RENAISSANCE TIMES THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF RENAISSANCE homeowners association Volume 18, Number 11 SECTION C november 2014 happy thanksgiving! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-2 KNOLL LEISURERIDGE RENAISSANCE ads-4173a For Savings You Can Feel Good About, Call • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • MARINE w w w. a i r ex p e r t s n j . c o m 727 17th Avenue • Lake Como, NJ 5,000 $ RECIEVE UP TO A rEbATE* with the purchase of a qualifying Lennox® home comfort system Ask about 0% Financing & Special Financing Amazing Furnace & Boiler Special Or Only 89 $ +TAX $139 value 24 HOUR SERVICE OFFERED 732.820.4400 Makes Expert Service C ers Satisfied ustom License #13VH01546400 By Dick Guaraglia NOVEMBER: No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves and no birds. November’s beauty radiates from within. Memory is one paradise out of which we cannot be driven. Sacha Guitry To appreciate nonsense requires a serious interest in life. Gillette Burgess My knowledge is like a drop in a vast ocean of promise. Tansen There is a time when we must firmly choose the course which we will follow or the endless drift of events will make the decision for us. Henry Prochnow Better counsel comes overnight. Gotthold Lessing To me, life is like the back nine in golf. Sometimes you play better on the back nine. You may not be stronger, but hopefully you’re wiser. And if you keep most of your marbles intact, you can add a note of wisdom to the coming generation. Clint Eastwood For we must share if we would keep, that blessing from above. Ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love. Richard Trench Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don’t have the film. I’m old, I’m youthfully challenged. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either. Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are cynical about it…It is really worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. Erica Jong I look forward to getting old and wise and audacious. Glenda Jackson We celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, honoring our veterans from all our wars, the living and the fallen. Make sure you take time from your parades, picnics and other social affairs to devote a prayer for our brave men and women of our armed forces serving our beloved country presently and in the past. Freedom is not free. It has been paid for with the blood of our most precious possessions. Please fly the flag. We also celebrate America’s family holiday, Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for, the country we live in, the free air we breathe, the freedom of speech, the freedom to travel when and where we want, the abundance of food, and more. Yet there is so much poverty in our land. You don’t have to look far. Many people in our own town of Manchester live in poverty. This Thanksgiving when you sit around your abundant tables, take a moment to pray for neighbors who are less fortunate than you. You may start by supporting the Men’s Club Food Drive now in progress. Wishing you and yours a loving and Happy Thanksgiving. God, may you bless America forever, the land we love. Live each day to its fullest and remember to be good to one another. Dr. Pepper’s Flooring 600 Mule Rd. • Toms River • 732-281-1000 Serving Toms River Since 1985 If you’re looking for quality flooring and exceptional service, look no further! LAMINATES CONGOLEUM AIRSTEP Starting At $ 5 25 $ sq ft. Installed 3 When you buy from a Mom & Pop business, you are not helping a CEo buy a third vacation Home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his Team Jersey, Mom and Dad put food on the table or helping a student pay for College. our Customers are our Share Holders and they are the ones we strive to make happy. Thank You For Supporting Small businesses! brian & Lisa Pepper 89 sq ft. Installed 3/4” Solid MOHAWK SMART STRAND Oak $ 7 25 $ sq ft. Installed 2 89 sq ft. Installed BERBERS SAXONY 12 ft. & 15 ft. wide $ 2 12 ft. & 15 ft. wide 59 $ sq ft. Installed 2 69 sq ft. Installed WHOLE HOUSE CARPET CLEANING L STIL ! ONLY Hours: Mon-Fri 10-4:30 Sat 10-3 $ 99 00 up to 1000 sq. ft. • • • • • SAmE OWNErS SAmE GrEAT PrOCES & QUALITY SErVICES SATISFACTION GUArANTEED DON’T bE CONFUSED & mISLED bY HIGH PrESSUrE SHOP AT HOmE SErVICE • • • • • CERAMIC • LAMINATES WOOD FLOORS • VINYL FLOORS BERBER • SAXONIES MOHAWK SMART STRAND AND MUCH MORE • • • • • FREE Shop at Home Personalized Service FREE Rip-up & Removal FREE Upgrade Pad FREE Moving of Most Furniture SAVE on 1000’s of Floors 732-281-1000 email: [email protected] 600 Mule Road • Suite 4 • Toms River Evening Hours Available Upon Request RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-3 Bits and Pieces RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-4 RESIDENT ARTICLES What a Shame! Only 945 Votes Cast! Power Washing Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal *FALL SPECIAL* $125.00 Powerwash Siding on Most Homes must sign up by November 30, 2014 By Bill Jehle One of the most important elections for the trustee positions was held on September 17, 2014. Where were the voters? The Renaissance Homeowners Association makes it extremely convenient for all homeowners in good standing to vote in these annual elections. So, where were the voters? Each household gets one vote so in this year’s election approximately 1900 homeowners could have cast a ballot. We all know that our lives are complicated and have numerous unwanted interruptions that would keep us away from the voting booth. But with the availability of proxy ballots and absentee ballots there is virtually, no justifiable reason for a community like ours to have such a turnout as this. In years past, with the transition issue ongoing and the existing trustees running again, it was understandable why people did not come out. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see the logic in the need to maintain trustee continuity with that most important issue still unresolved. This year was different. Transition had a settlement, and our community would be moving forward. Planning and implementing future projects for repair, replacement, and new capital improvements will be a top priority for this Board. There was plenty of information supplied to you about trustee candidates and their qualifications. Some of the candidates even went out of their way to make sure you knew who they were and what they would do if elected. So, where were the voters? You know, some people will say “What is this guy complaining about? Almost 50% of the homeowners voted.” Others will say “Even in a presidential election, 50% turnout is to be expected.” My response is that our community, Renaissance, is by far the best adult community in New Jersey. We are the place other communities come to learn how it’s done. Maintaining that status requires a strong management team at the top. It also needs the continued participation by all the homeowners in every aspect of life here. I’ve been hearing the same line over and over again during my 11 years here: “It’s the same 800 or so people who get involved, who care what happens; the others just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace and tranquility.” Is that really how it is going to be in the future? I hope not. Executive Enterprises of N.J. LLC TOMS RIVER, NJ Full Service Hot Water & Soap Remove Dirt, Mold and Mildew Houses & Gutters — Concrete Patios Driveways • Walkways • Pavers Pergola Painting SPECIAL SENIOR PRICING bIODEGrADAbLE ENVIrONmENTALLY SAFE CLEANING PrODUCTS Professional Results at Affordable Prices QUALITY OF WORK IS SECOND TO NONE! Call 732-608-6181/888-971-7070 Fully Insured Free Estimates Member - New Jersey Business and Industry Assoc. & Ocean County Business Association N.J. Lic. #13VH05877600 ads-1071a RENAISSANCE, LAKE RIDGE VIEWS Bark Avenue Puppies a posh puppy boutique 4 West Front Street Red Bank, NJ | 07701 | 732.741.4175 Look Beautiful For Your Next Special Occasion Do you or anyone you know have a special occasion to attend and want to look gorgeous? Lauren Capuano is a MAC Makeup Artist who will come to your home and make you feel beautiful with her makeup consultation and application. For More Information or To Set Up An Appointment Call (908) 917-5116 Specializing in All Bulldogs, Toy Breeds and Power Washing Designer Mixes Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal *FALL SPECIAL* $125.00 We also carry the latest, most fabulous must sign up by November 30, 2014 doggie couture, leashes, collars, beds & toys Executive forEnterprises small & large breeds! METEDE NEW HOR of N.J. LLC SOUTH K Full Service Hot Water & Soap Remove Dirt, Mold and Mildew NEWS & Houses & Gutters — Concrete Patios Driveways • Walkways • Pavers Pergola Painting PINEC SPECIAL SENIOR PRICING HEIGHTS C PARKING IN REAR OF THE STORE! WESTL Powerwash Siding on Most Homes TOMS RIVER, NJ ADS-4627 bIODEGrADAbLE ENVIrONmENTALLY SAFE CLEANING PrODUCTS Professional Results at Affordable Prices QUALITY OF WORK IS SECOND TO NONE! Call 732-608-6181/888-971-7070 Fully Insured Free Estimates Renaissance Ladies’ Golf Association By Dorothy Tarantino RLGA Board elections were held at our September luncheon meeting. There was an excellent turnout to support the candidates for office. Congratulations to new Board members: Betty Gambale, Rose Mushalla, Jeanne Ribecca and Janet Runko. We look forward to your guidance in the 2015 season, along with continuing members Arline Terzek, Sharon Schulze and Fran DeCesare. The new board members were introduced at our end-of-year luncheon, held at LaBove Grande. Due to article deadline requirements, details of the luncheon will be featured in the December RLGA article. Belated congratulations go out to Gerry Menninger for her holein-one on the 12th hole. We will continue publishing our members’ accomplishments next season in the Renaissance Times. Although our official season has closed, those wishing to play on Thursday mornings may still sign-up to do so, so long as interest continues. As we get ready for the new Board take over, we would like to thank Mary Lou Deady, Grace Bischoff, Dorothy Tarantino and Holly Yocum for their invaluable help and dedication in keeping RLGA running smoothly. As a departing board member, this is my last article, and I close with a fitting quote from Dr. Seuss: “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” November reminders: Don’t forget to vote! Bye-bye to our already departing “snow birds.” And, Happy Thanksgiving to all! QUILTING Kathi McCann e 2 ads-1728 732-849-5892 By Tom Giorgio The 2014 competition for the Community Trophy between the Renaissance Ladies’ Tennis team and the varsity Girls’ Tennis team of Manchester Township High School was held September on 23 and 30, with the first match at Renaissance and the second at Manchester’s beautiful new tennis complex. While our ladies retained the trophy for 2014, the competition was spirited and displayed outstanding sportsmanship among the representatives of both squads. The first match in particular was extremely close in terms of final scores. Manchester’s girls played very well, leaving the final outcome in doubt until the very late stages of play. In the second match, while the team outcome was not as tight, the level of play was higher and more competitive. Both squads are to be commended. Following the match at home, both squads enjoyed a pizza party at our pavilion. Needless to say, the youngsters easily outdistanced the home squad in terms of verve and voracity in the classical art of dining, as it should be. Remember when we could gorge ourselves without fear of weight gain or LDL and triglyceride numerical spikes? Alas, these are among the vagaries of maturation. At the away contest, Manchester High School provided an excellent post-match meal of various pizzas, wraps and croissant sandwiches. Both teams shared the meal as one intermingled group. We extend our thanks to Manchester Coach Sweeney McKennan, his assistants Tom Scheffler and Rene Ybarbo, and Athletic Director Keith Lister for the outstanding efforts in making the visit as pleasurable as possible. Special thanks also to Rosemary Bennett, who served as team captain and organizer of the rosters for both matches. We look forward to the continuation of this series in the years to come. CUSToM ARTS & CRAFTS by Local Renaissance Resident Liz Genievich Custom Oil and Acrylic Paintings & Products Call us about custom fall and holiday themed products for you and your home! Ad 4560 Quality Workmanship Fourteen Day Service Available Edge to Edge Quilting Renaissance Tennis Ladies Continue Series with Manchester High School Girls’ Team Call Liz at (732) 849-5633 WWW.booTHEoRANGEbEAR.CoM RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-5 SPORTS Travel & Cruise Center ! ! r a e Y h t 6 2 r u O g n i t a r b e l e C BOOK YOUR 2015 SUMMER CRUISE SPECIALS NOW! Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 9 Night Bermuda and Caribbean Cruise July 2, 2015 Starting from $1439.00 per person Celebrity Cruises “Celebrity Summit” 7 Night Bermuda Cruise June 7, 2015 Starting from $624.00 per person Royal Caribbean “Liberty of the Seas” 5 Night Bermuda Cruise June 27, 2015 Starting from $775.00 per person Ships Depart & Return from Bayonne (Cape Liberty) N.J. ALL RATES ARE BASED ON INSIDE CABINS, DOUBLE OCCUPANCY, TAXES AND GOVERNMENT FEES NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL FOR OUTSIDE, BALCONY AND TRIPLE AND QUAD OCCUPANCY RATES. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL BOOKED AND DEPOSITED. Voted Best of the Best Travel Agency 2007 Through 2013 by Readers of Asbury Park Press Business Hours Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm • Saturday & Evenings By Appointment 304 Union Ave / Hwy 71 Brielle 732-223-5565 Call Toll Free: 877-758-0235 ads-3696a RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-6 Trips & Tours Japan My first glimpse of Japan was from the air looking down at all the green rooftops. Once I landed and ventured around Tokyo and beyond, I understood the importance of greenery to the Japanese people. Tokyo is filled with well laid-out parks with meticulous shrubs. Even in the city itself, the Japanese take every opportunity to line their roadways with beautiful greenery. I had been to Japan a few times before, but on this last occasion I was resolved to see Mount Fuji and to ride on the bullet train. I found a tour that provided both experiences for me. We took a two-hour bus ride outside of Tokyo to the Mt. Fuji area, which is surrounded by five lakes on its northern side. First up was a boat ride on Lake Ashi, a popular tourist destination. The picturesque landscape of the lake’s tree-lined border was beautiful and serene. As we drove up to the fifth elevation level of Mt. Fuji, I was so excited to see its peak jumping in and out of view—the clouds rolled by so fast that the mountaintop could By Kathleen Therrian disappear from sight in just a few minutes. Buses are required to stop at this level; further climbing must be done on foot, which takes about three hours to reach the peak. The area is filled with tourists and shops selling colorful packages of tea, souvenirs, and foods. There were also shrines where prayers and wishes could be written on parchment paper, hung on makeshift lines, and left there for the spirits to fulfill. People from many nations were there, along with a lot of Japanese people holding their small dogs in their arms or in carriers. We descended into the nearby town to take the bullet train, or “Shinkansen,” as it’s called back in Tokyo. After several attempts, I finally was able to capture a picture of other bullet trains speeding along through the station. The return trip to Tokyo took only about 45 minutes. I finished off the day with a cup of sake and some sushi, while reminiscing about my sightseeing adventures. ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTImATES T ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! NT MS RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-7 travel WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! ALL INSECTS COVERED ALL INSECTS COVERED GROUND BEETLES • CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS • PAVEMENT ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS • BEES • RATS • MICE GROUND BEETLES CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS BEDBUGS • ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A $50 Termite Inspection $65 **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** Quarterly Pest Control business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A +tax + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts ads-2704B ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 $65 +tax per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-8 travel British Landscapes: England, Scotland, and Wales A Four-Day Getaway: Delaware and Maryland By Joan Hollander By Maryann Rosta Part 1 of 4 York, England From August 7 to 16, my fellow travelers Maryanne Bugbee, Rosalie Harvey, Sandy Sanders, Pat Shaw, and I traveled through England, Scotland and Wales on Collette Vacations’ British Landscapes tour. This trip explored both the history and natural wonders of these countries. Parts 1 and 2 of this article will cover our journey through England; Part 3, through Scotland; and Part 4, through Wales. Our tour began at our hotel in London, where we met the other members of our group for a welcome dinner. There were 39 of us from many states, as far away as Texas and Washington. We quickly learned that our tour manager, Dennis, was very knowledgeable about all three countries. He made the trip very interesting and enjoyable. The following day, we went on a London city tour hosted by a local guide. Among the sights we viewed were the Tower of London, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace. Later that day, we attended a matinee performance of the hilarious farce The 39 Steps in London’s famous theater district. Departing London the next day, we first visited Cambridge, most widely known as the home of the University of Cambridge (founded in 1209). We walked through the town to view the university build- ings and the quaint shops. An unusual visitor attraction is the Corpus Clock at Corpus Christi College. The main feature of the clock is a grim-looking grasshopper, part of the mechanism which enables the clock to work. It moves its mouth, appearing to eat up the seconds as they pass, and occasionally blinks its eyelids. The clock was one of Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2008. Our next stop was the medieval city of York. There are almost three miles of medieval walls surrounding the center of York. A path runs along the top of the walls, with great views along the way. We strolled through this lovely city to see its many famous sights, including York Minster and The Shambles. York Minster is the city’s cathedral church. It is one of the finest medieval buildings in Europe. The present Gothic-style church was built over 250 years, between 1220 and 1472. It is the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe and contains half of all the medieval stained glass in England. The Minster has played an important role in great national affairs. The Shambles is a quaint, narrow, winding lane and England’s most famous medieval street. Butchers used to display their finest cuts in open windows on wide shelves called shammels. Gift shops have replaced the butcher shops, but The Shambles appears now almost as it did during the Middle Ages. We made a photo stop at a remaining portion of Hadrian’s Wall. This stone barrier was commissioned by Roman Emperor Hadrian in 122 AD to keep northern Barbarians out of Britain. It originally stretched across northern England from coast to coast, covering 80 miles. For more than three centuries, until the Romans left Britain in 400 AD, Hadrian’s Wall was the northern edge of the vast Roman Empire. The Wall is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. [To be continued.] Part 1 On Labor Day, 30 residents hopped onto a Senior Tours bus for a four-day trip to Delaware and Maryland. Actually, I didn’t see anyone hop, but they were excited. Before we left Renaissance, Doug, our escort, was already taking drink orders. Choices ranged from water to Bloody Marys and everything in between. We arrived in Whiting center to pick up more passengers, but somehow missed the promised grand send-off. I saw two people who did wave. Our next stop was Manahawkin, to pick up a couple who had already taken more than 30 tours with the company. They knew every one of Doug’s jokes. As we traveled to our destination, the continuous view of passing farmland, cornfields, and pastures made me appreciate the beauty of our country. After lunch we arrived at our destination, the Dover Downs Casino/Hotel. We checked into very spacious rooms and then proceeded to walk around the huge casino. Our tour package included breakfast, dinner, and a generous casino slot allotment that, if not used, disappeared at midnight. We met friends for dinner at the Festival Buffet, a restaurant on two levels with panoramic views of the Dover Speedway. After dinner, it was off to the casino for the evening. We spent the second day in historic St. Michaels, Maryland. Established around 1669, it received its name from the Episcopal parish of St. Michaels. In just an hour from Dover Downs, we were in this picturesque town located on the Miles River, an arm of the Chesapeake. First stop was the waterfront Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, consisting of 12 exhibit buildings depicting life on the bay. We met shipwrights working on an authentic Chesapeake boat used for crabbing and fishing. The walk through the screwpile tower lighthouse took us back to 1879, when it would have been out in the water warning sailors. We opened chest drawers to see the clothes worn by the lighthouse keepers, read the labels on containers, opened pots to see what they ate, and climbed to the top to see how the light worked. The house of waterfowl decoys contained both antique and modern carvings. I could have stayed longer than our allotted time! A short ride took us to the center of town with its charming streets and restored homes. We had time on our own for lunch and exploring, but after three shops, the heat and humidity overtook us. We managed to find an Irish pub to while away some time in the air conditioning, along with half our group who were already there. Back at the waterfront, we boarded the Patriot for an hourlong ride on the river, learning more of the colonial history of the area. St. Michaels is known as “the town that fooled the British.” When word leaked to them of an early morning cannon bombardment, they hung lanterns in trees about a mile inland and the British aimed their cannon fire in that direction. Our last stop was dinner at a waterfront restaurant where the specialty was, of course, Maryland crab. The ride back to Dover gave us time to relax before claiming that day’s slot monies. Tomorrow, we would explore Dover, the capital of the first state. [To be continued.] Renaissance residents outside of the Delaware State Police Museum Hadrian’s Wall By Pat Kleppinger Five years ago, a group of women decided it was time to play golf on the public courses in the area. We started out with a small group of women that has grown into a troupe of 16. Every week we have a different captain, and she decides where we golf that week. This season, we played golf at many different courses. During the golf season we have a “Nine and Dine” and invite our spouses to join us. We also plan a dinner with our spouses, and we have a year-end luncheon just for the women, as pictured. We are all looking forward to many more healthy years of golf together. First row: Joan Mazzo, Rose Celidonio, Ellen Patton, Mary Sagona, Linda Barberi, Dorothy Tarantino, Holly Yocum, and Ann Stucin. Second Row: Toni Holt, Donna Lau, Barbara Benson, Pat Kleppinger, June Hynes and Sandra Kiessling. Missing from the picture are Anne Ray and Delmae Bautz. Holidays Are Coming. Tired of Looking at Your Dull & Dirty Tiles & Wood Floor? We can restore them to like new. before before After After We can take your tile and grout from old & grimy, to sparkling & shiny without the hassle of replacement. Our services also include re-grouting & re-caulking of shower & bath surrounds, tile replacement & caulking of backsplashes. We also clean and re-coat wood floors. Don’t go crazy looking at your dirty floors. Let us make them look like new! $100 OFF ad #spc-1231B Any floor Cleaning (tile or wood) Min. 300 sq. ft. With this coupon. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 11-30-14 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-9 Tuesday Golf League RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-10 The Italian-American Club Columbus Day Party By Jean Sutera “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.” He wanted to prove that the world was not flat, that it was true that the earth is round. In 2014, on October 14, he ran aground in Manchester, New Jersey, to partake in a party celebration of his journey and discovery. Catering was provided by Top Tomato, and food was abundant, enough even for him and the crews of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria! Music for dancing was provided by the True Tones, and all joined in for a gala evening. Thanks again to Carol Cerulli and her crew for a successful party! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-11 ADS-4450 RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-12 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE GET A REGULAR 6” SUB FREE WHEN YOU BUY A REGULAR 6” SUB OF EQUAL OR GREATER PRICE AND A 21 OZ. DRINK $1.00 OFF ANY FOOTLONG™ SUB OR 50¢ OFF ANY 6-INCH SUB SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY BUY ONE REGULAR FOOTLONG™ AND A 21 OZ. SODA, GET ONE REGULAR FOOTLONG™ FREE WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 WITH COUPON - EXP 11/30/14 ads-919A D. K. SLEDZIK HEATING AND AIr CONDITIONING INC. 1 FORT DE FRANCE AVE, TOMS RIVER, NJ 0875 732-349-0389 “Always in your Neighborhood” CALL OUR OFFICE IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE YOUR HEATING PARTS AND LABOR CONTRACT CONVERT TO GAS, UPGRADE YOUR SYSTEM, SAVE ENERGY AND EXPENSES. CALL OUR OFFICE FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY! • FREE ESTIMATES • MANY PARTS COVERED • FREE MAINTENANCE ON SYSTEM • 7 DAY - 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE (FREE) • SAME DAY SERVICE 732-349-0389 FOR MORE INFORMATION GUARANTEED 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • 7 DAYS A WEEK To my friends, neighbors IN and acquaintances: D.K. SLEDZIK IS oNE oF THE LARGEST MAINTENANCE CoMPANIES Words cannot explain my thanks oCEAN CoUNTY. FAMILY oWNED AND oPERATED FoR ovER 40 YEARS. and gratitude for your concerns, cards, calls, and caring. ALL WoRK GUARANTEED On February 7, 2014, when I woke up, I could not get out of bed. The $100 OFF pain in my right arm was so severe, I could not boost myself up. From that $200 OFF THE REPLACEMENT time on, after x-rays, doctors, PT, and medicine, it was decided I had three UPGRADE TO HIGH OF AIR CONDITIONING discs in my cervical spine that needed to be removed. This has been a very EFFICIENCY SYSTEM OR HEATING SYSTEM long recovery, but I am doing much better thanks to all the prayers and to All electrical done by licensed electrician. All plumbing done by licensed plumber. my physicians. My good luck was Archie and his loving care. Bless you all Heartfelt thanks from Judy Miller LIC # 13vH01401100 ads-919A FULLY INSURED D. K. SLEDZIK HEATING AND AIr CONDITIONING INC. 1 FORT DE FRANCE AVE, TOMS RIVER, NJ 08757 732-349-0389 “Always in your Neighborhood” CALL OUR OFFICE IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE YOUR HEATING PARTS AND LABOR CONTRACT • FREE ESTIMATES • MANY PARTS COVERED • FREE MAINTENANCE ON SYSTEM • 7 DAY - 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE (FREE) • SAME DAY SERVICE CONVERT TO GAS, UPGRADE YOUR SYSTEM, SAVE ENERGY AND EXPENSES. CALL OUR OFFICE FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY! 732-349-0389 FOR MORE INFORMATION GUARANTEED 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • 7 DAYS A WEEK D.K. SLEDZIK IS oNE oF THE LARGEST MAINTENANCE CoMPANIES IN oCEAN CoUNTY. FAMILY oWNED AND oPERATED FoR ovER 40 YEARS. FULLY INSURED $100 OFF THE REPLACEMENT OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM LIC # 13vH01401100 $200 OFF UPGRADE TO HIGH EFFICIENCY SYSTEM All electrical done by licensed electrician. All plumbing done by licensed plumber. ALL WoRK GUARANTEED RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-13 Kindness Matters RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-14 HEALTH Caregiver Canines and Grief Support By Bernice Bailine Tori Lattig of Endless Pawsibilities with therapy dog Biscotti, and Megan Ventura from Caregiver Volunteers of Central New Jersey Resident Janet Vignes and Biscotti, the therapy dog On Friday, September 12, the Bereavement Group had a very special guest: Biscotti, the official “Pet Mayor” of Toms River and a certified therapy dog. Therapy dogs are trained to provide affection and comfort to hospital patients, to children with disabilities, to nursing home residents, to victims in disaster areas, and more. Therapy dogs can also help us go through the grieving process. Tori Lattig, a co-owner of Endless Pawsibilities and Biscotti’s owner, explained the differences could be a big spark in the lives of those suffering from dementia. When a therapy dog comes to visit, a patient with dementia will sometimes suddenly “open up” and remember and talk. For a caregiver, a breakthrough of this magnitude brings a feeling of pure joy. Therapy dogs also have been known to help people with other difficulties, such as high blood pressure or depression—the main problem for people dealing with loss. Therapy dogs can help those who are going through the grief process and can be between a service dog and a therapy dog. A service dog is one who supports individual owners with essential services—for example, providing walking guidance for a blind person, or detecting blood sugar changes for a diabetic. A service dog does not interact with others. They are one person’s eyes and ears. Megan Ventura, from the Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey, explained how a therapy dog is trained to make people respond in different and wonderful ways. For those of us who are caregivers, this a true lifeline. Clients do not have to have an illness to be part of the Caregivers Program. If you are 62 or older and do not drive, you can have a certified dog and handler come to visit for about 45 minutes. These sessions are free, and the comfort that these animals give us is priceless. If you would like further information, contact Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey in Toms River (732-505-2273). RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-15 HEALTH Taking Care of You By Bill Jehle Hopefully you did some important and valuable work taking care of yourself after reading and acting upon last month’s article. Let’s all take a break from that tough stuff and look at the Number One relationship in our lives, the one which joins us with our spouse, “significant other,” closest relative, or friend. This beautiful song from the fabulous movie, Best Friends, starring Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn, makes us look at our lives together and asks us the question… How do you keep the music playing? How do you make it last? How do you keep the song from fading too fast? How do you lose yourself to someone and never lose your way? How do you not run out of new things to say? And since you know we’re always changing How can it be the same? And tell me how year after year You’re sure your heart won’t fall apart Each time you hear his name? I know the way I feel for you is now or never The more I love, the more that I’m afraid That in your eyes I may not see forever, forever If we can be the best of lovers Yet be the best of friends If we can try with every day to make it better as it grows With any luck than I suppose The music never ends I know (how do you keep the music playing) the way I feel for you is now or never (how do you make it last) The more I love the more that I’m afraid (how do you keep the song from fading) That in your eyes I may not see forever (Keep the song from fading) Forever If we can be the best of lovers yet be the best of friends If we can try with every day to make it better as it goes With any luck than I suppose The music never ends. [“How Do You Keep The Music Playing?” by Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman and Michel Legrand] Gas fireplaces • Gas Logs Gas Grills • Gas Lines Outdoor Heating • Boilers Gas Conversion • Gas Fire Pits Tankless Hot Water Heaters Looking for a way to get the morning chill out of your home. A Gas Fireplace can add that extra added heat you are looking for! $2200.00 Vail 26” Special Edition 20,000 BTU Vent Free Gas Fireplace with on/off Remote. Price is installed and includes 15 feet of gas pipe. Anything over 15’ would be at an additional charge! Expires 11/30/14. Only valid with coupon at time of estimate. Not valid with any other offers or previous estimates. Family Owned and Professionally Operated for Two Generations by Silverton Memorial Funeral Home 2482 Church Road, Toms River, NJ 08753 Vent free fireplace $105 plus tax Direct Vent Fireplace 732-255-6363 • 800-371-6364 $115 plus tax Pre-Arrangements, Pre-Need Revocable & Irrevocable Trust Accounts, Traditional, Cremations at Affordable Prices 1st pane of glass included Paula DeJohn, Manager NJ Lic. No. 3438 Rudy Intelisano, Sr., Director NJ Lic. No. 2316 Teresa Intelisano, Director NJ Lic. No. 3294 Gregory DeJohn, Director NJ Lic. No. 4261 Licensed New Jersey and New York • Fully Handicapped Accessible ads-2688 each additional $5 per side. offer not valid with any other offer or discount. valid only in 55 and over communities. Expires 11/30/14 609-488-5309 • [email protected] ads-2014G The Intelisano Family RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-16 New Jersey Trivia By Bob Catanzaro 1. Based on a New Jersey Transit computerized tracking system for buses, what percentage of New Jersey Transit buses are not on time? A) 12% B) 22% C) 32% D) 42% 2. The auditorium in _______________houses a Hope Jones organ, one of the finest in the world, containing more than 11,000 pipes. Free concerts are performed each Wednesday evening and Saturday morning. A) Avon B) Belmar C) Ocean Grove D) Spring Lake 3. True or False? Average police salaries in New Jersey were the highest in the nation in 2013._______________ 4. Prior to the enactment of Prohibition in January of 1920, how many breweries were there in Newark, New Jersey? A) 6 B) 9 C) 15 D) 27 5. True or False? Consumption of alcohol is permitted on New Jersey Transit trains.__ 6. What was Manchester Township’s average assessment for a home in 2014? A) $156,400 B) $196,400 C) $216,400 D) $246,400 7. The new monument erected in August of 2014 at Exit 82 on Route 37 in Toms River, which honors the indomitable spirit of Ocean County during the county’s recovery after Hurricane Sandy in 2012, is entitled: A) Welcome to Ocean County B) Stronger Than the Storm C) Welcome to the New Jersey Shore D) We Will Survive 8. True or False? A text sender in New Jersey cannot be prosecuted if the receiver of the text is a driver who causes an accident._______________ 9. Incorporated in 1883, what borough in Gloucester County, New Jersey, was named for the mother of the title character in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Song of Hiawatha”? A) Cohawkin B) Mantua C) Wenonah D) Repaupo 10. Born July 2, 1932 in Atlantic City, what businessman and philanthropist, who worked on many KFC projects from the mid 50s to late 60s, was the founder and CEO of Wendy’s, and appeared in over 800 television ads for the fast-food chain from 1989 to 2002?__________ [Answers on page C-18] By Kathleen Middleton [Source:] [Answers on page C-17] SUDOKU Watch anyone solving a Sudoku puzzle and you see a brain on fire: eyes transfixed, pencil (or pen for the audacious) skittering across the squares, a number scribbled in place, done! Surprisingly, what looks like work is actually fun. Not so surprising, say cognitive scientists because your brain loves solving puzzles. That’s how it learns. It thrives on the bursts of pleasure that are part of the brain’s reward system when you solve problems and challenges. [Answers on page C-17] More than 50 million people work on crossword puzzles daily, enjoying the challenge and keeping their minds sharp. Whether you're a novice or an experienced wordsmith, these tips will help you to solve crosswords faster and more efficiently. 1. Begin with a quick “once-over.” Go through the entire puzzle and immediately fill in any answers you know (check crossing entries to ensure that you’re correct). Filling in even a few blanks can help to “get the ball rolling” and will give you a good start in solving the puzzle. 2. Try to “crack” the theme. Most crosswords have a “theme,” often hinted at in the title (clues sometimes starred; answers symmetrically placed, frequently long, more than one word). Once you crack one of the themed answers, move to the other long answers (or starred clues) to see how the theme connects to them. For instance, some crosswords will have book titles or word play or famous sayings as part of the theme. 3. Don’t be afraid to guess—or erase. Pencil in (lightly) guesses that fit. Then try to confirm your guess by checking the crossing entries. If intersecting letters seem to fit, you’re on your way. If they don’t fit, erase them, or they may stump you later. 4. Learn the repeaters. Certain words, often obscure in everyday usage, occur frequently in crosswords. With practice over time, these repeaters will become familiar to you. Once learned, they will “jump out” and become easy fill-in’s (“Sword” = EPEE; “Yale student” = ELI). 5. Remember that clues and answers “match.” There are certain clue conventions, or rules, that crosswords always adhere to: The answer to a clue is never included in the clue itself. A clue will always be written in the same part of speech as the answer. Check clues that call for answers ending in S, ED, EST or ING. Often these endings can be penciled in (but not always!)— checking the crossers of these answers will help you to know if the ending applies. For instance, if both the across and down clue is plural for two answers which cross on the last letter, chances are that letter is “S.” Foreign words will be noted directly ["Friend: Fr." = AMI] or indirectly ["Friend, in Paris” or “Friend to Pierre”]. Abbreviated answers are indicated directly ["Whistlestop (Abbr.)" = STA] or indirectly with an abbreviated word as part of the clue ["RR stop"]. 6. Don’t “rush to judgment.” Approach clues with an open mind. Many words share the same spelling but have completely unrelated meanings: (e.g., “Tire,” “Tear,” “Bear,” “Spring,”). Some words use the same form for past and present (e.g., “Put”) or singular and plural (e.g., “Fish”). A plural clue may not have an answer that ends in “s” (“FBI agents” = GMEN). A clue word may be different parts of speech (“Rear,” noun meaning BACK, or verb meaning RAISE). 7. Think outside the box. Puzzle creators love to challenge the solver with deliberately misleading clues. “Potter’s field” could be MAGIC. “Bow” may refer to a weapon, a bending gesture, or several other meanings. 8. Look for “cute” answers to questions. A question mark at the end of a clue indicates wordplay, or something “cute” (e.g., “Italy’s capital?” = LIRA. “Present time?” = YULETIDE. 9. Watch for multi-word answers. Remember that an answer can be made up of more than one word, without any warning in the clue. Many puzzles contain common phrases or well-known titles. Even short answers can contain more than one word ("Get under way" = GO ON; looks like GOON). 10. Don’t give up. Stumped? A break can do wonders! Put the puzzle away and come back to it later—hours, or even days later. Something invariably will jump out, and you’ll have an “Aha!" moment. Often, getting that one answer can lead to the complete solution of the puzzle. 11. When all else fails, cheat! If you are well and truly at an impasse and the solution is beyond your grasp, then, by all means, consult a dictionary, ask someone, or check the Internet. Solving a challenging puzzle, even with help, will “stretch” you and make you a bit smarter and sharper than you were before. So, don't be afraid to look things up. Learn, and remember. You will find that you know more and more facts—state capitals, major rivers, seas, world currencies, foreign words, definitions, and more. All of that memorizing and mental exercise is good for your brain. Practice really does make perfect! And the satisfaction that comes from completing a challenging puzzle is wonderfully addictive. Start solving! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-17 You Can Do It! RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-18 Puzzle Solutions NJ Trivia Answers 1. C 2. C 3. True ($88,220.00) 4. D 5. True 6. A 7. A 8. False (The text sender could conceivably be prosecuted; became law in August of 2013.) 9. C 10. Dave Thomas (died January 8, 2002 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida G E T G U A r A N T E E D S AV I N G S 3% S SAVING TEE GUArAN Customers are GUARANTEED an annual savings of at least 3% under what he incumbent utility would have charged for the same period, or they receive a check for the difference. Available Markets • PSE&G - Gas and Electric • Jersey Central Power and Light • Atlantic City Electric • Rockland Electric • South Jersey Gas • New Jersey Natural Gas GREAT REWARDS ■ Earn Free Energy by referring friends & family to Ambit ■ Enjoy two nights of hotel accommodations at one of more than 60 destinations as a welcome gift ■ Accumulate points for travel rewards based on the energy you use each month Sign up today! Ask me how can lower your energy bills! Name Website Email Phone Michelle Morgan-vitello [email protected] 848-565-6182 ads-4011a Guaranteed Savings Plan Natural Gas & Electricity RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-19 DrYEr FIrE PrEVENTION SErVICES DRYER LINT CLEAN-OUT STARTING AT $60.00 Includes dryer clean-out and full inspection of dryer ventilation system EXPIRES 11/30/14 Don ’ tag t put a on SAF price ETY ! Please Beware: Approximately 15,600 Structure Fires causing 400 injuries, 15 death, and 99 million dollars in direct Property Damage per year are the result of DRYER FIRES. MANY FIRES CAN BE PREVENTED BY SIMPLY CLEANING YOUR DRYER VENT SYSTEM AT LEAST 1X PER YEAR – We urge you to look at our website for detailed videos and information – ** NO SHOPVAC ONLY INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DRYER VAC ads-3758A MAKE 2014 CLEAN & SAFE CRESTWOOD, LAK RENAISSANCE, WE RENAISSANCE TIMES november 2014 PAGE C-20
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