Welcome to The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul Rustington

Welcome to
The Parish Church of
St Peter & St Paul
26th October 2014
Last Sunday after Trinity
Bible Sunday
Holy Communion – The Vicar
Deuteronomy 34.1-12 (p199) (James Stilwell); Matthew 22.34 - 46 (p24)
The Parish Eucharist + Junior Church
President – Rev Mark Geldard; Preacher – The Vicar
Deuteronomy 34.1-12 (p199) (Liz Henderson); Psalm 90.1- 6, 13-17 (omit
response) (p559) (Keith Henderson); Matthew 22.34 - 46 (p24)
Hymns: NHWS 204, 309, SPR 187, NHWS 214
Organist: Michael Wooldridge
Blessed Lord,
who caused all holy scriptures
to be written for our learning:
help us so to hear them,
to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and
the comfort of your holy word,
we may embrace and for ever hold fast
the hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns
with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
God of all grace,
Communion your Son Jesus Christ fed the hungry
with the bread of his life
and the word of his kingdom:
renew our people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your true and living bread;
who is alive and reigns, now and forever.
Evening Prayer – Miss Sue Lynn-Allen
Psalm119.89 -104:
Ecclesiastes 11.12 (p632); 2 Timothy 2.1-7 (p209) (Brian Garrett)
This Week
Morning Prayer 08.15 Mon - Wed, Fri - Sat: Evening Prayer 17.15 Mon - Tue, Thu - Fri
27 October
09.00 Parish Prayer Time (David Poley)
28 October
Simon and Jude, Apostles
09.00 Holy Communion – Rev Marjorie Warnes
Isaiah 28.14 -16; Psalm 119.89 -96; Ephesians 2.19 – end; John 15.17 – end
R: Bless the Lord, you servants of the Lord.
10.00 Vicar and Churchwardens meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall
10.15 Home Group – Rossida
Wednesday 29 October
James Hannington, bishop, martyr 1885
10.00 Coffee break in Church Hall
11.00 Holy Communion – Rev Canon Tony Chanter
Ephesians 6.1-9; Psalm 145.10-20; Luke 13.22-30
R: The Lord is righteous in all his ways
and loving in all his works.
DEL pp 737-738
30 October
14.30 Home Group – 128a Sea Lane – Luke 8.1-21 ‘Hearing God: First steps of Faith’
19.30 Home Group – Rossida
19.30 Home Group – 83 Broadmark Lane
31 October
10.00 Holy Communion at Rustington Convalescent Home (PB)
11.00 Ready, Willing & Able – Group planning time & talents event – U/R, Ch Hall
14.00 Meeting about AAE, Upper Room – Church Hall
16.00 Holy Communion at Darlington Court (AR)
19.30 Choir practice
1 November
All Saints Day *
09.00 Holy Communion – The Vicar
Hebrews 12.18 -24; Matthew 5.1-12
10.30 Footsteps set off from St. Mary’s Church Clapham, to walk Long Furlong.
2 November
All Saints Day *
08.00 Holy Communion
09.45 The Parish Eucharist
10.00 Jubilate – an additional service for children and families in the Church Hall
15.00 Memorial Service
Revelation 7.9-17; 1 John 3.1-3; Matthew 5.1-12
Preparation for Holy Communion
Lord Jesus, help us to draw near to your table
with obedient hearts, in response to your own invitation;
with penitent hearts, acknowledging our need of forgiveness;
with expectant hearts, knowing that you are present to meet with us;
with grateful hearts,
as those for whom your body was broken, your blood shed.
Make us ready to receive all that you have for us,
and to give all of ourselves to you;
for your great love’s sake.
Please pray for Cynthia Pollard, Maggie Leigh-Jones, Sheila Allen (Eastbourne DGH),
Mary Cunningham (Worthing Hospital), patients & staff at Zachary Merton Hospital and
at other hospitals serving our area: those recovering at home including John Thomas &
Addie Diwell; those receiving Holy Communion at home; residents and staff at
residential care homes especially this week those in Littlehampton – Sybil Frostick at
Brockenhurst, Sally Sartain at Lobbswood and Ian Ennis at Oaklands.
Year’s Mind: Harold Broadhead (26.10); Molly Snow (27.10.09)
There will be a service today at Rustington Convalescent Home at 5.00pm.
‘Extras’ are always welcome.
Pat Brooks
Shoe Boxes for Romania – Our shoe boxes will be taken to Link to Hope in
Worthing tomorrow, to begin their journey to Eastern Europe.
Pam Brooks
Churchyard - We will be gathering for gardening duty on Friday 31st October from
10am to 12noon, weather permitting.
Chris Palmer
Footsteps, Saturday 1st Nov - Long Furlong Walk. For further details please contact
Keith and Maggie Worrall. Email, [email protected], tel 778883.
* According to the Lectionary, where All Saints Day is celebrated on Sunday 2
November, ‘there may be a supplementary celebration on 1 November.’ All Saints Day being
a Principal Holy Day in the Calendar, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 09.00 on
Saturday 1 Nov. This is to give anyone prevented from attending 08.00 or 09.45 on
Sunday 2 November opportunity to receive Holy Communion at All Saints tide, although
– as always – everyone is welcome. ZA.
All Souls Memorial Service, 2 Nov 15.00 Once again, we have invited the families and
friends whose loved ones’ funerals have been taken by one of our clergy team in recent
years to this service. You are all welcome to come and ‘remember with thanksgiving those
whom we love but see no longer; refreshments will be served in the hall afterwards. ZA
The next meeting of the Men’s Fellowship will be on Wednesday 5th November at
7.30 pm in the church hall when Bishop David Farrer (Vicar of St Nicholas, Arundel) will
give a talk entitled "The Wotsit wot done it – a reflection on the lighter side of
ministry". The meeting will conclude with a cup of tea or coffee. We look forward to
seeing as many of you as possible, just turn up on the night. Further information can be
obtained from the secretary, Phil Jagger 07541 992853.
Parish Outing on Saturday 6th December will be to Winchester where the
Christmas Market will be held. On the return journey we shall stop at Chichester for
Evensong at 5.30. The cost will be between £11.00 and £14.00 depending on our
numbers and the size of coach needed. If you are interested, please let me know as soon
as possible to enable me to confirm the booking. Many thanks, John Hawkins Tel 859556
The loop system - We are aware that this is not working at present and be assured
that everything possible is being done to hopefully have it working again soon.
Carrie and Dot, Churchwardens
Calendars 2015 – a big thank you to all the people who bought calendars. All one
hundred have now been sold with a profit of £171 for Church Funds.
Thank you to those who have volunteered to help at the Christmas Day Lunch.
We now have our two teams.
Pam Brooks
CHOIR - We need more men in the choir, please. Initially, to augment the choir for
the carol service so, if you can sing, please consider joining us. Reading music is helpful
but not essential. We will make you very welcome. Please contact me. Thank you.
Carrie McLeod 368452
We are still looking for the Christmas Card Tree. If you see it, please let Pam Brooks
Thank you, The Mission Group
Thank you to all those who supported the Beetle Drive and Pudding Evening.
£286 was raised to be given to Alison Gill in Burundi, Friends of Mombasa Children in
Kenya and Family Support Work in Sussex.
Family Support Work Log Basket Appeal - The Log Basket will not be in Church
during November but will reappear in early December for unwrapped Christmas gifts for
parents, teenagers and younger children. Many thanks for your help.
Julie Webb
This week’s Noticesheet is sponsored by the Vicar:
In thanksgiving to God for the gift and safe delivery of a grandson,
Francis James Buchanan (b. Tue 7 October 2014),
as well as for the good wishes and prayers of the People of God @ SSP&P, Rustington
Material for the News Sheet for Sunday 2nd November 2014 should reach the
church office no later than 10am on Wednesday 29th October 2014
Vicar: The Revd Zachary Allen
Church Office (Mr Bob Bulley & Mrs Trish Holden)
Rustington Church Hall, 77 The Street, Rustington, BN16 3NL
Open: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.
email: [email protected]
Website: www.sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Tel: 01903 850509
Registered Charity Number 1133812