Parish Magazine
Who’s Who at St Francis
Canon Tony Dickinson
St Francis Vicarage
High Wycombe
HP13 5AB
[01494] 520676
[email protected]
Peter Gee
Liz Helps
[01494] 525739
[01494] 714668
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Directory
Child Protection Rep.
Children’s Society
Christian Aid Lunches
Church Hall Secretary [Office]
Club Francis
Electoral Roll Officer
Flower Rota Organiser
Gift Aid Officer
Healing Group
Julian Group
Magazine Editor
Magazine Subs/Distribution
PCC Secretary
PCC Treasurer
Pastoral Care Group
Spirituality Group
Stewardship Organiser
Walkers Unite[d]
[email protected]
Pam Helmers-Olsen
Hazel Noakes
Shelagh Sheppard
Pam Hancock
John Norton
Mollie Braisher
Mary Phipps
Brenda Matthews
Jean Finlan
Irene Hasan
June Findlow
Tessa Shaw
Jane Paine
Keith Gordon
Tony Dickinson
Mary Phipps
Tony Dickinson
Mary Phipps
Keith Gordon
Elaine Rivers
November is a month for remembering. At the beginning of
the month we give thanks for the holy ones of God. Not just
the “saints with a capital S” who have their own special days
in the Church’s calendar but those extraordinarily ordinary
saints who form the “great cloud of witnesses” whom God has
raised up in every age to offer living evidence of his love.
Among them we shall remember those whose lives touched
ours and brought a blessing; people whose love surrounded
us as we grew up, or alongside whom we have lived or
worked or worshipped. We shall remember them all at the
Parish Communion on Sunday, 2nd November – the day on
which, I hope, you will be reading this.
Later the same day we shall remember others whose lives
touched ours, family members, friends, fellow-workers and fellow-worshippers in whom the light of God’s presence was less
obviously radiant but who meant, and still mean, a great deal
to us. They, and all those whom we love but see no longer,
will be part of our commemoration of the departed at 4.00 p.m.
as we hold them in the stream of God’s love and mercy.
The following Sunday we shall call to mind not only our own
dead but all who have died in the world wars of the last century and those who are dying in our own day in wars and conflicts around the world. This centenary year has focused our
thoughts and our reflection very much on the conflict which
began in 1914 and the development of what has been described as “industrialised warfare” through which death and
destruction could be inflicted on a scale unimaginable to previous generations and in which the majority of casualties would
be no longer members of the armed forces but civilians,
whether or not they belonged to the nations that were officially
at war. In Gothenburg the Sjömanshustrun (sailor’s wife) on
top of her 160-foot tower waits in vain for the return of her
husband, one of the nearly 700 losses which the Swedish
merchant marine suffered (despite Sweden’s neutrality) between 1914 and 1918. Down by the harbour, on Stenpiren, is
the memorial to the 2000 seamen who lost their lives in the
Second World War, mainly as “collateral damage” in the Battle
of the Atlantic. The group from this parish who visited
Bredaryd three years ago paid their respects here during a
stop-over in Gothenburg on the outward journey.
Our thoughts turn, too, to the Churches’ role. Shortly before
the anniversary of the outbreak of war the two largest churches in Germany admitted their joint responsibility for contributing to the enthusiasm for war in 1914. The Protestant
Church in Germany (EKD) declared itself to be ashamed of
the attitude of Protestants at the time, regretting that the
church had failed in its duty to contribute to peace and reconciliation. The Catholic bishops in Germany said that it was only after the Second World War that Europe gave an answer to
the questions of which the First World War had made us
aware. Sadly, the Church of England has yet to do the same.
Some Church leaders, such as Archbishop Randall Davidson
of Canterbury, were thoughtful and wise, wary of becoming
cheer-leaders for the conflict. One who knew him well wrote
that, throughout the four years of war, “he spoke the brave,
strong, heartening words of a Christian Bishop. He said nothing common or mean – nothing vindictive.” Others, such as the
gung-ho Bishop of London, Arthur Winnington-Ingram, had
fewer reservations, to the extent that even Prime Minister Herbert Asquith described him as indulging in “jingoism of the
shallowest kind” (though the Bishop has his defenders – and
he was certainly a highly regarded pastor).
However, for one aspect of its conduct during the First World
War the Church has no need of apology. The Established
Churches in England and Scotland and the Roman Catholic
Church, as well as several of the Free Churches, supplied
chaplains to the forces, seeking to meet the spiritual needs of
men who lived daily with the prospect of sudden death or mutilation. In both traditions there were men who gave flesh and
bone to the love of Christ amid the horrors of the trenches. On
the Anglican side men as different as the scholar and hymn4
writer Percy Dearmer, whose wife Mabel died of enteric fever
while both were serving in Serbia in 1915, “Tubby” Clayton,
the avuncular presiding genius of Talbot House (“Toc H”) in
Poperinge, and Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, “Woodbine Willie”, poet, preacher and passionate social reformer, who survived the war but burnt himself out, like St Francis, at the age
of 46, served as chaplains. Of the Anglican clergy who
served as chaplains sixty-eight died as a result of enemy action. Four were awarded the Victoria Cross and 250 the Military Cross. A new biography of Studdert Kennedy, by Professor Bob Holman has recently been published by Lion under
the title “Woodbine Willie”. I commend it to you.
Tony Dickinson
At the Pearly Gates
A man dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets him at the
Pearly Gates and says, "Here's how it works. You need 100
points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things
you've done and I give you a certain number of points for
each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach
100 points, you get in."
"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for
50 years and never cheated on her and loved her deep in my
"That's wonderful," says St.Peter, "that's worth two points."
"Two points!?" he says. "Well, I attended church all my life
and supported its ministry with my tithe and service."
"Terrific!" says St.Peter. "That’s certainly worth a point."
"One point!?!! Well, I started a soup kitchen in my city and
worked in a shelter for homeless veterans."
"Fantastic, that’s good for two more points," he says.
"Two points!?!! Exasperated, the man cries, "At this rate the
only way I'll get into heaven is by the grace of God."
"Bingo! 100 points! Come on in!"
[forwarded by Alena Piburn]
If you usually sit towards the back of the church, you may not
be familiar with the burses and veils used during the Communion services. A veil is used to cover the chalice and paten on
the altar, with a burse placed on top of it. The burse is hinged
on one side and contains the corporal, the folded white cloth
which is put on the altar for the consecration of the wine and
wafers. We are fortunate to have a number of beautiful burses
and veils in colours to match the vestments for the various
church seasons, broadly:
White/gold for Christmas, Easter, Patronal and Dedication
festivals, Trinity Sunday, certain Saints’ days and congregational funerals
 Purple for Advent, Lent and non-congregational funerals
 Red for Pentecost, certain Saints’ days, Martyrs, Holy
Week, pre-Advent, Remembrance Sunday and confirmations
Green for “Ordinary time” and baptisms.
Some we inherited from St Andrew’s Church when it closed.
Others have been donated to the church over the years, several inherited from Mary Amer’s uncle, the Revd Ian Matheson
Calvert – see article on page 15 for more details about him.
As with other items in church, these had suffered from the
damp, so the church restoration is an opportunity to clean and
mend most of them, while only a few are needed for services
in the church hall. Most of the veils have now been washed or
dry cleaned. In some cases I had to mend or remove brocade
or ribbon first, and separate the linings in case the dye ran and
these are now all re-sewn.
In one case, I misjudged the material and the dye ran in the
wash (these items don’t have laundry labels!), so it no longer
matched its burse. Fortunately I have been able to match the
material and re-make it.
The burses are more difficult to clean as the material covers
contain thick card to give them rigidity. The ones which looked
fairly clean and are not often used, I have sponged gently and
steamed slightly to get rid of the smell of damp. Those used
frequently or which had red wine stains, I have unpicked to remove the hardboard to wash or dry clean the covers and I am
in the process of re-sewing them.
In one case, the inner card had warped and one side had broken, so I replaced it. For one I needed to replace the lining
material and for two where the material had frayed at the edges I needed to cut the hardboard slightly smaller in order to
turn the edges in more, and then make consequential alterations to the embroidery.
It’s difficult to do justice to these burses and veils in photos
that will be reproduced in black and white, but if you have internet access, you can see this magazine in colour! While services are taking place in the hall, you will be sitting and walking nearer to the altar, so do take the opportunity to have a
closer look at some of the beautiful items that we are privileged to use.
Next month: Kneelers
Mary Phipps, Sacristan
Among members of our congregation in particular need we pray
Kaysha and Jordan Amer, Martin Braisher,
Hugh Brocklehurst, Gaynor Chambers, Sylvia Dean, Jean Finlan,
Zena Fisher, Laura Gee, Len Gregory, Liz Helps, Carol Kant,
Elizabeth Lampson, Brenda Matthews, Jean Mayger, Mary Phipps,
Graham and Debbie Vickers
Among others for whom our prayers have been asked:
Mike and Chrys Aitken, Vince Amer , Carl Baunack,
Mel Chandler, Jan Cook, Katie Dillard, Michael Evans,
Nikki Ferguson, Julie Free, Doreen Gardner, Betty Gee,
Sharon Harding, Zoe Hart, Connor Howlett, Mike Howse,
Eleanor Lawrence, Andrew Mazur, Alister Mitchell,
Roma Morgan, Tina Munday, Angela Norton, Pauline Nott,
Tim Norwood, June Peddle, Margaret Philpot, Michaela Pope,
Jan Relf, Jean Roberts, Ann Sark, the Dmsje family,
Saskia Stoddart, Louise Thornton, Theresa Turner, Philip Vincent,
Monica Ward, May and Ian Walters, Rebecca Yule,
Logan and his parents, Claudia and Sam, Caron and Graham.
Among those who have recently departed:
Roy Deamer, Rhian Edwards, Barbara Thomson
all who have died by violence or accident in recent days.
Calendar for November 2014
Dates for your Diary
The diary is also available on the parish website
where it’s regularly updated with additions and changes
*Please note that because of building works during these months all
services will take place in the Church Hall unless otherwise stated. It
is hoped that we will be back in the church building by the beginning of
Advent. “Watch this space…”
Saturday, 1st November – All Saints
9.30 a.m. – Walkers Unite(d)!
Sunday, 2nd November – All Saints’ Sunday
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion for Trinity 20 (BCP)
10.00 a.m. – Parish Communion (All-age Service)
4.00 p.m. – Commemoration of the Departed (followed by tea)
Monday, 3rd November
8.00 p.m. – Julian Meeting (30 The Haystacks)
Tuesday, 4th November
3.00 p.m. – Keep Fit (Hall)
Wednesday, 5th November
10.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (BCP) in the Vicarage
6.00 p.m. – Bonfire Party
Saturday, 8th November
9.30 a.m. – Church Grounds Working Party
Sunday, 9th November - 3 before Advent (Remembrance Sunday)
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion
10.00 a.m. – Parish Communion with Act of Remembrance
12.00 noon – Holy Baptism
Tuesday, 11th November
3.00 p.m. – Keep Fit (Hall)
Wednesday, 12th November
10.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (BCP) in the Vicarage
Thursday, 13th November
7.45 p.m. – PCC Meeting
Saturday, 15th November
4.00 p.m. – Messy Church (Hall)
Sunday, 16th November – 2 before Advent
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion
10.00 a.m. – Parish Communion with Holy Baptism
Monday, 17th November
2.30 p.m. – Julian Meeting in the Vicarage
Tuesday, 18th November
3.00 p.m. – Keep Fit (Hall)
Wednesday, 19th November (Hilda, Mechthild)
10.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (BCP) in the Vicarage
Saturday, 22nd November
11.00 a.m. – Christmas Market (Hall)
Sunday, 23rd November – Christ the King
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion
10.00 a.m. – Parish Communion with Prayer for Healing
including the laying on of hands and anointing
Tuesday, 25th November
3.00 p.m. – Keep Fit (Hall)
Wednesday, 26th November
10.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (BCP) in the Vicarage
Saturday, 29th November
12.00 noon. – Holy Communion (in church)
with the local group of the Third Order of the Society of St
Sunday, 30th November– Advent 1
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion
10.00 a.m. – Parish Communion
Knowing God
A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question:
"Boys and girls, what do we know about God?"
A hand shot up in the air. "He is an artist!" said the kindergarten boy.
"Really? How do you know?" the teacher asked.
"You know…Our Father, who does art in Heaven."
At All Saints, High Wycombe at 7.30pm
On 22nd November 2014
A powerful and moving choral work which uses the Requiem liturgy interwoven with the words of children who
have been effected by war and conflict.
Music composed and introduced by Internationally know
singer—songwriter—Adrian Snell
Sponsored by the International Institute of War Child
Studies, Reading University (See quote from Prof Martin
Parsons below) and hosted by All Saints Parochial
Church Council
“I have been researching into the effects of war on children
for the past 30 years. Starting with ‘Operation Pied Piper’,
the code name for evacuation of children in the UK during
World War Two, my work now extends to Finland, Sweden,
Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and child soldiers in Africa. In addition, the results and outcomes of this work are
now being used to understand the personal traits that some
service children exhibit when they are separated from a parent deployed to a present-day conflict zone. What on the
surface looks like a reasonably simple research topic is in
fact a complex web of psychological, sociological and emotional traits which can affect not only the child itself but their
family for a further three generations.
One of the criticisms often heard is that the research is a
waste of time because they are or were only children and
they will grow out if it. However, this is simple not true and
the work demonstrates that war can have a bearing on a
child’s life forever making it difficult for many to make friends,
forge strong personal relationships and have the confidence
to succeed.
For many years I have been trying to make the public more
aware of the effects that war and conflict have on children and
I am delighted to be able to support this work by Adrian Snell.
‘The Cry’ is an excellent medium through which the light of the
war children can be told and hopefully you will leave this performance with a greater understanding of how children are
very much the ‘invisible victims of war’”.
Prof Martin Parsons 2014—Director of the International Institute of War Child Studies
Some of the more elaborate burses and veils mentioned on
page 7 were the property of Mary Amer’s uncle, Vera Instone’s
brother, the Revd Ian Matheson Calvert. He was curate-incharge of Holy Trinity, Tansley, Derbyshire in 1952-3 and
served in the Church of South India from 1959-1962 as Presbyter of St George’s Cathedral, Chennai (formerly Madras),
under David Chellappa, the first Indian to be elected as Bishop
of Madras. In this capacity he received the Queen at the Cathedral when she made a royal visit to India in February 1961
(there is Pathe footage of this tour at http:// In
later life Ian Calvert was Rector of Forton in Staffordshire and
a Prebendary (= honorary Canon) of Lichfield Cathedral. His
liturgical “effects” passed to Vera on his death (in the early
1980s) and were given to St Francis’ Church in memory of her
and Don after the latter died in 2002. They include the “best”
white veil (used at Christmas and Easter), the violet burse and
veil used during Advent and the deep red burse and veil used
on the festivals of Apostles and Evangelists.
(Thank you to Tony Dickinson for this information).
Saturday 20th September dawned damp and dismal. In what
seemed the early hours Mary and Vince arrived to pick me
up. Actually it was close on 8.30a.m. We went and picked up
Tony and then had an easy run to Oxford during which the
rain stopped. By means of a packed bus from the Park and
Ride we arrived near to Christ Church meadows where the
opening service was to be held.
Bishop John arrived with pilgrims from Binsey from where he
had walked as part of his Thames pilgrimage and was met by
a procession bearing the banner and icon of St. Frideswide.
The service was an act of prayer and praise and lasted from
10.00a.m. till 11.00a.m. Then there was a variety of workshops and talks to choose from in different venues close to
the cathedral. Mary had kindly booked me to go to the Mary
Berry Talk in the morning along with hundreds of other people. The queue to get in snaked all round St. Aldate’s church.
However, the queue move very quickly and I found a seat
easily. There were screens attached to all the pillars and an
excellent sound system. Mary Berry came in with Bishop
John who was in interview her about her recently published
autobiography. Mary spoke very movingly about her son who
was killed in a road traffic accident when he was only nineteen. She told us she went to Penn Church the next day and
the first thing she noticed was a memorial plaque to four
brothers who had all died in the First World War. She said
she thought “Those poor parents have lost four children, we
still have two”.
Bishop John later identified the Penn vicar who was in the audience and after greeting him, asked Mary what sort of services she liked. Questions came thick and fast after the interview and were all about the Bake Off. We all came away ex16
perts on the programme.
I made my way back to Christ Church meadow and met up
with Mary and Vince and we had our picnic lunch whilst the
Abindgdon Concert Bank played. Then the afternoon programme began with more talks and workshops. I went to the
cathedral to hear Rev. Dr. Allan Doig who was also an architect, give a talk entitled “Revealing Ourselves”. He led a walking tour of part of the cathedral where he drew our attention to
difference architectural styles which we would never have noticed for ourselves. There were many questions and much
discussion after the talk which broadened the debate. Someone asked how many Gilbert Scotts there were. George Gilbert Scott had been involved in part of the cathedral. The
speaker said his church was designed by Giles Gilbert Scott,
so I said, I mine was too. Apparently there is a Peter Gilbert
Scott of the next generation who is carrying on the family tradition.
We then all made our way back to Christ Church meadows
again where I met up with Mary, Vince and Tony for the Eucharist at 3.30p.m. During the service the Bishop told us that
there had been six bishops at the Grand Day Out! He reflected on his time as Bishop of Oxford and was presented with a
massive Farewell Card of many pages which most of us there
had signed and there was a big bouquet for his wife Wendy.
We all thanked the Bishop and God that the rain had held off
despite the increasing darkening skies and for us all coming
together as a diocese communion was administered at balloon—marked points around the edge of the meadow, and this
like everything in the whole day, went extremely smoothly.
We returned to the Park and Ride then home. The next day at
church I discovered that Jamie and her mother a volunteer
guide at the cathedral had also been at the Grand Day Out.
For the superb organisation, the wonderful atmosphere, for
Holy Fellowship and for little things like the crayons we used
to sign the farewell card and the balloons which marked the
holy communion stations were all the colours used on all the
“Living Faith” literature I would call it A Great Day Out.
Brenda Matthews
A Close Shave
After twenty years of shaving himself every morning, a man in
a small Southern town decided he had enough. He told his
wife that he intended to let the local barber shave him each
day. He put on his hat and coat and went to the barber shop,
which was owned by the pastor of the town's Baptist
Church . The barber's wife, Grace, was working that day, so
she performed the task. Grace shaved him and sprayed him
with lilac water, and said, "That will be $20."
The man thought the price was a bit high, but he paid the bill
and went to work. The next morning the man looked in the mirror, and his face was as smooth as it had been when he left
the barber shop the day before. Not bad, he thought. At least I
don't need to get a shave every day.
The next morning, the man's face was still smooth. Two weeks
later, the man was still unable to find any trace of whiskers on
his face. It was more than he could take, so he returned to the
barber shop.
"I thought $20 was high for a shave", he told the barber's wife,
"but you must have done a great job. It's been two weeks and
my whiskers still haven't started growing back."
The expression on her face didn't even change, expecting his
comment. She responded, "You were shaved by Grace and
once shaved, always shaved!"
Throughout this month, Thames Valley Police is raising awareness about disability hate crime and encouraging victims to report any incidents where they believe they, or another person
is being targeted because of their disability.
Last year just 106 disability hate crime incidents were reported
to Thames Valley Police. We think there are disability hate incidents and crimes which are going unreported.
Everyone has the right to a life free from harassment, bullying,
fear and intimidation, if you think you are being targeted because of your disability then please tell someone and report it.
If you see this happening challenge it, report it and together
we can tackle hate crime in all its forms.
Don’t suffer in silence, please speak out today so the police
can take action and bring offenders to justice. Anyone who
may be suffering as a victim is encouraged to please report
any incidents to us as soon as possible by calling 101.
If you feel you are unable to report this crime to the police for
whatever reason, you can contact independent charities such
as Stop Hate UK and True Vision in confidence.
More information about how report disability hate crime incidents via Stop Hate UK and True Vision can be found here: a hate crime
Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity
Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 no personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you
will not go to court.
Residents reminded to remain vigilant to bank card courier scam—Wycombe Local Police Area
Police warning over bank card courier scam after receiving
several more reports recently, Thames Valley residents are
advised to be on their guard to a type of scam which became
prevalent across London and now spreading to the local areas. The courier fraud scam often targets the elderly and vulnerable and takes the following steps:1. The victim receives an unsolicited telephone call from
fraudsters saying they are from their bank (or in some
cases claiming to be the police), stating that their systems
have spotted a fraudulent payment on their card or that
their card is due to expire and needs to be replaced.
2. The person may be asked to ring the bank back using the
phone number printed on the back of their bank card.
This helps to convince the person that the call is genuine.
However, the fraudster has kept the telephone line open
so even though the person has called the bank, the call
does not go through. Instead they are unknowingly connected straight back to the fraudster.
3. The fraudster then gains the person’s trust by pretending
to be from the bank and seeming to offer assistance. In
many cases the person is asked to provide their full bank
card details and key in their PIN so that their existing card
can be cancelled and their new one activated or authorized. The fraudster will then explain that the bank will
need to collect the card.
4. The fraudster will then attend the person’s address or
send an innocent courier company driver to collect the
card and sometimes provide them with a replacement
card which is subsequently found to be fake.
5. Therefore, the fraudster has obtained the person’s name,
address, full bank details, the card itself and the PIN. The
bank cards are then used fraudulently without the victim’s
There are a number of variations to the scam, including:
Fraudsters pretending to be from the police cold calling
members of the public and telling them that their bank account has been compromised by criminals. The fraudster
suggests that the person should transfer their bank balance into a ‘safe’ police bank account.
Fraudsters pretending to be from the police attending people’s addresses and retrieving the person’s card and PIN.
Members of the public receiving letters on bank headed
paper informing them that their account has been the subject of a fraud. The letter advises them to transfer their
funds to a ‘safe’ account and that an official will be in contact to provide them with a new card and PIN.
Fraudsters contacting members of the public requesting
them to cut their cards in half because their account has
been compromised. They are then asked to post the cut
card to an address where fraudsters simple tape the card
together again and can use the details to commit fraud.
Police advice is that if you receive such a call, end it immediately. If you have elderly or vulnerable family members,
friends, or neighbours, let them know about the scam.
Please be aware that:
Your bank will never attend you home
Your bank and/or the police will never collect you bank
Your bank and/or the police will never ask for your PIN
If you receive this type of call, report it to Action Fraud on
0300 123 2040, or via their website. In an emergency, dial
From the Editor’s keyboard:
Deadline for magazine is
Saturday 28th November 2014
HOST is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people of all ages whose imaginations are caught by the idea of welcoming an
international student at university here, far from his or her own
family, to their home, for a day, a weekend or at Christmas.
You don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel
for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this
country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of
us all. Please or call HOST 020 7739
Thank you
The Clerical Bicycle
The priest complained to his curate that his bicycle had apparently been stolen. ‘What do you plan to do about it?’ asked his
curate. ‘I don’t know,’ the priest replied. After thinking for a few
moments, the curate made a suggestion. ‘When you declaim
the Ten Commandments in church on Sunday morning, look
very closely at the congregation when you get to ‘Thou shall
not steal’ and see if anyone has a guilty look.’
After the Sunday service the curate asked if the priest had observed anyone who could have taken the bicycle. ‘No’, he replied, ‘when I got to the Commandment ‘Thou shall not commit
adultery’, I remembered where I had left it.’
(Our thanks to Dr David Fuller, Killiechronan, Isle of Mull for
this one)
The Fairtrade Shop is open every Sunday in the
Church Hall after the service.
It sells tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits, chocolates and other
delightful Fairtrade goods.
Accessibility at Terriers Church
Sidesmen are on duty at the main church services to
welcome you.
Please ask for assistance if you need it.
There is a car park at the church. Disabled parking is available in front of the church hall, although
it would be advisable to park in the spaces nearest
the church for church events.
Access is down steps. A lift is available at the left
-hand entrance.
There is a hearing loop in church.
A large-print version of the service book is
The toilet in church is reached only via steep
stairs. A disabled toilet is normally available in
the church hall
Printed by: Powerprint Ltd, 21 High Street, High Wycombe. HP11 2BE