AGENDA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT NO. 12 Office of the Superintendent of Schools Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053 A concurrent meeting of the School Administrative Unit No. 12 School Board and the Londonderry School District School Board will be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 7:00PM at the Londonderry Town Office, Moose Hill Conference Room, 268B Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH 7:00PM 1. Call To Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 7:05PM 3. Questions, Announcements and Presentations 7:10PM 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Resignation(s): Arthur Carter Margaret Considine Sarah Thompson 4.2 Minutes: 4.3 Meetings: 5. 6. Regular Meeting Budget Workshop Budget Workshop Budget Workshop 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Town Offices Town Offices Town Offices Town Offices Superintendent’s Report 5.1 8:15PM High School North School Moose Hill November 18, 2014 December 9, 2014 December 11, 2014 December 16, 2014 December 18, 2014 7:15PM Custodian SPED Assistant Instructional Assistant Budget Presentation – Nate Greenberg and Peter Curro Non-Public Session Non-Public Session requested under RSA 91-A:2, Section I (a) (negotiations). 7. Adjournment AGENDA 5 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT NO. 12 Office of the Superintendent of Schools Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053 10 15 A concurrent meeting of the School Administrative Unit No. 12 School Board and the Londonderry School District School Board was held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7:30PM at the Londonderry Town Office, Moose Hill Conference Room, 268B Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH. In attendance were School Board members: Mr. Lekas, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Reilly and Mr. Young. Also in attendance were Superintendent Nate Greenberg, Business Administrator Peter Curro and School Board Secretary Lisa Muse. 1. Non-Public Session The board mentioned that they just came out of Non-Public Session and they will go back into NonPublic after this public meeting. 20 2. Call To Order: Mrs. Reilly called the meeting to order at 7:32PM 3. Pledge of Allegiance: Mr. Curro led the Pledge of Allegiance and then a moment of silence was held for Peter Malley, Jordan Bedard and Peggy Hunt. 25 4. 30 35 40 45 50 55 Questions, Announcements and Presentations The meeting started with South School PTA members Cheryl Haas who called up Dana Raza and Kim McKinnon. They mentioned that Linda Boyd was named for 2013/2014 New Hampshire Parent Teacher Association Administrator of the Year. Cheryl Haas was the one to nominate Mrs. Boyd. Ms. Haas mentioned that it takes a village to raise a child and she is so glad South School was one of the villages for her family and Mrs. Boyd was the leader of that. Ms. Haas mentioned that Mrs. Boyd does a great job of balancing her different roles and helped establish the Breakfast with Santa. Along with her husband, they put in countless hours to make this a successful program. Mrs. Reilly congratulated Mrs. Boyd and presented her with an Edible Arrangement. Mrs. Boyd mentioned that she loves South School and the best day was when she signed her contract at the school. 4.1 Recognition of Ann Gaffney – NH Recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching: Mr. Zacchilli announces that Ann Gaffney, Special Curriculum Math Teacher at Londonderry Middle School, was selected as a recipient of the 2014 Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching. This honor is being given to recognize Mrs. Gaffney’s exemplary leadership abilities, professional growth and achievement, and her commitment to excellence in education, and for significantly improving her students’ understanding in mathematics. Mrs. Gaffney is the consummate professional who works to support student learning in a variety of capacities. Not only does Mrs. Gaffney teach our higher level mathematics courses throughout the grade levels, she also supports students who need appropriate skill interventions and small group instruction. Londonderry Middle School and the Londonderry School District are very proud of her accomplishments. Mrs. Reilly presented Mrs. Gaffney with an Edible Arrangement. Mrs. Gaffney thanked the board and the superintendent for all their support. Her whole working life has been in Londonderry. Mr. Young gave kind words to Mrs. Gaffney to let us know how involved Mrs. Gaffney is in the community and appreciates all she has done. 7.2 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding an overnight field trip for Junior State of America (JSA) 11-22-14 through 11-23-14: Speaking are Colleen Toomy and Erin McKenney, who are both juniors at Londonderry High School. This is the second trip to JSA in Boston. The convention focuses on November 18, 2014 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 debate and public speaking. There are keynote speakers and politicians. This is a nationally recognized program. It will be held at the Boston Park Plaza on November 22nd and 23d. Mr. Vaughn and his wife help chaperone. The convention is student run and will help the students practice their debating skills while writing legislation and responding to questions and answers. Mr. Young asked Colleen and Erin if there is any time for fun. They mention that there are games and activities at night. Mrs. Hendricks asked about the public speaking aspect. She wondered if there is a structured curriculum towards this. The students mentioned that everyone will have an opportunity to deal with public speaking. Mrs. Reilly mentioned that she participated in JSA and has some very awesome memories. Mr. Young made a motion to allow the overnight field trip for the Junior State of America (JSA) 11-22-14 through 11-23-14. Mr. Lekas seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0-0. 4.2 LHS Mental Health Emergency Procedure – Jason Parent and Emergency Response Team Members: Abbey Sloper, Greg Warren, Amity Ferraro, Katie Sullivan, Maureen O’Dea, Sheila Howley, Kerry Ali and Beth Sheridan. This team was responsible for hosting the community night to bring about awareness for children at risk, implemented the SOS program and responsible for planning and showing the video on the testing day. The next step with this group was to revamp our protocols with students in crisis and our mental health awareness protocols. Dr. Beth Sheridan, Psychologist at the High School spoke and introduced the group. The World Health Organization says that mental health is made up of four contributing components and they are: pushing for a student’s potential, ability to cope and handle stress, be productive in work place and be contributing members of society. There are three primary causes for death of adolescents; road/traffic injuries, HIV/aids and suicide. Objectives are to identify safety concerns, provide communication between staff members and service and promote positive school culture for optimal learning. They are finding that they are dealing more with student’s mental health and substance abuse getting in the way of children learning. Goal is to identify the children at risk early on. Dr. Sheridan showed some comparison stats from the United States to New Hampshire. She says New Hampshire is in really good shape compared to the United States. We tend to be homogeneous in race and ethnicity and above average in economic factors and above average in education rates. Information is from the US Census Bureau 2012, the National Alliance of Mental Illness from New Hampshire, State Suicide Prevention Council and Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly. When looking at the at risk indicators by grade it tends to go up. Dr. Sheridan sees troubling statistics and says we are struggling with the young group with substance abuse. Goal is to try and help students develop coping strategies. Also looked at information from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the CDC – it’s just a national instrument that districts can look at. We can develop our own strategies. The surrounding towns give us a snapshot of what is going on around there. Mr. Young doesn’t think we should include the surrounding communities in the data if we do not have Londonderry included, but Mrs. O’Dea mentioned it is just a tool to help see what is going on in surrounding towns. She also feels that Londonderry’s numbers would not be far off. We started to make changes in the safety screening tool and how we are making assessments. (We adjusted the form and it’s less of an assessment tool and more based on who would need extensive training.) This is not goal of screening instrument and we want to hook them up with services outside of the school. They adjusted the assessment tool they were using and changed language to shift from suicide to safety risk to encompass students that may be a danger to others and not just themselves. Make it more inclusive. Gave them a tool that provides therapists working with students more information. Mrs. Reilly asked about privacy issues; do we need to be concerned. Dr. Sheridan said everything that is confidential is taken into consideration and nothing is done without a parent’s knowledge. Abbey Sloper and Kerry Ali reviewed the Mental Health Protocol: Brochure is given to parent/guardian at the post or re-entry meeting; parent/guardian contract as well as the safety risk screening. Changes were made by designated personnel, changed the format of the flow chart. Discharge paperwork provides the confidentiality release. Re-Entry Form is based on outside input prior to children reentering the school. Ms. Ali mentioned that the Center for Life Management tries to do a warm handoff between evaluator and family. They will call ahead and secure the appointment. It helps to hear from the school first before handing off and this is where Center for Life Management is helpful. She also provided in-service training for the response team in October. Mr. Warren thanked the board for listening to the Response Team. Mr. Young said his comments were not to bring disrespect to this program, but because the information is from other communities he felt it shouldn’t be made public. Mr. Young is concerned about the World Health 2 November 18, 2014 5 10 15 20 Organization verses where we fall in the United States. It’s probably more accurate for us to look at the United States statistics. The higher dollars that families are making and higher education and nicer homes, the higher drug and alcohol issues there are. We need to make sure we involve the parents. Mr. Young said the document that lists the Procedures for Mental Health Emergency is very good. The report used to be called a Right to Report and is now called a Mandatory Report and Mr. Young is ok with them being a mandatory reporter. Parents are having a hard time and kids are learning from example. Mr. Young sees a push to a therapist outside of the school and finds this absolutely necessary. You are identifying the issue; not ignoring the issue and taking it head on and giving the kids the help they need and that’s a really good thing. By addressing the problem and not hiding statistics they are helping out a lot. Mr. Warren said the connection to the community is so important. The team will come back with any updates and reports. Mrs. Reilly said this situation can’t be ignored and is pleased with actions we are taking and facing head on. Mr. Greenberg mentioned that we have on You Tube the community meeting where these issues were discussed. Go to our web site to find the link and take it in pieces and it will provide some additional information. If anybody has any questions, contact the schools for follow up. Mr. Greenberg said it is important to address at all school levels where there are youngsters in crisis and the partnership is critical. Parents and outside providers really need to get involved and we can be a resource to help them get there. We need to create a climate where kids feel comfortable approaching adults at the school and they can point them in the right direction. 7. 25 30 35 40 45 Deliberations 7.1 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding a proposed two year contract with the Teachers Association (LEA). The negotiations committee and the teacher union have tentatively agreed to a 2 year contract. Mrs. Hendricks acknowledges Mr. Tallo and Ms. Ewing in the audience. Mrs. Hendricks found the negotiations were very productive and thanked everybody. With the 2 year contract the average increase is 3.8% each year for the two years. When talking about the salary schedules we also discussed the cocurricular and coaching staff which will get a 1.5% increase for fiscal year 2016 and 1.5% increase for fiscal year 2017. Loaded cost for all salaries including FICA and New Hampshire retirement so year 2016 will be $1,163,989 and year two loaded cost fiscal year 2017 the price will be $1,203,452. These are the figures that will be represented on the ballot in March 2015. There will be some new wording for sick leave; teachers shall receive up to $675 for non-use of sick leave throughout a complete school year. For each sick day used during such school year, this amount will decrease by $225. There will also be a change in bereavement: will include parent of employee’s child, and a niece and nephew. There was a lot of discussion around professional improvement. The agreement reached is the board will establish a graduate level tuition reimbursement pool with a balance of $10,000 at the beginning of each school year. The pool shall be used to reimburse employees for the cost of any graduate level tuition that exceeds the $2500 limitation set forth in paragraph A above (up to a total reimbursement of $3000 per course/employee). An employee may apply in writing (starting in May 1st to May 15th each year of this contract) to the superintendent for additional education reimbursement funds, as available. To the extent the requests for additional reimbursement exceed the $10,000 budgeted, the funds shall be distributed pro-rata. Mrs. Hendricks made the motion to accept this negotiated contract for Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017. Mr. Young seconded the motion. No further discussion all in favor. Motion passed 4-0-0. Mrs. Hendricks made the motion to move the contract to the 2015 warrant to vote in March. Mr. Young seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0-0. Nancy Hendricks departs the meeting after this vote at 8:35PM. 50 55 6.1 Student Council – Sophia Mirageas: This past Thursday, the Student Council hosted a Sweet Kiwi fundraiser, thank you to everyone who participated and supported our group. Thank you to every organization that donated baskets for the Veteran’s breakfast on November 8th. They were greatly appreciated. Starting last week and continuing this week, the Athletic Leadership Council has been hosting its Dodgeball Tournament. It will continue tomorrow and Thursday, the 19th and 20th. It will be at the LHS Gymnasium. 3 November 18, 2014 5 10 Admission is $3 and all proceeds will go to the Little Acts of Kindness charity. The annual Powder-puff tournament will be held on Friday, November 21st at 4PM-6PM. Admission is $1, or canned food items will also be accepted. It will be held at the Varsity football field. The Class of 2017 will be hosting the 2nd annual Craft Fair on this Saturday, November 22nd in the LHS Café from 9AM – 3PM. It will feature more than 40 vendors, a raffle and a cookie walk. The LHS Drama Club will be hosting an Improv Night tomorrow night at the Derry Opera House. The show starts at 7PM. Admission is $5. We hope to see you there. 5. Consent Agenda Mr. Young made the motion to accept the consent agenda. Mr. Lekas seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0-0 (Mrs. Hendricks had left the meeting before this vote) 15 5.1 Resignation(s): Deanna Poulin 20 5.2 Minutes: 5.3 Meetings: 35 40 45 6. South School October 21, 2014 November 25, 2014 December 9, 2014 December 11, 2014 December 16, 2014 December 18, 2014 25 30 Teacher Budget Presentation Regular Meeting Budget Workshop Budget Workshop Budget Workshop 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Town Offices Town Offices Town Offices Town Offices Town Offices Committee Reports 6.2 Teacher Liaison – Stella Skoropowski: Matthew Thornton – Fourth grade students are researching windmills and wind turbines in preparation for the Museum of Science windmill workshop. The Matthew Thornton PTA won Unit of the year for the State of New Hampshire. Shannon Rheault won teacher partner of the year for NH PTA. The Student Council sponsored a canned food drive. Crazy hair and hat day raised almost $400 for the Sonshine Soup Kitchen in Derry. High School – LHS Drama Club has Improv Night tomorrow at 7PM. They will hold it at the Derry Opera House. Admission is $5. On Friday, October 31st, the high school library hosted a Renaissance Fair with Mrs. Wakelin’s and Mrs. St. Germain’s World History students. More than 120 students participated in this very successful event that showcased painters, historians, poets, dancers, archers, fencers, jousters, architects, inventors, musicians, jesters, and many other talented individuals. This showcase of talent was visited by many of the other world history classes that came to be awed and educated by these students that had done quite a lot of research to get to this culminating event. The Pay It Forward Group would like to thank the school board and Peter Curro for their support with the Annual Veterans Day Breakfast. The year 63 Veterans attended and 58 family and friends. Each Veteran walked out with free food, a thank you basket and many memories of a great day. Ms. Sullivan would like to thank Leitha Riley for attending this year’s breakfast and for speaking. They are looking forward to next year’s event. 6.3 School Board Liaison Reports: None Superintendent’s Report 50 8. 55 8.1 Update on Social Media Communication Initiatives – Shawn Coe, Dan McLeod and John Beaulieu: Beginning with the start of the 2014-2015 school year, the Londonderry School District has made a coordinated effort to communicate effectively and efficiently to fellow faculty members, students, parents, and the community at large. The use of social media has been a core component of that effort. We watched a video 4 November 18, 2014 5 10 15 20 25 which showed an example of how a teacher is using social media in the classroom. Mr. McLeod explained how they developed the project and how they get it out to the community. Started with YouTube and had about 12,000 views 103 hours last month it was viewed. Then it goes to Twitter and as of last week they had 8500 followers. Roughly, it is followed by 1/3 of town. Teachers have their own Twitter account which gives the community a glimpse of what goes on in the classroom. Teachers put out about 800 messages into the community last month. Then the teacher’s twitters are put out by School Twitter accounts. What is going on around district is amplified. The fantastic things teachers do in the class are re-tweeted here to further amplify our teachers’ messages to the community. The District Facebook page now has about 560 friends without even announcing it. It is another way to hit a different demographic. Those who don’t use Twitter usually use Facebook. The social media information also powers our website through the addition of Twitter widgets on every home page. Web site was viewed about 1,435,238 times last year. Web site visits last month were 55,274 and mobile devices visits were 21,767. Twitter is really the base how we feed all the others. Started planning last summer and it has been a positive project. Mr. Beaulieu said it will get better and better as it goes along. Mr. Greenberg mentioned that a first grade teacher tweeted about a book and then the author picked up on that and retweeted on that. Mr. Coe said administrators and faculty have embraced the whole process of social media which has really helped because it only works if they participate. Mr. Greenberg said the ability to change out the videos on the monitors is great – you can really target your audience for the location and events. Mrs. Reilly said Twitter can be a double edge sword and this is the good side that provides education to the kids and she doesn’t want the time to be spent tweeting and doesn’t want to see quotas on tweeting. She wants the kids to be learning and not interfering with the learning process. She said her comments are just cautionary, but thanks the men for all their involvement. 8.2 October Enrollment Report –Mr. Greenberg said the October enrollment is 4420 which is up nine from the September enrollment. Mrs. Reilly questioned if we are down in Adult Ed and if that is different than years past. Mr. Greenberg said you usually see increase in the second semester. 30 Mr. Reed Clark, as Treasurer of the Taxpayer Association wants to reemphasize and remind the town people that he can be reached at 437-3914 or [email protected]. 9. Non-Public Session 35 Reconvene, if necessary, Non-Public Session requested under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b). Please see attached Confidential Memorandum. 40 Mr. Young made the motion to reconvene the non-public session under RSA91A:3, Section II(b). Mr. Lekas seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0-0. Public meeting ended at 9:06PM Respectfully submitted, 45 Lisa Muse School Board Secretary 50 5 Londonderry School Board Non-Public Minutes Tuesday, November 18, 2014 PRESENT: 5 10 Board Members: Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Young, and Mr. Lekas Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Greenberg Assistant Superintendent: Mr. Laliberte Director of Business Administration: Mr. Curro Director of Human Resources: Mrs. Swenson Called the meeting to order at 7:00PM Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:2, Section I (a) (negotiations) and RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b). 15 Discussion regarding negotiations Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (4-0) to recess non-public session at 7:25 PM. 20 Reconvened non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) at 9:10PM. PRESENT: 25 Board Members: Mrs. Reilly, Mr. Young, and Mr. Lekas Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Greenberg Assistant Superintendent: Mr. Laliberte Director of Business Administration: Mr. Curro Director of Human Resources: Mrs. Swenson 30 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for a teacher nomination 35 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for two custodial nominations Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for three food service nominations 40 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for coaching nominations Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for a leave of absence request 45 1 Londonderry School Board Non-Public Minutes Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to exit non-public session at 9:16PM. 5 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (3-0) to adjourn public session at 9:16PM. Respectfully submitted, 10 Nathan S. Greenberg Superintendent of Schools 2
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