SAINT JUDE Parish Community Christ the King November 23, 2014 40 Maxim Drive, Hopatcong, NJ 07843 Website: 973-398-6377 Fax 973-398-0121 Served By Fr. Vidal Roberto Gonzales, Jr......................Pastor Mr. Tom Friel.......................................Deacon Mrs. Kathleen Barger......Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lillian Colello......Coordinator of Religious Education and Confirmation Program (Hours: 2:00 - 6:00 pm) 973-398-7773 Mrs. Lillian Colello .......... Liturgy Coordinator Mr. Henry Schmidt ................... Parish Trustee RECTORY HOURS Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Sunday: Closed MUSIC MINISTRY John Armeno: 973-398-8109 Edie Morganti: 973-601-7143 Dan Thompson Gerard Grilli We Invite You to Celebrate EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Sunday Masses 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Vigil Mass) 7:45 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. (Teen Mass) every 4th Sunday of the month Weekday Masses (Mon - Sat) 8:30 a.m. - followed by praying the rosary. Holy Day of Obligation 7:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass) 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Sacramental Life BAPTISM - Baptisms are usually celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Parents are asked to call the rectory about Baptism preparation. Baptism is not celebrated during Lenten Season. MARRIAGE - Arrangements should be made at the Rectory one year before the marriage date and prior to any social planning. This is in accord with the Common Policy of the Province of New Jersey. To arrange for Pre-Cana instructions, please call the Rectory. R.C.I.A. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITATION OF ADULTS - Persons interested in learning of the Catholic faith, and any adult person who needs to receive Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation. If you need information regarding this, please contact the Rectory. VISITATION OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY - Please keep us informed so that we can be attentive to those who are ill at home or in the hospital. Communion is brought upon request to the home. Please call the Rectory for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. CHOIR - Adult choir meets as scheduled. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY - Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Church. ALTAR SERVERS - Call Jack Quirk at 3988108 or Deacon Tom Friel at 398-8728 ST. JUDE NOVEN AND BENEDICTION is every Thursday at 7:00 PM; Adoration is from 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM; Divine Mercy is at 3:00 PM. BINGO - Parish Center - Tuesday 7:30 PM. Doors open at 5:00 PM. Early Bird Special starts at 7:15 PM Faith Formation Program Grades 1-8: See schedule in bulletin. Confirmation: A program that continues from Grade 8. In the 9th Grade immediate preparation begins for Confirmation and culminates with the Sacrament at the end of 10th Grade. For more information regarding these programs, please contact the Rectory. NEW PARISHIONERS: Our Parish Family invites all of its members to share fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the Parish is asked to register at the Rectory. If you change your address or telephone number, please contact us. All parishioners are requested to use the regular Sunday envelopes. If you are not receiving them, please call the Rectory. “Our Mission Is To Be A Faith Community Centered In The Eucharist, Proclaiming The Word Of The Lord And Living As Followers Of Jesus Christ” SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM November 22 James Donald Perry Connie Janowski SUNDAY 7:45 AM November 23 William & Josie Cooper John & Anna Sobosky Josephine Fischella Ken Schultz Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service 9:15 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM MONDAY 8:30 AM November 24 Edward Kelly 11th Anniversary TUESDAY 8:30 AM November 25 Doris Gallagher WEDNESDAY 8:30AM November 26 Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Julia DiGirolamo THURSDAY 8:30 AM November 27 THANKSGIVING Mary Mika NO Divine Mercy Evening Prayer; Novena to St. Jude; Benediction FRIDAY 8:30 AM November 28 Bobby Barrett SATURDAY 8:30 AM November 29 Rudy Astore 4th Anniversary Rose & Tony Scarnati Ted Cardisano November 30 Florence McCue Harold Miller Frank Nutley Confirmation Teen Mass 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 11:00 AM 7:30 PM RECTORY HOURS 8:00AM - 12NOON 12NOON – 2:00PM (CLOSED) 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM WEEKLY OFFERING Nov. 15-16, 2014 - 1st Collection $2563.00 Catholic Missions 246.00 Project Faith 10.00 Lose Money 1219.00 “THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY” $4,038.00 SHOP RITE CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR SALE AFTER ALL THE MASSES IN THE VESTIBULE OF THE CHURCH. ST. JUDE’S GETS 5% OF CERTIFICATES SOLD. WE ALSO SELL PATHMARK GIFT CARDS. oday is the 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time and is the Last Sunday of the Liturgical Year A. Next Sunday we will start a new Liturgical Year B with the First Sunday in Advent. As is the custom now, on this Last Sunday the Church solemnly celebrates the feast of “Christ the King”. It is one of the socalled 'idea feasts' that do not celebrate an event in the life of Jesus but rather some aspect of his identity. In it we recognize and honor Christ as ruler and universal shepherd. Also, this feast helps us to look towards our future and our ultimate future is, when Jesus will return in glory for the final judgment and award reward or punishment. Actually, this feast is, as it were a synthesis and culmination of the entire salvific mystery. The feast brings the Liturgical Year to a close. All during the past year, we have celebrated the mysteries of the life of the Lord. Now, we contemplate Christ in his glorified state as King of all creation and of our souls. So, the Feast of “Christ the King” is the occasion for us to give glory to the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Today’s Scripture Readings revolve around the final judgment of Jesus Christ when he comes in glory and power. The First Reading from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel provides an image of God leading His people with the care of a shepherd. In the context of the passage, it is God Himself who vows to take personal responsibility for tending His sheep, because the entrusted shepherds have not been found worthy of their charge. God will come to tend to the sick and ailing sheep but will separate and punish those who have made themselves strong at the expense of the weak. In the Second Reading from his 1st Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds the Christians at Corinth of the fact of the resurrection from the dead, just as Jesus Christ died and rose to life. Death, inherited from Adam, will itself be destroyed. Those who belong to Christ will form part of his Kingdom. In this Kingdom all will be subject to Christ the King. The Gospel Reading from St. Matthew speaks about the Last Judgment and presents Christ as the King coming in his heavenly glory to judge us. Each person will be distinguished as a sheep or a goat according to a simple standard of practical attention to those who suffer. The standard of judgment is simple enough, “whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me”. What may surprise us is Jesus' identification with the most insignificant. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 This passage beautifully describes how the Lord God, as shepherd, will tend his flock. He will rescue those who are lost, bring back those who stray, heal the sick, and “pasture” all. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Paul once again stresses the significance of Christ’s resurrection in the total divine plan, emphasizing that Christ’s rising means that those who believe in him will also rise after death. Christianity, he argues, is meaningless if it concerns only this life on earth. In the end, even death will be destroyed, and “God will be all in all.” Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 With words both poetic and vivid, Jesus tells the disciples that since he is present in all people, whatever they do to “one of my least brothers” they do to him; and whatever they fail to do to his “least,” they fail to do to him. . Monday: November 24 St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions and Martyrs Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: November 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: November 26 Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: November 27 Thanksgiving Rv 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 Friday: November 28 Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: November 29 Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 Held every Thursday after the 8:30 am Mass until 8:00pm.: 3:00 pm. – Divine Mercy Chaplet 7:00 pm. – Evening Prayer 7:30 pm. – Novena to St. Jude 8:00 pm. – Benediction There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the Church for those wishing to spend an hour with the Lord. STAY WITH ME . . . REMAIN HERE WITH ME. . . WATCH AND PRAY. . . OVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8:30 AM FOLLOWED WITH THE HOLY MASS Allan Boyce, Ryan Cromwell, Donna & Corrine Daley, Pat DeVenuta, Patty Dittmar, David Eld, David Ferris, Dylan Flinchum, ,Antoinette Grillo, Herbert Grobe, Tom Hanrahan, Simon Harvey, Ed and Phyllis Hensle, Joan Hoer, Irene & Tom Hogan, Richard Kennedy, Pat Kirkbride, Nicholas Lehr, Frankie LoPresti, Louis Manna, Jaime & Jonathan Manuel, Sean McDonald, Alice Moran, Rev. Christopher Muldoon, Elizabeth Murphy, Danny O’Donnell, Edward O’Dowd, Wieslaw Penkala, Kathy Pollner, Agnes Orr, Barbara Kurbel Riker, Emma Scannelli, Betty Schmidt, Marty Serus, Richard Skutaa, Sally Staniseski, William Stelmach, Frank Sturm, Pat Swanson, Nancy Tevis, Lillian Urynowicz, Marie Van Tassel, Ann Vitale, Bob Yates, Norman E. Yenesel, Yvonne Zaccone, MONTH 2: I’M DANCING The developing baby is now called a “fetus”, which is Latin for “little one”. She is making rapid progress developing all her external and internal organs. During the second month baby teeth from, and fingers and toes are developing. Her ears’ lips and tongue can now be clearly seen. Brain waves can be recorded. The skeleton changes from cartilage to bone. The central nervous system is now functioning, and so 40 muscle sets begin their first exercises. By 8 weeks all body systems are present. This little one is now jumping, flipping and turning – her first dance steps! for bringing food/supplies to our Food Box. Your generosity in doing this helps someone in need. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FAITH FORMATION GRADES 1-8 SCHEDULE MASS AT 9:15AM 4 YEAR OLD AND KINDERGARTEN DURING 9:15AM MASS NOVEMBER 23: FAMILY FAITH ADVENT CELEBRATION IN PARISH CENTER 6:00 – 8:30PM DINNER AND JESSE TREE CONFIRMATION NOVEMBER 26: NO CONFIRMATION CLASSES MASS FOR CONFIRMATION: GRADES 9 & 10 NOVEMBER 30 AT 7:30PM St. Jude K of C after Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast Sunday, November 30 in our Parish Center from 8:00AM – 12NOON Pancakes, French Toast, Eggs to order, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee, Tea & Orange Juice. Adults $7.00 and Children under 10 Free.Treat your familyd to a nice Breakfast served by our Knights of Columbus Theresa B. Cordts, Psy. D Clinical Psychologist at 973-398-0407 to discuss your areas of concern. Next Men’s Group Sharing is Dec. 6 in the Meeting Room of the Church at 7:30AM. =================================================== ingo held every Tuesday evening in St. Jude Parish Center, Hopatcong. Doors open at 5:15PM. Early Bird starts at 7:15PM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POT LUCK DINNER Is held on the 1sT & 3rd Monday of the Month, at 6:00PM in the Meeting Room of the Church. Scripture and prayer will also be shared. If you can attend, please call Deacon Tom to see what you can bring. (973) 398-8728 ================================================= THEOLOGY TABLE Come to the Theology Table. A friendly, lively sharing of Catholic Topics, Faith, Literature and Liturgy. Bring your questions to the Table every Tuesday at 6:30pm in Frank’s Pizza. SELF DEFENSE CLASSES Are on Tuesday nights in the Meeting Room from 6:30-8:00pm. Call Mike at (973) 229-9881 for more information. Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen. From Celebrating Faith: Year-round Activities For Catholic Families, by Mary Cronk Farrell A Christmas Concert are invited to join Bishop Serratelli and the faithful of the diocese for our annual Christmas Concert on December 7 at 4:00 p.m. at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany. This year's concert, O HOLY NIGHT, will feature not only the Diocesan Choir but the Madison Brass Quintet and a newly formed Diocesan Children's Choir. Music will include a variety of styles and cultures, bringing the joy of Christ's birth into our hearts and lives. Come join us. Dinner starts at 6:30pm Brought to you by St. Jude’s Evangelization Team DISCOVERING CHRIST SERIES December 3: NEW LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: BEING A CATHOLIC DISCIPLE DECEMBER 10: BELIEVING AND BELONGING: OUR NEED FOR THE CHURCH Jude Rosary and altar society would like to thank all who baked and bought goodies from our Bake Sale, and supported our raffle. Congratulations to Mary Isherwood who won the Raffle Basket. May God Bless you all. The story of the very first Christmas is one of the most beautiful ever told. “The First Noel” is a living nativity presentation offered by members of the Youth Ministry Program at St. Theresa Church in Succasunna. This Christmas story is retold through readings from the gospels and playing of the most beautiful Christmas carols of the season. Combined with still-life drama depicting the events of the shepherds and kings, Mary, Joseph and the angels, this presentation allows the Christmas story to not only be heard, but actually experienced, like never before! No tickets are required DATE & TIME: 2 Performances on Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm. PLACE: St. Therese Church, 151 Main Street, Succasunna, NJ 07876 =================================================================================================== BYRAM BAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH WESTSIDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SAINT JUDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Invites you and your family to be our guests for: (FOR FREE) THURSDAY – NOVEMBER 27, 2014 – 12:30 P.M. AT ST. JUDE PARISH CENTER 40 MAXIM DRIVE HOPATCONG, NJ Please call and let us know your name & how many will come to a dinner! (973 - 398 - 715) NEED A RIDE??? LEAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND WE WILL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS MICHAEL J. CINOTTI PRESIDENT & MANAGER NJ LIC. NO. 4228 Continuing Joseph J.A. Cinotti's Commitment To Family Service LEBER-LAKESIDE FUNERAL MAIN ROAD, LANDING HOME NEW JERSEY 07850 JOSEPH R. CINOTTI DIRECTOR NJ LIC. NO. 4098 (973) 398-3000 Fine Italian Lakefront Dining 973.770.4300 LUNCH • DINNER PRIVATE PARTIES • CATERING 453 RIVER STYX RD., HOPATCONG SUNDAY BRUNCH w w w . p a v i n c i . c o m 973-398-9160 F:973-398-9162 •Painting •Pin Striping •Detailing •24 Hour Towing •Auto Glass •Expert Collision Work • Foreign & Domestic Repairs • Check Engine Light Specialist • Towing Services Available 973-398-4100 HEADQUARTERS SALON Full Family Salon - 23 Years in Business Fully Insured Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00-5:00 Wednesday 9:00-8:00 · Saturday 9:00-3:00 Open Sundays 10:00-3:00 973-398-2203 50 HOPATCHUNG ROAD (Next to 3-In-1 Deli) HOPATCONG HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specializing In: Kitchen & Bath Installation Ceramic Tile Installation & Repair WALTER KASH HOPATCONG 398-8026 FREE Estimates • Over 25 Years Exp. Satisfaction Guaranteed MATT URSILLO 973-398-4798 (HOME) Lic.# 00242A 48 Lakeside Blvd. Hopatcong GOD BLESS AMERICA A. Rizzo Carpentry, Inc. Lunch & Dinner Specials Catering - Take-Out 430 River Styx Rd., Hopatcong LAKESIDE TIRE & AUTO CENTER Ask For Our Parishioner Special.... 973-810-3777 Specializing in: Cabinet Sales & Designs Kitchen/Bath Remodeling Decks (908) 403-5581 "Quality & Service" 973-398-1600 LICENSED & INSURED 48 Lakeside Blvd., Hopatcong 973-398-8988 Locksmith Lic. # LX000160 Samsung Business Telecommunications Dealer Sales - Service - Telephone Systems for Your Business CCTV - Access Control Panels MATH TUTORING GATES ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, INC. 973-398-4860 080B (BC) - St. Jude, Hopatcong Algebra - Geometry - Trigonometry Precalculus - SAT Prep - ACT Prep HSPA Prep - NJ ASK Prep Joanne Belmonte 40 Yrs. Experience GRADES 6-12 201-787-0913 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836
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