1 Hopewell Moose Family Center 1472 HOPEWELL, VIRGINIA LODGE # 1472 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NEW SOCIAL QUARTERS HOURS: Sunday-Monday 12:00AM to 10:00PM Tuesday 12:00AM to10:00PM (on dart night till 12am) Wed. – Thur. 12:00AM – 12:00Midnight Hopewell Moose Lodge Earns the Premier Lodge Award At the 2014 Virginia Moose Convention the Hopewell Moose Lodge earned the Premier Lodge Award. This award is given to the Lodge that increases its membership , Endowment Fund donations, submits all Community Service Reports and Lodge Safety Inspections on time as well as submitting the Moose of the Year nomination. Our lodge is one of only seven in the state of Virginia to receive the award. This award is through the hard work of all our members and staff. Everyone deserves a round of applause for keeping our Lodge above the others. Friday 12:00AM – 1:00AM Saturday 12:00AM 12:00Midnight Governors Message / 2 Senior Regent / WOTM Chaplin 3 Administrator/ Moose Legion 4 Calendar 5 Entertainment/ Menu 6/7 New Years Dance Tickets will go on sale Monday, November 3, 2014. VERTIGO will be playing your favorite tunes. Dance will be 9:00pm—1:00am. Breakfast will be served from 12:15-until No tickets will be sold by phone. Tickets can only be purchased during office hours Only 350 tickets will be sold Thanksgiving Baskets It is that time of the year where the Hopewell Moose Lodge likes to help those families who may need a little help during the Holidays. If you are a member in good standing and you want to recommend a family to receive one of our Thanksgiving Food Baskets, please write a short letter and please bring it to the Lodge’s office. Please – Letters Only, No Phone Calls. Cut-off date for letters will be November 14th 2014. Pick-up date for baskets will be November 22nd 2014. 2 Hopewell Moose Governor’s Message FROM THE GOVERNOR TROY KING October was a very busy month. I would like to thank Brian Carpenter for bring in a Comedy Show, Julie and Darrel Johnson for chairing the Annual Hopewell Moose Halloween party, Oktoberfest thanks to the Kitchen crew and the VMA Pool Tournament thanks to all our members who helped make this a success. Our lodge only succeeds with the support of all its members. I cannot say that enough for making my first six month such a success.The first week of November is dedicated to Membership Retention. To celebrate the Moose Legion is sponsoring a “Get Acquainted” gather in the Ballroom on the 6th immediately following the LOOM meeting. This will take the place of the normal Moose Legion meeting for all LOOM members. Each new Moose Legionnaire will go through their conferral followed by a small buffet. I am inviting all Fellow’s and Pilgrim’s to attend dress in their appropriate Fraternal Jacket. This is open to all LOOM member and I encourage you all to stop by. Each member that signs up a LOOM member on the 5th and/or 7th dinner from 5:30-8:00pm will receive a free dinner and two drink chips from the bar. On the 8th at 1200 in the office I am asking each Fellow and Pilgrim to join me in contacting the entire expired membership list for the month of October and encourage them to renew their membership. Let’s make November a banner month for Membership. If you want to get involved and make a change in the Lodge, please join me on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm in the ballroom. Volunteers are always welcome with plenty to do around the lodge. FROM THE PRELATES CORNER Brad Ozmore Condolence to the family of Mike Dawson on the passing of his nephew Kenny Dawson Our members who are ill or have suffered illness during the past month: Bobby Langley is in All’s Well Nursing Home. Please contact the office is a Brother falls ill @ 804-4587-1755 3 Page 3 Senior Regent’s Message FROM THE SENIOR REGENT LYNETTA PARRISH Harvest time is coming upon us!! The WOTM has scheduled on Saturday, November 15th a Bazaar that will have something unique for each of you! Please invite your family and friends to come join us and do some early Christmas shopping. Remember our theme is "Back to Basics"! A special thank you to those of you volunteering at the nursing home and helping those in need. Our lodge runs mainly on volunteers and together you can make a difference. Thanks to all of you that have signed up new members. Please continue invite your family and friends to support our lodge. If you have questions or concerns, please call me at 804-240-3426. If no answer, please leave a message a and I will return your call. Senior Regent, Lynetta Parrish On Oct 13, 2014 9:59 AM, "Hopewell Moose Lodge" <[email protected]> wrote: do not know everyone’s email so could all of you please get the word out that newsletter articles are due Wednesday. I don’t mind one bit getting them earlier if you have them. Thank you, Lynetta Parrish FROM THE WOTM CHAPLIN Gloria Anderson Ill Co-Workers Rachael Child Diane Brown Joy Kuhl Linda Shafer - Surgery Reva Cates - Eye Surgery Mickey Pittman Sympathy Marie Matlock - Death of family member Deborah Broughton - Death of Family Member Barbara Chretian - Death of sister Dottie Prentiss Death of sister Jennifer Bouchard - Death of aunt Judy Lepelley - Death of sister-in-law Death of co-worker - Sue Fleetwood Joann Beasley—Death of her father Art Beasley Thinking of you Dawn Ozmore - Mother ill Shirley Langley - Husband very ill Dinah Martinez - Grandmother fell and broke her hip 4 Hopewell Moose FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR Marvin Nester Thanks to everyone who volunteers to work B-I-N-G-O ! _____________________________________________________________ Thank You “Decoration Committee” Thanks to all working Committees _____________________________________________________________ Thanks to everyone who volunteers their time and helps on Mondays at the QUEEN OF HEARTS. _____________________________________________________________ Thanks to the THURSDAY TRIVIA GANG! ____________________________________________________________ Thanks to ALL of the Hopewell Moose Employees Great Job – One and All ___________________________________________________________ Thanks to All Hopewell Moose Members! You are the reason why Hopewell Moose Family Center is #1 From the Moose Legion Vice chairman At our last moose legion meeting on Oct 2, 2014 we had one visitor, Gary Easter, Vice President of 148. Also present was Ken Emerson, current Supreme loss prevention committee, both were recognized. Minutes and financial report were read and approved. Upcoming events: Hopewell Moose Legion Enrollment will be on Nov 6, 2014. The regular Legion meeting will then be held on Nov. 20, 2014 Moose Legion Golden Ball dance on December 5th - The band “The Janitors” will be playing. Watch for more information and ticket sales. Winter Celebration will be held Feb 5-8, 2015 in VA Beach. This year Hopewell will have a hospitality room. Make plans to come have fun and help support your Moose Legion. Anyone interested or have questions about the Moose Legion, feel free to ask any member of the Moose Legion - all are welcome. In closing Hopewell held the 148 meeting last month and wanted to thank Kathy and kitchen staff for the meal they prepared; you all outdid yourselves. Richard Boyette Hopewell Moose Lodge 1472 4701 Western Street Hopewell, VA 23860 Office: (804) 458-1755 Lounge: (804)4581095 6:30PM 12:00PM 30 6:30PM 12:00 6:30PM 25 24 QUEEN OF HEARTS 23 18 6:30PM 17 QUEEN OF HEARTS 6:30PM 11 6:30PM 4 Tue 6:30PM 12:00PM 16 6:30PM 12:00PM 9 6:30PM 10 QUEEN OF HEARTS 3 QUEEN OF HEARTS 2 **MEMBERSHIP RETENTION WEEK** 12:00pm Mon Sun 26 DJ Chip Cook 19 Karaoke with David Allen DJ Floyd Spencer 12 OFFICER MTG 7PM WOTH MTG 7PM 5 OFFICER MTG 7PM WOTM MTG 7PM DJ Darrell Johnson Wed 14 DJ Pete Saunders DJ Gary Harmon 7 Sign up one NEW MEMBER or RE-ENROLL a member back into the lodge and receive ONE FREE Wednesday Night Dinner Fri 15 8 -7AM PANCAKE BREAKFAST -All Fellow’s and Pilgrim / 12pm-3pm /Telethon of all Delinquent Members form the previous month -KARAOKE NIGHT 7-10PM IN THE SQ 1 Sat 27 28 OPEN THANKSGIVING DJ John Hall 11:00 AM—6:00 PM Covered dishes welcome 29 20 SR LUNCH 11AM 21 22 LOOM 7PM 8PM COASTLINE BAND MOOSE LEGION 148 - MTG- RICHMOND LAKESIDE#1714 7PM 13 MOOSE LEGION GET ACQUAINTED W/ CONFERRAL 6 LOOM 7PM Thu November 2014 Social Quarters Now Opens At 12noon Every Day!! 5 6 ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment Committee Autumn is upon us and we have the frosty mornings, fall colors and falling leaves to prove it. Don’t forget the shorter days and long, long nights. No need to stay home wishing there was something to do on those long nights, because there is. We are having fun at the Hopewell Moose Lodge every night of the week! Sunday and Tuesday nights are Bingo nights. On Mondays, don’t forget the Queen of Hearts drawing. The jackpot is growing and you may as well be the winner! Wednesday and Friday nights we offer fine meals and DJ entertainment for your dancing and listening pleasure. The second and fourth Thursday nights we have Trivia Night in the Social Quarters to test your knowledge as well as entertain and compete against your friends for prizes. Check the calendar to find out which Saturdays we are having “All Karaoke Night.” There is never a cover charge for any of our Social Quarters Events! We also have Ballroom events planned for the upcoming months. Advanced tickets are available for ballroom events by calling the office and you can reserve your favorite seats and tables at no additional cost. The ballroom seating chart is on our website www.hopewellmooselodge.com, on the entertainment page. Everyone come out for lots of fun, great food, dancing and listening pleasure with all your best friends. Any last minute additions or corrections to the calendar that miss the deadline for the newsletter or www.hopewellmooselodge.com posting will be posted on our Hopewell Moose Facebook page. WOMAN OF THE MOOSE BAZAAR Nov. 15,2014 8:00 am—2:00 pm Arts and Crafts~~Food Items Breakfast and Lunch served Come on out and have fun and support the Women of the Moose This will be held in the Ballroom Upcoming Events Nov 8- Karaoke night will be held in the social quarters from 7-10. David Allen will be the DJ and he will give all our talented singers a chance to “show their stuff.” The bar will be open and food will be available. There is no cover charge for this event. Nov 21- Jim Quick and the “COASTLINE BAND” will return to the ballroom. Jim has won the “Entertainer of the Year Award” for the past 12 consecutive years, and guess what? He is nominated for the “Entertainer of the Year Award” again this year. He and his band members are nominated for 7 other prestigious awards. They play a blend of Beach, Country and Southern Soul music. We may get the treat of hearing a couple of “King Tyrone and the Graveyard Ramblers” songs. BYOB. Come join the Coastline Crazies for a night of FUN!!! Dec 5- THE JANITORS from Virginia Beach will take the stage. THE JANITORS emit an energy level and sonic fullness that rivals larger bands. Their tight blend of Rhythm and Blues, 60’s Soul, 70’s Funk, Country, and current Top 40 Dance keeps people of all ages dancing from the first note ‘til the last. BYOB. Dec 20- The Women of the Moose will host a special Christmas Dance featuring “THE ANTIQUES.” They are a local favorite that plays the best of old time Country Music. This is sure to be a special evening of dancing and listening to the music we have loved for many years. BYOB. Dec 31- We will ring out 2014 and the new year in with the sounds of our own Darrell Johnson and his “VERTIGO BAND.” They perform a big variety of music that is sure to please everyone. This special evening will begin with the band starting the party at 8, and a champagne toast and a buffet breakfast that will follow shortly after the New Year has been rung in. 7 Veterans’ Day November 11, 2014 Tuesday, November 11th, is Veterans’ Day; a day we honor all veterans of all branches of the armed services. Please take a moment to stop and thank the veterans for all they have done for the United States of America and for the freedom we sometimes take for granted. The men and women who have given so much and asked so little in return. On November 11th thank all the veterans of all the past wars and conflicts they served in and all the young men and women serving their country today. Keep in mind – Real heroes do not wear a cape and mask, They wear combat boots and dog tags! From the Officers and Staff of Hopewell Moose Family Center THANK YOU VETERANS!!! November Dinner Specials Senior Luncheon On October 16th we had a total of 22 seniors who enjoyed delicious barbecue sandwiches with potato chips, baked beans, cole slaw, and banana pudding at our luncheon. And you cannot beat the price! Come out and join us for fun, good food, and fellowship the third Thursday of each month at 12noon. A door prize is drawn during each event; the winner for October was Charlie Kemp. Our next luncheon will be held on Thursday, November 20th. Hope to see you then. God Bless All – Jack & Myrtle Casey Wed. November 1 $8.00 Fri. November 7 $8.00 Wed. November 12 $8.50 Beef Enchiladas w/ Refried Beans and Spanish Rice Parmesan Chicken Tenders (Hand Made) Beef Stroganoff over egg noodles w/ the salad bar & bread Fri. November 14 $10.00 Fried Shrimp & Sirloin (Surf & Turf) w/ 2 sides Wed. November 19 $8.00 Teriyaki Beef w/Stir Fried Vegetables, Fried Rice and an egg roll Fri. November 21 $8.50 Cabbage Rolls w/2 sides Wed. November 26 $8.50 Meatloaf w/mashed potatoes & gravy w/2 sides Fri. November 28 Prices Vary Italian Night!!! OPEN THANKSGIVING 11:00 am—6:00 pm Covered dishes welcome ! DINNER SERVED FROM 5:30 - 8:00 PM ALWAYS FREE ENTERTAINMENT IN THE SOCIAL QUARTERS ! ! 8 HOPEWELL MOOSE FAMILY CENTER 4701 Western Street Hopewell, Virginia 23860 (804) 458-1755 Fax (804) 458-2771 Office Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday - Friday LODGE OFFICERS Governor Administrator Troy King Marvin Nester Jr. Past Governor .............................Ray Schaefer Sr. Jr. Governor ... ......................… Gary Bartholomew Prelate. ...........................…….. …….Brad Ozmore Treasurer ... ......................................Don Readshaw Trustee 3-Year ... ...................................Art Seward Trustee - 2 Year.... .........………….Brian Carpenter Trustee 1-Year. ...........……...........Richard Boyette Sergeant-at-Arms ............…………Garland Jacobs Inner Guard. ........................………Rodger Donner COMMITTEES Fellowship. ................…….....………..Ray Spalek Moose Legion. ....................……..Richard Boyette Membership. .................................Richard Boyette Application Review…..........................Roy Snyder Audit. ............................……………....JD Langley Publications/Internet.... ........................Art Seward Family Activities ............…………Don Readshaw Youth Activities ............…………..….Jim Jordan Government Relations.......…...........Marvin Nester Senior Activities………… …Jack & Myrtle Casey Sports .................................................Butch Morris Entertainment…..R. Smith/A. Seward/B. Carpenter Publicity ..........................………..…J. D. Langley Community Service ...........…..….Don Readshaw Membership Retention …….….. Richard Boyette Loss Prevention…………………..Brian Carpenter Volunteer Committee…........Jack & Myrtle Casey LODGE MEMBERSHIP MEETING 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:00PM OFFICERS’ MEETING 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00PM NEW SOCIAL QUARTERS HOURS: Sunday – Monday 12 Noon – 10:00 pm Tuesday 12 Noon – 10:00pm (on dart night til 12:00 Midnight) Wed. – Thur. 12:00 noon – 12:00 Midnight Friday 12:00 noon – 1:00am Saturday 12:00 noon – Midnight Lounge Phone: 458-1095 DINING ROOM HOURS Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 5:30PM - 8:00PM CHECK OUT THE HOPEWELL MOOSE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE P O Box 1646 Hopewell, Virginia 23860 Senior Regent (240-3426)....……………..…Lynetta Parrish Jr. Grad. Regent (720-7070) ........................…Sandy Baker Junior Regent(691-6359)..........…………....…Dawn Ozmore Chaplain(458-6519)...…...........………….…..Gloria Anderson Secretary/Treasurer........……................Nita Adams Gilliam Recorder (571-214-8522)........……………....Mattie Rogers Guide(541-8607.....................................….Elizabeth Benka Assistant Guide (862-9709)...........…………Beverly Jones TO REPORT ILLNESSES OF WOTM MEMBERS, CALL Chaplain – Glo- ria Anderson (458-6519) TO REPORT DEATHS OF CO-WORKERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS OF WOTM, CALL Chaplain –Gloria Anderson (458-6519) MEETING DATES: 1st WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM Board Meeting 7:00 PM Welcome Party 7:30 PM Chapter Night 2nd WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM Board of Officers Meeting 3rd WEDNESDAY – 7:00PM Committee Planning Session 7:30PM Business/Balloting 4th WEDNESDAY - If needed (Fund Raiser, etc.) Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID
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