nick
Pournaras, Elizabeth Render, Nick Stefan, and Lee Tsiantis.
Donna Ackmann, Office Administrator
Michael Hart, Financial Administrator
Despina Houlis, Choir Director
Michael Payne, Custodian
Maria Shelley, Director of Ministries (website)
[email protected] (e-mail)
1936 - 2014
Wednesday, December 3 5:30 PM - Paraclesis
Wednesday, December 24 9:00 AM - Great Hours and Vespers
8:00 PM - Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Thursday, December 4 Barbara the Great Martyr
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
Saturday, December 27 No Great Vespers
Saturday, December 6 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
6:00 PM - Great Vespers
Sunday, December 7 8:45 AM - Orthros
10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy
Sunday school
Parish Council Elections
Tuesday, December 9 7:30 AM - Fellowship Breakfast
Conception of Theotokos
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, December 105:30 PM - Paraclesis
Friday, December 12 Spyridon the Wonderworker
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
Saturday, December 13 6:00 PM - Great Vespers
Sunday, December 148:45 AM - Orthros
10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy
Sunday school
Monday, December 15 Eleutherios, Bishop Illyria
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, December 16 5:30 PM - Parish Council
Wednesday, December 17 5:30 PM - Paraclesis
Saturday, December 20 6:00 PM - Great Vespers
Sunday, December 21 8:45 AM - Orthros
10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy
Sunday school
Sunday, December 28 8:45 AM - Orthros
10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy
No Sunday school
NOTE: This schedule is subject to change.
Please consult the December bulletin for final
dates and times.
Weekly updates can be found online at
In the church hymns for this day the
Most Holy Virgin "is piously
praised", as "the most pure virgin",
"more honorable and more glorious
than the hosts on high", "the preaching of the prophets, the glory of the
apostles, the praise of the martyrs, and
the renewal of all those born on
earth", "the bridal chamber of God the
Word", "the dwelling place of the
King of All", "the Mother of God",
"our glory and salvation".
Appealing on this present "joyful day"
to "the assembly of the faithful" to
this praise of the Most Holy Virgin,
the Holy Church together with those
present "on this all honorable feast"
the example the Saints Joachim and
Anna teaches us to fulfill pious vows.
And the deeply instructive example of
the upbringing of the Most Holy Virgin explains to us our duties to our
children that we must as early as possible take them to the temple of God
more often, to accustom them to the
full complement of prayers at home,
teaching them in the law of the Lord,
particularly in their growth to properly use their time to develop in them
love for their neighbor and diligence
to inspire obedience in them to the
church rules (Ustav), and to waken
and strengthen in them the spirit of
piety and the fear of God.
The beginning of the establishment of
this feast of the Entry of the EverVirgin Mary into the Temple is not
known with complete accuracy. Saint
Gregory of Nyssa (IV Century) first
mentioned it. In the IX century St.
Gregory of Nicomedia composed the
stichera, which we now sing on this
* On the outside in front of the Jerusalem Temple there were about 30
stone apartments, separate one from
another, large and beautiful; on them
were other apartments, and on those a
third (as stories); in all there were 90
apartments, with everyone having a
pleasant residence. In these apartments there were rooms for various
persons: separately the maidens who
lived there during the time they were
dedicated to the services to God;
separately widows lived there, promising God to keep the premises clean
until their death; separately men,
called supervisors, in the image of
unmarried monks resided there. There
were also other apartments for the
comfort of pilgrims and strangers who
came from a distance for worship in
the Temple. All of them served the
Lord in the Temple and had their livelihood from the church estates. The
Most Holy Child Mary was lodged at
the Jerusalem Temple in the apartments where the maidens lived.
Sotiris Fikas - September 18, 2014
Mary Mandanis - September 20, 2014
10/5 - Casiana Isabella - daughter of Gabriel and Mihaela Span Sponsors - Adrian and Mihaela Gutu
10/11 - Konstantinos - son of Theodoros and Karen Deligiannidis Sponsors - Athanasios and Caroline Mallis
10/18 - Fatima Maria - daughter of Christopher and
Jenny Kauffman - Sponsor - Jacquelyn Kauffman
appeal to every responsible organization and every person of
good will – beyond any support
through perpetual and persistent
prayer – to assist with material
and humanitarian resources so
that these innocent victims may
no longer endure hunger, suffering, and death.
It is our wholehearted hope and
fervent prayer that the God of
love – worshipped by Jews,
Christians and Muslims alike –
may prevail over the false idols of
fanaticism and prejudice. May the
compassionate Lord grant peace
to all.
9/28 - Alexander Rothman and Meghan Fields
The Power of Prayer and Fasting
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich
Thank you to the following people who have volunteered to host
coffee hour after liturgy for November.
"This kind can come out by nothing,
but prayer and fasting"
(Mark 9:29)
November 2
November 9
November 16
November 23
November 30
This is the saving prescription of the
greatest Physician of human souls.
This is the remedy tried and proved.
Another remedy for lunacy, there is
not. What kind of sickness is that?
That is the presence and dominance
of an evil spirit in a man, a dangerous evil spirit who labors to eventually destroy the body and soul of
man. The boy whom our Lord freed
from an evil spirit; this evil spirit that
had hurled him at times in the fire, at
Stewardship Luncheon
St. Katherine’s Luncheon
Andrianna Pigeon and Cynthia Johnson
Daughters of Penelope
Eleni Taylor an Valena Neary
November 2 Carol Pitman and Gerry Smoak
November 9 Margie Malone and Anita Rickman
November 16 Mary Bellios and Maria Taylor
November 23 Rebekah Metropol and Susan Zourzoukis
November 30 Jeannie Hart and Sheri Manos
times in the water just in order to
destroy him.
As long as a man only philosophizes
about God he is weak and completely helpless against the evil
spirit. The evil spirit ridicules the
feeble sophistry of the world. But, as
soon as a man begins to fast and to
pray to God, the evil spirit becomes
filled with indescribable fear. In no
way can the evil spirit tolerate the
aroma of prayer and fasting. The
sweet-smelling aroma chokes him
and weakens him to utter exhaustion.
In a man who only philosophizes
about faith, there is spacious room in
him for the demons. But in a man
who sincerely begins to pray to God
and to fast with patience and hope,
for the demon it becomes narrow and
constricted and he must flee from
such a man. Against certain bodily
ills there exists only one remedy.
Against the greatest ill of the soul,
demonism, there exists two remedies, which must be utilized at one
and the same time: fasting and
prayer. The apostles and saints fasted
and prayed to God. That is why they
were so powerful against evil spirits.
O gracious Jesus, our Physician and
Helper in all miseries, strengthen us
by the power of Your Holy Spirit
that we may be able to adhere to
Your saving precepts concerning
fasting and prayer for the sake of our
salvation and the salvation of our
fellow men. Amen.
Statement By His All-Holiness
Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew On The Present
Violence In Iraq
The recent wave of violence
against innocent families and children in Iraq has rendered the world
shocked and horrified. We will not
remain indifferent or silent before
such irrational persecution, cultural intolerance and appalling loss
of life, especially when it is caused
by religious hatred and racial hostility.
elty of adherents to one religion
can never be defended by cowardly and falsely invoking another
religion. Such brutal acts are categorically unacceptable and unjustifiable before both God and humankind.
Violence never is pacified by violence, and hatred is only overcome
by tolerance. Knowing that true
and lasting peace only comes to
pass through genuine encounter
and dialogue, we call upon religious leaders and political authorities in this wounded region to promote conversation to resolve dispute, and to support peaceful
means to overcome conflict.
The targeting of tens of thousands
of Christians (including Arameans,
Chaldeans, and Assyrians) and
ot he r r el i gi ou s m i nori t i es
(including Turkmens, Yazidis, and
Kurds) can never be justified in the We implore the same of all leaders
name of any religious creed or in other parts of the world, especonviction.
cially in Gaza and Israel, in order
that those conflicts, too, may not
What we are witnessing before our further escalate at the expense of
eyes in Iraq is the uprooting not more human life. It is precisely for
simply of a religious minority – in this reason that, at the invitation of
this case the Yazidis, whose very
Pope Francis, we gathered in
existence is being threatened – but Rome for an interfaith summit of
of an entire civilization. The vic- peace with Presidents Peres and
timization and extermination of Abbas last June.
women and children, as well as of
the elderly and disabled, for any The situation in Iraq is especially
reason whatsoever – much more so critical. The humanitarian predicain the supposed name of religious ment is more urgent than ever.
conviction – is a repudiation of our Our response must be immediate
own future. Such calamity and cru- and tangible. Therefore, we
Adult Choir - Practices are Thursday nights from
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Contact Despina Houlis before
practice in order that a meeting can be arranged at
[email protected] or leave a message at
803-957-2212 to sign up.
Bible Study - Exploring the Gospel of John on
Wednesday, November 5. Just after Paraclesis, join
us in the church at 6:15 PM as we dive into Chapters
1-5 in the Gospel of John.
Tuesday Morning Breakfast & Books weekly at
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM.
Philoptochos Sunday, November 9 - St. Katherine’s Luncheon Saluting our Veterans
Parish Council Sunday, November 2 - Stewardship Luncheon
Tuesday, November 18 - Parish Council Meeting
Sunday, November 2 - Sprinkles! Sugar!! Frosting galore!!!
Join us for “Cookies and Cards” during the coffee hour/
luncheon. Immediately following Sunday School, all K-6th
grade youth are invited to design a special card and then decorate their own holiday sugar cookie to enjoy. The cards will
later be sent out to those who are homebound, ill, or otherwise
need to know that they are loved and remembered, and OUR
CHILDREN will make it possible. This way, they can make
something special for someone in need AND eat a delicious
treat as well!
November 19 - Youth Wednesday with Father Michael!
Remember, this event only occurs once a month. Although we
all have busy schedules, this is a unique opportunity for your
children to spend some quality time with Father Michael - and
we will feed them too! Immediately following Paraclesis (which
starts at 5:30 pm), parents are invited to drop off their children
at 6:15 pm with Fr. Michael in the parish hall. Please return to
pick up children by 7:15 pm.
November 5 and 12 - Join JUNIOR CHOIR - Rehearsal begins
at 5:45 PM in the upstairs choir room of the fellowship hall; all
youth in grades 1 - 6 are invited to come ready to sing. In
addition to their regularly scheduled performances, the Junior
Choir will be an important part of the Consecration Celebration
this year. Children practice during Paraclesis (5:30 pm on
Wednesdays) to give parents a chance to focus on praying and
worship in church.
At the Saw Mill Site and Train
Creating Leaf Rubbings
Sunday, November 2 - Tacky Gift Exchange during coffee
hour/luncheon. From now until November, be on the lookout
to find the tackiest, cheapest, most obnoxious and ugly thing
you can buy for $5 or less! All GOYA aged youth (grades 712) are invited to participate. Bring your WRAPPED tacky gift
and we will exchange these with one another to see who has
the taste imaginable! We could all use a
good laugh...
November 26 - Youth Wednesday with Father Michael
continues! All YOUTH in Grades 7 - 12 should attend. Although we all have very busy schedules, this event only occurs once a month. Please consider arriving for Paraclesis
worship at 5:30 pm. As soon as the service is finished around
6:15 pm, teens are invited to meet with Fr. Michael in the
parish hall to enjoy pizza, a brief lesson, and to have some
fun! This is your teen’s chance to get to know Father Michael,
ask him questions, share what is important, and decide how
they want GOYA to grow. Parents, this is YOUR chance to
have an hour to yourselves knowing that your teen is growing
in good hands! The meeting wraps up by 7:45 pm.
HDF - dance practices will be held on several Wednesday
evenings and Sundays (exact dates TBD and will be provided
by Kelli Pournaras) from November through January. Please
note that practices will not conflict with other youth related
events. HDF competition will be January 16-18, 2015.
A look ahead to December…
Dec. 7 - Community Christmas Celebration: Junior Choir
Concert and Nativity Pageant
Dec. 5 - 7 - GOYA St. Stephen’s Advent (Diakonia Center)
Dec. 21 - HDF Luncheon
Dec. 27 - 30 - GOYA Winter Youth Rally
September 30, 2014
Total Income
Expenses through September $396,009.65
Deficit through September 83,588.31
Daughters of Penelope
Veterans’ Food Drive
November 1 - December 1
The Daughters of Penelope need your help for our Christmas project
to benefit our nation's heroes at the VA here in Columbia. We have
done this for several years and have been informed there is an even
greater need this year than in the past. We are asking our wonderfully
generous parishioners for the whole month of November to support us
by donating food items to replicate a Christmas dinner. Items
needed include: cans of green beans, onion rings, cream of mushroom
soup, gravy, and sweet potatoes, boxes of stuffing mix, macaroni and
cheese, mashed potatoes, cake mixes, brownie mixes, or any other non
-perishable. We enclose everything needed for a holiday dinner plus a
gift card from a local grocery store so that the recipients can purchase
a turkey or ham to make their dining experience complete. If you are
short of time and want us to shop for you, we will accept cash or
checks made out to the Daughters of Penelope, and we will do the rest.
There will be a box in the coffee room with the label DOP for your
convenience. The last day for donations will be Monday,
December 1, 2014.
We appreciate anything and everything you can donate to our priceless
service men and women. The need is huge. Many have had several
deployments and came back with many problems. Please, please let
us show them our appreciation for their service. Christ said "whatever
we do for others, we do for Him." We were told no one in this area
pays it forward like we do. Everyone should be so proud of our community. May God bless you all!
GOYA Canoe Trip 2014 –
We braved the Congaree and no one fell in!
November 2 - Drew Theodore and Mike Psillos
November 9 - Mike Psillos and Jane Schwantes
November 16 - Jane Schwantes and Elizabeth Chiarel
2 5th Sunday of Luke
Orthros: 8:45 AM
Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Sunday School
7th Sunday of
Orthros: 8:45 AM
Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Breakfast & Books 7:30 AM
Sunday School
16 Apostle Matthew
Sunday School
23 9th Sunday of
Orthros: 8:45 AM
Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Sunday School
30 Apostle Andrew
Orthros: 8:45 AM
Liturgy: 10:00 AM
No Sunday School
Breakfast & Books 7:30 AM
Orthros: 8:45 AM
Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Great Vespers 6:00 PM
Paraclesis - 5:30 PM
Junior Choir - 5:45 PM
Bible Study - 6:15 PM
Paraclesis - 5:30 PM
St. John Chrysostom
Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM
Junior Choir - 5:45 PM
Adult Choir - 6:00 PM
Paraclesis - 5:30 PM
Parish Council
5:30 PM
Breakfast &
Books - 7:30 AM
St. Katherine the
Great Martyr
Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM
Adult Choir - 6:00 PM
No Great Vespers
Archangel Michael
Awards, Atlanta,
Adult Choir - 6:00 PM
JOY Youth Wednesday
6:15 PM
Breakfast & Books 7:30 AM
November 23 - Elizabeth Chiarel and Peter Postal
November 30 - Peter Postal and James Leventis
GOYA - Gift Exchange
JOY - Cards & Cookies
Great Vespers 6:00 PM
Entrance of the
Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM
Great Vespers 6:00 PM
No Paraclesis
No Great Vespers
GOYA Youth Wednesday
6:15 PM
Nativity fast begins November 15
Fish allowed