College Heights A Thanksgiving Dare United Methodist Church

College Heights
United Methodist Church
To Make Jesus Christ More Important Than Anything Else
A Thanksgiving Dare
In prepara on for the Thanksgiving season, I have been reading a book tled One Thousand Gi s: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. In her book, she talks about the bi erness, brokenness, and ingra tude that many of us carry inside. Her challenge is to prac ce habits that help us learn thankfulness. She quotes Erasmus, who says, "A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit." So, during the month of November I am daring our congrega on to do the three following things as a way to foster an a tude of thankfulness: ● First, a end worship every Sunday un l Thanksgiving. Each Sunday we will be discussing a different thing that we need to remember that will help us be more thankful.
• Sunday, November 2: Remember Your Cheerleaders, Heb. 12
• Sunday, November 9: Remember Your Blessings, Ps. 104
• Sunday, November 16: Remember Your Purpose, Ro. 8
• Sunday, November 23: Remember Christ's Sacrifice, Jn. 13 ● Second, celebrate Holy Communion each week on Thanksgiving Thursday's! The greek word for Holy Communion, "Eucharist", literally means grateful. It is a me for us to remember and give thanks for all that God has done for us in Jesus Christ. We will be having communion services in the sanctuary at the following mes:
• Thursday, November 6th, 6:00pm
• Thursday, November 13th, 6:00pm
• Thursday, November 20th, 6:00pm ● Finally, make a list of 1,000 ways that God has blessed you. Whether you actually put pen to paper, make a list on your cellphone, or post these to social media, I challenge you to name 1,000 things (big or small) that you are grateful for. It is a way for us to become more aware of all the ways that God shows us that he loves us.
This is your Thanksgiving Dare! I hope that these three simple habits will go a long way in helping us learn how to live lives of thankfulness regardless of the circumstances we are facing. Let's drive out the bi er- Rev. AdamSparks, Pastor ness and ingra tude in our lives with a renewed focus on making Jesus [email protected] Christ more important than anything else. (O) 270-765-4284 Ext. 22 In Christ, Adam (M) 502-938-3945 Volume 6 Issue 66
November 2014
Joe Bennett, Youth Pastor
On Wednesday nights, during the month of November, we are going to be discussing some serious topics that all teenagers deal with at one time or another. We highly encourage your students to attend. We also want to encourage our
parents to engage in discussions with their students about these topics. One of
our goals as a youth ministry is to partner with parents in making Jesus Christ
more important than anything else.
Here are the topics we will be discussing:
• October 29 – The Masks We Wear – In this session we will focus on how
we sometimes act differently around different people.
• November 5 – Loneliness – All of us deal with feeling lonely, but it is
important to remember that Christ never leaves nor forsakes us.
• November 12 – Fear – Fear can debilitate us if we let it, but with Christ we don’t have a
spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power.
• November 19 – Gratefulness – One of the secrets to happy life is contentment. Are we
content? Do we really believe Jesus is enough?
●November 1-3 - High
School Chrysalis
●November 19 - Thanksgiving Meal; 5:00-8:00
● November 9 –
Backwards Day (wear
clothes backwards) and
Students Lead
Salmo 63 Hace unas semanas escuché en la televisión a un profesor de seminario hacer una reflexión sencilla basada en el salmo 63. Hoy busqué un adje vo que, por sí solo, definiera el efecto de su breve plá ca en la co dianidad de la vida, al momento de aplicarla humildemente a la mía…, humilde y sinceramente. Deseo exponerla aquí, no como él la lanzó, sino como yo la recibí; es decir, como Dios la usó para mi edificación. El adje vo que encontré más apropiado es revitalizante. Rev. Freddie Delgado
Salmo 63 (Salmo de David, estando en el desierto de Judá) (Reina-Valera 1909) (1) Dios, Dios mío eres tú: levantaréme á de mañana: mi alma ene sed de , mi carne te desea, en erra de sequedad y transida sin aguas; (2) para ver tu fortaleza y tu gloria, así como te he mirado en el santuario. (3) Porque mejor es tu misericordia que la vida: mis labios te alabarán. (4) Así te bendeciré en mi vida: en tu nombre alzaré mis manos. (5) Como de meollo y de grosura será saciada mi alma; y con labios de júbilo te alabará mi boca, (6) cuando me acordaré de en mi lecho, cuando meditaré de en las velas de la noche. (7) Porque has sido mi socorro; y así en la sombra de tus alas me regocijaré. (8) Está mi alma apegada a : tu diestra me ha sostenido. (9) Más los que para destrucción buscaron mi alma, caerán en los si os bajos de la erra. (10) Destruiránlos a filo de espada; serán porción de las zorras. (11) Empero el rey se alegrará en Dios; será alabado cualquiera que por él jura: porque la boca de los que hablan men ra, será cerrada. Te invito a escudriñar este salmo; no a simplemente leerlo, sino a escudriñarlo deseando “escuchar” en el texto las palabras poderosas que Dios desea escribir en lo hondo de tu alma hoy. Repásalo con estos tres puntos en tu mente (los que saltaron a mi vista al escucharlos de boca de aquel predicador): 1. Anhela a Dios en medio de cada “desierto” por el que hayas de pasar. 2. Lo que te revitaliza y renueva tu deseo de vivir es la presencia de Dios; es esa presencia la que te hace recordar la fragancia del hogar cuando estás en la soledad y sequedad de la lejanía y el abandono. 3. Dios siempre te recuerda, nunca te olvida, en las largas noches de tus desiertos. Todos los procesos edificantes de la vida en el reino de Dios incluyen, en algún punto, un desierto. Sólo tú puedes decidir cómo pasarlo, solo o sola, o en la presencia de tu Señor. Psalm 63
I heard a TV program few weeks ago where a seminary professor elaborated a simple reflection on this Psalm. Today I have been looking
for a single adjective that, alone, may define the impact that brief dissertation has had in me when genuinely and humbly applied to my daily living. I
would like to present it to you here, not as the speaker did, but as I received it; in other words, as God used it for my edification. The adjective I found
more appropriate is energizing.
Psalm 63:1 -11 (A Psalm of David, when he was in the waste land of Judah) (BBE version)
(1) O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a
dry and burning land where no water is; (2) to see your power and your glory, as I have seen you in the holy place.
(3) Because your mercy is better than life, my lips will give you praise. (4) So will I go on blessing you all my life, lifting up my hands in
your name. (5) My soul will be comforted, as with good food; and my mouth will give you praise with songs of joy; (6) when the memory of you
comes to me on my bed, and when I give thought to you in the night-time.
(7) Because you have been my help, I will have joy in the shade of your wings. (8) My soul keeps ever near you: your right hand is my
support. (9) But those whose desire is my soul's destruction will go down to the lower parts of the earth. (10) They will be cut off by the sword; they
will be food for foxes. (11) But the king will have joy in God; everyone who takes an oath by him will have cause for pride; but the false mouth will be
I invite you to search into this psalm; not just to read it, but to search into it willing to “hear” in the text the mighty words of God that He wishes to write deep in your soul today. Search into it repeatedly having in mind these three points (those that jumped to my heart when I heard it from
that preacher):
1. Long for God in the midst of every “desert” you should go through.
2. What really energizes you and renews your desire to live is the presence of God; it is His presence what makes you remember the fragranceof home when you feel lonely in the dryness and solitude of distance and abandonment.
3. God always remembers you, He never forgets you, during the long nights of your deserts.
All the edifying processes of the life in the kingdom of God include, in some point, a desert. Only you can decide how to cross it, alone or in
the presence of your Lord.
Are you looking for ways to
volunteer at church, but you
cannot make a long term commitment? Below are ways that
you can do that. Contact Tammy Burba at 270-763-7242 if you
are interested. Together, let’s be examples of the Hands and Feet
Communion Servers
Serve communion during the
service you attend
Heights Hero’s Training
This is a month commitment
spending time with our children
Assist Carrie with the small
Tech Team
Fill in when needed or to give
the team a break for a week
Coffee Station
Help to keep the coffee station
up & to welcome those attending
W_^n_s^[y, Nov. 19
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, November 19th, our church will be hos ng a Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner from 5-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. We want this meal to be an outreach to our neighbors, so we are asking you to do two things. First, if you would like to serve in any way, please contact Colleen Bagley at 270-8623777. We especially need volunteers to prepare and serve
food, set‐up/tear‐down, clean and wash dishes, and help with
our van ministry. Second, we are asking you to consider our guests as you choose what me you will come. There will be three sea ngs, at 5,6, and 7pm. However, if it is possible for your family to come at the early (5pm) or late (7pm) me, it would help us make sure we have enough sea ng and food for our guests from the community. Please note that carry out meals will be available and the van ministry will be provided for those who need transportaon. Let's make the most of this opportunity to bless our community at Thanksgiving. A p jar will be made available. All dona ons will be greatly appreciated. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN
President Gloria Whi ord opened by reading “a word for today from John Wesley - Going on to Perfec on”. Margie read “What God Has Done For Us” using a pumpkin as an example. First, He removes the bad stuff… Titles of our program were “Calling to Work and Pray for Children,” “Being a Leader”, and “Remember the Children’s Defense Fund.” There are 86,000 children in Kentucky being cared for. One thing we are expected to do is correspond with 5 missionaries twice a year including their birthday and a holiday. Those info sheets were handed out, some in our country and some outside. The November 25th Conference at Flatwoods will be collec ng toothpaste and toilet ssue for the U.M. Hillcrest Mission. Sue Flowers and Olze a Firquin a ended the District mee ng at Summit and enjoyed it very much. The World Thank Offering tled “Responding to God’s Grace and Blessings” will be brought to the Nov. 20 mee ng in Room 17 at College Heights UMC. We are so blessed! ...submitted by Gloria Whitford
Sunday, November 9th, 6:00 p.m.
Taking a meal to someone is a tangible
way to show God’s each other
and those in our community. Whether
someone is recovering from surgery or
welcoming home a newborn baby,
providing a meal for a family is one way
we can take care of each other and serve
as Jesus served.
If you know of someone who needs a meal(s) or if you
have questions, contact Pam Tillotson at 401-1392 or at
You are invited to join the TRAINS Sunday
school class (Teens Reaching All Individuals Needing a Savior), (Middle School class), in a two-fold
project. We are collecting items that can be placed
in a shoe box that will be put together by our class
to be sent to children for Christmas. The two-fold
part of this is that we are not only going to be sending boxes to children as part of Operation Christmas
Child but boxes will also be given to children who
enjoy Warm Blessings meals. Our goal is to complete 70 boxes for Operation
Christmas Child and 30 boxes for Warm Blessings.
This year we have ordered the boxes from Operation Christmas Child as the
cost is much less than buying them ourselves.
Here is how you can help! We are looking for the following items that we can
place in the boxes.
All items need to be small. All donations must be at church by November 14.
Matchbox cars
Paperback books (ages
Small activity books
Small balls
[email protected].
Travel toothbrush and
Packed combs
Coloring Pencils
Small spiral notebooks
Package of Pencils
Small Puzzles
Stickers-non action
DO WHAT MATTERS….As we str ive to be missionar ies in our community,
each month we are going to spotlight a local charitable organization. This month we
are spotlighting an organization that many of you may not even know about:
Silverleaf Sexual Trauma Recovery Services
The following information was taken from their website
Silverleaf Sexual Trauma Recovery Services is a non-profit organization dedicated
to reducing the trauma experienced by victims of sexual abuse and sexual
assault. They function uniquely as a Childrens' Advocacy Center and a Rape Crisis Center and serve all 8
counties of the Lincoln Trail Area Development District (Hardin, Grayson, Larue, Breckinridge, Meade, Nelson,
Washington, Marion), with the main office in Elizabethtown, KY. All services are provided in a friendly, safe and
nurturing environment and are of NO COST to the victim or the victim's family. Silverleaf also offers education
and support to the community in efforts to promote a more proactive approach to ending all types of sexual violence.
By Tammy Burba
It is our mission to promote the health and well-being of our communities by overcoming the impact and prevalence of sexual trauma through service, education, and leadership.
Crisis Intervention; Counseling; Victim Advocacy; Forensic Interviews; Medical Examinations and Victim Support; Multidisciplinary Teams; Community Education; Consultation, Information and Referral.
You can volunteer in several areas, but you must meet a few requirements.
20 years of age or older
Free of any felony conviction
Complete the volunteer process (application, interview and training)
Other ways to help
Memorial or Tribute Gifts
Non-monetary Donations
November Birthdays
(line 1 – voice)
(line 2 – fax & voice)
3rd Megan Funk
8 AM – 12 NOON
Sara Russell
Christian Adams
Charley Allen
Auto Attendant
Extension Numbers:
21 – Judy
22 – Bro. Adam
23 – Freddie
26 - Joe
33 – Maria
34 – English Church Information
24 – Bottom of Stairs Phone
25 – Kitchen Phone
Judy Ward is at the Church Office
Monday through Friday
During Office Hours.
She will receive your call
or transfer your call
to the person
you want to talk with.
----------------After Office Hours
the Church Phone is answered by an Auto Attendant Feature. By dialing the Extension Number you may reach the
person you want to talk with, or if they are out of the office,
you will reach their Voice Mail. Bro. Adam will be paged
immediately if he is out of the office and you leave him a
Total Received in the
Building Fund thru Oct.:
Prayer Concerns
Urgent Concerns
Sherri Morrissey
Martha Sappenfield
Louise Spires
Ruth Smith
Thelma Dunn
Ruby Parker
Bud, Margie, Terry
Cody Bagley
Doris Pile
Virgil Yates
Amaryllis Edwards
Teresa “Charlie” Allen
Jay E. Holmes
Mike Holmes
Trevor Flowers
Matthew Eubank
Jack Bryant
Philip Fulmer
Robert Gipson
Jennifer Tarrance
Mike Tarrance
John Holmes
James Russell Prause, Jr.
Matt Dugan
Matthew Veech
Caleb Adams
Carla Gent
Bob Childers
Cindy Garrison
Jasmine Howlett Henry
Pam Tillotson
Lacey Lundy
Arnold Fulmer
Charles Riney
Tammy Burba
Sandra Lockard
Jacki Brangers
Ryan Swinegar
Kellie Louthan
Stewardship Report
Budget Off. Needed per Sunday: $5,933.18
Average Offerings in Oct.: $5,501.31 per
College Heights United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship: Contemporary Praise, 9:00 a.m. ~
Traditional Worship, 11:00 a.m. ~
Hispanic Worship, 11:00 a.m., Memory Hall ~
Sunday School Classes, 10:00 a.m. ~ Hispanic Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Wednesdays: UMYF Youth - 6:30
Regular Concerns
• All our congregation, friends & relatives
(If you have specific needs, please denote them on
a Communication Card and they will be forwarded
to our Prayer Team. These requests are prayed for
Church Office/Prayer Chain 765-4284 ~ Fax/Voice 766-1617
Pastoral Phones: Bro. Adam ~ 502‐938‐3945
Bro. Adam’s email: [email protected]
Youth Minister Joe Bennett ~ 401-8576
Pastor Maria, 304-7322 & Freddie, 982-3570
Dartball vs Stephensburg
Baptist, home - 7:00
Youth Choir - 4:00, MH
Elvin & Kathryn Smith’s
50th Wedding Anni. Celebration, 2-4, at Thurman
Phillips Guest Home, Sonora
30 1st Sunday of Advent
Dartball at Memorial
UMC, - 7:00
Youth Choir - 4:00, MH
Dartball vs Vine Grove
UMC, home - 7:00
Dartball at Summit UMC,
Choir Practice - 6:00
Charge Conference 6:00
Youth Choir - 4:00, MH
2 Communion Sunday
Youth Choir - 4:00, MH
Cluster Meeting - 4:30
Sanctuary & FH
Praise Team Practice 5:45
Scouts - Room 10
Praise Team Practice 5:45
Scouts - Room 10
Praise Team Practice 5:45
Scouts - Room 10
Praise Team Practice 5:45
Scouts - Room 10
Every Sunday
9:00 a.m. - Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Hispanic Worship
10:00 a.m. - Hispanic Bible Study
Financial Peace-6:00
Financial Peace-6:00
Choir Practice - 6:00
Dinner - 5:00-8:00
19 Thanksgiving
Wednesday Night Youth -
Financial Peace-6:00
Choir Practice - 6:00
Wednesday Night Youth 6:30
Choir Practice - 6:00
Holy Communion - 6:00
Cub Scouts & AHG - FH
20 United Methodist
Women’s Meeting - 9:30
a.m., Room 17
Holy Communion - 6:00
Cub Scouts & AHG - FH
Holy Communion - 6:00
Cub Scouts & AHG - FH
28 Church Office Closed
Movie Night, MH - 7:00
Cub Scouts Lock-In, FH
Movie Night, MH - 7:00
Wedding Rehearsal - FH
22 United Methodist
Men meeting at Golden
Corral - 9:00 a.m.
Henry/Howlett Wedding
3:00 p.m.
1 Chrysalis , Saturday
thru Monday
The Connec ng Link
College Heights United Methodist Church
710 College Street
Elizabethtown Kentucky, 42701
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We express our condolences to:
• Floyd & Irene Dodson on the death of
their daughter, Phyllis Ruff
• Bill & Katrina Morris on the death of
their son, Billy Morris.
• Martine Smallwood and family on the
death of her husband, Sam.
• Shirley Hall and family on the death of her
You Are Invited
to the Wedding of
Brandon Henry & Jasmine Howlett
Saturday, November 8th, 3:00 p.m.
College Heights United Methodist Church
Reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall