ST. JOHN ANTIGO, WISCONSIN Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MASS INTENTIONS 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Saturday Sunday 5:10PM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Saturday Sunday 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Lynne Preboski Bob Slattery Della Marx Catherine Person-Schulte St. John Parish Family Special Intention for the Sharon & Joe Hamby Family Clarence Trzebiatowski Mary Kirsch & Art Rennpferd ACOLYTES Maddie Igl, Hunter Igl Spencer Fittante, Jack McKenna Sarah Duff, Kaylee Bukholt LECTORS & COMMENTATOR Gary Hartl (L) Cecilia Dernbach (C) Becky Frisch (L) Gary Cernoch (L) Tom McGrath (C) EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Paul & Joanna Hilger, Charlotte Meyer Jerry & Mary Riha, Leila Zabransky, Peg Thomae, Eileen Hartl Charlie Kirsch, Sue Hoffman 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Lana Gray & Choir Joann Kekula & Choir Moira Scupien, Isaac Cuellar Saturday 5:10PM Sunday 9:00AM 11:00AM USHERS Norm Boehnlein, Greg Rusch, Brian Blink, Bill Hilger Bill Thomae, John Steger, Greg Oelke, Brian Bunnell Ken Swartz, Joe Guithues Bucky Lynett, Robert Arlen Sr., Jim Perkins or Mary Hilger MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Saturday 5:10PM Sunday 9:00AM 11:00AM Saturday Sunday MUSICIANS 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Kris Tillman (Carport) Kathy Resch (West/Front) Sandy Bonfigt (Carport) Trini & Isaac Cuellar (West/Front) Shirlee Welch (Carport) Jim & Midge Tatro (West/Front) SCRIP John Gelhausen Erla Marvin, Dawn Ofsthun Cindy Erickson, Margie Kirk-Schuh Sales for the two weeks ending 11-09-2014 were $40,675.16 with a profit of $1,877.73. Thank you for your continuing support to the scrip program. Scrip Hours: Scrip will be sold in the Scrip Office at the St. John Parish Office from 8am-Noon Monday-Friday. Reminder: When school is not in session, the Scrip Office is closed. Scrip is also sold at SS. Mary & Hyacinth & St. Wencel during regular office hours. CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES ........................................6572.50 OFFERTORY ................................................ 460.87 TOTAL ............................................... 7033.37 BUILDING & GROUNDS............................... 753.00 SENTINEL OF THE SANCTUARY In Memory of Jerome Filbrandt In Memory of Chuck Moore We are again taking names for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. Please submit name and an offering ($2) to the Parish Office. Remember the names are printed as they are received in the office. There are no specific dates for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. The new Mass Schedule for the parishes will start Saturday, November 29th. Saturday: 4:00pm SS. Mary & Hyacinth 5:30pm St. John Sunday: 7:30am SS. Mary & Hyacinth, 9:00am St. John, 10:30am St. Wenceslaus (Neva) Due to the New Mass Schedule there will no longer be an 11:00 Mass at St. John starting November 29th. The Masses scheduled at 11:00AM on Sunday’s will be moved to the next available 9AM Sunday Mass, Please call the Parish Office at 715-623-2024 if you have any questions. EXTRA MASS NEXT WEEKEND: There will be an extra Mass scheduled for deer hunters next Saturday, November 22, 7pm at St. Wencel, Neva. DAILY READINGS Monday, November 17 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious (Memorial) Reading I: Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Gospel: Luke 18:35-43 Tuesday, November 18 Reading I: Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22; Gospel: Luke 19:1-10 Wednesday, November 19 Reading I: Revelation 4:1-11; Gospel: Luke 19:11-28 Thursday, November 20 Reading I: Revelation 5:1-10; Gospel: Luke 19:41-44 Friday, November 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Memorial) Reading I: Revelation 10:8-11; Gospel: Luke 19:45-48 Saturday, November 22 Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr (Memorial) Reading I: Revelation 11:4-12; Gospel: Luke 20:27-40 THIS WEEKS MEETING Prayer Shawl, Wednesday, November 19th at 1pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Eucharistic Ministers: Volunteers are needed for Christmas and New Year’s Masses. Please sign up in the sacristy bulletin board on the sheet provided. Servers: Volunteers are needed for the Christmas and New Year’s Masses. Please sign up in the sacristy bulletin board on sheet provided. St. John Christmas Mass Times: Christmas Eve: 5:30pm & 9pm, Christmas Day: 9am, New Year’s Day: 9am. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME The following families have joined St. John Parish family since July 1, 2014. Mary Ellen Converse, John Fermanich Family, James Lorenz, Margaret (Peggy) Majewski, Richard & Kathryn Rogers Family, Molly Schleif & Milo & Judy Sylfest. We are very happy you have joined St. John Parish and we welcome you to our parish family. If you are a visitor to St. John Parish, or new to our area, we welcome you and thank you for praying with us. We are a church family and care about each other, our church and our community. If you would like to join our Parish family there is an informational brochure in each pew of the church. FAITH FORMATION All classes for grades 1 through 11 meet on Wednesdays at the Faith Formation center, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Inter-parish Faith Formation Schedule Grades 1-8 Class: 4:15-5:30 pm, Nov. 19 Grades 9-11 Class: 7–8:30 pm, Nov. 19 SS. Mary & Hyacinth Site: Pre-K, K Sunday School Class for ages 4 through 6 in the Faith Formation Center, Room 2, 10:15 am on scheduled Sundays. Students are welcome to join us for bible stories, prayer, music and games. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN If you plan on volunteering and/or working with children or vulnerable adults the Green Bay Diocese requires that you complete a Virtus (Protecting God’s Children) training session. This 3.5 hour awareness session will be offered on Monday, November 17, beginning at 6:30 PM at Holy Family Catholic Church, Elcho in the Church Hall. Sue Brettingen will serve as the instructor. The “Protecting God’s Children” program is designed to instruct adults of the Church that to protect children, one must have continuous awareness and vigilance. This awareness session makes trainees understand the signs of child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse, and five empowerment steps one can use to prevent child sexual abuse. Preregistration is required, and if you plan on attending, log on to and click “registration” to begin. If you do not have online access, but are interested in signing up, please contact the parish where you are volunteering to register in advance. LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN The Liturgy of the Word for Children has begun. During the 9am Mass children ages 4 thru 8 will be invited to come to the front of church to receive a blessing. They will then follow the catechists to the Church Hall to hear the Gospel message in age appropriate words and activities. All students are invited even if they are in Faith Formation classes or attend All Saints Catholic School. Children will return thru the back of church during the Offertory collection. THANK YOU FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM DONORS! Thank you to those who have responded to our Faith Formation “Wish List” appeal. As of bulletin printing time, a donation of $500 was received in Memory of Mike Barnes; and an additional $1,675 received in anonymous donations. Our grateful thanks to all these donors as we work to improve our instructional technology. Students will be working on their core value of service this month by bringing in canned goods and winter clothing for those in need. A canned good may be brought to the Thanksgiving Mass at St. John’s. Winter clothing such as hats, mittens, jackets, and snow pants will be collected at All Saints and distributed through Amerigas. NOVEMBER 16, 2014 STEWARDSHIP FAIR WINNERS Marge Baraniak – Fall Centerpiece, Tom Igl - $10.00 Scrip Certificate, Tom Kretz - $10 Scrip Certificate, Bob Levis - $10 Scrip Certificate, Dolly Dickman - $10 Scrip Certificate, Kathy Resch - $10 Scrip Certificate. Congratulations to our winners and Thank you to everyone who attended the Stewardship Fair. WORLD YOUTH DAY PRESENTATION Join us for the World Youth Day Presentation at St. John Antigo on November 13th at 7:00PM in Hoffmann Hall. Pope Francis has announced that World Youth Day 2016 will be in Krakow, Poland, the home of St. Pope John Paul II. The Diocese of Green Bay Pilgrimage to World Youth Day will include visits to the birthplace of St. John Paul II, the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Birkenau, and the famous Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. 2016 World Youth Day Theme:“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” (Mt 5.7) ADULT FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN Right on Target This year we are pleased to announce an early adult faith formation program scheduled for Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Antigo WI. There will be a 5:30 supper and a 6:30 presentation by Jim Vandehey. He will be presenting Right on Target. This is an evening for men at St. John the Evangelist’s Parish in Antigo. Jim will talk about how hunting and his outdoor expeditions has brought him closer to Christ. This was one of our most popular and sought after programs last year. Jim Vandehey, provides the “Right on Target” series for the Department of New Evangelization. He is the founder of “Man Camp” and “Hunting for God” Bow hunting retreats. Jim is an experienced outdoorsman in the world of hunting and outdoor adventure. He is also the co-director of the Colorado Leadership Retreat, a life changing retreat for youth and young adults to encounter Christ. He has been happily married since 1993 to his wife Susan and is blessed with two daughters and two sons. So, we hope you do not miss this opportunity! No fee for this presentation but pre-registration through the Diocesan Department of New Evangelization is recommended for planning purposes. E-mail [email protected] or call 920-272-8276 or toll free 877-500-3580, Ext. 8276. Thank you to all who participated in any way to make our Stewardship Fair a success – To everyone who helped promote the Stewardship Opportunities, who helped set up and clean up after the fair, food donations and preparation. Students who were greeters, everyone who helped and worked the children’s games and helped with the cleaning up of the children’s games and all who attended the Stewardship Fair. Thank you everyone!! STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT WEEKEND Commitment weekend is this weekend. Please bring along your Time & Talent Renewal Sheet and your Informational sheet with you to Mass and place them in the collection basket. If you forget, you can also mail them to the parish or put them in next weekend’s offertory or bring them to the Parish Office. We would like to have them back to the parish as soon as possible, so schedules can be created and mailed to parishioners. (If you did not have a chance to pick up your Stewardship packet you can pick them up at the Parish Office.) Thank you for your Stewardship to the Parish and our Community! True charity requires courage: let us overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty so as to help others in need. (Pope Francis tweeted 9/21/13) Am I fearlessly generous in service? How will I get my hands dirty for others this week?
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