The Bells of St. Mary’s Cathedral

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Sunday
November 23, 2014
The Bells of
St. Mary’s Cathedral
Weekly Bulletin
All are invited to the
Thanksgiving Celebration Mas
on Wednesday,
Nov. 26th at 6:00pm…
followed by an Open House
at the Rectory.
Everyone is welcome including
Refreshments of cookies and
St. Mary’s Cathedral • 112 S . Cedar • P.O. Box 936 • Grand Island, NE
•(308) 384-2523 •
• Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne
Mass & Calendar
November 23, 2014
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Page 2
Upcoming Events
Name of Intention
Monday, November 24
Mo. 11/24
7:00 am
Rory Andrew George
Tu. 11/25
7:00 am
Carol Ann Smith †
7 am Mass (English)
1 pm Quilters
12:15 pm and 5:15 pm Rosary for Peace Last one
6pm EM Potluck
7 pm Youth Group leaders (Sp)
We. 11/26
7:00 am
Norm Buck †
We. 11/26(Sp)
5:15 pm
No 5:15 pm Mass
We. 11/26
6:00 pm
Thanksgiving Mass
Th. 11/27
7:00 am
Joseph & Florence Dubas Family †
Th. 11/27
5:15 pm
No 5:15 pm Mass
Fr. 11/28
7:00 am
Fr. 11/28
5:15 pm
Sa. 11/29
7:00 am
Joseph Meyers †
Sa. 11/29
5:00 pm - Fr. TP
Arnold & Irene Vieth ††
Su. 11/30
7:00 am - Fr. RP
Mary Caddy †
Su. 11/30(Sp) 8:15 am -Fr. JC
Su. 11/30
7 am Mass (English)
10 am EP Bible Study CS Basement
7 pm EP Bible Study
Wednesday, November 26
7 am Mass (English)
4:45 –5:10 pm Confession
No Rel Ed Class
Margaret Kozal †
No 5:15 pm Mass (Español)
No Confirmation Class
Jack and Dottie Cameron † † 6 pm Thanksgiving Mass/Open House
Pro Populo
Thursday, November 27
7 am Mass (English)
Thanksgiving Day
No 9-10 am Confession
Office/Daycare/SMIP closed
No 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 10 am Rental
No 5:15 pm Mass (English)
10:00 am - Fr. RP Joseph & Florence Dubas Family †
Su. 11/30(Sp) Noon - Fr. JC
Su. 11/30
Tuesday, November 25
5:00 pm - Fr. TP
Victoria Farfan Avila †
Friday, November 28
Louise Borowski †
7 am Mass (English)
4:45pm Wedding Rehearsal
4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:45 pm Wedding Rehearsal
5:15 pm Mass (English) 4pm EP
7pm Sp Young Adult Gp
Please note only on Sunday Masses you will notice initials of the
priest that will be saying Mass by that time . The initials for
Fr. Richard-Fr. RP, Fr. Thomas-Fr. TP, Fr. Jose- Fr. JC
Subject to change.
Yellow means change of
Mass times or Services
November 16th Collection
Regular Collection
Parish Debt Collection
Holiday Bulletin Deadlines
All articles must be e-mailed to:
[email protected]
Deadline, Monday December 8th for
Sunday, December 21st
Deadline, Friday December 12th for
Sunday, December 28th
Deadline December 17th for
Sunday, January 4th
For more information call Barbara at 384-2523 ext 233
Eucharistic Adoration 2nd
and 4th Tuesdays of each month
Saturday, November 29
7 am Mass (English)
11am—Noon Confession
5 pm Mass (English)
6pm YG (Sp)
8 am EP
10 am Wedding
2:30 pm Wedding
Sunday, November 30
7 am Mass (English) 7 am EP
8:15 am Mass (Español)
10:00 am Mass (English)
Noon Mass (Español)
5 pm Mass (English)
1st Sunday of Advent
No Sunday Rel Ed
10 am RICA (Sp)
4 pm EP
Thanksgiving Day Mass Schedule is:
7 am English No 5:15 pm Mass
No 9 am or 4:45 pm Confession
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink.” — Matthew 25:35
Ramblings/Ministry Schedule
Page 3
t seems the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church is in a bit of a pickle; he was photographed wearing a $25,000
Swiss watch. Well he is the head of a big church in Russia after all; what’s the big deal with a really, really nice
timepiece? The issue is that Patriarch Kirill, the top dog of all Orthodox Russians, says he doesn’t own such a thing and
has never worn one. A bit of history is in order: The Russian Orthodox Church generally hates the Catholic Church for political
and historic reasons; the current Patriarch Kirill has been rather chummy with the Popes over the years, and this has brought
him some grief from other Russian Orthodox bishops who believe the Pope is the antichrist. In reality the Russian Orthodox
Church became a political department of the old Soviet Union; and you probably thought they were just godless commies! In
the new Russia the Orthodox Church still acts more as an extension of the State than as an independent religious entity.
For a few years the Orthodox Russian hierarchy was given government permission to sell cigarettes without taxes; this
brought over one billion (yes, with a B) dollars to the Church. It sure beats bingo games and raffles. Guess who coordinated
the sale of the cigarettes? That’s right, a Russian bishop named Kirill. The money made went to the Church which was badly in
need of funds at the time; so what about the watch? Astute investigators went to the website of the Russian Orthodox Church
and noted Kirill was wearing the watch. Now I couldn’t tell the difference between an expensive watch and a timepiece with
Mickey Mouse on the face, but the experts confirmed the identity of the said $25,000 wristwatch. So now everyone goes on the
website to see the nice watch, but it is gone! Mysteriously his wrist is now bare, but interestingly the reflection of his wrist
appears on the table where he is sitting, and the watch is on the wrist in the reflection, which means the watch was airbrushed
out of the original photo. Whether he wants to admit it or not, the Patriarch has a really nice, expensive watch. Somehow I
don’t think Pope Francis is jealous.
Is this the Kingship we talk about when we celebrate Jesus Christ, King of the Universe; the Kingship of royal robes,
crowns, gems and $25,000 wristwatches? No, the King we worship gave His life for us and pours out His Blood and gives of
His Body that we can become sharers in His Divine Life. He is not a King who takes, but a King who gives.
Father Rector
Next Sunday’s Ministry Schedule (November 29th and 30th )
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am (Español)
10:00 am
Noon (Español)
5:00 pm
* Beginner
J.N. Tomas
G. Nicolas
M. F. Erives
E. Borges
M. Rose
A. Rose
S. Diaz
J. Mejia
C. Diaz
JJ Hernandez
A. Canella
G. M. Ramirez R
J. Black
L. Black
T. Curran
D. Doehling
G. Meyers
C. Ponec
R. Kusek
K. Kranz
R. Erives
E. Mendoza
I. Torres
D. Callejas
R. T Gonzales
J. Ramirez
M. Rose
S. A. Ference
P. McHugh
E. Cornelius
M. Hernandez
C. Hernandez
R. M. Coronado
E. Gaspar M.
M. Romero
J. Ramirez
J. Carpio
M. Carpio
C. Domingo
C. Voss
A. Diaz
C. Fitzgerald
G. Stittsworth
M. Stoltenberg I. Marcos
D. Lopez
R. Guzman
J. Bigley
E. Fierro
J. Fierro
M. Aguayo
J. Zahm
P. Mulligan
M. Carreon
H. Castellanos
B. Marquez
M. Carrillo
J. Escabor
N. Rivera
L. Erives
S. Torres
L. Cornelius
J. O. Abarca
P. McPhillips
R. Magonal
C. Egnoske
E. Melendez
L. Bradley
S. Abarca
G. Arbarca
If you cannot serve your scheduled time, please find a substitute, thank you.
Parish News
Page 4
Prayer Requests
Please remember the following in your prayers:
* Gary Meyers, Virginia Bedner, Jerome Kosmicki,
Susan Puhalla, Gretchen Eakes, Dawn Pirkey,
Lynne Peterson. New additions to the prayer list.
Names remain on the prayer list for two months.
Names may be resubmitted upon request. To request daily
prayers, call the Parish Prayer Chain:
Phyllis at 382-0306 or Joy at 379-4741.
To add or remove a name from this list, please call the
Parish office 384-2523 ext 233
Director of Religious Education
In this week’s Gospel we hear- "In truth I tell
you, in so far as you neglected to do this to
one of the least of these, you neglected to
do it to me." Please remember those less
fortunate this Holiday season and donate as
much as you can of your service, talents and or money as you
would unto Jesus.
Parents PLEASE remember there is NO CLASS on Wednesday.
November 26th or Sunday November 30th.
Also PLEASE pick up your children promptly after class time is
Military Names
over. There have been to many children being picked up 15- 30
We pray for the following parishioners family and friends minutes after class or not being picked up and having to find a
who are currently serving in the military: New names in blue ride home. I want nothing more than the safety and well being of
Lance Corporal Ryan Twehous
2nd Lt. Jordan Hughes your children while they are here. If they exceed the time frame
USMC LCpl John G. Frankenberg
SPC Kevin Donovan then it is considered abandonment and the proper
STG2/ E5 Cesar Soria
SPC. Jessica Paup Authorities will need to be notified.
SP Force Gunner SSgt. Ron Cameron II
WO TJ Cameron Thank you very much for your attention to this serious matter.
HM2 Andrew Dodendorf
LTC Chad Sekutera
Major Sam Schneider
Sgt. Christopher Donner God Bless, Mary Rose
Specialist Chad Holmes
Sgt. Noel Jones
Director of Religious ED Office Hours
Commander Douglas E. Kennedy
Sgt. Jeffrey D. Michalski
Lt. Col. Brian Jovag
Msgt. Timothy Mahoney Mary Rose office hours are: Tuesday 9 am– 2 pm, Wednesday
USMC Sgt. Brandon T. Russell
1 pm -9 pm, Thursday 9 am -2pm, and Sunday 8 am-11am
If you know someone who is in the military and would like to have
You can email Mary at [email protected]
their name included in this space please email the information to
Hours subject to change.
[email protected] with name and rank. Thank you.
Still need teachers for 3rd & 6th grade on Wednesday and
Mary’s Closet Weekly Special
6th– Sunday. Also helpers in the classroom or help with a
special projects. Contact Mary Rose 384-2523 Ext 213
Thrift Store Nov 24th – 29th
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
Need help with the new Missalette
Bag Sale $4
Christmas items 50% off
The Liturgy Team would like to invite everyone to help to
decorate for Advent and put out the new Missalette for new
Rosary for Peace—Last day November 24th
church year on Saturday, November 29th at 8 am
Monday, November 24th will be our last day for the
In Memory
rosary due to the colder weather. The Catholic
Daughters wants to thank everyone who participated
Please remember in your prayers all the faithful
in the Rosary for Peace in the 12 weeks at 12:15 pm
departed members of St. Mary’s Cathedral
or 5:15 pm on Monday in the Cathedral. We encourage everyone
Especially: Marsha Trujillo and
to continue saying the rosary at home on Mondays for Peace.
Manuela Galaviz
Rosary on November 17th and 24th.
May they rest in Peace.
300 Club Donation
Office , Daycare, SMIP Closed
The 300 Club is over for the year and the 300 Club gave the
Mary’s Closet
Cathedral $4978.80 profit from the sales. Thank You!
New to the Parish
"We give a sincere welcome to all new families moving into
our Parish. Please register in the Parish Office as soon as
possible. Families who plan to move from our parish
community are requested to inform us."
The Parish Office, Cathedral Daycare and SMIP
will be closed Thursday, November 27th and
Friday, November 28th The Parish Office and
Daycare will be open Monday at normal time.
Please remember your parish
in your planned giving.
Parish Information
Christmas Musicians’ Rehearsals
Please mark your calendar now.
Rehearsals will be: Thursday, December 4,
Thursday, December 11, Thursday, December 18
Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry…November… Yep, we’re already
planning our celebration of Birth of Jesus, and a key
component is YOU! To enable the maximum number of people to
participate, we are going to have five rehearsals on the six
Thursdays prior to Christmas (no rehearsal on Thanksgiving Day)
from 7 – 9 pm in the Cathedral. While attending all five
rehearsals is the goal for creating a beautiful and inspiring Liturgy,
if participants can attend at least three rehearsals, they should be
sufficiently prepared to take part in the music for Midnight Mass.
Reading the Bible Story
The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the
mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each
morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading
from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just
like him tried to imitate him in any way he could.
One day the grandson asked, 'Papa, I try to read the
Bible just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do
understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does
reading the Bible do?' The Grandfather quietly turned from putting
coal in the stove and said, 'Take this old wicker coal basket down
to the river and bring back a basket of water.'
The boy did as he was told, even though all the water
leaked out before he could get back to the house. The
grandfather laughed and said, 'You will have to move a little faster
next time,' and sent him back to the river with the basket to try
again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the old wicker
basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he
told his grandfather that it was 'impossible to carry water in a
basket,' and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said,
'I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You can
do this. You're just not trying hard enough,' and he went out the
door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he
wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he
could, the water would leak out before he got far at all. The boy
scooped the water and ran hard, but when he reached his
grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said,
'See Papa, it's useless!' 'So you think it is useless?' the old man
said. 'Look at the basket.'
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket looked different. Instead of a dirty old wicker
coal basket, it was clean. 'Son, that's what happens when you
read the Bible. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, it will change you from the inside
Moral of the wicker basket story: Take time to read a portion of
God's word each day; it will affect you for good even if you don't
retain a word. Thought for Today: God's Love is like the ocean,
you can see its beginnings but not its end.
Page 5
Lectors: Pick up your workbook
Please pick up your new Workbooks in the sacristy after
Mass. Please note these go into effect
November 30, 2014
Advent Retreat
St. Mary’s Cathedral Ladies are sponsoring an Advent morning
retreat on December 6, at Cathedral Square from 9 am until
noon, with registration from 8-9 am Fr. Richard Piontkowski will
present “A Commentary on the Synod on the Family.” Cost is
$10/person (payable at door) and includes a light breakfast and
lunch. Pre-registration is required for food count. Contact:
Marie Schuster 382-5387; De Tenski 381-8348; Glenda
Stittsworth 379-9325. The retreat is open to everyone.
Thanksgiving Mass and Open House
You are invited to attend our Thanksgiving Mass
on Wednesday, November 26, at 6:00 pm
Items for Mary’s Table--Camille’s Cupboard food
pantry will also be collected in the back of the
church before Mass.
Our parish priests are hosting an open house at the Rectory
following Mass. Please join us for refreshments of cookies,
coffee, punch and wine & cheese. Everyone is welcome!
Pro– Life Rosary
There will be no Rosary for Pro-Life on Thursday, November,
27th due to Thanksgiving Day.
Mary’s Closet is need of Winter items
Mary’s Closet is in need of used coats, scarves, mittens, gloves,
and boots for all ages. Please drop them off or call Ann Baker at
391-1527. Thank you!
Want to learn about quilting?
Come join the quilting ladies on any Mondays or Thursdays,
1–3:30 pm in Cathedral Square. We will share how to set up
the quilt, turn corners, hiding the knot and answer your questions
regarding quilting. Come visit us.
Fellowship– Eucharistic Ministers
If you miss Saturday please come and join us for fellowship on
Monday, November 24th at 6 pm potluck meal. Together we will
be sharing our ministry, asking questions, and guidelines
(refreshment will be provided).
Let Barbara know you are coming too! Anyone wishing to
become a Eucharistic Minister is invited and encouraged to
attend. Questions please contact Barbara Bosak at 384-2523,
ext. 233 or [email protected]
Youth/Parish News
Page 6
First we give thanks
for the food
we are given.
Then we give thanks
for the houses
we live in.
Then we give thanks
for the sun shine
But mostly we give
thanks for the people
we love!
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Cat ful for o iends.
ank and fr
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fa m
ou a ng.
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py T
Central Catholic
Grand Island Central Catholic wants to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are blessed to have such
wonderful parishes that support the students and staff of Grand Island Central Catholic.
Central Catholic Fundraisers
GICC’s Annual Art and Craft Show Mark your calendar and please plan to join us for our annual Art and Craft Show, sponsored by
the Grand Island Central Catholic Art Club. This year’s event will be on Friday, December 5 from 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday,
December 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vendor registration forms are due by Sunday, November 30. For additional information,
view our vendor information sheet on
Central Catholic Cheers! Go! Fight! Win! We can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than by cheering on our Crusader
teams. Our athletics teams are in full swing and would love your support! The feeling of excitement for each game is contagious and
electrifying. You can find the schedule for all sporting events at
Christmas Shopping Made Easy Need a Christmas gift for that hard to buy for Crusader? How about a new uniform shirt or
sweatshirt! Orders need to be in by December 1st. Order forms are on the GICC website or by visiting this link.
Here is another great Christmas idea for a gift. Support GICC by purchasing gift cards through SCRIP. Its easy and doesn’t cost you
more… What is Scrip? When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to
purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, OR scrip is the perfect gift for your favorite birthday, holiday, or
graduation!!! With every purchase you earn revenue for the GICC Fine Arts Guild! How Do I Order Scrip? Simply go to any time day or night. Create a family account using the code A29B9C652L122, to ensure your orders will
be properly credited to our school. Click on “Shop” to view participating retailers by category. Orders will be processed each Friday
and delivered the following week for pickup at the school office by Wednesday. If you’d rather not order on-line, order forms are
available in the school office & will be processed each Friday for delivery the following week for pickup at the school office, also by
Wednesday. Where Can I Use Scrip? Scrip is distributed in pre-paid cards, so they can be used almost anywhere. Just a few of the
local participating businesses include: Ace Hardware, Applebee’s, Best Buy, Cold Stone Creamery, Fazoli’s, Jiffy Lube, Maurice’s,
Menards, Payless Shoes, Shopko, Red Lobster, Subway, Wal-Mart, and many, many, many more!!! Check on-line for a complete list
of retailers who accept scrip.
For more information about how YOU can support GICC Fine Arts through the use of Scrip Please contact Pam Van Heufeln at 308379-3756 or [email protected].
Check out Grand Island Central Catholic page:
Page 7
Today Readings
St. Mary’s Cathedral Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intentions
First Reading — I will rescue my scattered sheep (Ezekiel 34:11- Vocations. That many people may hear the call of Christ and
follow Him in the priesthood and religious life.
12, 15-17).
Pro Life. That all people will come to value human life as God’s
Second Reading — As in Adam all die, so too in Christ all shall
precious gift to be accepted and loved rather
be brought to life (1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28).
than a burden to be destroyed.
Gospel — Whatever you did to the least ones, you did to me
Holy Father’s Prayer November 2014
(Matthew 25:31-46).
Loneliness: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the
closeness of God and the support of others.
Sheep are high-maintenance animals. They are not very
Mentors: That young seminarians and religious may have wise
intelligent. Without guidance and care, especially in a climate like
and well-formed mentors.
Israel’s, they would die quickly from predators, starvation, or just
Word of Life
their own slowness. The scriptural image of us as the Lord’s flock
is not terribly flattering to us, since it is only the never-ending
“Every human person - no matter how vulnerable or helpless, no
diligence of a watchful shepherd that allows the flock to survive.
matter how young or how old, no matter how healthy,
The feast of Christ the King was intended to call the world
back to Christ as the sole power of the world, to bring back a flock
that had been scattered by many negative forces of the growing
industrial, scientific, and war‑torn world of the early twentieth
century. It is fitting that, as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear
about Christ the Shepherd who cares for us and who, likewise,
will be there at the end of time. Interestingly enough, as the
Gospel illustrates, our own destiny is determined by the way we
have been “shepherds” to the rest of the flock.
Saints and Special Observances
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Thirty-fourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time;
St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc and Companions
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Thanksgiving Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
handicapped or sick, no matter how useful or productive for
society - is a being of inestimable worth created in the image and
likeness of God. This is the dignity of America … the ultimate test
of her greatness: to respect every human person, especially the
weakest and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn.”
Pope John Paul II, “Apostolic Journey to the United States and
Canada: Farwell Ceremony,” September 19, 1987
Coming to the end of the Church year, we can wonder how
we got “extreme unction” out of “anointing of the sick.” “Extreme”
comes from a Latin phrase, in extremis, which in English refers to
the last struggle of a dying person. “Last rites” is a phrase in
common usage, and refers to the fact that years ago everyone
waited until the last crisis of illness to summon the priest. The
goal of anointing had always been healing and forgiveness, but in
time it began to be seen as a preparation for death. In a hard
world, almost anything from a hangnail to a sneeze could be life‑threatening, so perhaps the change was inevitable. The emphasis
on the penitential aspects was heightened, even to the odd
practice of Rome in the twelfth century, when the sick person was
sprinkled with ashes mixed with holy water and given a hair shirt
as a sign of penance.
The reformers thankfully overlooked some of these
oddities of history, and today the sacrament of the sick is much
more generously applied to persons in a wide range of situations.
Still, it is a sacrament of reconciliation, and for that reason is not
celebrated for an infant or toddler, although there is a rite for a
visit to a sick child not including anointing or Communion
Did you know?
Did you know that St. Mary’s Facebook page has saint of the day
and mediation of the day? Check us out Facebook: St. Mary’s
Cathedral Grand Island Ne
“Please remember the Cathedral in your will”
One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is
worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations. —Saint John of Ávila
Parish Information
Weekend Masses–English
Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7 am ,10 am & 5pm
Daily Masses–English
Mon - Sat 7am Thu- Fri 5:15 pm
Horario de Misas-Español
Domingo 8:15 am & Noon
Miércoles 5:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wed - Fri - 4:45 - 5:10 pm & Thursday 9– 10 am
Saturday 11:00 - 12:00 pm or by appointment.
Adoration, Healing Mass,
Chaplet, and Rosary
Hora Santa: Primer Sábado de cada mes a las 7pm
First Friday Rosary– 4:50 pm before 5:15 pm Mass
24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration – 2nd/4th Tuesday
Chaplet of Divine Mercy – Second Tuesday-2:50 pm
Healing Mass- (English) – Second Thursday- 11 am
Rosary for Pro Life– Every Thursday 4:45 pm
El Pescador Rosary – Every Tuesday -6 pm
El Pescador Rosary –Every Thursday -10 am
Daily Rosary—After every 7 am Mass
Religious Ed Class Times (September– April)
6:30 pm– 730 pm Wednesday, 8:45 am-9:45 am Sunday
Confirmation 7– 8:30 pm Wednesday
Marriage: Contact a priest directly at least 4
months in advance of proposed wedding date.
Deposited required.
Children's Baptism: parents are required to
attend a Baptism Preparation class.
Pre-Registration is required.
English class: 2nd Monday of
each month.
Spanish class: 4th Sunday of each month, 2 pm
Deadline for pre-registration is the Thursday before the
class. Please bring: proof of address and your child’s
Birth Certificate. The Godparent (s) must provide
a letter of good standing. Questions? 384-2523.
Mary’s Closet
Mary’s Closet open 3 days a week:
Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4 pm &
Saturdays 10 am– 3 pm
Donations of clothing, small appliances,
toys, home decorations and kitchenware,
but furniture and large electronic will be accepted only
by Ann Baker. Volunteers are welcome to come and
help any time. Questions or to volunteer please contact
Ann Baker at 391-1527 or [email protected]
Mary’s Closet
Page 8
(308) 384-2523/ (308) 384-2527 (fax)
[email protected]
Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne
Associate Pastor:
Rev. Richard Piontkowski Jr.,ext 201 Rev. Thomas Pasala, ext 204
[email protected]
[email protected]
Episcopal Vicar for Hispanic Ministry in the
Diocese of Grand Island, in residence:
Rev. Jose Chavez, ext 211 [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Parish Activities Coordinator:
Mrs. Mary Rose ext 213
Bulletin Editor:
[email protected]
Mrs. Barbara Bosak, ext 233
[email protected]
Director of Music:
Mr. Scott Rieker ext 219
Angelica Calderon ext. 220
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hispanic Ministry:
Bi-Lingual Secretary/Secretaria:
Mrs. Esther Gomez, ext 300
Mrs. Patty Zuniga, ext 221
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parish Nurse:
Maintenance Director:
Mrs. Kena Zebert RN, ext 235
John Farlee, ext 226
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cathedral Daycare: Director:
Mrs. Judy Priess, 398-4047
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Assistant Director
Mrs. Misty Uhrich, 398-4047
[email protected]
Mary’s Closet
Ms. Ann Baker, 391–1527
[email protected]
Immigration Office
Carmen & Jacinto Corona /
Yolanda Chavez Nuncio
308-381-2855 Ext. 301
The Parish Office Hours are Monday—Thursday
8:30 am– 4:30 pm
St. Mary’s Immigration Office– 308-381-2855
Monday~ Closed -Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am –Noon and 1-5:30pm
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday~ Closed
Bilingual NFP- - - Planificación Natural Familiar
Mr. & Mrs. Chávez (308) 383-1199/ (308)383-1474
Cathedral Daycare
NOW ENROLLING Combined Child Care/ Preschool Program
No need to worry about how to get your preschooler to daycare. Our
year-round preschool program for ages 2 to 5provides the best of both
worlds. Stop by for a tour!
We have transportation for school age
students of Wasmer, Gates and Dodge for
5:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday
6 weeks to 12 years ~ Call for availability
All Faiths Welcome!
Anuncios en Español
Page 9
Renovación del TPS Hondureños con el TPS, ya pueden enviar
sus aplicaciones para la renovación del TPS. Para más detalles
hablen con Carmen Corona en la oficina de inmigración 308-3812855 por favor dejen sus mensajes si no contestamos.
Danza Rosa de Guadalupe Se invita a los jóvenes , jóvenes
Padres, por favor recuerden que NO HAY CLASES de catecismo adultos y todas las personas en general a participar en la danza
la Rosa de Guadalupe. Para los horarios y lugares de práctica
el miércoles 26 de noviembre o el domingo 30 de noviembre.
favor de comunicarse con Sergio Gutiérrez al 308-850-0708.
También favor de recoger a sus hijos inmediatamente después
de clases. Ha habido muchos niños que son recogidos 15-30
RICA : Recordatorio: clases para adultos se están llevando a
minutos después de clases o no son recogidos y tienen que
cabo todos los domingos de 10 am a 11:30 am. Todos son
caminar a casa. No quiero nada más que la seguridad y el
bienvenidos! Si quieren saber y conocer de nuestra Fe y lo que
bienestar de sus hijos mientras están aquí y si exceden el marco nuestra Iglesia Católica nos enseña o si le falta uno o todos sus
de tiempo entonces se considera abandono y tendré que
sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Eucaristía, Confirmación)
notificado a las autoridades correspondientes. Muchas gracias
venga y le prepararemos para que los obtenga!
por su atención a este grave asunto.
Gracias por su atención. Esther Gómez Ministerio Hispano
Dios los bendiga, Mary Rose
Guadalupe Donaciones para la Celebración de la Virgen de
El Especial de la semana en Mary’s Closet: Ven a comprar la Guadalupe están siendo recibidas en la oficina de las 8:30 AM a
semana de Nov. 24-29 la bolsa de ropa esta a $4 y las decora- 4:30 PM lunes a jueves. En el boletín de dos semanas atrás peciones navideñas a mitad de precio . La tienda está abierta los dimos lo que necesitamos pero si por casualidad no lo agarro o
Lunes, Miércoles de 1-4pm y los sábados de 10am-3pm.
leyó aquí esta de nuevo. Platos desechables con división, vasos,
Necesitamos Tú ayuda El comité de liturgia estarán alistando tenedores, cucharas, servilletas, sal sasonadora para la carne,
los himnos y misales en inglés para este próximo año litúrgico. chile rojo seco, sal, aceite, cebollas, tomates, cilantro, limones,
Necesitan ayuda con esto, el sábado 29 de noviembre a las 8am tortillas pedimos la colaboración de todos para llevar a cabo esta
en la iglesia. Personas con horas comunitarias son bienvenidos a Celebración. Ya están a la venta los boletos para la rifa, primer premio $500.00, 2do, TV, de 48” pulgadas, tercer premio
$200 por solo $5 tienen la oportunidad de ganar cualquiera
Misa de Acción de Gracias & Open House
Usted esta cordialmente invitado a la Misa bilingüe de Acción de de estos premios!!!! Recuerden que si colaboramos con los
Gracias el miércoles 26 de Nov. a las 6pm. Recuerden este día gastos tendremos la satisfacción de que en nuestra celebración
todos pusimos nuestro granito de arena para que se lleve a
NO tendremos la Misa regular de las 5:15pm. Este día se
estará tomando donaciones para el programa de despensa de cabo. Donación monetaria también es bienvenida!!
comida “Camille’s Cupboard” en la parte de atrás de la Iglesia. Rosario a la Virgen comenzaran la primera semana de
diciembre si desea tomar un día los días disponibles son: dic. 3,
“Open House” Casa Abierta”
4, 5, 9,10, el día 7 es nuestra celebración en la Escuela
Nuestros sacerdotes tendrán las puertas abiertas de su casa para Católica, el 11 son las mañanitas desde las 10 PM en la iglesia y
todos los parroquianos que deseen venir después de la Misa de el viernes 12 tendremos la misa a las 7 PM con el padre
las 6pm Nov. 26. Habrá refrescos, cookies, café, vino y queso. Richard. Necesitamos voluntarios favor de llamar al 384-2523
Todos son bienvenidos!
Ext. 300 dejar mensaje con su numero de teléfono por favor!
Gracias, Dios Y la Virgen les Bendiga Esther Gómez MH
Jueves 27 Día de Acción de Gracias
Solamente tendremos la Misa de las 7 de la mañana en inglés.
No habrá Misa de las 5:15pm.
En esta semana del Evangelio escuchamos "Lo que le hiciste a
los más pequeños, me lo hiciste a mí." Por favor, recuerde a los
más desafortunados en esta temporada de festividades, y como
puede donar su servicio, talentos y/o dinero como lo haríamos
con Jesús.
No habrán Confesiones No tendremos confesiones a las 9am o
4:45pm el jueves 27 de Nov. Día de Acción de Gracias.
MUSICOS! A todos los Grupos de música de Santa Maria se les
hace una atenta invitacion a participar en la celebración de nuestra señora de Guadalupe .El 7 de diciembre en la Escuela Católica desde 9:30am , en las mañanitas el 11 de diciembre desde
9pm, y el 12 de diciembre en la misa a las 7pm Práctica comenzaron el domingo pasado pero aun es tiempo de agregarse este
domingo noviembre 23 el próximo domingo noviembre 30 a las
6pm después de la misa.De igual manera a todo el que quiera
participar en el coro cantando. Todos son bienvenidos! Gracias
DIOS les Bendiga! Esther Gómez Ministerio Hispano
En Memoria Amorosa Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a
todos los fieles de Sta. Maria que han fallecido, especialmente
recordemos a: Marsha Trujillo & Manuela Galaviz.
Que descansen en paz.
La Oficina & Guardería Estarán cerradas el jueves 27 y
viernes 28 en observación al Día de Acción de Gracias.
Anuncios en Español
Page 10
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Catedral Santa Maria
Domingo, 7 de Diciembre del 2014
Santa Misa a las 12:00 PM
Con el Revenderisimo Obispo William Dendinger
Nuestros Sacerdotes Y Diaconos
Fr. Richard, Fr. Jose, Fr. Thomas, & Deacon Frank
11:00 de la mañana LA PROCESION
En La Central Catholic High School
1200 Ruby & 13th Street
Jueves 11 de diciembre
En la Catedral a las 10 PM
Inf. Esther Gomez (308) 384-2523
Ext. 300
Viernes 12 de diciembre
A las 7:00 de la noche
En la Catedral
Les Esperamos
No Habrá Misa del medio día en la Catedral el día 7 de diciembre
Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless,
Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785
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