The Catholic Parishes of Uckfield & Heron’s Ghyll Parish Priest: Fr Stephen Hardaker: 01825 762221 or [email protected] The Priest’s House, High Street, New Town, Uckfield. TN22 5DJ Deacon The Rev’d Simon Kirkdale: 07729 600156 or [email protected] Deacon The Rev’d David Tutt 07968 749951or [email protected] Deacon The Rev’s Ken Fowler 07710 210962 or [email protected] Newsletter items: [email protected] Parish Website Registered Charity No. 252878 Day Time Where Liturgy Intention Sun (Sat evening) 5.00pm Uck Confessions 30th FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5.30pm Uck Mass Noreen Donnelly RIP 9.30am Uck Mass Khawar Sarif RIP 11.30am HG Mass People of the Parishes Mon 9.30am Uck Mass Jukes family departed Tue 9.30am Uck Mass Christopher Graham RIP 9.30am HG Mass Guthridge family Uck Mass Emmett Beston RIP 12noon HG Mass John Follett RIP 9.30am Uck Mass For our deacons 10.00am Uck Confessions 2.00pm HG Wedding Nov Wed St Francis Xavier No public Mass today Thu Fri Sat 9.15am St Nicholas Longley & Lloyd Sun (Sat evening) 5.00pm Uck Confessions 7th SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5.30pm Uck Mass Rachael Loader RIP (Ist anniv) Dec 9.30am Uck Mass Liz Campbell’s intentions 11.30am HG Mass People of the Parishes 4.00pm Uck Reconciliation Service Sunday 30th November Eucharistic Prayer 3, Preface of the Advent 1 to call forth a new Bishop to serve and lead us. Our prayer really makes a difference ... We welcome any visitors to our parishes. It is always a joy to welcome new members to our community. This week we especially welcome two new residents who have recently moved into Uckfield from the West Country, Ken & Jenny Fowler. Deacon Ken and his wife Jenny have moved to Uckfield to be nearer family. Deacon Ken will join with Deacons David & Simon in exercising his diaconal ministry within the parish and the wider Mayfield Deanery. Please do make them both welcome. Newick’s Advent House Mass will be at the home of Julia Cumberlege, Snells Cottage, The Green, Newick, on Tuesday 16th December at 7.30pm. All are welcome. The Parish Reconciliation Service takes place next Sunday at 4pm. There will be five visiting priests available to hear individual confessions. Sick at home or in hospital: if anyone is seriously ill at home or is in hospital, it is most important that a priest be informed if that the sick person is to receive the spiritual help of the sacraments. Relatives or friends should contact Fr Stephen or one of our deacons or in the case of a hospital stay, the Catholic chaplain of the hospital parish (at Haywards Heath 01444 450139; at Eastbourne 01323 723222; at Tunbridge Wells/Pembury 01892 522525). On a couple of occasions recently there have been ‘moans’ that when someone was sick no clergy visited. If we are not told we cannot attend. We are not clairvoyant. Thanks for your understanding. Vocation Matters: Advent allows us time to prepare for the Christ who will surely come: in history, in mystery and in majesty. Pray today for the priests of this diocese, and especially for your own parish priest. Pray, too, for those who responsibility it is, guided by the Holy Spirit, Sphere: A reminder that we meet next at 2pm on Wednesday 3 December in the Lourdes Hall for “Poetry and Carols for Advent” followed by mince pies with our tea. Contact for Sphere is Chris on 07968 749953. The Newman Forum From Esme Howard: I very much regret that is has not been possible to organise a session of the NF this quarter, and I hope very much we can resume in 2015. Uckfield Foodbank: Please see the small notice on the porch board,which will assist anyone who finds themselves in difficulty,to enable them to access the Foodbank for emergency help. Ecumenical Service: at Christ Church Anglican Church, Fairwarp, an Advent Carol Service on Sunday 30th November at 4pm. All welcome Are Catholics still required to go to Mass each Sunday & Holy Day of Obligation? The short answer: Yes. For a fuller answer see the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraphs 2041-2042 & Code of Canon Law, paragraphs 1246ff ( Also not only are we required to go, but it is considered a grave matter of sin if we do not go (and otherwise reasonably could have gone). This has not changed, contrary, to what some may think. Christmas Friends of the Holy Land Appeal: Archbishop Peter Smith has endorsed a request from FHL that parishes donate their crib box collections to help our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, specifically in and around Bethlehem and the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. Every penny collected is distributed by FHL to named families in the greatest need to help them with their day to day living, to supply medicines and fund operations (there is no social service in this area), to repair houses of Christian families damaged in Gaza from the recent war and to support Christian children at the parish school with a special programme to overcome the trauma of the recent conflict. For more information on the work of FHL, please visit our website St Philip’s Notices Parish Christmas Post. We will start it again this weekend. Stamps as every year £1 for 10. Boxes for posting your cards in the Narthex. All money raised goes to Friends of the Holy Land Appeal This years Parish/School Christmas Fair will be held NEXT SATURDAY 6th December 2014 between 11am and 2pm in the school hall. Please make a huge effort to support this our annual fundraiser, come along, buy raffle tickets, make donations, cover a stall. It all helps. Organisers: Madeleine Fontana 07922 064 083, Simon Watts 07739 447 394, Vicky Anderson 07818 509 503. 5.30pm Christmas Eve Children's Mass Choir and Orchestra. We are hoping to put together an Orchestra and Choir for the Children's Christmas Eve Nativity Mass. If you are in KS2 or Secondary School and are interested please contact Lisa Hanson at [email protected]. We invite young children to dress up in our Nativity Costumes and process into church with Father Stephen. I look forward to hearing from you all. Many thanks Lisa. J+P Traidcraft Stall: Please come and buy at the Traidcraft Stall in the Narthex on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, 29th /30th November. Help Traidcraft to bring new hope to many starving people. Festival of Christmas Trees: at Holy Cross Anglican Church, Uckfield. Open Friday 5th Dec 10am-9pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 11.30am-4pm This is the 7th year of the Festival which reflect the truly wide range of activities within our local community. St John’s Notices The Parish Pastoral Team meet on Tuesday this week One Climate One World: Pope Francis has called on us to protect the whole of creation. This Sunday 30 Nov there will be an opportunity after Mass at St John’s to keep climate change high on the political agenda. You can sign a campaign postcard so please take a moment to stop and take part in this vital action. Together we CAN make a difference. Please pray for: Luke Longley & Katie Lloyd who are to be married at St John’s next Saturday. There will be a Liturgy for Healing this Sunday 30th after the 11.30am Mass. In the presence of the Blessed Sacrament those who wish may receive the laying on of hand and spiritual support with out prayer teams. Confessions will also be available. All are welcome. St Philip’s St John’s Collections Last week Parish funds £679.51 £152.16 (Plate collection) No Second collection £ £ Thank you for your generosity and support. Reconciliation Services for Advent Sunday 7th December 4pm at Uckfield Sunday 14th December 4pm at Burgess Hill Monday15th Dec 7.30pm at Crowborough Wednesday 17th December 7.30pm at Mayfield Monday 22nd December 7.30pm at Burwash Christmas Mass Times Christmas Eve 5.30pm Family Mass with nativity at St Philip’s 11.30pm Midnight Mass at St Philip’s Christmas Day 9.30am Parish Mass at St Philip’s 11.30am Parish Mass at St John’s Regular Events Confessions: Saturday at 10am and 5pm at St Philip’s or after Mass on Sundays at St John’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: from 8.45am before 9.30am Masses at St Philip’s (not Sundays) Sick At Home Or In Hospital: if anyone is seriously ill at home or is in hospital, it is most important that a priest be informed so that the sick person may receive the spiritual help of the sacraments. Relatives or friends should contact Fr Stephen or the Catholic chaplain of the hospital parish (at Haywards Heath 01444 450139; at Eastbourne 01323 723222; at Tunbridge Wells/Pembury 01892 522525). Mothers Prayers: each Thursday at 10.30am at the home of Janet Desmond, (also a group in Crowborough) Rosary Group: each Tuesday at 10am at St Philip’s & Wednesdays 10am at St John’s St Vincent de Paul: Outreach to those who may need our help or support Justice & Peace Group: meets at St Philip’s regularly Sphere: a ladies group meeting on the first Wednesday for spiritual input, social activities and outings. St Philip & St John’s Bridge Club: meets 2.00pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Newman Forum: an adult faith discussion group meeting 2 or 3 times a year. Traidcraft Stall: at St Philip’s last weekend of each month
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