CITY OF LOS ANGELES BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS SUZANNE M. STEINKE President NANCY P. MCCLELLAND Vice President GABRIEL J. ESPARZA JEANNE A. FUGATE JONATHAN M. WEISS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING – THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2014, 10:00 A.M. ROOM 350, PERSONNEL BUILDING 700 EAST TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 Commissioners As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, with notice of 72 hours, will provide reasonable accommodation (assistive listening devices, sign language interpretation, and translation services) to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Digital recordings of Commission Board meetings are kept for 30 days. Information on acquiring an audio copy of a meeting may be obtained by contacting the Commission Office at (213) 473-9107. Website Address: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of Thursday, October 23, 2014, submitted for approval. 3. COMMISSION ACTION ON ROUTINE AND OTHER MATTERS Approve routine and nonappearance matters under Unfinished Business, Page 5, items 8 and 9 and New Business, Pages 6 through 14, items 10 and 11, subject to any requests for reconsideration by the end of the meeting. 4. PRESENTATION – “Employee of the Quarter” General Manager David Luther along with Assistant General Manager Phyllis Lynes to present the Personnel Department “Employee of the Quarter” Award. 5. PRESENTATION Board of Civil Service Commissioners to recognize and thank David Luther for serving as Interim General Manager of the Personnel Department since July 1, 2014. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTER WITHIN BOARD’S JURISDICTION A maximum of 10 minutes will be provided for members of the public to address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, but not on the printed Agenda. No single speaker shall exceed 5 minutes. BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NOVEMBER 13, 2014 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016 a. Kevin GAMBLE, Welder, Department of Water & Power. Discharge effective March 6, 2014. Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Christopher Cameron, following the conduct of hearings on September 4, 2014 and September 18, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Gamble. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to cooperate with, or use of abusive language toward other employees or the public. 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of using threats or attempting to harm another employee or the public. 3) SUSTAIN the cause of action of demonstrating insensitivity to others by making derogatory comments, epithets, jokes, teasing remarks, or slurs based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability. B. FIND that the Discharge effective March 6, 2014 was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53654 COMMISSION ACTION: November 13, 2014agenda 2 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS November 13, 2014 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016, (Continued) b. Fernando GARCIA, Wastewater Collection Worker II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. Discharge effective April 25, 2014. Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Joseph Duffy, following the conduct of a hearing on September 15, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Garcia. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to maintain a condition of employment due to the loss of the required Class B commercial driver’s license. 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to provide information related to work to supervisor or others requiring the information regarding the loss of the Class B commercial driver’s license and operating City vehicles and/or equipment without the required license. 3) SUSTAIN the cause of action of absence without valid leave as evidenced by a continued unexcused absence from October 7, 2013 to December 31, 2013. 4) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to maintain himself in a fit and suitable condition for work as evidenced by a positive substance test on November 4, 2013, as required by federal Department of Transportation regulations. B. FIND that the Discharge effective April 25, 2014 was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53706 COMMISSION ACTION: November 13, 2014agenda 3 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS November 13, 2014 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016, (Continued) c. Mark C. RUBIN, Management Analyst II, Department of Water & Power. Suspension effective March 11, 2013 to March 22, 2013, inclusive (10-Working Days). Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Jan Frankel Schau, following the conduct of hearings on February 25, 2014, March 7, 2014, March 20, 2014, April 22, 2014, June 4, 2014, June 30, 2014 and August 19, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Rubin. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failing to carry out assigned work assignments adequately, directly or promptly. (Third Offense). 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failing to cooperate and exhibit appropriate behavior in the conduct of duties with fellow employees and supervisors. (Third Offense). B. FIND that the Suspension effective March 11, 2013 to March 22, 2013, inclusive (10Working Days), was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53417 COMMISSION ACTION: November 13, 2014agenda 4 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS November 13, 2014 8. RESIGNATIONS, SETTLEMENTS & WITHDRAWALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016 TO BE MADE A MATTER OF RECORD a. Robert IBARRA, Custodian, Department of General Services. Discharge effective May 1, 2014. Settlement agreement between the City and the Appellant wherein the City agreed to allow the Appellant to resign his position as a Custodian effective May, 1, 2014; The Appellant agreed to withdraw his appeal currently pending before the Civil Service Commission. All signed documentation of this settlement agreement was received by the Commission Office from the parties October 22, 2014. File No. 53707 b. Ronnie JOHNSON, Electric Distribution Mechanic, Department of Water & Power. Discharge effective December 17, 2012. Settlement agreement between the City and the Appellant addressing a variety of issues not directly related to the Appellant’s appeal from discharge. For a monetary consideration, the Appellant agreed to accept his separation from the City and withdraw his appeal currently pending before the Civil Service Commission; The City and the Appellant agreed to other terms and conditions. The signed documentation of this settlement and withdrawal was submitted to the Commission Office in person on October 21, 2014. File No. 53353 c. Josefina RAYA, Custodian, Department of General Services. Discharge effective May 2, 2014. Settlement agreement between the City and the Appellant wherein the City agreed reduce the penalty of discharge to a “time served” suspension; The City and the Appellant agreed that acceptance of this settlement will not be construed as an admission of wrongdoing on the part of either the City or the Appellant; The Appellant agreed to accept the conditions of a “Last Chance Agreement;” The Appellant agreed to withdraw her appeal currently pending before the Civil Service Commission. The City and the Appellant agreed to other terms and conditions. All signed documentation of this settlement agreement was received by the Commission Office from the parties October 23, 2014. File No. 53711 9. DECISION OF THE COURT OF APPEALS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Note and File the decision of the Superior Court of the State of California, in the County of Los Angeles, to deny the petition of Lucile BUTLER for a Writ of Mandamus to overturn the Board of Civil Service Commission’s decision to sustain the discipline imposed on her (Case No. BS140566). File No. 53036 COMMISSION ACTION: November 13, 2014agenda 5 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS The General Manage recommends that the Board: a. Make a matter of record the following examination bulletins promulgated on: October 17, 2014 Interdepartmental Promotional BOILERMAKER SUPERVISOR SENIOR CARPENTER Open Competitive INDUSTRIAL HYGIENIST October 24, 2014 Interdepartmental Promotional PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT SENIOR TAX AUDITOR Open Competitive ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR Interdepartmental Promotional and Open Competitive TIRE REPAIRER October 31, 2014 Interdepartmental Promotional CHIEF TRANSPORTATION INVESTIGATOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER SECRETARY b. Approve the use of the following Special Examining Assistants for: 1) ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN Torrie STRAWN and Matthew SPEASE, Animal Care Technician Supervisors, Department of Animal Services. 2) ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR Fred GARCIA and Randall SCOTT, Asphalt Plant Supervisors, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services. 3) AVIONICS SPECIALIST Omotayo A. IGE, Director of Communication Services, Information Technology Agency. 4) DEPARTMENTAL CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Minyeong CHEN, Financial Management Specialist V, City Controller, and Selwyn HOLLINS, Assistant General Manager, Department of Transportation. 5) ENGINEERING DESIGNER Wilson ELIAS, Civil Engineering Associate III, Department of Water & Power, and Shaun YEPREMIAN, Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering. 6) FIRE INSPECTOR Jeffrey G. PALMER, Brian BALLTON, Philip AYALA, Carlos ORTEGA, and Robert WEDLOCK, Fire Captain I’s, and Matthew GATEWOOD, Fire Captain II, Los Angeles Fire Department. November 13, 2014agenda 6 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS b. Approve the use of the following Special Examining Assistants for. (Continued): 7) GARDNER CARETAKER Thomas FREY, Park Maintenance Supervisor, Department of Recreation and Parks, Lenore LUCIO, Senior Gardener, Los Angeles World Airports, and Ralph CARRETINO, Park Maintenance Supervisor, Harbor Department. 8) GRAPHICS DESIGNER Laura DANLY, Curator of Griffith Observatory, Department of Recreation and Parks, Hoa NGUYEN, Programmer Analyst II, Information Technology Agency, and Diane IMORI, Graphics Supervisor II, Los Angeles World Airports. 9) LAND SURVEYING ASSISTANT Cesar BREGAUDIT, Survey Supervisor, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, Darren McCLUNG, Survey Party Chief II, Harbor Department, Shereef SURUR, Senior Survey Supervisor, Department of Water & Power. 10) LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Marisela Caraballo DI RUGGIERO, Legislative Representative, Harbor Department. 11) PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Adel H. HAGEKHALIL, Assistant Director of Bureau of Sanitation, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. 12) PROCUREMENT SUPERVISOR Melissa YUSILON, Supply Services Manager II, Department of General Services, and Karen TOZER, Executive Assistant Airports, Los Angeles World Airports. 13) REAL ESTATE TRAINEE Uriel JIMENEZ, Chief Real Estate Officer II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, and Reynan LEDESMA, Property Manager, Department of Water & Power. 14) SENIOR TRANSPORTATION INVESTIGATOR Wayne GARCIA, Senior Management Analyst II, and Thomas DRISCHLER, Taxicab Administrator, Department of Transportation. 15) STREET TREE SUPERINTENDENT George GONZALEZ, Street Tree Superintendent II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services, and Duke THOMPSON, Electrical Services Manager III, Department of Water & Power. 16) SUPERVISING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE Joanne O’BRIEN, Medical Services Administrator, Personnel Department, and Leslie ISRAEL, Medical Director, Department of Water & Power. 17) SYSTEMS ANALYST Anita FERNANDEZ, Senior Systems Analyst II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation, Lance SHOHO, Senior Systems Analyst I, Los Angeles Fire Department, and Roger BODEN, Systems Programmer, Department of Water & Power. 18) TREE SURGEON SUPERVISOR Laura BAUERNFEIND, Principal Grounds Maintenance Supervisor II, Department of Recreation and Parks, and Anthony DELGARDO, Street Tree Superintendent, Department of Water & Power. 19) WATER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Hugo TORRES and Charles GUEL, Supervising Water Service Representatives, Department of Water & Power. File No. November 13, 2014agenda 7 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS c. Approve the use of the following raters for the evaluation of Training and Experience Questionnaires. INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Florinda CARLOS, Information Systems Manager II, Los Angeles World Airports. File No. d. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside City service in the open competitive examination for CHEMIST. File No. e. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside and outside the City service in the interdepartmental promotional examination for INSTRUMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR. File No. f. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside the City service in the open competitive examination for PLANNING ASSISTANT. File No. g. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside and outside City service in the promotional examination for PRINCIPAL COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR File No. h. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside and outside the City service in the interdepartmental promotional examination for PRINCIPAL INSPECTOR. File No. i. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside and outside the City service in the interdepartmental promotional examination for SENIOR CARPENTER. File No. j. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside and outside the City service in the promotional examination for SENIOR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ANALYST. File No. k. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside City service in the interdepartmental promotional and open competitive examination for TIRE REPAIRER. File No. November 13, 2014agenda 8 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, (Continued) l. Make the following Appeals a matter of record. Suspension Alfonso CORONADO, Security Officer, Department of Airports. Form 77 filed with Records on October 21, 2014 Cause of Action: 1) Unauthorized release of confidential information contained in a Internal Affairs Skelly package; 2) Use of abusive language towards a fellow security officer; 3) Refused to perform reasonable work assignments when asked by a supervisor to refrain from disclosing confidential information (insubordination); 4) Making false or misleading statements during an Internal Affairs interview. Discipline: Suspension effective October 19, 2014 to November 8, 2014, inclusive (15-Working Days). In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal through an attorney in a fax to the Office of the Commission received on October 20, 2014. File No. Darren T. DAVIS, Sr. Security Officer, Department of Water & Power. Form 77 filed with Records on October 30, 2014. Cause of Action: Unauthorized possession of dangerous weapons, such as firearms or knives, on City property (First Offense). Discipline: Suspension effective November 3, 2014 to November 11, 2014, inclusive (7-Working Days). In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal in the Office of the Commission received on October 29 2014. File No. Discharge John ABON, Civil Engineering Associate II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering. Form 77 filed with Records on November __, 2014. Cause of Action: 1) Failure to cooperate with or using abusive language toward or making inappropriate statements to the public or co-workers; 2) Making threats (verbal or non-verbal) or engaging in a confrontation with the public, supervisors or co-workers; 3) Violation of Department / Bureau rules; 4) Continued failure to observe commonly accepted levels of behavior. Discipline: Discharge effective October 31, 2014. In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal with the Office of the Commission on November 3, 2014. File No. November 13, 2014agenda 9 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, (Continued) l. Make the following Appeals a matter of record, (Continued). Discharge Kelly MILLER, Street Service Worker, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services. Form 77 filed with Records on October __, 2014. Cause of Action: 1) Falsifying time reports, mileage reports, expense accounts or similar work oriented documents, falsely claiming sick or allowed pay, falsifying reasons for absence; 2) Making threats (verbal or non-verbal) or engaging in a confrontation with the public, supervisors or co-workers; 3) Violating Department/Bureau rules. Discipline: Discharge effective October 9, 2014. In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal through an attorney sent by certified mail to the Office of the Commission on October 16, 2014 after receiving notice of his discharge from the Department by certified mail on October 15, 2014. File No. Rosa ORTIZ, Clerk Typist, Department of Water & Power. Form 77 filed with Records on October __, 2014. Cause of Action: 1) Using threats or attempting to harm another employee or the public [using a mixture of threatening language, loud voice/yelling, insults, name calling, agitated/pacing behavior, defiant posture and intimidation] (Second Offense). 2) Failure to cooperate with or use of abusive language toward other employees or the public (Third Offense). 3) Unnecessarily disrupting the work of other employees (Second Offense). 4) Requiring excessive supervision [in dealing with interpersonal conflicts] (Second Offense). m. Discipline: Discharge effective October 27, 2014. In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal with the Office of the Commission on October 27, 2014. File No. Make the following Notices a matter of record: Suspensions ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER II, Department of Animal Services. Cause of Action: 1) Failure to maintain herself in a fit and suitable condition for employment as evidenced by a position substance test (Non-DOT); 2) Unexcused, excessive or patterned absenteeism. Discipline: Suspension effective June 13, 2014 to July 10, 2014, inclusive (20-Working Days). Form 77 filed with Records on October 30, 2014. November 13, 2014agenda 10 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, (Continued) m. Make the following Notices a matter of record: Suspensions ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER II, Department of Animal Services. Cause of Action: Failure to maintain herself in a fit and suitable condition for employment as evidenced by a position substance test (Non-DOT). Discipline: Suspension effective May 22, 2014 to May 31, 2014, inclusive (8-Working Days). Form 77 filed with Records on October 31, 2014. CLERK TYPIST, Los Angeles Police Department. Cause of Action: 1) On or about March 25, 2014, you, while on duty, failed to show up for a pre-scheduled training. 2) On or about March 25, 2014, you, while on duty, left the training location without a supervisor’s approval. Discipline: Suspension effective November 3, 2014 to November 17, 2014, inclusive (10-Working Days). Form 77 filed with Records on October 14, 2014. CUSTODIAN, Department of Airports. Cause of Action: 1) Using abusive language toward or making inappropriate statements to the public, supervisors or co-workers. 2) Making threats or initiating a confrontation with the public, supervisors or co-workers. Discipline: Suspension effective November 2, 2014 to December 18, 2014, inclusive (20-Working Days), to be served: November 2, 2014 to November 6, 2014, inclusive; November 16, 2014 to November 20, 2014, inclusive; November 30, 2014 to December 4, 2014, inclusive; and December 14, 2014 to December 18, 2014, inclusive. Form 77 filed with Records on October 23, 2014. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION MECHANIC SUPERVISOR, Department of Water & Power. Cause of Action: 1) Violating safety rules, procedures, or accepted practices which results in injury, disability or death, interruption or degradation of electric or water services, or damage to equipment or property (Second Offense). 2) Failing to carry out assigned work or supervisory responsibilities adequately, directly or promptly (Second Offense). Discipline: Suspension effective October 20, 2014 to October 31, 2014, inclusive (10Working Days). Form 77 filed with Records on October 16, 2014. November 13, 2014agenda 11 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 10. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, (Continued) m. Make the following Notices a matter of record, (Continued) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. Cause of Action: Failure to maintain himself in a fit and suitable condition for work, as evidenced by a positive substance test on March 12, 2014, resulting from a random test administered under the provisions of the Federal Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol testing policy. Discipline: Suspension effective October 27, 2014 to November 21, 2014, inclusive (20Working Days). Form 77 filed with Records on October 17, 2014. Discharges AIRPORT POLICE OFFICER, Department of Airports. Form 77 filed with Records on October 28, 2014. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE, Department of Water & Power. Cause of Action: 1) Using threats or attempting to harm another employee or the public; 2) Failure to carry out assigned work adequately, directly or promptly; 3) Failure to cooperate with and use of abusive language toward other employees. Discipline: Discharge effective October 16, 2014. Form 77 filed with Records on October 29, 2014. November 13, 2014agenda 12 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 11. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 CLASSIFICATION ACTIONS a. The General Manager recommends that the Board approve the following actions: 1. Allocate the following new positions in the Information Technology Agency: CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2041 1 Programmer Analyst, 1431 2042 1 Systems Programmer, 1455 2. Allocate the following new positions in the Los Angeles World Airports: CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2044 1 Fiscal Systems Specialist, 1555 2045 2 Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic, 3743 2048 1 Senior Management Analyst, 9171 3. Allocate the following resolution authority position in the Office of the City Administrative Officer: CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2040 1 Project Coordinator, 1537 4. Allocate the following new positions in the Joint System of the Dept. of Water & Power: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4530 34 91-16043 Meter Reader, 1611 4534 115 91-12068 Customer Service Representative, 1230 4535 56 91-12067 Customer Service Representative, 1230 5. Allocate the following new positions in the Power System of the Department of Water & Power: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4527 1 94-73002 Environmental Supervisor, 7304 4528 1 94-13110 Utility Executive Secretary, 1336 4529 1 94-38177 Senior Electrical Mechanic Supervisor, 3836 6. Allocate the following new positions in the Water System of the Department of Water & Power: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4532 1 93-78146 Laboratory Technician, 7584 4533 1 95-91064 Utility Services Manager, 9106 4536 10 93-39109 Maintenance and Construction Helper, 3115 7. Approve the exemption of the following position in the Housing and Community Investment Department (HCID) from the Civil Service provisions of the Charter for a term not to exceed two years, based on the position being grant-funded, in accordance with Charter Section 1001(d)(4). CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2046 1 Project Assistant, 1542 8. Approve the exemption of the following position in the Department of Disability from the Civil Service provisions of the Charter for a term not to exceed two years, based on the position being grant-funded, in accordance with Charter Section 1001(d)(4). CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2047 1 Clerk Typist, 1358 File No. November 13, 2014agenda 13 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 11. NEW BUSINESS November 13, 2014 CLASSIFICATION ACTIONS b. The General Manager recommends that the Board approve the following Classification actions in connection with the 2014-2015 Budget, effective July 1, 2014. Allocate the following positions: No. of Department CSC No. Positions Class Title and Code 14/15-173 14/15-180 14/15-190 14/15-191 14/15-197 1 1 2 1 1 14/15-241 14/15-242 14/15-243 1 1 1 14/15-225 14/15-226 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY Office Engineering Technician, 7212 Senior Safety Engineer Elevators, 4264 Senior Systems Analyst, 1597 Systems Programmer, 1455 Project Assistant, 1542 DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING City Planner, 7944 City Planner, 7944 Management Analyst, 9184 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS – BUREAU OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineer, 7237 Structural Engineer, 7956 File No. c. That the Board of Civil Service Commissioners approve the change of the class title from Member, Quality and Productivity Commission, Code 0108, to Member, Innovation and Performance Commission, Code 0108. File No. COMMISSION ACTION: 12. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT November 13, 2014agenda 14
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