The Gregorian November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Page 2 November 2, 2014 St. Gregory the Great Mission Statement St. Gregory the Great is a Catholic Church made up of people of many different ages, talents, and cultural backgrounds. We are an urban faith community with a small town feel of welcome and hospitality. Motivated by our baptismal calling, we accept our duty to embody the presence of Jesus Christ in the world and to take up the mission he entrusted to us by our word and example. We glorify God through support and service of our time, talent, and treasure to our church and to the larger community in which we live. ALL SOULS DAY On November 2nd the Universal Church celebrates the Feast of All Souls. It is a day when we pray for our beloved deceased and commend their souls to the mercy of God. This year, on Sunday, November 2nd at 7:00p.m. St. Gregory the Great will be holding a special vesper service to observe this beautiful feast. We will remember especially all of those who have been buried from St. Gregory during this past year. We hope that it will be a meaningful way to remember the loved one you lost to death during the past year, and it will strengthen your hope in Christ’s victory over the power of death. Please plan on joining us to pray for all “those who have gone before us marked by the sign of faith.” NOSTRA ECCLESIA – PRAY FOR PRIESTS Our priests do so much for us. They are there to administer the sacraments, to preach the word of God and to assist us on the way to Heaven. Would you be willing to give something back to them? Would you be willing to pray 5 minutes a day for these priests? Just 5 minutes It includes a decade of the Rosary and a special prayer for priests. Each priest has a certain day each month when Nostra Ecclesia prays for him. Our annual Mass with Bishop Francis Kane is on Saturday, November 8th at 10:00 a.m. at St Bonaventure Church, 1641 W Diversey Pkwy., Chicago. Please consider joining Nostra Ecclesia, and attending our annual mass with the Bishop. A reception will follow immediately afterwards. Please RSVP to [email protected] Weekly Calendar November 2 (Sunday) 11:30am—CCW meeting—Parish Center 1:00pm—Baptisms—Church 5:00pm—Charismatic prayer group—Baseheart rm. 5:45pm—Choir rehearsal—Church 7:00pm—All Souls Vesper service—Church November 3 (Monday) 7:00pm—Parish Pastoral Council mtg.—Parish Center November 4 (Tuesday) 7:00pm—Bingo—Social Hall November 5 (Wednesday) 6:30pm—Novena—Church November 6 (Thursday) 7:00pm—Choir rehearsal—Church November 7 (Friday) 9:00am—Adoration—Church 6:45pm—Women’s scripture study—Parish Center November 8 (Saturday) 10:00am—SSR Classes—Gym Building Readings for the Week Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 THANKSGIVING PRAYER SERVICE You are invited to the annual Edgewater Community Religious Association Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service Sunday, November 23rd at 3:00PM St. Ita Catholic Church 5500 N. Broadway Ave. Chicago, IL Page 3 November 2, 2014 GRAND REDISCOVERIES Discovering something new can be exciting, but even more exhilarating is unearthing a forgotten gem to rediscover its beauty and charm. Join ICA musicians for a concert of Grand Rediscoveries on Sunday, November 2 at 3:00 PM at the Belden Stratford Hotel located at 2300 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, IL 60614. The program includes: George Onslow – Grand Septet in B-flat major, Op.79 Bohuslav Martinů – Quartet for Oboe, Violin, Violoncello and Piano Gioachino Rossini – Duo for Cello and Bass in D Major You’ll have a second opportunity to hear the Grand Rediscoveries concert on Sunday, November 9 at 4:00 PM at St. Gregory the Great Church, Chicago, IL 60640. As we uncover forgotten melodies experience Onslow’s six winds and piano that showcases charm and joy. Revel in the revealing of Bohuslav Martinů’s Oboe Quartet, H. 315 written in 1947, the grand rediscovery of which happened posthumously when Max Eschig published the work in Paris in 1961. Finally, take pleasure in Gioachino Rossini’s duet in the very unusual pairing of cello and bass, a delightful and whimsical work that recalls all of Rossini’s best characteristics —from lyrical melodies to virtuosic runs and trills. “Whether it is a story, a memory, or a melody, rediscoveries often reveal pleasing emotions,” says Patrick Godon, ICA Founder and Artistic Director. “Join us and immerse yourself in some Grand Rediscoveries!” ICA concerts are free with a suggested donation of $15. For more information, visit You can also like us on for photos and videos featuring, musicians, composers and fans. About ICA The International Chamber Artists, ICA, is a professional group of talented musicians under the artistic direction of pianist and conductor Patrick Godon from Chicago, IL. ICA seeks to present performances driven by the highest standards of artistic excellence while supporting communities and organizations through collaborations and financial support to promote the viability and growth of classical music audiences for the future. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CHURCH TOUR A short half-hour tour of St. Gregory's historic shrines will be offered by Joe Franco immediately following the ICA Concert on Sunday November 9, 2014. The tour group will assemble at the rear of church near the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine. There is no charge for this tour. Just bring your curiosity! BAPTISMS October 2014—WELCOME! Caitlin Anne Oakleaf Daughter of David and Laura Oakleaf Adrian Daniel Rodriguez Son of Roberto and Cassandra Rodriguez Aubrey Reese Santiago Daughter of Rian and Tricia Santiago Page 4 November 2, 2014 YEAR OF SACRAMENTS—ONE WORD AT A TIME Offer Across a lifetime, we celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass many times. Every time we do so, we join ourselves to Jesus and offer ourselves to God and become one with the self sacrificing love of Jesus. The repetition of this self-offering is meant to train us. One day, at the end of our lives, as we lie dying and conclude our journey on earth, we will make our final offering to God. We will celebrate our personal liturgy of sacrifice and surrender. We will have learned from a lifetime of participation in the Eucharist how to entrust ourselves entirely, lovingly, and confidently into the hands of God. We will, with God’s help, make an offering of ourselves and worship God in spirit and in truth. We will, with Jesus prompting us, say those great words he spoke from the cross, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us! As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them. MINISTRY OF THE WEEK – SOCIAL CARE Social Care is a group of volunteers who provide a compassionate outreach to seniors, the homebound, the sick, and people in need. They visit hospitals and nursing homes. They host a Fall and Spring luncheon for seniors. They sponsor the Parish blood drive, the Christmas Giving Tree, and an annual Golf Outing fund-raiser. The contact person for Social Care is Sr. Barbara Quinn, 773-561-3546. YOUNG PEOPLE’S ICON WORKSHOP Due to the overwhelming success of our adult and now our Children's Icon Workshop, we will now be offering the same for pre-teens (8-12). Joe Malham will conduct a two day workshop, in the Icon Studio on the third floor of the Parish Center, in which the young people will write their own icon under his instruction. The workshop is scheduled for the weekend of December 6 and 7 from Noon-3 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The cost for the two days, including snacks, is $35 per student and a parent or authorized guardian must accompany each student each day. Please call Joe at the Parish Center to register (773-561-3546) or email him at [email protected]. The class will be limited to 8 students so please register soon. Students must be registered by November 12 and if a minimum of four are not enrolled by then the workshop will be rescheduled for early 2015. JOURNEYS DIVORCE RECOVERY MINISTRY St. Paul of the Cross Church in Park Ridge is hosting a series of monthly meetings called Journeys. These meetings are for men and women who are divorced or in the process of divorce, who wish to cope and obtain strength throughout their journeys. Meetings include educational information, time to share, and prayer, and is facilitated by formal participants. Confidentiality is stressed. St. Paul of the Cross, Kinane Center, 320 South Washington, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068, 7 - 8:45 PM, second Monday of each month. Contact Deacon Bob Bulger for additional information. 847.825.7605, [email protected] GRIEF SHARE Grief Share is a Christian, Bible-centered, weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. This group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Meetings will take place on Thursday from 9:30-11a.m. from Nov. 6, 2014 through Feb. 19, 2015 in the Kinane Center at St. Paul of the Cross Church: 215 Ridge Terrace, Park Ridge. For more information visit or call Adrienne Timm at (847) 6926767 Page 5 November 2, 2014 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT 6TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER DANCE Saturday, November 15, 2014, 6:00PM Gymnasium, 1609 W. Gregory St., Chicago, IL MUSIC & DANCING CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES RAFFLES FOOD CATERED BY RANALLI’S CASH BAR: 6:00PM—DINNER: 7:00PM Tickets Adults—$25 Children under 12—$15 Purchase tickets by: November 7, 2014 and receive the “Early Bird” Discount of $5 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for the Dinner Dance If you are interested in volunteering please call Mark Soehn at 773.858.1699 SCRIP PROGRAM All orders placed the previous weekend can be picked up the following weekend at the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday or the 8:30 & 10:30am Mass on Sunday. PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING YOUR GIFT CARDS THROUGH OUR SCRIP PROGRAM. Rebates received from SCRIP go towards the Social Hall Renovation. Login to to see what’s new and check out their current promotional items.—Thank you for supporting the Scrip Program! GRAND RAFFLE—ANNUAL FUNDRAISER Raffle tickets are available at the back of Church. Please pick some up to purchase for yourself or sell to your family and friends. Drawing of the winners will be held at the Coffee &.., hosted by St. Gregory’s Finance Council, in the High School cafeteria on Sunday, December 15th after the 10:30am Mass. TICKETS COST $5.00 EACH FRIENDSHIP CLUB Make your plans to join us for some great activities! Nov. 12, 2014—12:00pm—Regular meeting Sub sandwich—$5 Dec 10, 2014—11:00am—Christmas Party at Monestero’s Cost $30.00 Jan 14, 2015—12:00pm—Regular meeting True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.—David Tyson Gentry BINGO—Bingo at St. Gregory is “Smoke Free” TUESDAY NIGHT BINGO AT ST. GREGORY Games begin at 7:00 PM in the Gym Basement—Social Hall (1609 West Gregory St.) $2,250 in prizes (includes 2— $500 games) In case of bad weather, please call the Parish Center at 773-561-3546, after 2:00p.m. for possible cancellation. Page 6 November 2, 2014 Mass Intentions For The Week SUNDAY, November 2 8:30—Parishioners 10:30—+Jim Holmberg +Clement Quilao MONDAY, November 3 8:30—+John Odisho TUESDAY, November 4 8:30—+Arlene Bena WEDNESDAY, November 5 8:30— +Lovino B. Belandres Sr. THURSDAY, November 6 8:30—Memorial Fund FRIDAY, November 7 8:30—Parishioners SATURDAY, November 8 8:30—Parishioners 4:30—+Mary, James, and Thomas Nelson SUNDAY, November 9 8:30—+Antonio Reyes 10:30—+Eddie & Pat O’Donoghue Memorial fund Remember the Memorial Fund for the Living and Deceased Prayer List Please pray for the sick and all those who have asked for our prayers. Bob Connelly Patrick Ryan Tom Ahlfeld Eloise Coughlin Kelly Dwyer Ted Moore Ray Lariosa Rita Burke Antoinette Bedoe Cookie Anderson Mary Huinker Brenda S. Viray Bill Lee Horace Rutledge John De Vitto Eloise Coughlin Art Birt Carmen Rodriguez Donna Torres Our Armed Forces Keep in your prayers all who are in the armed forces. Lily Osborne Peter Saldanha Virginia Rodriquez Henry Birt Jesse Osborne Marylyn Ahlfeld Arlene Blake Dan O’Connell Patricia Zakrzewski Pamela Birt King Val Szymczak Anne-Helene Cagney Emilia Salamida Gilber Juanita B. Lopez Grace Sullinger Tom Moulder Carolyn Liesen Dolores Riccardo Dan Ahlfeld Delia Connelly Dominick Kearns Joseph Guido Jr. Erix A. Sutton Matthew Harvey David Murcio Ramil Cabute John Hernandez Tony Murillo Nino Villamore Edward Hurtado Michael Ignoffo Gloria Qualls Nicholas Ignoffo LOW GLUTEN HOSTS AT ST. GREGORY THE GREAT We now have available low gluten hosts which make it possible for people who have celiac disease or allergies to wheat or gluten to be able to receive communion. If you have celiac disease or an allergy to wheat or gluten, please let me know so that I can make arrangements for you to be able to receive communion at Mass. – Fr. Paul MINISTERS OF CARE If you are homebound or know someone that is, and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the Parish Center at 773-561-3546. Liturgical Ministries (November 8/November 9) Saturday—4:30pm Sunday—8:30am Sunday—10:30am Presider Fr. Paul Wachdorf Fr. John Moulder Fr. Brian Fischer Lectors/Commentators Jon Fisset Jane Hirt Elaine Osborne Elizabeth Wilschke Gerry Malone Ellen Peirce Eucharistic Ministers Mireille Cernek Pat Sullivan Gloria Dela Cruz Nanette Medina Irene Rotter Brenda Sikorski Carmen Delgado Roger Dore Remedios Ryan Volunteer Altar Servers Ian Sheridan Molly Sheridan MC-Mary Lynn Dekold Melanie Aguilar Volunteer MC-Eunice Daniels Volunteer Joe Franco Volunteer Luke Coyle MC-Charlie Sell Page 7 November 2, 2014 Sunday and Holy Day Collection Totals For Fiscal Year July 1—June 30 September Envelopes Cash/Loose Electronic Giving Total September 7 $1,651 $1,110 $2,761 September 14 $3,667 $1,180 $4,847 September 21 $1,987 $2,205 September 28 $2,506 $1,349 Holy Days $ 15 $ $ $ 15 Total $9,826 $5,844 $9,005 $24,675 $9,005 $13,197 $3,855 Over/(Under) Monthly Budget—Year-to-Date ($7,876) Year-to-Date Collected as of September 30, 2014 $73,372 Planned Annual Budget for Sunday & Holy Day Collections $325,000 YTD Collected as a percentage of Planned Annual Budget 23% ST. GREGORY THE GREAT PARISH AND SCHOOL INFORMATION AND SERVICES Parish Center Masses 5545 N. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-3546 773-728-3827 (fax)— Sunday: Saturday Evening—4:30pm, Sunday—8:30am, and 10:30am. Weekdays: Monday—Saturday—8:30am Holy Days of Obligation: Please check the Sunday bulletin for Holy Day Schedules. Hours: M-Th 9:00am—7:00 pm Fri- 9:00am—4:30pm Sat.- 9:00am—4:30pm, Sun.—9:00am—12:00pm Pastoral Staff Rev. Paul Wachdorf, Pastor Rev. Brian Fischer, Associate Pastor Rev. John Moulder, Resident Sr. Barbara Quinn, Pastoral Associate Sr. Regina De Vitto, Pastoral Associate Mr. John Miaso, Business Manager Mr. Patrick Godon, Director of Music & Liturgy Ms. Bernadette Daniels, Administrative Asst. Mr. Dan Creed, Sacristan Mr. Joseph Malham, Artist-in-Residence Quest Theatre Ensemble, Artists-in-Residence International Chamber Artists, Artists-in-Residence Schools Northside Catholic Academy ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Admissions Office: 773-743-6277 St. Gregory Credit Union 1609 W. Gregory St., Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-5493 Sunday 9:30am—12:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm—9:00pm Sacraments Baptisms: First Sunday of the Month—1:00pm (except during Lent) Weddings: Arrange with a pastoral staff member at least six months in advance. Participation in marriage preparation is essential. Reconciliation Saturday– 3:30pm—4:15pm Services Prayer Requests: If you or a family member or relative is ill and would like to be included on the list of prayer requests, please call the Parish Center. Mass Intentions: You may request a Mass intention for someone who is living or deceased or special occasions such as birthdays, special anniversary, get well wishes. Please call or stop by the Parish Center. Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Friday of each month, 9:00am-9:00pm, except when funerals are scheduled. Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesdays 6:30pm
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