MUSIC NOTES P CORNER STUDENT NEWS A S T O R ‘ S A HUGE “THANKS” goes out to everyone November finds the Music Ministry gearing up for all kinds of special events this month as well as the month of December! Mark your calendar and join us for our Joint Church Thanksgiving Service with Woodside Church of God, Cherrydale, and Woodside Baptist on Sunday, November 23rd, at 5:45pm! who helped make the Fall Festival a great night!!! Even with the weather, everyone had a wonderful time and the guests felt Tiny Tones, King’z Kidz, Inward Fire, Silver Tones, and the MBC Sanctuary Choir are all working steadily in preparation. welcomed and loved, so thanks again for being Jesus to our community!!! (Postcards are available now for pickup in the front office to start inviting your friends and neighbors to the December 14 presentation of “Sing the Glory”.) Youth Summer Camp: It’s never too early to get ready for summer camp!!! We are planning on going to Snowbird June 8-13, 2015. In order to make reservations, we need $100 per person. We are Practice thanks-living today… And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. asking those wanting to go to please make this deposit by Sunday, December 7th. If you have any questions, please see Scott. I Chronicles 29:13 This will be a wonderful time of worship and praise with our sister churches. On November 11, let’s honor our American heroes and use this teachable moment to inspire gratitude in our families. Explain to your children or grandchildren that Veteran’s Day celebrates all members of the military, those currently serving and those who have served previously, those who have served in times of peace as well as war. This differs from Memorial Day, which is a day to commemorate specifically those who died while serving, especially those who died in combat. Our Known Prayer Requests... Attaway, Geddies Belt, Kevin Bennett, Nellie Bishop, James and Edith Clayton, Jimmy Culbertson, Jenny Franklin, Ruth Hall, Mary Kay Hendrix, Pat Jones, Jessie Locke, Bob and Frances McCauley, James Owen, Rev. Tommy Rivas, Patsy Smith, Louise Speck, Tom Sustar, Rev. T. David Tannery, Lachlan Whitfield, Imogene Wood, Amanda OUR RECORD Tithes & Offerings Building Fund Sunday Night Dollars October 26 13,080.27 110.00 100.00 (Building Fund) Wednesday Night Dollars (Lottie Moon) - Please call or have a family member call the church office if you are admitted to the hospital, have a surgery scheduled, or there is a death in your family. We extend our heartfelt love and sympathy to the family of Waylan Washburn Pre-Service Office Hours The church office will be open the following times before services for assistance or purchasing tickets... Pause for a moment at 11 am on Veteran's day to consider those who have served and silently thank them for having provided us with the greatest gift of allfreedom. And, for those of us fortunate enough to have a veteran at home, hug them tight and thank them for their daily sacrifice and service to our country. Food Ministry Gym Fund Ball Field Picnic Shelter Golden Agers Golden Agers Trip Deposit Women’s Retreat Unused Food Ministry Fall Festival 385.00 - 25.00 10.00 - - - - 100.00 Missions Annie Armstrong 100.00 2014 Youth Lottie Moon Lottie Moon Bazaar MBC College Ministry Music Ministry Fuel/ African Pastor Children’s Church Mission 70.00 - 25.00 130.00 - - Missions The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world. Sunday Morning: 9:30-10:30am Sunday Evening: 5:30-5:50pm Wednesday: 6:00-6:20pm Ann Voskamp Youth Misc. YTD Budget Receipts YTD Budget Req. Difference Trip Revival Love Offering - - - - 602,222.12 632,643.06 (30,420.94) Fellowship Bible Food Ministry 283 94 November 7 Rev. Scott FitzSimmons 508.0307 November 16 Al Garabedian 246.1128 Billy Green 385.5050 November 14 Rev. Danny Culbertson 607.7524 November 16 Mary Cole, Jenny Williams, Bobby Tipton, Keith Williams Ushers November – Group II Counselors November Matt Ellison, Dede Reid, Erica Santana Preschool Children’s Church (4-5 Year Olds) November 9: Missy Timms, Tiffany Wood November 16: Cindy Akers, Gloria Cooper Preschool TeamKid (PM) November 9: TBA November 16: Tom, Louise, and Shaylen Burden Nursery November 9 Infants: Amber Mullen, Teresa Reid 1 Year Olds: Judy Williams, JoEllen Oslager PM Service: Dianne Harris November 16 Infants: Amber Mullen, Teresa Reid 1 Year Olds: Tonya Vaughan, Judy Stewart PM Service: Pat Wagstaff, Connie Pittman TeamKid (1st-3rd Grade)(PM) Safety Team November 9 Sun.: AM: Team F Sun.: PM: Team G Wed.: Team H November 16 Sun.: AM: Team I Sun.: PM: Team J Wed.: Team K November 9: Carrie Medlin November 16: Jennifer Hardee, Tiffany Wood TeamKid (4th-6thGrade)(PM) November 9: Cindy Cline November 16: Cindy Akers If you are unable to pack a shoebox, but would like to make a contribution to help with processing and shipping expenses, please see Scott FitzSimmons or Joyce Bishop. Pastor’s Home 864.859.0358 November 9 Tim Cole, Gail Forrester, JoEllen Oslager, Pat Wagstaff November 9: David and Jane Watkins November 16: Bill and Sheila Bryant FAX 864.246.1115 Prayer Team box are still available. Preschool Children’s Church (2-3 Year Olds) Phone 864.246.8411 November Carol Smith, Karen Chapman, Sandra Cothran all over the world, and tell them about the greatest gift, Jesus November 4, 2014 Greeters Now is the time to pack shoeboxes that will bring joy to children simple gift. Shoeboxes and pamphlets detailing how to pack a Greenville, SC 29617 November Billy Green, Robert Dale McKinney, Jacob and Joshua McKinney, Allen Beck, Tracy Burnett, Keith Williams OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Deadline: Sunday, November 16th Christ. Be a part of changing lives through the power of this 1500 West Parker Road Parking Lot Greeters RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED November 9 Deward Durham 230.5922 Terry Williams 430.5053 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid PERMIT 902 Greenville, SC Minister on Call Monaghan Baptist Church Deacons of the Week
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