Newcomers are invited to introduce themselves to one of the clergy or a member of the team on duty near the main door. If you need any information or assistance please speak to a churchwarden or steward. Fairly traded coffee and tea are available in the church hall after the 9.30 a.m. service. Please join us. There is a loop system for hearing aid users and pew cushions are available by the table near the door. Large print copies of the notices, hymnbook and service books are also available. St Mary’s Church Goldington At Communion Services everyone is invited to come to the altar rail to receive communion or a blessing (if the latter, please indicate this by bringing a book with you). Notice Sheet for 9th November 2014 We welcome families with very small children and ask your cooperation in ensuring that they are supervised during services. Adults can sit with children in the area at the back of the church where they can enjoy toys and paper for drawing. A Sunday School with groups for younger and older children meets at 9.30 am in the Church in Term Time during the Parish Communion Service on the second and fourth Sundays. On the first and third Sundays of the month children join in the Family services. The Third Sunday before Advent Remembrance Sunday Services today - 9th November - Remembrance Sunday 8.00 am 9.30 am 10.45 am 5.00 pm Churchwarden: Mr Christopher Hjelt Tel: (01234) 402465 Church Office: Tel (01234) 328823 E-mail - [email protected] Church Hall: Tel - 01234 359094 Church Website: Hymns at Evensong: E H 450, 540, 265 & Psalm 82 Anthem: Goodness is stronger than evil - D Tutu/J Bell Next Sunday - 16th November Registered Charity No.1131568 Please contact the Vicar, as above, for all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. For other enquiries please ring the Church Office (messages can be left). Holy Communion Parish Communion (Blue Book) followed by Sale of Greetings Cards in the Hall and light refreshments Service for Remembrance Day on Goldington Green Evensong Hymns at Parish Communion: 17, O God of love (see inside), 366, 40 & 242 Communion Setting: Appleford Anthem: For the Fallen - G Guest Organ Voluntary: Cornet Voluntary (From "The London Notebook") - W.A. Mozart Vicar: The Rev’d Richard Howlett The Vicarage, Church Lane, Goldington, Bedford, MK41 0AP Tel: (01234) 355024 E-mail: [email protected] Curates: The Rev'd Jackie Buck (part-time) 54, Henderson Way, Kempston, MK42 8NP Tel: (01234) 407020 E-mail: [email protected] The Rev'd Ben Lewis 1, Atholl Walk, Goldington, Bedford, MK41 0BG Tel: (01234) 353928 E-mail: [email protected] Welcome to our Worship 8.00 am 9.30 am Holy Communion Family Communion (Orange Book) followed by light refreshments, Traidcraft Stall and Sale of Greetings Cards in the Hall Hospital Chapel Team at South Wing Weekday Services at St. Mary’s Monday - Friday : 9.00 am Morning Prayer Wednesday: 10.00 am. Holy Communion (BCP) Please take this notice sheet home with you for information Pre-Christmas Ladies Breakfast - Saturday 29th November at The Harvester Grill, Riverfield Drive at 9.00 a.m. for 9.15 a.m. We have booked The Harvester Grill this time but will keep our options open for next year. On offer is an unlimited Cooked Breakfast at £4.99 and an unlimited Continental Breakfast at £2.99. Please join us by signing up on the sheet. For more info speak to Wendy Watmough. EVENTS THIS WEEK Monday 10th November St Mary’s Women’s Fellowship 2.00 pm in the Church Hall U3A Presentation of Songs and Poetry Monday 10th November PCC Family Worship Planning 7.30 pm in the Dilworth Room Kate and Alistair would like to thank all those members of the congregation who helped to make their wedding day so special and memorable. DIARY DATES Tuesday, 18th November PCC Standing Committee 7.15 pm in the Dilworth Room 1 O God of love, O King of peace, 3 Whom shall we trust but Thee, O Make wars throughout the world to Lord? cease; Where rest but on Thy faithful word? The wrath of sinful man restrain; None ever called on Thee in vain, Give peace, O God, give peace again. Give peace, O God, give peace again. GENERAL NOTICES & FORTHCOMING EVENTS St Mary’s Women’s Fellowship invite you to the next meeting on Monday, 10th November at 2.00 pm in the Church Hall. John Scrivener will bring his U3A choir and entertain us with songs from the shows and songs from the First World War period. Raffle, tea & cakes to follow. Any profit to our charity supporting Bedford Hospital. Admission £2.00. The Film & Theology Group - For people who like film. Thursday, 13th November at 6.00 pm at 1, Atholl Walk. We intend to watch and choose films as a group and see what God might be saying through the art form. That said it will not be heavy, just watch a film, eat and drink and have a short time of critique and conversation afterwards. For more information speak to Rev Ben on 353928. Kristian Purcell - History Paintings; historical images from Bedford and Beyond. St Peter’s Church, 8th - 29th November. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am - 2.00 pm. Refreshments available. Drop in demonstration Saturday 22nd November 10.30am - 2pm. A chance to meet the Artist and explore how he works. Men’s Breakfast - Saturday, November 15th at the White Horse, Newnham Avenue. 9.00 am for 9.15 am. Please sign up on the sheet or speak to Brian Backhouse for further details. Christmas Fair - Priory Methodist Church. Saturday, November 15th. 10.00am - 3.00 pm. Admission £1. Bike ’n’ Hike - Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed, especially Jane, Ben and Andrew who raised £585. Bill Roffe. CCLI:845972 Fairtrade Stall - If you have ordered advent items from the Fairtrade stall then these will be available to collect in the church hall after the 9:30 service today or at the main stall next Sunday. 2 Remember, Lord, Thy works of old, 4 Where saints and angels dwell above, The wonders that our fathers told; All hearts are knit in holy love; Remember not our sin's dark stain, O bind us in that heavenly chain, Give peace, O God, give peace again. Give peace, O God, give peace again. Suggested subjects for your prayers during the coming week With the whole Church world-wide we pray for Bermuda In our own parish we pray for the PCC Secretary & Treasurer With others in our Diocese we pray for the work of the Probation Service and we reflect on the verse “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” We pray for the sick and infirm, either at home or in hospital and we remember those who receive communion at home. We remember those who have died especially Bert Purnell and we give thanks for their lives. If you know of any one who is sick either at home or in hospital, please let the Vicar or the Churchwarden know. Prayer Request Forms are available in the tower - you may request prayers for particular people or situations. Completed forms should be put in the ‘Post Box’ under the tower. Weekly Notice Sheet Forms are available in the tower. These must be put in the Church Office letter box in the Hall porch by Monday for inclusion the following week.
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