ST. JULES CATHOLIC CHURCH 116 St. Jules St., Lafayette, LA 70506 Phone: 337-234-2727 Fax: 337-232-1544 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 am to 1 pm; Closed on Friday Mass Schedule: SUNDAY: 8 am, 10 am; 12pm (Spanish); 2 pm (Vietnamese) SATURDAY: 4 pm (Vigil) WEEKDAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12:05 pm Confession: Saturday 3:15 – 3:45 pm; 11:50 am before weekday Masses; or by appointment Organizations: Rosaries: 11:30 am before weekday Masses; 6:30 pm Tuesday; Patriotic Rosary 6:30 pm Wednesday Catholic Daughters of the Americas...Eldine LeBlanc, Regent….234-8116 Knights of Columbus……...Bobby Donlon, Grand Knight…...…...247-6005 Fourth Degree………..…..….Harold Domingue…………………..233-3871 Men’s Cursillo…………..….....Jim Whittington……………………981-2084 St. Jules Usher Society……........Mike Miley……………………...280-3051 St. Jules Angels of Service……..Barbara Satchez……………….233-0899 Eucharistic Adoration: Second Tuesday 6:30 pm; First Friday Adoration (bilingual) 6 pm followed by 7 pm Mass Celebrate Recovery: Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm MASS INTENTIONS 8:00 am—John “JR” Mhire, Shirley Gaudin, Mary Richard, Jamie Quebedeaux 10:00 am—Azelema Harrington, Ron Pratt, Roy Larson, Sadie Guilbeau Sunday 11/16/14 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mary Sadie Darensbourg, Maxine Fontenot, Glenn St. Elizabeth of Hungary Brunet THIS WEEK AT ST. JULES ●Mass 8:00 am ●Mass 10:00 am PRAY FOR PRIESTS Rev. Thomas Tierney, SJ ●Spanish Mass 12:00 pm Mass 12:05 pm ●CCD Religion Class 6 pm Rev. Nicholas Trahan Joseph Kennedy, Maxine Fontenot, Tenas & Martha Fontenot Mass 12:05 pm ●CLJ 2 pm Spanish mass 6 pm ●Rosary 6:30-7:30 pm Rev. Clint Trahan Wednesday 11/19/14 Tamara’s Birthday for Shirley g audin, Norris Bergeron Sr., (Anniversary), Anne, David & Dennis Memirsu (deceased), Maxine Fontenot, Came ●Mass 12:05 pm ●Patriotic Rosary 6:30 pm Rev. Harold Trahan Thursday 11/20/14 NO MASS AT NOON ●Bible Study—Susan Castille 9:30-11:30 am ●CLJ 5 pm hall ●Spanish Mass 6 pm Rev. Joseph Sai Tran, SVD Friday 11/21/14 Lollie Guidry, Andy Demirsu (Deceased), Maxine Fontenot, Courville & Amelia Fontenot ●Mass 12:05 pm ●Spanish Mass 6 pm Rev. Eugene Tremie Ella Landry, Nelson & Jose Villanueva (Living), Howard LeBlanc, Maxine Fontenot ●Mass 4 pm ●Hispanic Baptism 11 am 8:00 am—Ella Landry, John “JR” Mhire, Shirley Gaudin, Mary Richard, Jamie Quebedeaux 10:00 am—Howard Sr., John W., Lucy Bergeron, Maxine Fontenot, Ron Pratt, Sadie Guilbeau Rev. Jason Vidrine Mass 8:00 am ●Mass 10:00 am Spanish Mass 12:00 pm ●Vietnamese Mass 2 pm Monday 11/17/14 Tuesday 11/18//14 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday 11/22/14 St. Cecilia Sunday 11/123/14 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ●Hispanic Community 6:30 pm Hall Rev. Stephen Ugwu GET READY TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The Sanctuary Lamp (Burns in Memory of) Doug Guillory, Beatrice Constantine, Harrison Camel, Bernard Gauthier, Lascom “Tiny” Murphey, Harry Chauvin, Mary Richard, Howard & Errol Melancon P ●Ultreya 6:30 pm ●Celebrate Recovery 6 pm Hall ●Spanish Mass 6 pm ●RCIA, Deacon Juan Pagan 7 pm Room #3 S Please say a special prayer for our dear Pastor, Fr. Dan Edwards. James Fruge, Mercedes Culotta, Gerald Domingues, Brenda Landry, Thomas Ruona, Dora Doucet, Rowena Broussard, Tommy Broussard, Earl Buller, Cory Hebert, Ken Miller, Clydie Porche, Kirk Domas, John Melvin Dugas, Bernadette Dugas, Elia Prejean, Gussie Romero, C. J. Arceneaux, Ken Wade, Betty Abernathy, Elaine & Joseph Gary, J. C. Arsement, Levonia Trahan, Greg Baffes, Agnus & Theresa Broussard, Jeanette Dugas, Dr. Joey Delahoussaye, Lois Reeder, Cynthia Gary, Ethel Hebert, Glenn Hebert, Taina Zeller, Yvette Domingue, Tina Gilbert, Gavin Walters, Hope Broussard, Sr. Evelyn Mire, Russell Dailey, Bradly McCormick, C. J. Leger, Wilton Decuir, Albertine Locklear, Kakki Purslow, Patsy Matthieu, Frank Falto, David Begnaud, Jessie Duhon, The Barnett Family, Emile Pelifigue, Marie L. Martin, Gerard Martin, Hillary Mire, George Seaux , Genevieve “Gennie” Patin, Frances Sabyle, Shirley Prejean, Jeanne Brackin Mouton, Marnell Castille, Verna Miller, Louis Bircher Annette Huval, Margaret Hall, Mary Lou Hesse, Audrey Desormeaux, Betty Alleman, Molly Keating, Rose Marie Thibodeaux, Marty Bellot, Scott Bircher and Parishioners of St. Jules Parish. The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliest writings, and are driven by his belief and the belief of the entire early Christian community that the return of Christ was imminent. Therefore, to devote time or attention to anything else was foolish. As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today we may wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming end-times, if we should take them to heart. What should we do when we hear that the day of the Lord will come upon us “like a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does this mean we are to stop our long-range goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course not. What it does mean is that we need to change our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the details of our daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in Christ Jesus. The Vocation Chalice is entrusted to Lin McNeil at 10 am Mass Please join us in prayer for Vocations To the Priesthood and Religious Life Pastor: Rev. Fr. Dan Edwards In Residence: HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Rev. Fr. Siprianus Ola-Rotok, SVD If you or your loved one is a Deacon: Mr. Reggie Bollich St. Jules parishioner and Bulletin / DRE: Corine Porche cannot attend Mass (337-296-7994) or because of surgery or illEmail: [email protected] ness and would like Holy Cantor & Organist: Communion, please call Ken Angela & Brian Sanford or Sally Wade at 984-7563 Sacristan/Bldg Maintenance: Leonardo Napoles Visit our website to view photos and see what’s going on in and around St. Jules Parish. TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AROUND OUR PARISH Interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you an adult seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist? Email me [email protected] The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) commences with registration on Sunday December 7, 2014 after the 10:00 AM mass in the Adult Education Room located inside St Jules Church Hall. - Deacon Reggie Please Sponsor One of our Orphans !!! Fr Mike of Sarnelli Orphanage emailed this week a message of urgency. 18 new children need sponsors. Also, we have 10 children who were formerly sponsored by St Jules Parishioner Big Mike Mouton who passed away earlier this year. A suggested donation is $40/month to help a child with clothes, food, books, education. Email me [email protected] and I will forward the form, or call me, 257-8699, and I will postal mail it to you. Retreats at Our Lady of the Oaks There will also be a Women’s Cursillo the weekend of November 20th. For more info call The Cursillo Center at 337/543-7425. Day of Recollection for Vocations Saturday, November 29, 2014, 9 am—3 pm. Includes mass, confession, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and testimonies from men and women. Being held at Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center in St. Martinville. Contact Fr. Michael Champagne, 337/394-6550. There will be a Second Collection next Sunday, 11/23/14for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Please be generous. Candles can be purchased for $5 per candle!!! USE YOUR TALENT Having only modest talent is no excuse for not using it. Think what the morning would be like if only talented birds sang! WE RETURN TO GOD...FROM WHAT HE HAS GIVEN US 11/10/14 Cash Offertory $7,880.68 Poor $43.00 Masses $35.00 BSA $29.00 CCD $60.00 Spanish $1,204.39 TOTAL $9,252.07 Thank you for your generosity and spirit of caring! COME LORD JESUS! WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Give the leader a call to join! Leader: Christy Perret Day & Time: Thursday @5:30-7 PM Location: Church Hall Phone: 337 593-0669 Email: [email protected] Leader: Phyllis Boudreaux Day & Time: Tuesday @2:30-4 PM Location: Church Hall Phone: 337 781-7576 Email: [email protected] NOVEMBER 16, 2014 AROUND THE DIOCESE “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” In celebration of the 10-year Anniversary of “Food for the Journey” and with great gratitude, the Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette has created a “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” through the Office of Vocations and Seminarians. Donations for seminary burses are placed in a trust fund, with interest used to pay for the education of men preparing for the priesthood. To contribute, please make check payable to “Diocese of Lafayette” indicating “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” and mail to Office of Vocations, Diocese of Lafayette, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). afterwards. Veterans and active duty personnel are invited to attend in uniform. Father Glenn Meaux – Golf Classic Father Glenn Meaux’s 1st Annual Golf Classic will be held on Monday, November 17, at Oakbourne Country Club to benefit Father Glenn’s Mission in Kobonal, Haiti. Funds raised will support the poor in Kobonal, Haiti. For information, please visit RUNNIN’ REVS vs. SLAMMIN’ SEMS BASKETBALL GAME Come cheer on your favorite team when the Lafayette Diocesan Priests battle the Diocese Seminarians on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral-Carmel Gym, 848 St. John Street, Lafayette, for their 9th annual basketball competition. Sponsored this year by the Lafayette Knights of Columbus Council 1286, this always popular, fun-filled, family event helps promote and support priestly and religious vocations. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Admission is $5 per adult and $1 for those under 18. Concessions will be available. Put it in your calendar today. “Food for the Journey” The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for December is Rev. Glenn Meaux, Director of the SOLT Haiti Mission in Kobonal, Haiti. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, December 2, at Hotel Acadiana, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $12.00 and includes meal, drink dessert and tip. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Preregistration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). “Holy Hour for Vocations” Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, December 1, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
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