Carlton Speak 2014 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin 60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E [email protected] W Term 4 - Week 7 Thursday 20 November 2014 Dear Parents and Carers You're Invited As you know planning for our 2015-2017 School Plan is underway. We have conducted a number of surveys and interviewed students, parents and teachers, reviewing our progress on our current plan and we are now working on establishing the purpose and direction of the new plan. In particular we are working on our school vision and 3 strategic directions. I invite all Carlton Public School parents to a very important parent forum to be held next Tuesday 25 November in the staffroom. There will be two sessions on this day to enable as many parents as possible to come and be part of the new school planning process. One session will begin at 9:00am and if you are unable to attend that session, another session beginning at 7:00pm will also be held in the staffroom. Mr Stephen Vrachas, our new Carlton Public School Principal, will also be present at both of these sessions and will join us in the discussions about the future directions for our school. I am looking forward to seeing you at these sessions. Night of the Stars What an incredible evening of entertainment it was on Tuesday evening with our talented Carlton Public School students who were part of the Night of the Stars. There were over thirty acts and each performance was just amazing. It was wonderful to see the variety of performances and such a joy to see the enthusiasm and energy shine through each performer. We really have so many talented students and I, along with every audience member, was truly impressed and thoroughly entertained. Congratulations to all the boys and girls for their hard work and passion, and thank you to Mrs O'Grady and Miss Flowers for organising this special event. I have included some of the photos from the evening in this newsletter and more will be added on our digital screens next week. Congratulations Eric Y whose artwork was selected as one of the winners in the 2014 Young Australian Art Awards. Eric, together with a member of his family is invited to Melbourne to accept his special award. To the members of the Senior Band who performed at Sydney Technical High School. The band members all dressed as movie stars and performed beautifully. A special thank you to Dr Kim and Ms Narushima for helping with the transportation of the instruments Reminders Please return all Walkathon cards with the money and place them in the collection box at office. White Ribbon Day Mufti Day Tuesday 25 November. A gold coin donation to wear a white t-shirt and raise awareness for White Ribbon Day. Each class will also plant a native white flowering plant in our school gardens as part of this event. The SRC will provide more information closer to the day. Page 1 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 The final scripture lessons for the year will be held on Wednesday 26 November. This will also be the date for a Parent/Community Helpers Thank You Morning Tea. Parents and other community members who do so much to assist the effective functioning of our school are invited to join the staff for morning tea to highlight the wonderful contribution that so many people make during the year. Kidsmatter Art show Opening Night Thursday 4 December 6:00pm The date for our Annual Presentation Assembly is Wednesday 10 December. The 3-6 Presentation Day assembly will begin at 9:30am and the K-2 Presentation Day assembly will begin at 11:45am. Are you moving house or leaving Carlton Public School? We need to know whether your children will be here next year. Please call into the office and complete the change of details or change of school forms. Are you going on a trip and won’t be back until after school returns on Wednesday 28 January? We need to have your return date in writing so we can include your children in our classes for 2015. You need to complete a form at the school office or email the details to [email protected] Regards Olivera Mateski Relieving Principal P&C News Family Portrait Winners The Danda family were extremely happy to have the cost of their ‘Portrait Collection’ reimbursed. That’s $199 worth of photos for free. We raised $525 for this fundraising effort. Thanks to all who participated. Second-hand uniform stall – a success Our second-hand uniform shop that was held a couple of weeks ago was a great success with almost $200 raised on the morning. Another stall will be held in Term 1, 2015. Bunnings BBQ fundraiser – we need more helpers please! Don’t forget our fundraiser at Bunnings, Rockdale on Saturday, 6 December. If you have already volunteered to help on the day, thank you, but if you have a hour or so to spare please email us at [email protected] with ‘Bunnings BBQ’ in the subject line. Preparation for the BBQ will start at 8am and we will finish cleaning and packing away at 5pm. Ideally we would like to have 4 volunteers on roster at one time for two hours at a time. Bookclub Bookclub orders will be delivered to classes this week. Also the final brochures (Issue 8) for the year will also be handed out this week or early next week. It is a great time to purchase gifts for family and friends with great Christmas ideas on offer. In preparation for the changes to bookclub in 2015 we would like all families to pay on-line for the final issue of bookclub this term. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH OR CHEQUES. Next year ordering and payment will all be done on-line. Scholastic Australia have been trialling this system this year with great success so we look forward to its introduction next year. To enable orders and delivery to be completed by the end of term please be prompt in returning orders. No late orders will be accepted. Thank you to Nashieta D for taking on Bookclub in the latter part of this year. School Banking The rostered banking coordinators for Week 8 are Fadia S-A, Angela Z and Biljana C will be replacing Marrianne S. Paula K will be helping also. Please meet in the staffroom when the bell goes at 9am. Thank you to those coordinators who have helped out by doing extra shifts recently. Your support is greatly appreciated. Rewards Next week reminders will go out to all children who are eligible for a reward. Please redeem these as quickly as possible so that tokens are not forfeited moving into next year. At this stage we are not sure whether tokens will carry over but we assume only 9 tokens will be able to carry over to 2015 as was the case last year. The following rewards are now available: 2013 Rewards: Blue Wallet, Headphones, Knuckles game, Pat moneybox, Spen Moneybox, Pru Moneybox. If you would like to order any of the 2013 rewards listed above please write your name, class , student number and reward item on a small piece of paper and include it in your wallet along with your 10 tokens. Page 2 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 2014 Rewards: Dollarmites moneybox, Projector Cup, Scented Pencils, Sea Streamers, Shark key-ring, hand-ball (limited supply), Swimming bag (limited supply). Please fill in redemption slip and include it in your wallet along with your 10 tokens. If you would like to order a reward that is in limited supply (handball or swimming bag) please write a second choice on your slip, just in case your child’s first choice is not available. Classroom Achievement awards – 3T and 1C Congratulations to both classes who have won the award this week – 3T and 1C. Well done! Semester 1 - Classroom Achievement Winners – KJ Congratulations to KJ bankers for being the overall classroom achievement winners in Terms 1 and 2. Finally their prizes have arrived and they will be given out next week. Which class will receive this award for this semester – Terms 3 and 4? November Random Draw winner The winner of the November prize is Kevin X from 1T. Kevin will receive his prize next week along with Gabriel S-H from 1T who was the October winner. There will also be a December draw so remember to keep banking each week so your child is in with a chance! Gold Awards & Silver Awards Silver awards are presented to children when they have received 5 Bronze Awards = 50 tokens. Gold awards are presented to children when they have received 10 Bronze Awards = 100 tokens. A fantastic effort! Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly to see their child receive their very special award. Congratulations to the following students who will receive their awards at the assembly on the dates listed below. GOLD AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday, 1 December (Week 7, Term 4) at 2pm in the school hall Arnav K (KCN) Zainedeen O (KCN) Sasha L (KCN) Winnie W (KCN) Jayden R (KF) Saan D (KIB) Zayden W (KS) Mia L (KS) Aya M (KS) Arpit S-T (KS) Ali S (1C) Sam G (1C) Aidan Y (1C) Larah V-D-K (1S) Selina L (1S) Eric W (1S) Sawanya M (1/2J) Alexis C (2G) Stefan T (2K) Amira PA (2K) Georgie R (2K) Amy Z (2K) Sarah L (2P) Evelyn T (2P) Selina C (2P) Aidan W (2P) Aziza S (KF) Sofia V (1C) George Y (1C) Sophie C (KH) Mirakle K-S (2G) SILVER AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday, 1 December (Week 9, Term 4) at 2pm in the school hall Bilal D (2K) Jefferson F (1S) Mathue D (1/2J) Filip D (2K) GOLD AWARDS Y3-6 Assembly – Friday,5 December, 2014 (Week 9, Term 4) at 11.25am in the school hall. Daniel B (3J) Mariam M (3J) Damjan J (3J) Zac K (3J) Kristina V (3J) Dion B (3J) Lara E (3P) Phoebe T (5E) Aneeta N (5E) Shimone Y (5E) Tamara M (5E) Helena Z (5E) Jonathan W (5E) Anna G (5E) Deena L (5E) Kareem K (6C) Kirimana S (4A) Class Awards KM- Victoria D; Zackaria A KH- Sophie C; Daniel K KCN- Fatima D; Sasha L 1D- Hassan F; Milena S 1/2J- Howie L; Hiro N 2D- Isabella B; Ilija D 2/3M- Dylan C; Rashid A KJ- Han S; Tina Z KS- Mia L; Micah C 1T- Abby V; Jason C 1C- Sofia V; George Y 2G- Eugene S; Sofia C 2A- Simone J; Justin K 4A- Myra G; Elvan M KF- Musab U; Kristian G KIB- Rex L; Malik D 1K- Nicholas L; Malaika P 1S- Adam A; Lara V 2K- Soumaya K; Emilija P 2P- Selina C; Hadeil F 4G- Annabelle V; Connell N Page 3 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week 4C- Emmanuel M; Victoria H 3T- Alexandra M; Joshua N 5M- Rayaan W; Cindy S 5B- Ali A; Meea E 6KM- Jackson Y; Wilson L Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 3/4S- Zitian Q; Ali H 3P- Layla H; Ali A 5E- Hussein H; Daliah M 5/6F- Maya T; Garret L 6S- Milan H; Mya H 3J- Michaella S; Aahana K 4H- Oliver P; Parneet G 5NH- Perry C; Mia D 6C- Henry K; Tamima E Lego Robotics Year 5 Macedonian Language Class Below are some photos highlighting the drama performances in Macedonian Language classes. Kindergarten class -The Birthday Party; Year 2 - The Macedonian Wedding ; Year 6- Famous people from Macedonia Page 4 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Indonesian News from Mrs Carnell On Friday the 14 November 2014, eight students from Bu Carnell’s Year 5 and 6 Indonesian classes attended the LinguaFest Short Film Competition Finals run by the Modern Languages Teachers’ Association. We travelled by train to Circular Quay and walked towards Dendy Cinemas. Before the screening, we took some photos in front of the Harbour Phoebe T, Riddhi TK, Tazmin S, Tara L, Mrs Carnell, Ellis P, Bridge. Thomas C, Ohm B & Andrew M. (Absent: Aneeta N & Clare J) We waited outside Dendy until the doors opened and the screening started. Our teacher, Mrs Carnell, was again invited to host the finals this year so we got the front row seats! It was great to see the films on the big cinema screen. The topic this year was ‘Change’ and the films needed to include a mirror. Our film was screened first! There were twenty short films in total, five from Stage 3, five from Stage 4 and ten from Stage 5. There were movies from lots of languages including Indonesian, Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese and Hebrew. Luckily, they all had subtitles. After the screening came the awards ceremony. There were different awards such as Highly Commended, Best Drama, Best Comedy and Best Concept. There was also a People’s Choice Award meaning that we got to vote for our favourite film. Unfortunately we did not win an award this year but we did receive Finalists' certificates. After we left the Cinema, we went to the Botanical Gardens and had our lunch. Then we went back to Circular Quay train station and headed back to school. Overall it was a really fun day but when we left the air-conditioned train, we were blasted with 36-degree heat! By Ohm B, Tara L, Tazmin S & Thomas C Page 5 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 White Ribbon Mufti Day What is White Ribbon? White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led Campaign to end men’s violence against women. Their vision is for all women live in safety free from all forms of men's violence. Their mission is making women's safety a man's issue too. The campaign works through primary prevention initiatives involving awareness raising and education, and programs with youth, schools, workplaces and across the broader community. Why is White Ribbon important? Intimate partner violence is the most common type of violence against women, affecting 30 per cent of women worldwide, according to the 2013 World Health Organization report. At Carlton Public School the SRC will be raising awareness with a White Ribbon mufti day on 25 November. Students are invited to wear white clothes to school and bring a gold coin donation. All classes will also be planting a white flowering native plant to create a White Ribbon garden. The SRC has also organised something special at lunch – keep your eyes and ears peeled! Term 4 2014 Week 8 – 24 November- 28 November Mon Kindergarten Bounce Program 24 Tue Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 25 2:00pm White Ribbon Mufti Day- White t-shirt School Banking 9:00am Parent Session – School Plan 2015-2017 9:00am in the staffroom and repeated at 7:00pm Wed Combined Scripture Y1-6, 9:30am in the Hall 26 Thank You Morning Tea 11:00am in the Staffroom Thur Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 27 2:00pm Fri Stage 3 Excursion 28 NO PSSA SPORT Week 10 -8 December- 12 December Mon 8 Tue 9 Wed Presentation Day Y3-6 9.30am ; K-2 11.45am 10 Thur Year 6 Farewell 6:00pm 11 Fri PSSA Sports Presentation Assembly 12 Week 9 – 1 December- 5 December Mon Kindergarten Bounce Program 1 K-2 Assembly 2:00pm in the Hall Tue 2 Wed 3 Thur 4 Fri 5 Opening Night- Carlton Kidsmatter Art Show 6:00pm 3-6 Assembly 11:30am in the Hall Reports home to Parents Summer PSSA Finals SATURDAY 6 DEC – Bunnings BBQ at Rockdale Week 11 – 15 December- 19 December Mon 15 Tue Picnic Day K-2 at school; Y3-4 at Movies and Y516 6 at Entertainment Quarter Wed Stage 3 Talent Quest 11:30am 17 Last Day for Students Thur STAFF ONLY 18 Fri STAFF ONLY 19 Page 6 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Night of the Stars Page 7 Term 4 -3Week 7 5 Term - Week Thursday 20 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Page 8
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