Rev. Eugene Kotlinski, C.M., Pastor Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 16, 2014 Saint Hedwig P. O. Box 1097, 32 Golden Hill St. Union City, Naugatuck, CT 06770 203-729-2490 Fax 203-720-2161 St. Hedwig Masses Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM Sunday: 9:30AM (Polish) 11:00AM (English) Weekday Masses: Thursday & Friday 9:00AM Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00AM-Noon, 1:00PM – 3PM Office Manager: Kristy Rowley [email protected] Saint Mary 338 North Main St. Union City, Naugatuck, CT 06770 203-729-2279 Fax 203-729-1392 St. Mary Masses Saturday Vigil 4:00PM Sunday 8:00AM, 10:30AM 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month (October – April only) Week Day Mass: 7:30AM Monday & Tuesday Parish office hours: Mon.-Friday 8:30AM-1:30PM Office Manager: Diana Parady [email protected] Website: Sacrament of Baptism/Sakrament Chrztu Parents should call the Parish office (St. Mary 203-7292279 or St. Hedwig 203-729-2490) soon after the birth of their child to begin preparation process for the celebration of the sacrament. Rodzice powinni zadzwonić do biura parafialnego i zgłosić dziecko do Sakramentu Chrztu na miesiąc przed wybraną datą. (St. Mary 203-729-2279 or St. Hedwig 203-729-2490) Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sakrament Pojednania (confession/spowiedź): Saturdays 3:00PM at St. Mary Church, St. Hedwig by appointment. Spowiadamy w soboty o godz 3.00pm w kościele Św. Marii. Można umówić się na indywidualną spowiedź w kościele sw. Jadwigii. Sacrament of Matrimony/Sakrament Małżenstwa Archdiocesan policy requires a six-month preparation program. Couples should call the office at least six months prior for the engaged couples conference. Narzeczeni powinni zgłosić się do biura parafialnego minimum 6 miesięcy przed wybraną datą otrzymania Sakramentu Małżeństwa aby rozpocząć process przygotowania do tej uroczystości. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound/Odwiedzanie Chorych Please contact the rectory if a parishioner is in the hospital and desires a visit from a priest or deacon. Parishioners who are homebound or in local nursing homes who would desire ministry should notify the office so that arrangements can be made. Prosimy zgłaszać chorych którzy pragną przyjąć Sakrament Pokuty oraz Komunię Świętą. Osoby chore odwiedzamy w pierwsze piątki miesiąca a także w nagłych wypadkach. Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy w biurze parafialnym. St. Mary/St. Hedwig – November 16, 2014 New Parishioners/Zapisy do Parafii: The St. Mary and St. Hedwig Parish Family warmly greets you and welcomes you to your new home. Please remember to register as a parishioner at the rectory or fill out a census form and drop it in the collection basket. Parafie Św. Marii oraz Jadwigi serdecznie witają nowych parafian . O przynależności do parafii decyduje zapisanie się do niej w biurze parafialnym oraz branie aktywnego udziału w życiu parafialnym. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/Sacramenty Sw. dla doroslych Adults over the age of 16 desiring any or all Sacraments of initiation should call the rectory. Dorosłe osoby, które pragną uzupełnić brakujące im sakramenty, proszone są o kontakt w biurze parafialnym. Sponsor Certificate/Zaświadczenia We can issue Sponsor Certificates for Baptism and Confirmation to registered parishioners only. In addition person requesting a Sponsor Certificate needs to be practicing their faith and have received all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation). Zaświadczenia dla rodziców chrzestnych i świadków bierzmowania wydajemy tylko parafianom zarejestrowanym w biurze parafialnym. Osoba prosząca o te zaświadczenia powinna być praktykującym Katolikiem z otrzymanymi Sakramentami Chrztu i Bierzmowania. Wymaga się również od sponsorów aby uczęszczali rególarnie na niedzielne i świąteczne msze sw., oraz przyjmowali Komunie św. An Invitation for an Encounter with Jesus Christ A Catechesis for St. Mary’s and St. Hedwig’s parishioners; for adults and young people (13 years and older). The Catechesis is an experience of the Christian Journey to uncover the true meaning of our Baptism. Meetings are continuing Mondays and Thursdays at 8PM at St. Hedwig Church Hall. We can ask ourselves: Who is Jesus Christ for me? Can He make a difference in my life? What does it mean to be a Christian? Come and Listen! The Neocatechumenal Way Come and shop with us! The annual St. Francis- St. Hedwig School Christmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday, December 7th from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in the St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall at 318 Church St, Naugatuck. We will have vendors, crafters, raffles (including our famous Lottery Tree, which has over $100 worth of tickets), yummy food, and a visit from Santa. We hope you join us for a great and fun filled holiday season! Bring a non-perishable food item to our bazaar for donation and receive a free door prize raffle ticket (one ticket per person). For more information please contact Cori at [email protected] Page - 2 – 932 St. Mary/St. Hedwig St. Mary/St. Hedwig – November 16, 2014 ST. HEDWIG CHURCH NEWS Parish Support: November 8 - 9 Offertory: $1,855.00 Heat: $776.00 Misc: $111.00 Christmas Flowers: $75.00 Second Collection this weekend for Maintenance. Christmas Flower envelopes may be placed in the basket at any time. St. Hedwig Ladies Guild would like to thank everyone who supported and donated to the Ziti Supper and to the Clothing Drive. The Ziti Supper raised $1,147.00, and the clothing drive $738.20. Including the total from the Craft Fair a few weeks back, the Ladies Guild has raised for the parish a total of $3,088.20. Wow!!! Father Eugene would like to thank the Ladies Guild for their hard work this fall season – great job, ladies! Ladies Guild meeting, Monday, November 17, at 6PM. Social Committee Lucy Wysokinski and Serafina Allison. New members are always welcome! Sanctuary Lamp This Week In memory of Lucy Zuccarelli Requested by Helen & Ziggy Kobylenski Divine Mercy Shrine Lamp In memory of Carmella Martin Requested by Shirley Soliwocki Our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine Lamp In memory of Agnes Johnson Requested by Robert & Frances Massicotte St. Hedwig Ladies Guild clothing drive is continuing. Clean clothes, bedding, pillows, curtains, handbags, shoes, belts, and stuffed animals are all accepted. Please leave bags inside the double doors by the parish office. PLEASE NO TAG SALE ITEMS. Mass intentions and lamps for 2015 are now open for booking, please call or email the parish office for availability. Community Service at Food Bank Each year we rely on Naugatuck's youth groups to assist in filling the baskets. This will take place on Sunday, November 23rd at 1:00 at St. Michael's Parish Hall. It could take 2 - 3 hours to accomplish, or even if you have one hour to spare it would be so appreciated. You will get community service hours. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Marlene at 203-723-0082. Ecumenical Food Bank News With Thanksgiving quickly approaching it's not too early to begin planning. This year the Food Bank has asked St. Hedwig's Church to provide 300 cans or packets of turkey gravy, no jars please, for the Thanksgiving baskets given to those that qualify. There will be a box in the vestibule of the church to place the gravy in. Also, the following items are in short supply at this time: canned fruit, tuna, canned meat, and oatmeal. And, as always, any and all items are needed and accepted. Thank you for your continued generosity. God Bless. St. Hedwig Church is responsible for providing volunteers at the Ecumenical Food Bank during the month of December. The hours of operation are Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00pm and Friday from 10:00am to noon. If you are able to help out on any of these days please call Marlene Horgan at 203723-0082 to sign up and answer any of your questions. Thank you. Books of stamps are needed in the parish office. Page - 3 – 932 St. Mary/St. Hedwig St. Mary/St. Hedwig – November 16, 2014 ST. MARY CHURCH NOVEMBER 9TH WEEKLY $2,110.00 MONTHLY $585.00 Donations: $557.00 SECOND COLLECTION FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER *AS ALL SAINTS FALLS ON THE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1ST IT IS NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. YOU CAN DROP YOUR ALL SAINTS ENVELOPE IN THE BASKETS AT ANY TIME DURING THE MONTH. NOVEMBER 16TH FUEL NOVEMBER 16TH COINS FOR CHANGE NOVEMBER 23RD CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 30TH CHRISTMAS FLOWERS For the greater honor and glory of God the Sanctuary candle burns for Helen Sokoloski & Anna Allara Req. by Family Masses for the weekday, weekend and the sanctuary lamp are still available. Call the rectory at 203-7292279. The sanctuary burns for the whole week in memory of a loved one. A Family Perspective Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: AS the man in today’s gospel entrusted his servants with his money, so God has ‘entrusted’ our family to us. Like the good servants we are expected, not to play it safe, but to selflessly and total invest ourselves in each other. ST. MARY CCD NEWS T.O.M.S. This month’s classes are Sunday December 7th grades k-2 from 8:30-10:25am Monday, December 8th grades 8-10 from 6-8pm and Sunday December 14th from 8:30am-10:25am grades 3-7. *Please Note: Family Mass is at 10:30am on the days of class. All students please attend the Family Mass. During the school year these Masses will be held on the first and second Sunday of each month. OFFICE CLOSING The office will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 26th, Thursday, Nov. 27th, & Friday, Nov. 28th in observance of Thanksgiving. Attention Lectors The new books for lectors are available in the sacristy for pick up. Please remember to pick your up. LADIES GUILD The Christmas Luncheon of the Ladies Guild will be held on Sunday, December 7th at 1:00pm. Watch the bulletin for more information in the coming weeks. UPCOMING EVENTS: Next Bread Sale will be the weekend of the November 22nd & 23rd after both Masses. The Ladies will be selling pumpkin & cranberry bread just in time for Thanksgiving. Saturday December 6th Christmas Fair We are looking for new raffle items for our raffle table. Please think of contributing something to the booth. It would be appreciated. Saturday December 20th & Sunday December 21st Cookie Walk. *Attention Parishioners: as you all know that when we hold our cookie walk we sell out. This year we are trying something different by selling the cookies earlier in the day on Saturday and we are hoping all who would buy on Sunday will consider purchasing their cookies on Saturday. We feel bad when Sunday rolls around and there are not enough cookies left over for the 8:00am Mass. We are also in need of people to bake cookies and contribute to the cookie walk. GIVING TREE ANNOUNCEMENTS CONFERENCES OF CHURCHES TOY SALE STARTING EARLY THIS YEAR Please Note: The Giving Tree will be placed on the altar in front of the Blessed Virgin Mother next weekend Nov. 15th & 16th. You can start taking an ornament and purchasing an item for a child in need. NAUGATUCK ECUMENICAL FOOD BANK St. Mary Church has been informed that our church will be responsible for 250 cans of fruit for the Thanksgiving baskets this year that our distributed by the food bank. You can donate money by placing an envelope marked food bank in the collection basket. Make checks payable to the Ecumenical Food Bank. Every year more and more families relay on the food bank. Your donations will keep the food bank going to help all in need. Thank you for your generous contributions. Chalice Program Schedules The new schedules are ready to be picked up in the sacristy for all who participate in the program. This schedule runs from January –June 2015. Page - 4 – 932 St. Mary/St. Hedwig St. Mary/St. Hedwig – November 16, 2014 Saturday, November 15 4:00PM +(St. Mary) John Schultz req. by Family 5:15PM +(St. Hedwig) Steven Jaskiewicz Req. by the Labarda family Sunday, November 16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM +(St. Mary) Eleanor Gill req. by the Barton Family 9:30AM +(St. Hedwig) Henry Rybicki (34th Anniversary) Req. by wife and children 11:00AM +(St. Hedwig) Felicia & Stanley Kobylenski Req. by Soliwocki & Kobylenski Families Monday, November 17 7:30AM (St. Mary) open Tuesday, November 18 7:30AM (St. Mary) open Wednesday, November 19 NO MASS Thursday, November 20 9:00AM +(St. Hedwig) Jane Cederwall Friday, November 21 9:00AM +(St. Hedwig) T. Francis Lahey Req. by Don & Barbara Lahey Saturday, November 22 4:00PM +(St. Mary) Bertha Marchessault req. by Family 5:15PM +(St. Hedwig) Rose Garlinski Req. by Helen & Ziggy Kobylenski Sunday, November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 8:00AM +(St. Mary) Margaret Burns req. by Family 9:30AM +(St. Hedwig) Zygmund Kubrinski Od corki z rodzina 11:00AM +(St. Hedwig) Anna Przybyloski Req. by Ron & Maria DeSaulniers The Grotto Gift Shop at The Shrine of Lourdes in Litchfield is featuring a large selection of Advent calendars and wreaths, Advent candles, Fontanini crèche figurines, Willow Tree angels, Nativities, Christmas ornaments and cards, indoor and outdoor statues, Bibles, rosaries, and high quality religious music and music boxes, books, religious art and jewelry gift items. The Shrine is open Monday to Saturday from 10:30 am until 4:30 pm and on Sunday at 11:45 am (after Mass) until 4:30 pm and is located on 50 Montfort Rd., Route 118, Litchfield, CT 06759, ¼ mile from the Litchfield Green. For more information call 860-5671041, e-mail: [email protected], or visit us on the internet at The St. Hedwig Retreat Team is planning a Black Friday morning event to some store which is notorious for hostile crowds - say, a Target or WalMart - and camping out by the entrance (with permission of course). Our goal would be to remind people, in a light-hearted but sincere way, to be courteous to each other, especially in light of the true meaning of the season. If you would like more information, please contact Norm Chouinard at 203 -217-3930 or [email protected]. Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Page - 5 – 932 St. Mary/St. Hedwig PETER BALTRUSH ELECTRICAL INC. Commercial • Industrial • Residential Construction • Maintenance 20 Industrial Rd. Prospect, CT (203) 758-3413 THE Choice for Orthopedic Rehabilitation & Cardiac Management Glendale Center 4 Hazel Avenue Naugatuck 203-720-3400 J & A Oil Service, Inc. Touch of Good News 943 New Haven Rd. 203-729-5216 J. Thurston Fuel L.L.C. B & H Oil Company Genesis HealthcareTM Premium Fuel Oil • 24 Hour Service Lic #103847 K1 Kerosene • Fuel Oil Hot Air or Boilers Installed 24 Hour Oil Burner Service B & H Oil Company (203) 753-HEAT (4328) (203) 720-3028 James F. Thurston III, Owner Jay Carter, Owner AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford Therapeutic Massage & Body Works Khristy Long Now available from you local independent agent! Call Today for your FREE, no-obligation quote: Licensed Massage Therapist #005908 203-729-2886 $50 For 1 Hour Massage Anthony Parrella A. PARRELLA & ASSOC. INS. LLC 171 Meadow St. • Naugatuck, CT 06770 [email protected] Auto Insurance Program from THE The AARP Automobile Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. CA License # 5152AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. You have the option of purchasing a policy directly from The Hartford. Your price, however, could vary, and you will not have the advice, counsel or services of your independent agent. 203-528-7119 Meg G. McCormack, LMFT CARPETS PLUS River Valley Counseling, LLC INC Expires 3/31/15 Counseling for Everyone 275 Rubber Ave. Naugatuck, CT 06770 APRN Available 576 Rubber Ave. Naugatuck, CT 06770 Across from Naugatuck High School President 24 Falls Avenue Waterbury, CT 06708 203-729-5967 Tel: (203) 753-8235 [email protected] [email protected] 203-632-5458 Fax 203-723-4955 Jeffrey S. Dell Fax: (203) 574-7720 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 522 Heritage Road • Southbury 203-264-8200 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued suppor . They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 932 St. Mary/St. Hedwig • Naugatuck, CT (back) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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