. St. Agnes Catholic Community A Perpetual Adoration and Stewardship Parish Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 PARISH OFFICE 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Office Hours: 9:00am - Noon * 1:00PM - 4:30pm, M-F Website: www.stagnesparish.net * E-Mail: [email protected] 1 . MASS SCHEDULE Dear Friends: Saturday Vigil: 5PM Sunday: 7AM, 9AM, 10:45AM & 5PM Today, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Daily Mass in the Chapel at 8AM Monday - Saturday (Communion Service on Wed.) Confessions: Saturday 3:30PM PASTORAL STAFF Parochial Administrator Rev. Fr. Johnson Abraham [email protected] Business Manager Marlene McCann [email protected] Director of Religious Education Lila Rutkowska [email protected] Secretary-Religious Education Donna Cassianos [email protected] Director of Music Ministry May Hembrador [email protected] Liturgical Musician Lily Melendrez Youth Ministry Coordinator Linda D’Souza [email protected] Office Secretary Cecilia Humann [email protected] Pastoral Council President David Wood [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE 3886 Chestnut Ave., Concord Tel.: (925) 689-3990 Office Hours: 7:30 - 4:00 M-F I don’t know who first uttered these words, but they set forth a truly important bit of wisdom: “If there is nothing above us, we will be consumed by all that is around us.” Our nation’s Founding Fathers recognized this truth when they wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Our human dignity, rights and freedoms come to us not from our President, our Congress or our Supreme Court, they come to us from God above, our Creator. The situation in our world was not much better in the early 1900’s, a time when World War I had been fought as well as a time when Communism, Naziism and Secularism were on the rise. And, so, it was that on December 11, 1925 Pope Pius XI established this Solemnity of Christ the King for the entire Catholic Church to be celebrated at the end of the Church’s liturgical year. As interesting as history may be, and as interesting as the context may be for the establishment of this liturgical Solemnity, we must pay attention to what is meant by the image of Christ as king. What sort of king is He? What do we understand to be the kingship of Christ? As Christians, we claim Jesus Christ to be our King. We find ourselves under His kingship. He will establish His justice and peace among us. But in order to do so, he relies on our allegiance, he relies on our cooperation, and he relies on the gift of our very lives and souls, in order to reveal His kingdom here “on earth as it is in heaven.” We do it when we are prepared to answer “Yes” to the king’s six questions: “I was hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, sick, imprisoned; did you help Me”? We are reminded that if we answer yes to these questions, we are actually establishing the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Happy Thanksgiving. May we give thanks to God for all the blessings and thank one another who accompany us on our life’s journey. Fr. Johnson Thanksgiving Day Mass Principal: Jill Lucia [email protected] Thursday, November 27 Blessing of Bread & Wine Mass 9:00am Secretary: Ana Kelley [email protected] 2 . WE ARE INVITING ALL TO OUR SECOND ST AGNES ADVENT RECOLLECTION WHEN: DEC. 6, 2014 TIME: 9:00AM – 3:00PM eGiving with Faith Direct RECOLLECTION MASTER: JESSE ROMERO 1st Talk – JESSE ROMERO’S CONVERSAION STORY We have recently introduced a new way for you to support our parish offertory: Faith Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make their Church contributions through either direct debit from their checking/savings account or through their credit/ debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. 2nd Talk – BE BOLD, BE CATHOLIC, GO AGAINST THE TIDE 3rd Talk – WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE LEAVES THE CHURCH Registration fee - $15.00 – Deadline Dec. 1st. Contact - Marie Rojo @925-689-8814 or at Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket. Catholic Daughters of America The Catholic Daughters of America Court #1934 St. John Baptist de la Salle invites all women to come and join them. The CDA meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of each month. For more information, contact Eiko Asselin at: [email protected] or 925-825-3982 If you have not already signed up, please consider completing an enrollment card, or visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online. Our parish code is CA646. Thank you. St. Agnes Retired Seniors will have their Friday Fish Fry Hosted by: St. Agnes Knights of Columbus Friday December 5th 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Location - Church Hall Cost - $5, kids 3 and under are Free Christmas luncheon meeting on December 2, in the church hall. Gathering begins at 11:00 AM and lunch is at 11:30 AM. All St. Agnes Seniors and guests are invited. This will be a catered luncheon by Boston Market. The menu will feature sliced turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed vegetables, and corn muffins, accompanied by cranberry sauce and dessert. The cost is $12.50 each, and the reservation deadline is November 24th. SAVE THE DATE Please save the date for the eleventh annual "Walk for Life" in San Francisco on January 24, 2014. This is our opportunity to raise our voices in respect of human life. More information will follow as we coordinate our plan for St. Agnes parishioners who will be joining this important event. A flyer is attached for your information. For reservations, contact Patricia Vizcay at 6892701, or visit the Welcome Table after Sunday Masses. Stewardship Corner Advent daily reflections by Fr.Baron. Available at: www.adventreflections.com Sunday Collection for Nov. 16 $10, 649. 3 . CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK SUN Nov 23 8:30AM RCIA A.R. 3:00PM Confirmation Session Church MASS INTENTIONS 7:00AM John Newton - Repose Jason Zarri - Repose 9:00AM Bono, Gardella & Capurro Families - Repose Dina San Juan - Repose Maria Persyn - Repose 10:45AM Neal Coenen - Repose 5:00PM For the people of St. Agnes, living and deceased MON Nov 24 8:00AM 7:00PM Mass Edge Chapel Cauchi Hall 8:00AM Doris Rygh - Special Intention Agapito Francisco, Jr. - Repose Kathleen York - Repose TUE Nov 25 8:00AM 7:00PM Mass LifeTeen Chapel Cauchi Hall 8:00AM Sal & Irene Lo Grasso - Repose Tomas Legaspi, Sr. - Repose Lucita Benavidez - Repose WED Nov 26 8:00AM 7:00PM Communion Service Jim Gill Band Practice Chapel Church 8:00AM For the people of St. Agnes, living and deceased THU Nov 27 9:00AM Thanksgiving Day Mass Church 8:00AM Daniel Sorbel - Repose Ernest Cornella - Repose Edgar Belmonte - Special Intention Chapel Chapel 8:00AM Marcial Penaranda - Repose Adoracion Penaranda - Repose Remedios Penaranda - Repose Chapel Church 8:00AM Jean McCloskey - Repose Josh Belmonte - Repose Parish Office Closed FRI Nov 28 8:00AM 6:45PM Mass Divine Mercy Chaplet Parish Office Closed SAT Nov 29 8:00AM 8:30AM Mass Lector Practice 5:00PM Kenneth Lee - Repose SUN Nov 30 7:00AM Wayne Coppock - Repose 9:00AM Rafael Sison - Repose Juanita Coquioa Sison - Repose 10:45AM Neal Coenen - Repose 5:00PM 4 For the people of St. Agnes, living and deceased . PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING Ron Artale Camille Bainbrigde Betty Baltazar John Bedecarre Maureen Brophy George Conlow Lynda Conlow Nancy Cotter Nancy K. Cox Henry De Graca Christopher Doorack Sal Escano Junita Estrellas Louis Ferrari Brooklyn Foley Francisco Garcia Theresa Gartner Josephine Grove Jax Grundmann Ed Jaoquin Giving Tree JoAnn Lee Trevor Ludlow Joseph Mallon Evelyn Martin Mathew Ouimet Ed Palma Andrew Palmer Gelacio Pangilinan The Parffit Family Rose Potavin Amador Rodriguez Gina G. Rubin Stella Ruybalid Doris Rygh Maria San Miguel Louie Sison Connie Torrisi Juner Valencia Ronald Yancey Thanks to everyone who took the “Stars.” You are truly making a difference for the needy of our community. Reminder: the return date is the weekend of December 6/7th no later than after the 10:45 Mass on Sunday. Please bring them to Mass that weekend. Bring your gifts and leave them on the altar. There is no need to wrap the gift card presents, just make sure that the tag is on the gift. God Bless!! If you are a member of the St. Agnes Parish Family and are having a difficult time financially this season, the St. Agnes Giving Tree could help make your or your family's Christmas a little brighter. Stop by the Ministry Center and complete a short form by Tuesday, December 9th. The inforTHANK YOU!!!! On behalf of the St. Agnes Knights of Columbus, I would like to thank the parishioners of St. Agnes Church for their outpouring of support for our Wheelchair Sunday program held the weekend of Nov 8/9. I am overwhelmed with the generosity of our Parish for this program. As of Monday, Nov 17th, the parishioners of St. Agnes have donated $13,242.86! That is over 88 wheelchairs! That is 88 individuals who will have their prayers answered and will be given HOPE! That is 88 families’ lives positively affected by your generosity. I am sincerely touched by this outpouring of love by YOU to give Hope to those in such desperate need. 2nd Annual St. Agnes Christmas Dinner & Dance December 13, 2014 Tickets Adults - $20.00 * Children 5 - 11 $5.00 Under 5 - No Charge Tickets on Sale after all Masses and in the Ministry Center Nov. 15 & 16 * Nov. 22 & 23 * Nov. 29 & 30 * Dec. 6 & 7 Excellent Stewardship Opportunities The Social Ministry committee has three openings. Chairpersons are needed for the St. Mary's Christmas Dinner, Blood Drive (held annually on Good Friday), and the Respect Life Committees. The Social Ministries Committee would offer full support and has information about each committee. If you would like to learn more about these committees, please contact Mary McCarthy ([email protected] or 935.673.8881) or Yvonne Mennel at: David Wood, Grand Knight St. Agnes Knights of Columbus CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION & EDGE For Thanksgiving week, there are no CFF or EDGE sessions this Monday, Nov. 24th. Sessions will resume on Monday, Dec. 1st.. CONFIRMATION The next Confirmation session is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 23rd. LIFE TEEN For Thanksgiving week, there is no Life Teen session. The next session will resume on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. [email protected] or 925.689.2795. Thanks in advance for your prayful consideration of these needs. 5 . SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNTIES FOR PRAYER PARISH CENSUS AND OUTREACH PROJECT STARTS IN NOVEMBER DAILY MASS IN THE CHAPEL Monday - Saturday at 8:00 AM. (Communion Service on Wed.) Father Johnson and the Pastoral Council have initiated a process to update our parishioner family records. We are calling this the “Census and Outreach Project.” During the month of November, binders with an alphabetical listing of our current parishioners and their contact information (name, address, phone number, email) will be placed at the Welcome Desk. We are asking every Parishioner to stop by after Mass to verify their information and update where appropriate. Once this step is complete, changes will be entered into our Parish Data System. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Chapel 24/7 Contact Dick or Kaaren Duckart 925-676-8248 for scheduling. The “Outreach” part of the project will begin in January, when we will invite volunteers to help us contact (first by phone and then, if necessary, by mail) those parishioners who did NOT verify their information during the November phase of the project. Volunteers will attempt to determine the status of the parishioner or family. Have they moved? Are they unable to attend Mass due to illness? Is their absence from our parish temporary or permanent? With this information, we will be able to have confidence our records are accurate, and we may even be able to help some parishioners reconnect with St. Agnes. MARTINEZ SHELTER MEALS FOR ADULT LEARNING SCRIPTURE SHARING - Thursday mornings at 9:30 in the Ministry Center. FOR MINISTRY PRAYER TREE - a ministry of people who pray specifically for those who are ill. Please notify the parish office if you or a member of your family are in, or going into, the hospital. HELPING HANDS: Please call Joanne Doorack (925) 798-1735 Please call Yvonne Mennel: 925-200-6716 or [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY Please contact the Waltons at (925) 825-7931 or [email protected]. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Please call Naomi (925) 798-5592 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Is Jesus the Shepherd in our marriage? Do we know what He asks of us in our Sacrament of Marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 20-22 or August 7-9. Early registration, 4 to 6 weeks out is highly recommended. For more information contact Mike & Jeanne @ 925.672.2016 or Joe & Sue @ 925.680.7767 now or go to oaklandwwme.org Please be assured the information you provide will NOT be sold to groups unaffiliated with St. Agnes or used for dinner time “robo-calls.” This data is for our church records so we can stay in touch with you. After all, you and your family are an important part of our St. Agnes family! Please join in the festivities as Carondelet High School celebrates the 25th Annual Visions of Christmas extravaganza from December 2–7, 2014. Seven events in six days include five holiday teas, a community open house, and a family breakfast with Santa. Beautiful boutique, silent auctions, and spectacular drawing trees complete with decorations and fabulous prizes. All events held on the Carondelet campus at 1133 Winton Dr. in Concord. For information or to make reservations www.carondelet.net or 925-686-5353 ext. 151. All Parishioners and Ministries As a reminder when planning any special liturgy, a “Special Liturgy Request Form” must be completed at least two months prior to the planned date. This allows for optimal coordination with others in planning Mass liturgies; e.g. music, lectors, etc. For questions, please contact the Ministry center. Thank you! 6 . 523253 St. Agnes Concord (925) 689-0838 Marlene McCann or Cecilia Special Instructions: Gentle reminder. Please allow the ink to dry before folding. Colors need to not look washed out. Please make sure track or rolling marks are not visible. Thank you. Ads are on Page 7; 7 Page 8 is color. . Six Ways to Discover My Vocation How can I know God’s plan for my life? 1. PRAYER. Prayer is a conversation with God not just saying prayers, but speaking to the Lord from your heart. Everyday, read the Bible and talk to him like he is your best friend. Ask Him to reveal His plan for you: “Jesus, I want to want what You want. Here I am Lord; I come to do Your will.” Trust completely that God has a plan for you. elcome We W w our ne ners! io parish 2. SACRAMENTS. The soul is the window through which we can see God and hear His voice. If the window is dirty because of sin, it must be cleaned through Confession so we can be in union with God. When you receive Communion, ask Jesus to show you your vocation. Prayer to Know My Vocation 3. GOOD INFORMATION. It is impossible to discover your vocation without good information. What does it mean to have a holy Christian marriage? What do priests do? What is it like to be a religious brother or sister? What is the Ministry in my local church that I want to get involved? Find good information, then take what you’ve learned back to prayer. Lord, I want to be happy in this life And spend eternity with You in the life to come. From the first moment of my existence, You knew my vocation. Please help me discover Your plan for my life. 4. THE BLESSED MOTHER. Mary is the ultimate example of openness to the will of God. Are you open to God’s will for you? Pray three Hail Mary’s everyday, specifically to know your vocation and have the courage to follow it. Help me to know myself. Help me to overcome my fears. Help me to want what You want. Help me to trust You completely. Send Your Holy Spirit into my mind and heart so I can see the gifts You have given me and hear Your call to serve the Church. Increase my desire to bring others to You and to help them reach heaven. 5. GO ON RETREAT. Miracles happen on retreats! One of the surest ways to discover God’s plan for you is to enter into silence and prayer over an extended period. 6. GET ADVICE. Don’t try to discern your vocation alone, without the help of the Church. Talk to a sister, priest or deacon you trust. Mary Most Holy, Mother of God, pray for me, that I can discover my vocation and have the courage to respond in faith. When the time comes, you must act! Move in the direction your hearts tells you, confident that God will never send you where his grace cannot sustain. Amen. 8
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