MMmr The Holy Herald Holy Spirit School Newsletter Term 4 Week 6 – 12th November 2014 Phone: (02) 60251122 Web page: Email: [email protected] HOLY SPIRIT IS A NUT-FREE SCHOOL Yesterday we ‘celebrated’ a beautiful Remembrance Day service organised by Stage 2 teachers and children. All our children need to be congratulated for the respect and silence they showed throughout the ceremony. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - 16th November 2014 The Gospel - Matthew 25:14-30 The Gospel– Matthew 25:14-30 (abridged) Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man on his way abroad who summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third, one; each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out. “The man who had received five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. The man who had received two made two more in the same way. But the man who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. “Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. ‘Sir’, he said, ’you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made’. His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown that you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with the greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.’” DID YOU KNOW? A Jewish talent was a very substantial sum of money. A shekel contained about 14.5g of silver; a talent contained more than 43,000g! It was about the price of an ox. The ‘talents’ are not equally distributed. In God’s plan, all are endowed with different ‘talents’ so that we will recognise our need for each other and practise generosity, kindness and the sharing of the abilities we have. From The Principal... Dear Parents/Guardians, Before I forget, I will begin this week’s newsletter with an invitation to come and see me if you have any ‘Class’ requests for 2015. As always , this opportunity will be ‘open’ for one week only – Monday 24th to Friday 28th November. For due process and fairness, teachers have been asked not to accept requests, BUT, to simply refer them to the school Office. As in past years, I will try and accommodate any and all reasonable and legitimate requests (to be with a certain friend isn’t a valid reason!). I’m sure you can appreciate ‘we’ take a lot into account and consideration when collating class lists – the process takes many draft forms and usually 2-3 weeks of negotiation and ‘tweaking’ amongst staff to get right. Please put this week in your calendar (on your fridge…), and remember late requests will not be entertained! Last year many parents who saw me realised after discussion, that with our Contemporary Learning Spaces the children have ALL the teachers in a particular Stage teaching them and the request for a particular teacher isn’t really applicable anymore – but anyway the opportunity is there if you want to come and see me. Also if you know you are not returning to Holy Spirit next year please let us know as there are people on our waiting list. Last week the manager of ‘Extend’, a before and after school provider, visited our school and spoke with a number of parents about the possibility of offering such a service at HSS next year. The feedback to date has been very positive – at our Kindy Orientation on Wednesday (5th November), 22 Information Packages were quickly ‘snapped up’, with many parents requesting one (these have been ordered and will be in the office late November). Also a note was sent home last week asking for an expression of interest – this is being collated as I write. Members of the School Council have given the initiative a ‘green’ light and unless anything unforseen happens, I am confident that as of 2015, HSS will be offering a wonderful before and after school program. The Parish/School Fete was a huge success! The change of month and time didn’t seem to effect the crowd. A special thanks to the parents who helped set up the stalls throughout Friday, the mums and dads who helped on stalls during the evening (the BBQ tent must have been hot to say the least!), to everyone who supported the cake stall by baking, and the mystery bottles were a great hit. The clean-up was also one of the quickest in history– thanks to the parents and children who stayed behind to pack up– many hands really do make light work. It is rumoured that between $10-12,000 was raised. Fantastic! I would also like to thank staff for all their hard work and time (in setting up, running stalls, selling raffle tickets, cleaning up,…)- very much appreciated. Yesterday morning, Stage 2 led a beautiful ceremony celebrating Remembrance Day– the 96th anniversary of when the guns fell silent on the Western Front...the end of WW1, the War to end all wars. Year 5 student Cameron Goss led the singing beautifully and the children showed their respect during a minute’s silence, it was a time to reflect, to pray, to give thanks. LEST WE FORGET! Today, teachers from St Michael’s Coolamon visited our Contemporary Learning spaces, and next week I am away (again), for three days talking to parents, teachers and School Councils from Griffith and Leeton. Finally, don’t forget that this Friday (14th), is a pupil free day. There is no school for the children on this day. Yours in Catholic Education, Mark MacLean Feast Days th 10 November–St Leo the Great 11thNovember –St Martin of Tours 12th November– St Josaphat 13th November – St Francis Xavier Cabrini Lord, We are your Church. Sanctify us and always be in our hearts. Amen SCHOOL MASS SATURDAY NIGHT @ 6PM, HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH, 18TH OCTOBER Notes have been given out through the classrooms to those children wishing to volunteer to help out at Saturday night’s Mass. If your child brings a note home, please support them in their enthusiasm. Notes to be back to school by this THURSDAY 14th November. Thank you for your anticipated help. FIRST RECONCILIATION Please pray for our Year 2 children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday 22nd November. They have been eagerly preparing for the occasion. God’s blessings, Maree Brosolo ROAD SAFETY & AWARENESS Road Safety around your child’s school...your child’s safety depends on you! Drop off and pick up by car Make sure your children are in an appropriate child car seat that is fitted and used correctly. Stick to the 40 km/h speed limit in a School Zone as children are about. Look for buses pulling out– watch for flashing wig wag lights. Always park and turn legally around schools. Avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns. Always give way to pedestrians particularly when entering and leaving driveways. Drop your children off and pick them up on the school side of the road. Calling out to them from across the road is dangerous! Cyber Trolls Cyber Trolls are people that like to intentionally say mean, nasty and hurtful things online for everyone to see. Cyber Trolling is wrong and in some cases illegal. If you ever encounter a Cyber Troll you can: Ignore the Troll: Don’t respond as this gives the troll the attention they want. Block the troll: This takes away their power over you. Keep blocking them if they keep popping up. Report the troll: Report them to site administrators. If they keep popping up report to the police. Talk to someone: Talk to an adult, friend, teacher or Kids Helpline, there is help out there for you. Information taken from: Optus Lavington and Holy Spirit School working together to make Cyberspace safer! SPORTS NEWS Last Saturday November 8th Patrick Bullivant went down to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) to participate in the age 7-10years Victorian Country Championships. He represented the Ovens and Murray and swam in various events. He smashed a couple of his personal bests and came 3rd in one event. Well done, Patrick. It is great to see some HSS students out participating in sports at such a high level. P.E.NEWS ~ Well it is warming up out there and we all love it! Just a reminder for all students to remember to put sunsreen on and bring their hats to P.E classes. Children who do not have hats on P.E days will not be participating in P.E lessons and will be asked to watch in the shade. The whole school has started doing tennis in their P.E lessons. I encourage the children to bring in their tennis racquets on P.E days if they wish, as the school only has 11 available. Last Wednesday the Stage 2 children went to a Cricket Gala day at Jelbart Park. They played multiple games against St Anne's and St Patrick's and had a great time. Happy Sporting — Jess Murphy 13th November Kaidyn Duguid Danielle Richards Jessica Mercer Dusan Ristic Ashley Boswell - 26th November Zachariah Mahoni Daytona Turnbull Elizabeth Jefferson Karlyn Davis Faith Prendergast St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Market Day at Sacred Heart Church Hall Mate Street, North Albury 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th November 10am-4pm. Great range of linen-n-lace, giftware, material and much more. URGENTLY REQUIRED ~ Good Quality Furniture Lounges, Bed sitters, TV Cabinets, Bedroom Furniture, Dining Furniture There will be a school Disco in the Hall on the 5th December. To Lachlan Witt KMV and his family on the birth of his little brother Isaac, may he bring them much joy and happiness. Vale ~ To the Heriot family - Jack 6BOF, Charli 5JD, Georgia 3SG and Max 2BM on the recent loss of their great grandfather. May he rest in peace. CANTEEN ROSTER... 13.11.2014 - 19.11.2014 Thursday 13th L.Tant, M.Clarke Friday 14th Pupil Free Monday 17th L.Holding, S.Condon KMV Lachlan Warburton James Wrobel Dave Sharma Jordan Delaney KTP Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th S.Harriot, J.Harris NO LUNCH ORDERS ON MONDAYS & TUESDAYS CANTEEN NEWS If anyone can help out on 18/11 please phone Carol on 60258503. L.Tant, R.Yensch Friday 21st V.McQualter, L.Schneider Monday 24th P.Nichols, D.Irving Tuesday 25th S.Bullivant, J.Beschay Wednesday 26th M.Jackson 1/2MM Coden Heinjus Callan Seidel Tahleah Witt Cody Gardiner TEAM 2 12th November Lisa Harris Sten Sakkas Angela Gleeson TEAM 3 Jo Davies Bev Lowe 19th November Michelle Brown TEAM 4 Mark MacLean Nicole Hickey 26th November Maree Brosolo TEAM 5 3rd December Maree Brosolo Ross Condon Kate Besford Working hard to improve his reading. Uses expression when reading. Much better effort with reading at home. Thanks for sharing your bike during the ‘Bike Safety’ lessons. 1/2BL Andrew Tants Kasey Franks Grace Young Charlie McGregor For helping clean every week during Art. For helping clean every week during Art. For being the Spelling Champion of 1/2BL. For working well in Writing Groups. 1/2SM Paige Moran Making pleasing progress with reading and spelling. Is learning her Oxford Words well. Is learning his Oxford Words well. For excellent Maths results. Sayah Parley Kaidyn Duigood Brad Molina 3/4SG Braydan Godde Isaac Street Patrick Lockwood Hayley Amarant 3/4MH Jamison Byrnes Ava Neall Billy McCarthy Brock Moran 3/4SK Brenton Byrnes Jordan Rhodes BINGO ROSTER… For excellent work in Maths. For always working well in Reading Groups. For always sharing interesting facts. Great general knowledge. For working well in all areas. Deklan Walters A helper is needed for Friday 21/11. Please give me a call on 60258503. Fish & Salad/Wedges $5.00 Fish Burger / Salad $4.50 Banana Split $1.40 Recess ~ Dim Sims 40 cents Our will be on Wednesday 3rd December at 1.45pm in the Hall. All helpers most welcome. Ryan Ferris Kelly Russell William Walsh Isabella Webb Douglas Martin For his interesting work on Ned Kelly. For always trying her best to work out unknown words in writing. A great, interested student who works hard all the time. Making good use of Discovery Time. Working hard with his writing. Lovely, clear, fluent reading Responsible class member. Consistently hard-working student. 100% effort into everything he does. Great role model. Beautiful manners and an enthusiastic attitude to learning. Reads with great confidence and skill. 1/2BM NO LUNCH ORDERS ON MONDAYS & TUESDAYS CANTEEN NEWS Abbey-Rose Young Matilda North Zachary Clohesy Lomio Uasilaa CANTEEN ROSTER... 20.11.2014 - 26.11.2014 Thursday 20th Phoenix Hutton Emilie Yensch Riley Keenan Hannah Coleman Stage 3 Liarna HopgoodNewey Kyle Knobel Bailey Alexander Lily McQualter Nicholas Petts Jayden Vangorkom Joel Witt Abbie McLachlan Georgia Peters Bailey Walker Bradley Quirk Christopher WilsonDanswan For his problem solving and team work during Maths. For his research on what makes a gun work. For beginning to design and make his own robot. For her problem solving in building robots. For showing excellent progress with his reading. For showing excellent progress with her reading. For the effort he puts into reading. For an awesome effort at the Cricket Gala Day. Keeping himself busy and on task during Discovery. Getting his hands dirty whilst trying to fix a flat tyre in Stage 2 Discovery. Displaying great cricket skills at the Stage 2 Gala Day. Sharing her understanding of Division with others. For her willingness to share her knowledge about the Rosary. For his respect of others and himself. For his improved effort in completing his Religion task. For her fantastic effort in her English and HSIE assessment tasks. His persistence in understanding subtraction strategies. For a more consistent effort when completing tasks. For making good choices concerning his learning. For her positive attitude to all her work. For choosing to focus on her learning. Mastering multiple digit multiplication. For a more conscientious effort in Health and HSIE. For his enthusiasm in dance lessons.
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