Deepwater Horizon oppfølging OLF/NOFO > DNV

Deepwater Horizon oppfølging
Forskjeller mellom
Norsk og Amerikansk
petroleums regelverk
Joint Industry/OLF/NOFO :
Utvikle ’’verktøy ’’ som kan
forhindre at tilsvarende
storulykke skjer på norsk sokkel
Analyse for vurdering av behov
for oljevernkapasitet
’Deepwater Horizon follow-up’- anbefalte tiltak fra
OLF gruppen basert på BP rapport og møter
Tiltak relevant for oljevern
GAP- analyse :
• Kompetanse og kapasitet i forhold til
eksisterende beredskapsplaner
• Kapasitet /robusthet i forhold til 60
dagers hendelse
Dispergering :
• Videre læring fra GoM
• Operasjonalisere i planene
• Injeksjon ved brønnhodet
Brenning :
• Er dette en metode for NCS ?
Yrkeshygiene :
• Hvilke krav skal vi ha til innsats i HC
området ?
Unified Command :
• Er dette en modell vi kan bruke i Norge ?
Internasjonalt samarbeid ?
Deepwater Horizon Follow-up
-OLF Project Group
Summary of Recommendations 7. Oil Spill Response
7.1 - Perform gap–analysis of
NOFO competencies and
capacities related to existing E&P
emergency preparedness plans
for all four barriers, and an oil
spill lasting for 60 days anywhere
on the NCS.
Proposed Action
NOFO initiate Phase 1 in 1Q - 2011.
Recommend scope of work for Phase
2 based on Phase 1 findings and
related studies on strategies and
methodologies within oil companies
and authorities.
Timeframe and
Responsible Party
Timeframe for Phase 1:
Gap analysis should be
completed within 3Q – 2011.
Timeframe for Phase 2:
Recommendation for Phase 2
within 2012.
Responsible Party:
Sjur W Knudsen
7.2 – Develop a cooperative
agreement between North Sea oil
producing countries for Oil Spill
Assess the potential for expanding
cooperation with Oil Spill Response
and NOFO, and recommend further
Monitor Coastal Administration and
EMSA activities.
Timeframe: 2011
Status report by 2Q - 2011,
with activities continuing
through 2011.
Responsible Party:
Sjur W Knudsen
Deepwater Horizon Follow-up
-OLF Project Group
Summary of Recommendations 7.
Oil Spill Response
Proposed Action
7.3 - Evaluate burning of oil as a
supplementary method of cleanup for Norway.
Prepare a scope of work for a study in
Phase 2.
7.4 - Follow up the development
for the use of dispersants subsea
as part of the OGP Global Capping
and Containment Project.
Monitor progress and inform the
Project Group of key developments.
Timeframe and
Responsible Party
Timeframe: 2011
Responsible Party:
Oddbjørg V. Greiner
Timeframe: 2011-2012
Responsible OLF Manager:
Olav Skotheim