Jan. 5, 1932. 1,839,376 T. CROPPER APPARATUS FOR A SCERTAINING THE COMPRESSIBILITY OF ARTICLES 0R MASSES AND GRADING THE OBJECTS SO TESTED Filed Jan. 11, 1929 ~ 4 Sheets-Sheet I? 5 1 (I J0 awwem'b‘oz 771mm: CwPPE/E Jan. 5, 1932. ' T_ CROPPER , 1,839,376 APPARATUS FOR ASCERTAINING THE COMPRESSIBILITY 0F ARTICLES 0R MASSES AND GRADING THE OBJECTS SO TESTED Filed Jan. 11, 1929 2.” 96 100 I7 4_Sheets-Sheet ‘*5 \ 2 Jan. 5,‘ 1932. T. CROPPER 1,839,376 APPARATUS FOR ASCERTAINING THE COMPRESSIBILITY 0F ARTICLES OR MASSES AND GRADING THE OBJECTS SO TESTED Filed Jan. 11, 1929 45%.: W Kx ' 4 Sheets-Sheet 3 _ ‘l /J0‘ 65 86 75a Jan. 5, 1932. ' T, CRQPPER' 1,839,376 APPARATUS FOR ASCERTAINING THE COMPRESSIBILITY OF ARTICLES ' OR MASSES AND GRADING THE OBJECTS so TESTED Filed Jan. 11, 1929 4 Sheets-Sheet 4 awweutoz 71,839,376 Patented Jan. 5, 1932 ATENT OFFEEV‘Q; {v 'rnoims cnorrna, or nnnrneron; ENGLAND, Assrenon T0 DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED, OF LONDON, ENGLAND, A BRITISH COMPANY nrrnnnrus nonnscnnrnrnrne rrn'n coMPnnssrBILITY or‘An'rIcLEs on MAssEsAnn ' ' enemas ran onanc'rs so 'rnsrnn Application ?led. January 11, 1929, Serial No. 331,803, and in Great Britain April 4, 1928. This invention relates to a new or improved ‘ In order that this invention may be clearly ' apparatus for testing thecompressibllity of understood I have appcndedr hereto four articles or masses in order that the degree of sheets of' drawings wherein z—-'- - ,- j resiliency therein may be ascertained,and is '7 Figure 1 is a frontelevation of one embodi ' 5 particularly applicable for grading or testing ment of an apparatus constructed according the compressibility of objects ‘wherein rub to this invention7 shown with the .weightsele ber is included, either as part of or the whole as for instance tennis balls, _ golf’ balls, the vated ready to perform‘ a test.’ I ' - > Figure 2 is a side view'in part section of . cores for golf balls or rubber ballsgenerally. the apparatus of Fig.‘ 1;‘ ' Q ‘_ , v Figure 3 is a fragmental‘side vview in part ‘It is within the scope of this invention, how ever to utilize the " apparatus for testlng section at a» reduced scale showing the weights in the position assumed at the termination of other ‘matter, either in its worked or un the workedcondition. » ' ' "60 test. ‘ ' 1 - ' v ' The apparatus with which this invention is r ‘ Figure 4 is a perspective view of a further 15 concerned is of that type devised for perform embodiment illustrating a'rotary feed table.’ 365 ing the tests known to the trade or as required Figure 5 is a plan View of Fig. 4. ' Referring ?rst to Figs. 1 to 3,,the'apparatus by the rules of the “International Lawn Ten nis Federation” and which consists in prin comprises a suitably formed housing 1 de ciple in first subjecting the objects to a .de pending‘ from a web or webs 2 upstanding termined imposition or load,‘ after which a from a- base plate 3.» The housing 1 is re further determined imposition is imposed, cessed axially and receives within it the uni~ whereupon the deformability or compression tary‘weight, vwhich as previously described that has occurred ‘in respect of'the second im is, composed of two elements 4——5 the former position beyond that of the ?rst imposition‘ being of lesser weight than the latter. For is defined‘, the data resulting therefrom form the purpose of the test, theelement 4 is re 75 Li) ing the basis of classifying the grades of the quired also to perform an initial function, and to permit of-relative movement between According to this inventionthe pressure itand the element 5 it is of greater dimen imposing device is ‘composed of a unitary ele sion longitudinally than the element 5; To a ment comprising two component weightim prevent the element-4 from passing complete- , 80 posing elements, one of which has to perform 1y through the ‘element 5 collars or enlarge- ' objects. ' ' ‘ . r ' both an initial function and a subsequent ments 6—7‘ are furnished at both of its ends. function, the subsequent function being in These, collars or abutments further serve ‘to combination with the other element, the ele unite the elements during their combined ments being arranged toperniit movement be functions, the top collar 6 being adapted to tween them, means being provided to ‘de termine the extent of both the initial and the subsequent functions, the means being'con trolled by a device that responds to and has a a movement relative only to the movement of the element having the'initial,~ function to perform, the device ceasing in its movement before the time when both elements function in unison. ' j , I . contact with the upper surface 8 of the ele ment 5 so that the two elements may be raised at some time as a body, while theilower col; lar is adapted to coact with the roller bear ing 9 of the element 5' at such time when they two elements combine to perforina-‘common function. , 90 I It is necessary both to raise and tolower the elements and in one of the means adopted v The apparatus according to this invention for this purpose I have provided pivotally further comprises means both for'directing secured upon a spindle 1O housed within bear the objects to or away from the testing, de-, ‘ ings upon the web member'sQ a bell-crank or ' vices, and desired into receptacles cor responding with the grades of the obj ectsde '50 ?ned as the result of the test. other lever the limb’ ll of which is forked'at its end to produce a recess 12 which lies with in arecess 13 in the element 4 and through 100 2. 1,839,376 the roller bearing 14 acts upon the upper face subject to the resistance the object presents to 15 of the recess 13 while the other limb 16 the element 4. The element 5 now moves downwardly a suitably contoured cam 17 that is mounted alone and will finally rest upon the collar of Before the face 9 contacts the 70 upon a shaft 18 housed in hearings in the the element carries a. roller as shown which bears against webs 2, the shaft being rotated by a worm collar of-the element 4, the datum plunger wheel 19 engaging a worm 20 mounted upon wvhich has performed a movement identical theshaft. 21. which takes its drive from the inextent to that of the element 4 is locked ‘pulley 22'. 10 , ' In accordance with that feature of this in vention where it is desired to define themove against further movement by the'imposition of the detent 25. Owing to the increased weight now occa 75 ment of the element 4 and afterwards to indi- > sioned by the vimposition of the element 5 cate the ‘movement of the two elements as a. upon the element 4, the object under test 15 unit, and for this purpose I have provided yields to a further degree the extent of which a device 23 which might more conveniently be de?nes the basis of they test. To indicate or register the extent of the termed va datum plunger, shown at 23,'adapt-v ed to movewithin a bearing 24 secured rigidly compressibility of the object under the weight to the webs 2. of the combined elements a gauge 36 attached The datum plunger 23 maybe adapted to by brackets 37 ‘to the elements 5 having a v20 25 35 V40 "meet with any of the upper surfaces of the contact member 38 provided to coact with the collars of element 4 and is- allowed to move top end of the datum plunger and arranged only ‘during the vperiod of the ‘initial move so that the recording means'only ‘commences ‘ment of the‘ element, the datum plunger'23 to operate from the time when the element being restrained at the desired period against 5 impingesuponthe' element 4, and to occa movement by a "detent or lock which,v in the sion'this' the‘ contact member 38 is spaced form illustrated, comprises a_ plunger 25 away’ from the datum plunger for a distance mounted in the hearing 24 and upon which a equal to the ‘difference between the total collar 26 engaging a spring 27 is provided. length of the element 5 and'the distance be To render the detent 25‘opera-ble or not it is tween collars‘6—7. ' adapted to be reciprocated longitudinally by ' Alternatively ‘the registering device a as a lever which might as ‘shown comprise an shown in Fig. ‘4 and referred to hereinafter additional limb ‘28 to the bell-crank lever. may be replaced by a lever suitably ful The plunger 25 'is provided with’ screw crumed that is caused to pivot according to threaded» extension 29 upon which locking the ‘degree of thedeformabi'lity of the ob 85 so 95 _ ' je'ct, the lever if desired being combined with The performance of the datum plunger 23 or adapted to coact with other means for is such that-the lock or detent 25 is withheld directing or ejecting the object away from from contacting the datum plunger 23‘during the testing devices \upon completion of the nuts 30——31 are received. the initial movement of the element 4, but test. ‘ ‘during theperiod of the downward move~ Another feature of this invention is the ment'ofthe element 5 and the momentary in provision ofmeans if desired, for automati activity of the element-'4 but previous to the cally delivering and removing the 7 objects face '9 of the element 5 contacting the collar away-fromv the testing devices, and in one 105 7 the detent 25 moves/or is moved toward the form;(see Figs. 4—5)v may comprise a rotary platform 40" mounted upon the base plate and 110 plungeryis held thus against movement for adapted to be rotated by a ratchet 41' and a 45 . datum plunger 23 to cla'mp-itJ The datum the further downward movementof the ele pawl 42 with a step by step motion, the pawl ments as a unit, and preferablythere-after being ,reciprocated by any suitable means, as practically throughout the elevating of the for instance a pivoted lever 43 coacting ‘with elementafter the» test has been performed. a cam‘44 upon the shaft 18. the rotary plat The performance of the weighting elements form being provided with object retaining or 'isp'as follows : Theobiect to be tested isiplaced spacing. devices 145 which are presented suc 'upon'or presented to rest on the base plate cessively underneath the testing devices. Alternatively if'desired, or in combination p55 32,‘ it being assumed that prior to this the cam shaft 18 has been set in motion and that the with the rotary platform there may be pro 115 120 elements 4——5 have been elevated as a unit to vided a reciprocating automatically actuat the highest desired point by the lever 12; the ing plunger adapted to separate a single ob ., ea lock or detent 25 being held against restrain ject from a bulk and deliver it to the testing ing the datum plunger. devices,.the plungerbeing actuated by lever 125 The elements .4~—5 now move downwardly or‘ rod contacting at its one. end witha cam under the in?uence of gravity as a unit the or. other means and as shown in Figs. 1-2 face 35 ‘of the element 4 contacts the object we may provide a chute composed of a pair under test.v Theelements -4—5 will move fur of slats 45 disposed parallel with one an other “ ther» downwards in unison, only toan eXtent and closed at the ‘one end by a member 46 130 1,889,376 .3 through which is passed the stem 47 of'a was hard for its class, then it would not dis tort to any considerable degree under the im plunger 48. ~ _ Secured‘to the stem 47 is a bracket 49 up position of the weight of the combined ele standing from a rod 50 to which one end of ments 4-5, ‘so that only a small degree of a lever 51 is pivotally secured, the rod being movement would occur in the lever 70 the ' restrained in guides to allow of it being intermediate linkage and the lever 64 and moved longitudinally. The lever 51 is ful none of the pegs wouldbe contacted and crumed at 52 and is engaged by a side-face none of the members 60 would fall. The ob— cam 53 which operates to swing the lever and ject after the test therefore, upon being re force the plunger along the chute moving moved from the testing position-—which in Lie to a ball with it and depositing it upon the rest the case of a rotary'feed table‘ would be- ef 32. A newly admitted ball would remove a fected by a member 72 or other means,—‘ previously tested ball ‘away from the rest.v would roll down the chute 58 and into the Communicating with the chute is a supply ?rst of the apertures 59. The apertures 59 it must be understood 80 15 chute 55 wherein a number of balls arevlo constitute receptacles for containing the ob posed vertically, the chute may be arranged jects, or form members to direct the objects cated and which as shown in Figs. 1~2 is dis ~20 ‘ I otherwise if desired, for instance to admit to receptacles. ' Should the object as the result of the test the balls to the chute sidewardly. .Another ‘feature of this invention is the be found less hard, the apertures 59 upto the provision either in combination or otherwise selectedaperture would be closed by the mem with any of the previously described means bers 60 ‘and the objects would roll over them. 85 of a further means for automatically sepa~ ' It is necessary however that after selection rating and delivering the tested objects into of each object and prior to completing an receptacles corresponding with the grades other object allrthe members must be raised of the objects. A convenient construction of and‘in one of the means adopted for this pur such means is illustrated in Figs. 4-5 and posev we provide an arm 73 to rotate the comprises a chute 58 having a number of shaft 61. This arm is rocked by a link '73‘1 apertures 59 adapted to be closed by devices connected to a lever 7 8‘) which in turn is’ ac in the form of trap-doors 60 which are tuated by a cam 7 3° carried by the shaft 18. hingedly mounted upon a common spindle 61, Visual indicating means may be provided mounted upon brackets 62 and normally re in combination with the selecting means if main open either by a counterbalance 63 or desired, and as shown may comprise a dial other means, and are controlled by a lever 64 7 4 co-operating with an extension 7 5 of the 100 35 pivoted at 65 and connected by a link 66 to a lever 67. Another form of constructing the selecting lever 67' that is secured to ‘a shaft 68 housed and-delivering means is shown in Figs. 1-2 within brackets 69 upstanding from and se " comprises a datum plunger 80 housed in brackets 81 upon the base plate or’ other ed upon the shaft 68 a lever 7 0 that is adapt~ cured to the element 5. There is also provid ed to contact the datum plunger 23, is being appreciated that there would be as previous ly stated a period of 10st motion between the lever 76 and the datum plunger. The function of the selecting mechanism described. with reference to Figs. 4-5 is such 50 05 part of the apparatus, the datum plunger 80 being provided with an axially recessed hori zontal sleeve 82, in‘ which is received a stem or shaft 83 which is connected by a rod 84 to a lever 85 which is actedupon by a cam 86. 10 The stem or shaft 83 has one or more notches that the lever 70 would, as the result of the 87 provided at its end and has depending ' downward movement of the elements 4——5, from it a member 88. Extending from and secured to the element rotate the shaft 68 and would swing the lever 67 sidewardly and through the link 66 would 5 is a contact member 89 which is adapted to 115 swing the lever 64. There are provided upon engage the notch ‘87. the members 60, pegs 71 which may engage ' As in the case of the'plunger 28 a detent 90 the lever 64. As the result of the movement is proivded being formed as part of'or with of the lever 64 the pegs 71 of the members a stem 91 whereon a collar 92 which is in 60 may contact therewith, thereby causing ?uenced by a spring 93 is formed. 55 the members 60 to fall. As will be seen the . 120 Upon’v the stem 91 are nuts 94 against extent to which the lever 64 is swung governs which the limb 95 of a lever fulcrumed at 96 the sequence in which the members 60 fall. rests, the lever having a further limb to which ‘ It is preferable for the members 60 nearest is pivotally secured a roller 97 which rests the chute 58 to fall ?rst and thereafter the re against a cam 98 mounted upon the shaft 18. 125 69 mainder to fall consecutively. Moreover any There also is provided to act upon the rod number of the apertures 59 with their at 84 a detent member 102 influenced by a roller tendant members 60 may be provided, the 99 which bears against the cam 100, the pur amount of such only being in?uenced by the pose of this detent being referred to here number of grades it is desired to define. 1.9 '55 In the test and assuming that the object under in relating the function of the members ' a n 4 1,839,376 associated with the plunger member 80 and within the other and successively impose a load on the article under test, automatic which are as follows :— Upon the object being imposed upon the means controlling the lifting and lowering rest 32 the elements Ll-5 lower the element of one of said parts, a plurality of receivers 4; carrying with it'the member 80. Upon the adapted to receive different grades of arti—' temporary cessationof movement of the ele cles tested, a de?ecting stem and a member 70 ment 4 the cam 98 permits the plunger 90 to secured directly to one of said parts for direct impinge upon the member 80 holding it coaction with said stem for deflecting each against movement. tested article to an appropriate receiver in '10 After the imposition of the element ,5 it accordance with tie degree of compression‘ 75 will be found that the contact member 89 has e?ccted by said loading unit. been carried ‘downwardly, and when the full An apparatus for testing the compres load of the combined element has been im sibility of articles, comprising a loading posed and the distortion in the object having unit including two concentric inter-engaging 15 taken place the cam 86 has rotated to such a parts arranged soone can move relatively position to allow of the stem 83 travelling to the other, a cam actuated lever controlling longitudinally under the influence of the the lifting and lowering. of one of said parts, spring 1-01. Should the object distort to a a self contained compressibility indicator 80 certain degree the contact arm 89 will have unit mounted on one of said parts and ar v20 attained a position where it will engage the ranged to have a period of inactivity identi notch 87 and thus prevent the stem from mov cal with the period of relative movement of ing. Thus is the member 88 held against said parts during the downward movement movement. Moreover to ensure holding the thereof, one of said parts being nested with 85 member 88 the detent 102 acts upon the rod in the other and one OftllGHl having anti 25 84. , friction bearings for guiding the other. In the event of the tested object proving 4;. An apparatus for testing the compres comparatively hard the downward move sibility of articles7 comprising a loading unit so ment of the member 89 is reduced and it does including two interengaging parts arranged not engage the notch 87 resulting in the slid so one can move relatively to the other, means '30 ing of the stem 88 longitudinally through the controlling the lifting and lowering of one so sleeve 82. of said parts, a member coacting with one The performance of the stem 83 controls of said parts, a stem mounted in said member the disposition of the member 88 which con for movement substantially at right angles stitutes-a guide for directing the objects after to the line of movement of said loading unit, the test into the chutes 103~l04. mean-s actuated by the loading unit for limit- ' Of course, it will be understood thata se ing. the travel of said stem, supporting means ries of notches 87 may be provided in stepped for moving the stem in one direction and or other formation, whereupon the guide 88 power driven. means’ for moving it in the op would have more than the two positions to posite direction, and deflecting means car '40 ried by said stem for influencing the direc assume. The relation between the contact member tion of travel of the tested articles. 89 and the notches 87 on the stem 83 is of di In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed rect contact, but if desired the contact mem my name. ber 89 may act upon a catch or analogous THOMAS CROPPER. 45 member secured to the sleeve 82, such catch normally being held out of engagement with ya hi 0 the notches 87 by a spring or other resilient means. ' lVhat I claim is: 1. An apparatus for testing the compres sibility of articles, comprising a loading unit including two interengaging concentric parts arranged so one can move relatively within the other7 means controlling the lifting and lowering of the outer part, a plunger secured to the inner part and which partakes of the common downward movement of said parts, cam controlled means for locking and 60 releasing said plunger, and a compressibility indicator carried by said outer and coacting with said plunger. 2. An apparatusfor testing the compres sibility of articles, comprising a loading unit including two concentrically arranged parts arranged so one can move longitudinally 120
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