St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Nov. 16, 2014 33rdSUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME END OF TIME To help us to be honest with ourselves in our stocktaking we are reminded today that this world will come to an end one day. We do not know when or how but that end will come. It will be followed immediately by the general judgment. Christ will come in power and glory to judge the whole human race. Each one will receive the sentence he merited while on earth. The just will enter with him into eternal glory. The wicked will go to their place of suffering, sorrow and remorse. Long before that day comes, every one of us here present today will already have faced his or her own particular judgment. It is this judgment which will seal our eternal fate. It is on this judgment that we should try to concentrate this morning. It is to help and encourage us to do just this, that the church brings the thought of the end of the world before our minds. The end of this world will come for each one of us when we draw our last breath. How will we stand in God's sight when that moment comes? An eternity of happiness or grief will depend on our spiritual state at that moment. The thought of death is a frightening thought for most people. They would rather put it far from their minds, but of all the other things that can possibly happen to them on this earth death is the one and only certainty. It would be utter folly then to try to ignore it or forget it. It is not the moment or the circumstances or the fact itself of death that matters. The vast majority, even of those dying of a slow illness, do not know that they are on the point of death. What matters is the judgment which follows death. How will we fare in that? Each one of us can put the following simple question to himself this very moment. How would I fare if I were called before the judgment seat of God today? The best of us would certainly prefer to be better prepared. There is so much good I have left undone, so many faults for which I have not atoned properly, so many uncharitable thoughts about my friends and neighbors in my mind, so many acts of charity I kept postponing, so many acts of thanksgiving and praise I have not made to my loving God. What of those who have even more serious sins on their consciences? Over two hundred thousand people will leave this world between now and midnight. If we were called, and we have no guarantee that we will not be called today, could we dare to face our judgment in our present state? "Today if you hear God's voice harden not your heart" the scripture warns us. Today you have heard him speak to you. He has reminded you that your end is coming, that you should put your spiritual accounts in order. This is an act of God's mercy. He does not need you; it is you who need him. Your eternal future will depend on whether you listen to his call today, as tomorrow may be too late. You can put your accounts straight this very day. Why take a risk with your own eternal welfare? The Christian who wants to die in the state of grace, that is, in the friendship of God (and can there be any real Christian who would not want to?) has but one way of making sure of this. He is to try to live always in God's friendship. The man who does this by living his Christian life daily need not fear death. It may be a sudden death, but it will never be an unprovided for death. View this bulletin online at REGION ONE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE [SA] = St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict [SM] = St. Mary Fri. Nov 21 8am [SM] SM/SB Parishioners Sat. Nov 22 4:30pm [SB] SB Parishioners 4:30pm [SM] Dcn. Bill Stevenson Christ the King Sun. Nov. 23 8:15am [SA] Lorin Fornshell 9:45am [SM] Mary Cash 11am [SB] SB Parishioners 1:15pm [SM] Spanish Mass THIS WEEK'S EVENTS PASTORAL REGION ONE: [SA]= St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict [SM] = St. Mary Mon 11/17 Prayer Mtg 11am [SB] Fellowship of Work 7pm [SM] Tues. 11/18 Choir practice 7pm [SM] Wed 11/19 Bible Study 7pm [SB] St. Ann Society 7pm [SMC] Thurs 11/20 Bible Study 10am [SMC] Jubilee Club 1pm [SMC] Sat. 11/22 Choir Practice 6pm [SB] Sun. 11/23 Bible Study 10:45am [SMC] WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Nov 8/9 St. Mary Weekly Goal: $4116.00 Weekly $3131 Bldg. Fund 140 SVDP $430 last week was $515 not $15 TOTAL: $3701 YTD collection $62,958.52 SHORTFALL ($19,927.40) St. Benedict Weekly Goal $5,200.00 11/8 $678 11/9 $1323.55 Weekly Total: $2001.55 Maintenance: $207.51 St. Augustine Weekly Collection $976 All Saints $5 Cap. Imp. $150 NO THANKSGIVING EVE MASS THANKSGIVING DAY MASS FOR THE REGION 9AM AT ST. MARY. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time TAKE TEN & CONNECT With God & With Others Your Faith & Daily Life Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s Word Next Sunday’s scripture: Ezekiel 34: 11-12, 15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25: 31-46 When have you felt "left out" and when have you felt accepted? When this week did you see another hungry, naked, thirsty, sick, in prison? How did you respond? As a Church, whom do we easily pass by? PRAY FOR OUR PARISH MILITARY MEMBERS TSgt Timothy Scott Marcum, USAF; SSgt Justin Bentley, USAF; SrA Matthew Bauer, USAF; CPT Brian Hargis, US Army; SSG Lynn Jones, US Army; Saundra Ann Morrell, USN; Ronald Morrell Pruitt, US Army, Capt. Andrew J. Konicki, USMC.; SSgt Christopher DeWitt, USAF, Sgt Alex Zavakas, US Army, SSG Bill Himes US Army; PFC Michael V. Jackson, US Army, PVT Corey Taylor, US Army, Lt. Com. Ryan Jonathan Logan, USN, SGT Stephanie Lewis, US Army, PFC Solomon A. Smith, US Army, SrA Candice Smith, USAF, EOD3 Aaron R. Gorby, USN; Davion A. Redd, USCG, Pvt Jacob Deis, USMC, SSgt Jennifer Wagner, USAF, LCpl Jacob Deis, USMC. PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED SICK of SB In our prayers, let us remember those in need of the Lord’s healing mercy, especially: Andrew Lewis, Jackie Bristow, Brenda Lewis, Mae Wilkerson, Kenneth Bronston, Zadie Buckner, Mary Helen Spanish, Ruby Hobbs, Chuck Dewitt, Valerie Smith, Phyllis Coley, Lora Singleton, Mark Wells, Gloria Patton, Jessie Campbell, Betty Jones, Pat Bell, Ralph Reed and Janis Lowery. OUR LADY OF KIBEHO FEAST MASS All are welcome to join in the Feast Mass of Our Lady of Kibeho on Saturday, Nov 29 at Emmanuel Parish. Confessions will be from 10:00 to 10:40am and Mass will begin at 11am. A celebration will be held following Mass and a DVD of the Vatican approved apparitions will also be shown. For more information, please contact Lisa Donigian at 937-901-2727 or [email protected]. OOPS...OOPS...OOPS The St. Mary collection for St. Vincent DePaul reported in last week's bulletin was incorrect. The total should have been $515!! ST. AUGUSTINE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Lectors: Connor Partin, Ron Fetzer Eucharistic Ministers: Ken Stewart, Sylvia Hess, Fran Kozarec, Betty & Tim Stueve, Mary Hickle, Randy & Marie Klotz Ushers and Greeters: Mark & Todd Kozarec, Tim Pheiffer Servers: Sophia DeVillez, Elizabeth Barnett, Brynn Kozarec ST. BENEDICT LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 23RD – CHRIST THE KING 1st Reader: Jerome Johnson; 2nd Reader: Christine Brown; Petitions: Tom Hall Extraordinary Ministers: Sharon Hairston, Maxine Brooks, Carolyn Day, Derek Arnold (R); Kim Brown, Annette Young, Victor O’Basuyi, Mary O’Basuyi (L) Call to Worship: Tom Hall ST. MARY LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Nov 22 - 4:30pm [S] Patty Stevens [L] Tresa Duffy, Paula Good [E] Mary Ellen Oomens, Jim & Marilyn Buerschen, Helen Jones, Bob Durbin Nov 23 - 9:45am [S] Julie Himes [L] Julie Himes, Helen Saluke [E] Jose & Imelda Cardano, Laura Woeste, Patrick Servé, Fran Roderer, Sharon Walker, Darlene Kinney IN THE NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING FROM ST. BENEDICT AND ST. MARY PARISHES Eddie Weaver Lavonne Barker Mary Paschal Artie Oliver Mary Scott Mary Scott Livingston Care Center Mercy Sienna LIFE LINE SCREENING On Friday, December 5, 2014 there will be a life line screening event at St. Augustine Church. PLEASE HELP BY DONATING Donations of brownie mixes and Jiffy Cornbread mixes are being accepted at St. Augustine Church for the camp program's holiday baskets to help the needy. Please have donations in by the 1st week of December. == == == View this bulletin online at St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE The Annual Christmas Dance takes place on Friday December 5, beginning at 9pm. Music is provided by “KDJ” Kenneth Johnson. There are a lot of door prizes and you can win a fifty/fifty raffle. Donation is $20.00. For tickets please contact the St. Benedict parish office at 2686697 or Lucille Wilder at 461-2077 and Susan Smith at 263-6713. MOMENT OF JUSTICE When a parish achieves a grace-filled moment of justice, we all ask how they did it. On Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. at St. Francis Church, 6245 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, Ohio, you can see how a parish brought healing in a difficult situation. We will watch a video together about the struggle and triumph of one parish and consider how our faith gently calls us to a similar response to issues in our communities. Mary Hallinan of Queen of Apostles will guide us to a new understanding of a justice that heals us. CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT The collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us to continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. Please donate to the CCHD Collection. ST. MARY CARING TREE The St. Mary Caring Tree is now up in the back of church. Please consider taking a heart and fulfilling a Christmas Wish for a neighborhood child in need. Please wrap your gifts and ATTACH THE HEART TO THE GIFT!! Please your wrapped gift under the tree NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 7. Your food donations in the bins at the church doors will enable us to also give each family a holiday food basket. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. View this bulletin online at Nov. 16, 2014 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SAVE THE DATE! Queen of Martyrs Parish, 4134 Cedar Ridge Rd. Dayton, will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the dedication of their church on Sunday, December 7th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass followed by an Open House reception/party in McAuley Hall. We welcome all parishioners, former parishioners, students and friends to come celebrate this event with us. Please plan to attend and share the memories! ADVENT DAY OF REFLECTION Precious Blood Sister Charmaine Grilliot will host an Advent Day of Reflection on Nov. 30 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Salem Heights, 4960 Salem Ave. in Dayton. The reflection includes Mass. The registration deadline is Nov. 24. Please contact Linda Hageman at 937.278.0878 or [email protected] to register. UPCOMING REGION 1 SCHEDULES DECEMBER 8, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION St. Benedict School 8:30am (all are Welcome to join) St. Mary Church 11:30am St. Benedict Church 6:30pm St. Augustine, Germantown 7:00Pm ADVENT COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION & CONFESSION December 15 St. Benedict & St. Mary combined Reconciliation Service 6:30pm at St. Mary St. Augustine, Germantown December 17, 2014, 7pm. Please note that those making their first Communion are supposed to attend this as their First Confession prior to the one in Lent. CHRISTMAS EVE - DECEMBER 24 St. Augustine 4pm St. Mary 4:30pm & 10:30pm beginning with Carols St. Benedict 10:30pm beginning with carols at 10pm CHRISTMAS DAY - DECEMBER 25 Two masses in our Region First Mass 9am at St. Mary Second Mass 10:30am at St. Benedict No Mass in the Region on January 1. Please plan on attending the Peace Day Mass. (Venue yet to announce) 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time THANK YOU On behalf of the Pope Francis, the Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati wishes to thank all who donated to the Pontifical Mission Society this past World Mission Sunday. While some of our contributions help build schools, churches and seminaries, some also support the 9,000 clinics in Catholic Mission dioceses and number of them in West Africa where they are fighting the scourge of the Ebola Virus. So our fellow Catholics in Africa and Asia are grateful for your solidarity that allows the joy and hope of Jesus to become and remain real for millions of God's children. You are welcome to visit the web site to see how your gift makes a difference: Also check out our local mission office web site to learn about our missionaries and missionary possibilities for yourself: OUR LATINO INITIATIVE IS GROWING! The Archdiocese is proud to announce the hire of Ms. Alyssa Wagner as Assistant Coordinator of Latino Outreach in the Catholic Schools Office, effective November 1, 2014. Ms. Wagner’s hire marks the expansion of the Latino Initiative for Catholic education, started three years ago with the addition of Mrs. Mayra Alza Wilson as Coordinator of Latino Outreach. Both positions are being funded through outside grants. The Initiative was later expanded with the hire of Mrs. Dina Beach as Assistant Director for Latino Catechesis. Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Wagner will be working together to recruit and support Latino families in Catholic schools. Ms. Wagner will work exclusively with schools in Dayton, Springfield, Middletown, and the Northern Region of the Archdiocese, while Mrs. Wilson will focus on greater Cincinnati and Hamilton. Please contact them if you would like to better access the growing Latino population in your school. Alyssa has worked with the Catholic Hispanic Ministry Office at St. Mary for the past few years. She assisted in the office when Sr. Maria Stacy was on sabbatical in Rome. She is also works with the El Puente after school program through Wright State University. We wish her well in her new endeavor!! = REGIONAL FAIR TRADE SALE ST. PETER CHURCH IN HUBER HEIGHTS St. Peter Church in Huber Heights will once again host one of the nation’s largest fair trade sales Saturday, December 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This sale features items from artisans and farmers from all around the world. Shoppers can browse among the home décor, jewelry, toys, books, Christmas décor, coffee and food items in the spacious Fr. Reis Center (behind the school at 6185 Chambersburg Road, Huber Heights.) In addition to supporting fair trade products offered by Catholic Relief Services through SERRV and Equal Exchange, buyers can shop at tables offering items which will promote the work of the missions or refugee resettlement. This regional sale began eleven years ago at St. Albert the Great Parish as a follow-up activity to a JustFaith program. It continues today with the collaborative work of a number of Dayton area parishes. CELEBRATE THE SEASON WITH GLENMARY HOME MISSIONERS A holiday concert will be performed by the Cincinnati Brass Band on Sunday, Dec. 7, at the St. John Neumann Church, 12191 Mill Rd in Fairfield OH to benefit the home mission ministry of Glenmary Home Missioners. The 2pm concert featuring holiday music is open to music lovers young and old. Light refreshments will be offered. Glenmary Home Missioners is a Cincinnatibased religious society of priests and brothers who, along with lay coworkers, establish a Catholic Church presence in Appalachia ad the South. Concert goers will have the opportunity to support the society's mission and ministry through a freewill offering. For more information, contact Jodi Mott at 1513-881-7440. = View this bulletin online at View these Sponsors @ Rambo-Westendorf Plumbing HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEATING SERVICE 1853 Wayne Ave. OH Lic. # 15225 256-1661 24 Hour Emergency Service Lic.# 27849 FaLke & Dunphy, LLC fAx 253-9181 FRIDAY-ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT Hours: 5am-10pm Every Day John Ferneding Dan Ferneding St. anthony aLum 545 Linden • Parishioner 233-3081 Elsa’s Restaurants 254-8431 Open 7 Days • Lunch & Dinner This Ad in Memory of & Gratitude to My Parents, Francis & Frances Hemmert Owned and Operated By William Hemmert Family 252-0351 Joe Dittenhofer Owner Our Funeral Home is proud to be family owned and operated. 937-848-6898 [email protected] JOSEPH’S 3624 Ridgeway Rd. Bellbrook Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. St. Lic. #26886 253-6161 Locally Owned & Operated - Service, Installation, Scheduled Maintenance Bill Montgomery, CIC, OPHP For You! Meetings - 2nd Wed. of Each Month Fellowship of Work, Mondays at 7pm Insurance Works LLC 2810 Wayne Ave. 937-424-5633 KETTERING IMAGING CENTER ANGEL NIGHT 936 Brown St. LINCOLN PARK 424-1784 Serving the Dayton, Kettering and surrounding areas for 20+ years. Our patients never call and get recorded Thursday, December 4 • 5:30–9:00PM Free Parking at Calvary Residential Commercial 254-1010 4406 Linden Ave. 24 Hour Towing Maintenance Detail ...And MUCH More! 24 Hour Hour Towing Towing Maintenance Maintenance Detail 24 Detail 937-293-1221 Wayne Avenue Heating • Air Conditioning • Sheetmetal 1120 1120 Wayne Wayne Avenue 1120 Dayton, OhioAvenue 45410 Dayton, Ohio Ohio 45410 45410 Dayton, Sales - Service - Installation 879-2373 937-253-5166 937-253-5166 937-253-5166 Rick & Toni’s Banquet Hall and ...And MUCH MUCH More! More! ...And Follow Us! Follow Follow Us! Us! A Belmont Tradition Since 1948 Juke Joint 540 Lincoln Park, Suite 100 Hours Now: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 937-299-0900 Lic # 26615 836 Waterveliet Ave. 258-1222 278-5298 / 239-5832 REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE HEATING & COOLING WATER CONDITIONING RENTALS Parishioner 150 Burgess Ave., N. Dayton CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 324 Wilmington Ave. 256-4490 Lincoln Park: Celebrating 75 Years In Dayton Celebrating 75 75 Years Years In In Dayton Dayton Celebrating Creating Community • Celebrating Lifetimes Serving Dayton for 35 years Services Offered: • CT • X-ray messages during office hours. Staffed • Fluoroscopy • DEXA by National and Board certified • Ultrasound Technologists and Radiologists. • Vascular and Cardiac screening 1-800-282-5106 Holy Name Society For Service Call 426-6959 “Be A Guest At Your Own Party” Serving the Dayton Area for over 30 Years Your Hometown Lawn Care Company North 236-4727 South 435-4727 3509 LINDEN AVE. Centerville • Dayton • Kettering 1712 Wayne Ave., Dayton Tom Grunkemeyer BREAKFAST SPECIAL CARRYOUT AVAILABLE DAILY SPECIALS 1280 Brandt Pike 5980 Bigger Rd., Kettering A Licensed Professional PANCAKE HOUSE COMMERCIAL EXCAVATING Call for a quote! • Wills & EstatEs • MEdical MalpracticE St. Mary’s 937/253-9154 For Over 44 Years Excellence in Automotive Services 937-222-1414 “Our Professional Staff Has 130 Years Combined Experience” MICK KRAFT 7 Mackoil Ave. 1112 Springfield St. For Advertising Information CALL Attorney At LAw 30 wyoming St. 937-222-3000 294-1755 WEBER’S Lee C. FaLke HOUSER Insurance Water/Gas Leak Repair Water Heater Replacement Backflow Device Testing & Repair Sewer Camera Inspections 253-7878 252-3122 223-9207 In Business for 38 Years Professional Repair With Our Red Carpet Treatment Funeral Home Inc. ASPHALT AND CONCRETE 987 Pruden Ave. FERNEDING 937-253-2197 Established 1926 Roofing and Sheet Metal The Enterprise Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. 1021-25 Irving Ave. • Dayton, OH 45419 P.O. Box 545 • Wright Brothers Branch Water Heater Replacement • Water Purification Bath Remodeling • Sinks/Faucets/Toilets Backflow Testing & Repair • Free Estimates 937-256-8400 Licensed, Bonded and Insured Dayton, OH 45409 • 937-298-8664 BRIAN MOORE, Owner/Parishioner OH LIC #20719 Heidelberg Distributing Distributor of Fine Wine, Premium Beer and Spirits 3601 Dryden Rd., Moraine, OH 45439 CatholicMatch $10 OFF Ohio SERVICE FATBACK’S BBQ Hickory Smoked Low & Slow 1334 Linden Ave. 11-7 pm Tues. - Sat. Closed Sun.-Mon. (937) 254-RIBS (7427) Eat In • Carryout Catering We’ve Got What You’re Lookin’ For! 252-5000 2205 Smithville Rd. 2049 • Appliances • Heating & Air • Sales & Service
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