The Gregorian November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Page 2 November 23, 2014 St. Gregory the Great Mission Statement St. Gregory the Great is a Catholic Church made up of people of many different ages, talents, and cultural backgrounds. We are an urban faith community with a small town feel of welcome and hospitality. Motivated by our baptismal calling, we accept our duty to embody the presence of Jesus Christ in the world and to take up the mission he entrusted to us by our word and example. We glorify God through support and service of our time, talent, and treasure to our church and to the larger community in which we live. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE In 2013 Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated throughout the world, beginning on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014 and concluding in February, 2016. We are most blessed at St. Gregory’s to have two religious women on our staff from two different communities, Sister Barbara and Sister Regina. We will learn more about the gift of consecrated life to the Church in the weeks and months ahead. We unite our prayers with Pope Francis in this coming year to thank God for all those who live a consecrated life. We pray also that the Holy Spirit bless a new generation of men and women to follow in the footsteps of Christ to a life of evangelical discipleship. YOUNG PEOPLE’S ICON WORKSHOP Due to the overwhelming success of our adult and now our Children's Icon Workshop, we will now be offering the same for pre-teens (8-12). Joe Malham will conduct a two day workshop, in the Icon Studio on the third floor of the Parish Center, in which the young people will write their own icon under his instruction. The workshop is scheduled for the weekend of December 6 and 7 from Noon-3 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The cost for the two days, including snacks, is $35 per student and a parent or authorized guardian must accompany each student each day. Please call Joe at the Parish Center to register (773-561-3546) or email him at [email protected]. The class will be limited to 8 students so please register soon. Students must be registered by November 12 and if a minimum of four are not enrolled by then the workshop will be rescheduled for early 2015. TAIZE PRAYER SERVICE This Sunday, Nov. 23, we will be hosting a Taize Prayer service beginning at 4p.m. in Church. Taize prayer involves simple chanting in the Taize style, a Scripture reading, intercessory prayer, and an opportunity for silent prayer and reflection. On this feast of Christ the King, we will have an opportunity to venerate and pray before an icon of Christ our King. Weekly Calendar November 23 (Sunday) 4:00pm—Taizé Prayer Service—Church 5:00pm—Charismatic prayer group—Baseheart rm. November 24 (Monday) 7:00pm—Finance Council Meeting—Parish Center November 25 (Tuesday) 7:00pm—Bingo—Social Hall 7:00pm—Choir rehearsal—Church November 26 (Wednesday) 6:30pm—Novena—Church November 27 (Thursday) Thanksgiving Day 10:30am—Mass—Church November 28 (Friday) 6:45pm—Women’s scripture study—Parish Center PARISH CENTER CLOSED November 29 (Saturday) NO SATURDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day (suggested): Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Page 3 November 23, 2014 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thursday, November 27th, Thanksgiving Day Mass—10:30a.m. Friday, November 28th, The Parish Center is Closed THANKSGIVING DINNER DANCE THANK YOU I want to offer my sincere thanks to Mark Soehn and Alex Siapno for all the time and effort they put into planning and organizing the Annual St. Gregory the Great Thanksgiving Dinner Dance. I want to thank as well the many volunteers who sold tickets, helped to set up and decorate the gym, served food, and cleaned up afterwards. It was a wonderful evening. There was good food, fellowship and fun. Everyone who attended seemed to enjoy themselves. Again, my sincere thanks to all who helped with the day and to all who attended. If you have never attended the Thanksgiving Dinner Dance, please consider joining us next year. – Fr. Paul THANK YOU TO THE FILIPINOS OF ST. GREGORY At the Coffee & after the 10:30a.m. Mass this past Sunday, Nov. 16, the Filipinos of St. Gregory presented me with a check for $3,000. This represented fundraising that they did all during the year to benefit St. Gregory the Great Church. I want to thank in particular Alex Siapno, Tony Silvano and Tom Buenvenida, the current leadership of the Filipinos of St. Gregory, for their hard work and efforts to raise funds for our Parish. The money they contributed will go towards the handicapped accessible ramp and the renovation to the Social Hall bathrooms in the Gymnasium. This work is moving along and should be completed sometime before Christmas. I also want to offer a special word of thanks to all the Filipinos of St. Gregory for their generosity and for the many ways in which they support the mission and the ministries of St. Gregory the Great Parish. – Fr. Paul ST. GREGORY YOUNG ADULTS St. Nicholas Day Cocktail Party & Shoe Drive Hosted by St. Gregory’s Young Adults All are welcome, must be 21 Saturday Dec 6th @ 7:30pm Fat Cat, 4840 N Broadway St. Come to the party or bring shoe and sock donations to masses on November 29 & 30th and December 6 & 7th. *$20 per person includes food (cash bar). All attendees are asked to bring new or gently used pair of shoes and/or socks. **Each donations earns you 5 free raffle tickets. **Shoe and Sock Donations benefit Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program. The Refugee Resettlement Program provides comprehensive resettlement services to refugees from various regions of the world during their period of adaptation to a new environment, leading them to greater self-sufficiency. Activities are planned and arranged to address problems specific to individual/family refugees such as linguistic and cultural barriers, housing, financial assistance, interpretation and mediation services, transportation, orientation and case management. Emphasis is placed on early employment for those who are eligible. *All the money raised will go toward the construction to St. Gregory's gym building which is currently undergoing renovations which include adding a handicap accessible ramp and updates to the bathrooms. GRAND RAFFLE—ANNUAL FUNDRAISER Raffle tickets are available at the back of Church. Please pick some up to purchase for yourself or sell to your family and friends. Drawing of the winners will be held at the Coffee &.., hosted by St. Gregory’s Finance Council, in the High School cafeteria on Sunday, December 14th after the 10:30am Mass. Page 4 November 23, 2014 YEAR OF SACRAMENTS—ONE WORD AT A TIME Follow At Baptism, Saint Paul says we died with Christ to rise with him. We went down with him into the waters that symbolized our death, and then we rose up with him to new life. We follow Christ into the tomb, and we follow him into a resurrection like his. Our following at Baptism was sacramental, in sign and symbol. One day, we will follow him in the reality of our own death, and we will pass over with him to the fullness of life. Now, at the moment of our death, it is no longer in sign and symbol but rather in the realities they signify. We hear the words of Jesus: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also.” (Jn 12:26) We do follow him in the sacraments, with our daily discipleship, and—at the end of our lives—in trusting surrender. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Today as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear Jesus say:”...whatever you did for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Knowing that we find the face of Christ in the poor, this month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to provide families with food and help them with utility and rent bills etc. Thank You! Remember to drop off your gently used clothing donations at the SVDP drop box located in the South Parking Lot of the gym building. For furniture donations, SVDP will pick up from your home. Please call Lavetta at 773-779-6700 to schedule a pick-up.—Thank you for your support. MINISTRY OF THE WEEK – ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The mission of our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society is to help those in need who live in our neighborhood. Their activities include distributing food baskets, food vouchers, and financial support during the holidays and throughout the year to people in need. They also offer financial support to various charitable organizations that serve our community. Board meetings are held on the last Friday of each month from 11am--Noon. in the Parish Center. Prayer is an integral part of all meetings. On the last weekend of every month, St. Gregory the Great Parish takes up a collection at all the Masses to support the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The contact people for the St. Vincent de Paul Society are Jim Muss, 773-561-3546 and Sr. Barbara Quinn, 773-561-3546. COFFEE &……. The next Coffee &… will be on Sunday, December 14, 2014 after the 8:30 & 10:30am Masses in the High School cafeteria. At this Coffee &.. the winners of the Annual Grand Raffle will be announced. Santa Clause will also be present to hand out treats to any children who are present. This Coffee & will be co-hosted by the Parish Finance Council and the Council of Catholic Women. SAVE THE DATE—FESTIVAL of LESSONS, LIGHTS AND CAROLS Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 7:00pm (prelude begins at 6:45pm) St. Gregory the Great Church, 5535 N. Paulina St., Chicago, IL The music will include Advent & Christmas carols along with selections from Handel’s Messiah. The music will be presented by the St. Gregory the Great Choir and the St. Gregory the Great Chamber Orchestra. Page 5 November 23, 2014 THANKSGIVING DAY FOOD DRIVE Please bring non-perishable food items to the Thanksgiving Day Liturgy, Thursday, November 27, 2014 at 10:30a.m.. Non-food items such as bar soap, dish detergent, toilet paper, Kleenex, and paper towels are also needed and much appreciated. Your donations are delivered to local families, nursing homes, the Catholic Worker and other charitable organizations. I can't save the environment all by myself…. However, individual efforts, taken collectively, Can make a difference. Please join others in our parish that are recycling their newspapers, magazines, catalogs, and old mail in the Paper Retriever® container located in our south parking lot. You will be aiding our Environmental Stewardship calling as well as raising funds for our Church Maintenance Programs. SCRIP PROGRAM All orders placed the previous weekend can be picked up the following weekend at the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday or the 8:30 & 10:30am Mass on Sunday. PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING YOUR GIFT CARDS THROUGH OUR SCRIP PROGRAM. Rebates received from SCRIP go towards the Social Hall Renovation. Login to to see what’s new and check out their current promotional items.—Thank you for supporting the Scrip Program! FRIENDSHIP CLUB Make your plans to join us for some great activities! Dec 10, 2014—11:00am—Christmas Party at Monastero’s Cost $30.00 Jan 14, 2015—12:00pm—Dues meeting—$8.00 BINGO—Bingo at St. Gregory is “Smoke Free” TUESDAY NIGHT BINGO AT ST. GREGORY Games begin at 7:00 PM in the Gym Basement—Social Hall (1609 West Gregory St.) $2,250 in prizes (includes 2— $500 games) True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.—David Tyson Gentry In case of bad weather, please call the Parish Center at 773-561-3546, after 2:00p.m. for possible cancellation. Page 6 November 23, 2014 Mass Intentions For The Week SUNDAY, November 23 8:30—+Claudia Alforque 10:30—+Ben Holmberg MONDAY, November 24 8:30—Parishioners TUESDAY, November 25 8:30—Parishioners WEDNESDAY, November 26 8:30— Memorial Fund THURSDAY, November 27 (Thanksgiving) 10:30am—+Eileen & Thomas O’Donoghue FRIDAY, November 28 8:30—Parishioners SATURDAY, November 29 8:30—Parishioners 4:30—+Dorothy Bohdan SUNDAY, November 30 8:30—+Daniel Manzanares Jr. 10:30—+Rev. John C. Cain +Mario & Sofia Espinosa Prayer List Please pray for the sick and all those who have asked for our prayers. Bob Connelly Patrick Ryan Tom Ahlfeld Eloise Coughlin Kelly Dwyer Ted Moore Ray Lariosa Rita Burke Antoinette Bedoe Cookie Anderson Mary Huinker Brenda S. Viray Bill Lee Horace Rutledge John De Vitto Eloise Coughlin Art Birt Carmen Rodriguez Donna Torres Delia Connelly Lily Osborne Peter Saldanha Virginia Rodriquez Henry Birt Jesse Osborne Marylyn Ahlfeld Arlene Blake Dan O’Connell Patricia Zakrzewski Pamela Birt King Val Szymczak Anne-Helene Cagney Emilia Salamida Gilber Juanita B. Lopez Grace Sullinger Tom Moulder Carolyn Liesen Dolores Riccardo Dan Ahlfeld Hermann Moehrbach Our Armed Forces Keep in your prayers all who are in the armed forces. Dominick Kearns Joseph Guido Jr. Erix A. Sutton Matthew Harvey David Murcio Ramil Cabute John Hernandez Tony Murillo Nino Villamore Edward Hurtado Michael Ignoffo Gloria Qualls Nicholas Ignoffo Wedding Banns Memorial fund In Loving Memory: III. Richard Balbarin & Olivia Layug III. Jeramie Soto & Roxanne Valencia +Marcella Egan By: Marlene & Gerry Malone MINISTERS OF CARE If you are homebound or know someone that is, and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the Parish Center at 773-561-3546. Liturgical Ministries (November 29/November 30) Saturday—4:30pm Sunday—8:30am Sunday—10:30am Presider Fr. Paul Wachdorf Fr. John Moulder Fr. Brian Fischer Lectors/Commentators Jon Hageman Millie Slane Sr. Regina De Vitto Leila Janssens Winston Buenvenida Judy Nocek Eucharistic Ministers Gerald Malone Kathy Moore Sr. Barbara Quinn Letty Baltazar Carmen Delgado Joanne Prorok Mickey Chigas Eunice Daniels Butch Odulio Ines Odulio Sean Carney Spencer O’Brien MC-Dan Creed Lance Ocupe Nino Ocupe MC-Eunice Daniels Melanie Aguilar Ralph DeGuzman Luke Coyle MC-Carmen Delgado Altar Servers Volunteer Page 7 November 23, 2014 Sunday and Holy Day Collection Totals For Fiscal Year July 1—June 30 October Envelopes Cash/Loose Electronic Giving Total October 5 $ 2,861 $1,384 $4,245 October 12 $1,735 $1,454 $3,189 October 19 $2,935 $1,867 October 26 $2,867 $1,358 $4,225 October 31 $2,191 $ 907 $3,098 Holy Days $ 61 $ $ 20 $ 81 Total $12,650 $6,970 $8,985 $28,605 $8,965 $13,767 Over/(Under) Monthly Budget—Year-to-Date ($9,993) Year-to-Date Collected as of October 31, 2014 $101,977 Planned Annual Budget for Sunday & Holy Day Collections $325,000 YTD Collected as a percentage of Planned Annual Budget 32% ST. GREGORY THE GREAT PARISH AND SCHOOL INFORMATION AND SERVICES Parish Center Masses 5545 N. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-3546 773-728-3827 (fax)— Sunday: Saturday Evening—4:30pm, Sunday—8:30am, and 10:30am. Weekdays: Monday—Saturday—8:30am Holy Days of Obligation: Please check the Sunday bulletin for Holy Day Schedules. Hours: M-Th 9:00am—7:00 pm Fri- 9:00am—4:30pm Sat.- 9:00am—4:30pm, Sun.—9:00am—12:00pm Pastoral Staff Rev. Paul Wachdorf, Pastor Rev. Brian Fischer, Associate Pastor Rev. John Moulder, Resident Sr. Barbara Quinn, Pastoral Associate Sr. Regina De Vitto, Pastoral Associate Mr. John Miaso, Business Manager Mr. Patrick Godon, Director of Music & Liturgy Ms. Bernadette Daniels, Administrative Asst. Mr. Dan Creed, Sacristan Mr. Joseph Malham, Artist-in-Residence Quest Theatre Ensemble, Artists-in-Residence International Chamber Artists, Artists-in-Residence Schools Northside Catholic Academy ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Admissions Office: 773-743-6277 St. Gregory Credit Union 1609 W. Gregory St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-5493 Sunday 9:30am—12:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm—9:00pm Sacraments Baptisms: First Sunday of the Month—1:00pm (except during Lent) Weddings: Arrange with a pastoral staff member at least six months in advance. Participation in marriage preparation is essential. Reconciliation Saturday– 3:30pm—4:15pm Services Prayer Requests: If you or a family member or relative is ill and would like to be included on the list of prayer requests, please call the Parish Center. Mass Intentions: You may request a Mass intention for someone who is living or deceased or special occasions such as birthdays, special anniversary, get well wishes. Please call or stop by the Parish Center. Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Friday of each month, 9:00am-9:00pm, except when funerals are scheduled. Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesdays 6:30pm Taizé Prayer Service The Taizé prayer service will focus on seasonal icons. Taizé Prayer Service will be held in Church on Sundays at 4:00pm. Please check the bulletin or our website at (under the “About Us” tab) for the next scheduled prayer service.
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