MONMOUTH COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Headteacher: Mr R V Davies 1633 on roll with 345 in Sixth Form Full Time Teacher of English (Maternity Cover) Required to start as soon as possible Fixed Term Contract until 31st August 2015 Monmouth Comprehensive School is seeking to appoint an excellent classroom practitioner who: - is able to facilitate learning to the highest standards - will build positive relationships with all learners - has the ability to create a supportive and well-ordered classroom environment The successful candidate will take responsibility for classes across the age and ability range. A full induction programme and on-going support is offered to all staff. Monmouth Comprehensive achieved seven grade ones in its 2010 Estyn inspection, has exceptionally capable staff and is proud to be fully comprehensive. Closing Date: Interview Date: Friday 28th November 2014 Thursday 4th December 2014 Further details are available by contacting: Mrs J Jenkins, Headteacher’s Secretary, Monmouth Comprehensive School, Old Dixton Road, Monmouth, Monmouthshire NP25 3YT Tel: 01600 775177 Fax: 01600 775151 email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr R V Davies November 2014 Dear Applicant Post: Full Time Teacher of English (Maternity Cover) - fixed term contract to 31st August 2015 Thank you for your interest in the post of full time teacher of English (maternity cover) at our school. Our school is on a continuous drive for improvement in raising standards. We are already a successful school, achieving 7 grade 1’s in our Inspection by ESTYN. We are excited about our school. Thank you for your interest in joining us. You will be joining a school where everyone has high expectations of each other and student success is at the core of our work. We have created a culture of respect, joy for learning and an energy and dynamism that is infectious. The school is ambitious and creative in developing outstanding learning. At Monmouth Comprehensive School our philosophy is that all students should learn to lead their lives. This influences all the things we do and all the decisions we make. Our school takes an holistic approach to education. We are proud of our exceptional academic achievements but are equally keen to ensure that all our students leave us equipped to take on the challenges of a speedily changing world. If our young people have that level of confidence, then we feel we have done a good job. The holistic approach we take is reflected in our curriculum, in the support we offer our young people and the approach we take to learning. In Y7 we offer an integrated skills-based curriculum. Tutors and subject teachers work together to ensure that students understand how to develop their skills and can apply them in any area of learning. In Y8, some aspects of the skills based curriculum are retained. In Y9, discrete subjects are taught allowing students to work towards making the choices that will lead them into their appropriate pathway at Key Stage 4. In September 2009, the Welsh Baccalaureate was introduced to KS4 to support students’ breadth and balance in their learning alongside our curriculum offer which is broad enough to support highly personalised pathways. In September 2011 the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate was introduced at KS5. Our curriculum model is reviewed every year in line with the needs of our learners and pedagogical practice. We have enclosed an application form and some further information about the post. If you decide to proceed, please include in your application the completed form and a letter outlining why you believe that your experience, interests and aptitudes would suit you to this post and to this school. Please do not include a curriculum vitae. Closing Date: Interviews: Friday 28th November 2014 Thursday 4th December 2014 Staff are undoubtedly the most valuable resource in the school. It is essential that we make the best possible appointments. A great deal of attention has been given, therefore, to devising a selection procedure that is challenging and provides an opportunity to excel. If invited to interview, you will be asked to do some teaching and there will be a formal interview. We also make sure that we provide time for you to see the school and meet students and staff. We try our very best to make sure that the experience is positive and rewarding for all involved. continued…/ Old Dixton Road, Monmouth, Monmouthshire NP25 3YT Telephone: 01600 775177 Fax: 01600 775151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 2 We hope you feel that the enclosed documentation gives you enough background to sense what the school is like and understand the requirements of the position for which you are applying. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Yours sincerely R V Davies Headteacher “Learning to Lead our Lives” “Dysgu Trwy Arwain” JOB DESCRIPTION FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL SUBJECT/FORM TEACHER 1. NAME 2 TITLE OF POST: 3. SALARY GRADE: 4. RELATIONSHIPS Teacher of English The postholder is responsible to the Subject Leader for teaching subject duties and responsibilities and to the Progress Leader for Form duties. 5. PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To contribute to the teaching and other work of the English Faculty and, as a Form Teacher, to undertake duties to support the progress of pupils in the Form. 6 7 RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 To uphold and comply with the statutory provisions of the Health and Safety Work Regulations 1999, The Monmouthshire Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2012 and any other relevant Council and School policies relating to Safeguarding and Health and Safety. 6.2 To follow school and LA policies and procedures on Safeguarding and Child Protection in all work with children and families. 6.3 Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to Behaviour Management, uniform, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person. 6.4 Uphold and promote the vision and ethos of the school. 6.5 Participate in training, learning activities and performance development as required. KEY TASKS 7.1 To teach and participate in the development of schemes of work, materials and syllabuses of the Department, attending Faculty meetings as necessary. 7.2 To take responsibility for your own professional development, using the Monmouth Comprehensive Staff Development Portfolio to guide and support progress with the aim of meeting professional standards. 7.3 To control and oversee the use and storage of books, stationery and other teaching materials ensuring that any Health & Safety Regulations are observed. 7.4 7.5 8. To carry out the duties of a Form teacher in respect of pupils to include: a) the development of positive learning relationships b) the establishment of rapport with pupils to develop their social and academic potential and be a main source of reference for their problems c) the marking of Form registers, ensuring absences and lateness are accounted for and taking appropriate action where they are not d) the compilation of reports, profiles and references on pupils as required e) the monitoring of homework of pupils, the teaching of Form periods, escorting the Form to assemblies and attending tutor meetings called by the Progress Leader To carry out supervision of pupils’ duties as detailed by the Headteacher. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The school is committed to supporting all in developing their practice to achieve the very best outcomes for all students. Our CPD policy outlines the provision and practice. 9. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Our Performance Management policy and practice supports us in achieving the school’s aims and objectives in raising standards. The Policy states how performance is measured in relation to the school’s aims and priorities. These include: Pupil Progress data Quality of teaching against Teaching Standards, the school’s teaching and learning approaches and Estyn Guidance, including observed practice. Self-assessment Professional dialogue Received feedback Performance Management statements CPD records 10. The duties and responsibilities of the post are subject to those details in the Statement and Conditions of Employment and will count as directed time as detailed in such statement and as defined by the Headteacher. 11. The job description does not define in detail all the duties/ responsibilities of the post, will be reviewed at least once a year and may be subject to modification or amendment after consultation and agreement with the post holder. “Learning to Lead our Lives” “Dysgu Trwy Arwain” MONMOUTH COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL PERSON SPECIFICATION Date: November 2014 Post Title: Teacher of English Requirement Essential or Desirable How Tested (S) used at Shortlisting Education/Qualifications 1.1 Degree in an English or related discipline E Application Form 1.2 Teaching qualification E Application Form E Application Form/Interview Experience 2.1 Newly qualified or experienced practitioners are equally welcome to apply Aptitudes and Skills 3.1 Ability to offer English to GCSE level 3.2 Ability to offer English to A Level D Application Form/Interview 3.3 Ability to enthuse and motivate students in English E Application Form/Interview/ Microlesson 3.4 To maintain a high standard of behaviour in the classroom E Interview/Micro-lesson/ Reference 3.5 To have the ability to work as an effective Form Tutor E Application Form/Interview 3.6 To be able to provide extracurricular opportunities to students D Application Form/Interview Requirement Essential or Desirable How Tested (S) used at Shortlisting Personal Attributes 4.1 To be an effective communicator with the interpersonal skills necessary to work closely with colleagues and students E Letter of Application/Interview 4.2 To be able to contribute enthusiastically to the School’s Vision and Objectives E Interview 4.3 To be an effective team member and to be able to act on personal initiative E Interview 4.4 To be well organised and able to implement school policies effectively E Interview E Interview 4.5 To be highly motivated 4.6 To be flexible in approach to work and people E Interview 4.7 To be committed to further personal development E Interview “Learning to Lead our Lives” “Dysgu Trwy Arwain” Monmouth Comprehensive School English Faculty The English Faculty at Monmouth Comprehensive School, with ten full time specialists, is a large and lively faculty, committed to excellence. As a faculty, it is proud of what it has achieved but continually strives to build upon its success. There is a suite of eight English classrooms and an English office with work space and shelves for storing resources. At ‘A’ Level the Faculty offers W.J.E.C. English Literature and AQA English Language B. ‘A’ Level results are excellent but, with the introduction of a new skills based curriculum, we are even more ambitious for our students. We follow the W.J.E.C. English Language in Wales, English Literature and Media Studies courses at G.C.S.E., with students following two pathways in the first instance: English Language and English Literature or English Language and Media Studies. Students are taught as mixed ability groups. Our main focus at present is to raise the expectations of all students at Key Stage 4, building independence and autonomy into the curriculum. The Key Stage 3 scheme of work gives the Faculty structure and flexibility to hone resources and skills. The year affords the opportunity to develop and review, consolidating upon the great strides that have been made. All teaching is mixed ability, with Years 7 and 8 being taught in their form groups. The Faculty plays an important part in the extra-curricular life of the school. There are media and public speaking clubs and there is also a strong creative writing club: Muse. Once a year the Faculty seeks to organise week long residential visits to the Taliesin Writing Centre in North Wales, where students are tutored by two published writers and accompanied by two supervising members of the English Faculty. We have a strong commitment to Continuing Professional Development for existing staff and we take I.T.T students from Bristol University and Cardiff Metropolitan University. As a Faculty, we provide a dynamic, supportive and friendly environment for all its members and it is an ideal placement for colleagues in their first year of teaching or perhaps seeking their second appointment. The Faculty has a real sense of where it is going, with a clear set of policies and frameworks and is very much a team driven Faculty, with high levels of debate and collaboration, in which every member is able to make very real and significant contributions to the lives of colleagues and students alike.
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