The value of emotion Neuroscience Understanding brand choices through Neuroscience 1 © 2015 Ipsos. Lindsay Troy, Ipsos Connect What we’ll cover today NEUROSCIENCE • Understanding brand choices through Neuroscience • Measuring emotions • An overview of neuro techniques 2 © 2015 Ipsos. FACIAL CODING • How facial coding can help you understand and improve emotional power of your communications • Method and examples Chapter 1 UNDERSTANDING BRAND CHOICES THROUGH NEUROSCIENCE 3 © 2015 Ipsos. A revolution in the science of psychology We are not thinking machines that feel, rather, we are feeling machines that think.” Prof. Antonio Damasio University of Southern California DANIEL KAHNEMAN 2 systems of the unconscious and conscious brain System 1 •Quick emotions, impressions, intentions and feelings System 2 •Our conscious self, reason, self control 5 © 2015 Ipsos. © 2014 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. 5 Neuroscience has shown that brand choices are primarily driven by System 1 (Automatic, emotional, fast) brain processes and less by System 2 (Effortful, cognitive thought) 7 © 2015 Ipsos. System 1 decisions are the invisible majority Ads which touch our emotions can build long term associations and empathy with the brand 8 © 2015 Ipsos. 16 Emotional advertising drives greater business gains Fame campaigns amplify emotional strengths % reporting very large PROFIT growth 16% Rational 25% 25% Rational & Emotional emotional involvement 35% Fame Communications model 9 © 2015 Ipsos. 16 WHY IS THIS? Feelings are remembered longer than messages 10 © 2015 Ipsos. 16 TO COMPREHENSIVELY UNDERSTAND ADVERTISING IMPACT : Both system 1 and 2 response need to be measured ENGAGEMENT System 1 BRAND IMPACT System 1 UNCONSCIOUS Engagement UNCONSCIOUS Impact System 2 System 2 CONSCIOUS Engagement CONSCIOUS Impact The use of both survey metrics and neurometrics reflects that there are two parallel paths that can be independent, or interact, resulting in a complete evaluation. 11 © 2015 Ipsos. 11 How do we measure emotions? What is an emotion? A strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others 13 © 2015 Ipsos. Emotions cause a chain reaction throughout the body Brain Waves Skin Conductance Heart Rate Breathing --All Too Fast For Words-- 14 © 2015 Ipsos. Motion Micro Expressions A range of tools to measure physiological affects 15 © 2015 Ipsos. How to measure ad effects using both system 1 and 2 16 © 2015 Ipsos. Facial coding Happy The human face has evolved to instantly communicate emotions With facial coding we can measure emotional response Neuroscience Surprise Sadness Fear Disgust Anger ENGAGEMENT AUTOMATED FACIAL CODING – HOW IT WORKS A webcam embedded on the computers detects all facial movements as people watch an ad Artificial intelligence detects facial muscles and movements Behavioral modeling / machine learning decodes facial behavior according to FACS* *Facial Action Coding System developed by psychologist Paul Ekman. Example expressions 25 Example expressions 25 Example expressions 25 Example expressions 25 ENABLES US TO DIAGNOSING OVERALL VIEWER ENGAGEMENT MOMENT-BY-MOMENT... Facial Coding Engagement # Sessions Comms Name Norm 53% 84% 80 …AND BY TYPE OF EMOTION Facial Coding Comms Name Norm Happiness 21% 53% Surprise 13% 29% Negativity 30% 55% # Sessions 80 WITH SUMMARY METRICS TO UNDERSTAND THE OVERALL CONTEXT OF RESPONSE – A COMMUNICATION’S EMOTIONAL TRACTION Emotion % Consumers Expressing At Any Point in The Comms Comm 1 Total % Norms 30’ Total % [n=132] Comm 1 Max % Norms 30’ Max % [n=132] Comm 1 Average % Norms 30’ Average % [n=132] Engagement 91 82 28 34 21 24 Happy 51 54 13 19 8 11 Negative (Net) 27 27 7 6 3 3 Confused 7 9 3 3 1 1 Disgusted 16 17 4 4 1 2 Sad 1 0 1 0 0 0 Scared 9 6 2 2 1 0 Surprised 7 11 3 3 1 1 No meaningful differences between ad and norm AND A DIAGNOSTIC DASHBOARD TO PULL IT ALL TOGETHER In practice, • Changes in viewer response during the comms may be more informative than absolute numbers vs norms. • Patterns of response depend on structure of the comms, but there are some key patterns that have been associated with successful engagement for award winning comms. AND A DIAGNOSTIC DASHBOARD TO PULL IT ALL TOGETHER In practice, • Changes in viewer response during the comms may be more informative than absolute numbers vs norms. • Patterns of response depend on structure of the comms, but there are some key patterns that have been associated with successful engagement for award winning comms. “EMOTIONAL TRACTION” ? An assessment of overall emotionality of the ad POSITIVE EMOTION? An assessment of overall happiness evoked by the ad ENGAGE EARLY? Does the ad significantly engage within first few seconds of the spot? END POSITIVELY? Does the ad end with more engagement than it started with? Is there more happiness? APPROPRIATE AFFECT? Does the ad evoke the intended emotional response at key moments (e.g., happiness following joke execution, negativity during problem set up, etc.) TROUBLE SPOTS? Are there points where the audience is ‘lost’ (engagement drops) or negativity spikes undesirably? POSITIVE BRAND AFFECT? Is response to the Brand & branding moments positive? Overall engagement rises as intended with the pay off 30 © 2015 Ipsos. The payoff really delivers and manages to turn negative emotions to positive Negative emotion is replaced by positive, happy feelings at the payoff 31 © 2015 Ipsos. The young get there first... • The younger people have higher engagement and get the pay off faster • But both groups reach a similar peak of engagement 32 © 2015 Ipsos. Good results and in line with norms % av personer i testutvalg 33 © 2015 Ipsos. Testet reklame Norm Happy 33,2 39,2 Confused 20,1 19 Surprise 15,7 18,5 Engagement 67,5 69,7 Negative 34,5 39,3 Norm: 733 europeiske reklamer, 20-40 sekunder IN SUMMARY Emotion plays a large role in brand decisions facial coding enhances our ability to understand and improve emotional engagement. Advertising can leverage this through touching our emotions and building empathy Measuring both system 1 and 2 response side-byside gives us the best possible chance of developing campaigns that build long term brand value 1 2 Utvikling av konsepter for kommunikasjon 4 35 Kort avsjekk for pre- eller posttest © 2015 Ipsos. 3 Slik tenker Ipsos 5 Lærdom fra Ipsos database Pretesting av kommunikasjon 6 Spørsmål STADIER I UTVIKLINGEN AV KOMMUNIKASJON Utvikle KONSEPTER & BIG IDEA Kvalifisere FINJUSTERE Test 36 © 2015 Ipsos. Overvåke ETTERTEST En dypere forståelse av forbrukeren og kobling til merker inspirerer til det beste kreative arbeidet Innsikt Ideer Kreativt DET BEGYNNER – OG SLUTTER - MED MENNESKET Vi søker en reell spenning som inspirerer merkevarens mulighet (ikke bare en overfladisk sannhet) Behov Misnøye Ønsker Dilemma Ambisjoner SNICKERS: POSSIBLE WORDING OF THE BIG IDEA “I know that if I want to stay a part of the game and the pack, that I have to follow and heed the guy ‘code of conduct’ no matter what. I don’t want to be the girly man.” SNICKERS: POSSIBLE WORDING OF THE BIG IDEA Piercing Insight It’s important to recognize and respect the “code of conduct” of being a guy. But symptoms of hunger don’t respect the code. The irritability and weakness can result in a bit of a drama queen. Brand Connection Snickers , the proper nut filled bar, will sort out your hunger and return you to your rightful place in the pack. Bottom Line Snickers: You are Not You When You are Hungry GOD INNSIKT MÅ VÆRE… Relevant Urealisert Avdekker ny eller skjult aspirasjon hos forbruker Reflekterer en spenning som ikke blir løst I dag Viktig Engasjerende Handler om noe forbrukeren bryr seg om Noe forbrukerne kan relatere seg til Ni regler for god innsikt Frekvens Reflekterer en situasjon som oppstår Troverdig Noe forbruker tror har en mulig løsning Inspirerende Kan forandre forbrukers oppfatning og adferd Konsistent Passer med merkestrategien Kjent Relateres til situasjoner i hverdagen EN FLEKSIBEL PROSESS – TILPASSET MERKE OG PROBLEMSTILLING siste runde med kvalitativ utforskning kvantitativ screening kvalitativ utforskning erfaring fra kvalitativ screening setup erfaring fra kvantitativ screening REKLAMEANNONSØR BYRÅ IPSOS OBSERVASJON OG DISKUSJON FRA ULIKE VINKLER GIR EN TYDELIGERE FORSTÅELSE FOR ALLE INVOLVERTE STADIER I UTVIKLINGEN AV KOMMUNIKASJON Utvikle KONSEPTER & BIG IDEA Kvalifisere FINJUSTERE Test Overvåke ETTERTEST IPSOS FILOSOFI OM HVORDAN REKLAME VIRKER Oppmerksomhet MED Respons GIR Effektiv reklame Bli lagt merke til Overbevisning Salg på kort sikt Kobling til merkenavn Positive oppfatninger Bygger merkestyrke på lang sikt IPSOS FILOSOFI OM HVORDAN REKLAME VIRKER Oppmerksomhet Effektiv reklame Respons CEI Copy Effect Index Bedre CEI betyr bedre effekt på salget BEDRE CEI BETYR BEDRE EFFEKT PÅ SALGET - HER ET EKSEMPEL FRA USA INNFOR MAT OG DRIKKE Added Sales Volume per 100 GRPs as % of each brand’s average weekly sales 35% 30% 25% 20% R = .88 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 50 100 Copy Effect Index 150 200 BREDERE VALIDERING INNENFOR ULIKE KATEGORIER GIR DET SAMME BILDET 150 Average Ad Impact Index (MMM) 119 100 100 81 50 Below average Average CEI Above average CEI CEI Copy Effext Index (CEI) TEST VS. KONTROLL DESIGN Rekrutter utvalg & Start intervju Forbruker ser annonser i multimedia miljø In Multimedia Environment Test Oppmerksomhet Er reklamen lagt merke til? Er den koblet til merket? Eksponering Intensjoner bruk/kjøp Reklame & Diagnostics Merkestyrke Test vs. Kontroll Design Rekrutter utvalg & Start intervju Kontroll Ingen visning av reklame, men visning av logo/produkter Merke X Kontroll med lik sammensetning Intensjoner bruk/kjøp Merkestyrke FOR Å FORSTÅ REKLAMENS EFFEKT TESTES SKISSE/FERDIG LØSNING MOT… Oppmerksomhet Synlighet og kobling til merket Respons Interesse for å bruke Endret inntrykk Emosjonell kobling Minner om ting du virkelig bryr deg om Merkestyrke Basis evaluering Budskapets relevans, differensiering og troverdighet Forvirrende, underholdende, nyhet, informativ, rørte ved følelser HVA HVIS… Tiden er knapp Ønsker en kjapp avsjekk Ønsker å teste flere alternativer Fornyelse av eksisterende reklame Lavere mediebudsjett Benchmark konkurrenter Taktisk sjekk av kommunikasjon DYNAMIC, ACTIONABLE RESULTS Brand Logo RESULTS REPORT OVERALL RESULT Product Picture AD NAME, FORMAT, LENGTH CATEGORY, BRAND, PRODUCT NAME OVERALL PERFORMANCE 0 50 100 Reception Visibility 200 250 135 87 Brand Linkage 115 Motivation 71 Effect on Interest 75 Effect on Opinion 150 BASIC DIAGNOSTICS 90 COUNTRY OF TEST – DATE OF FIELDWORK - IPSOS JOB # - CLIENT JOB # 0 Main Idea Relevant Main Idea Different Main Idea Believable Personal Resonance Is informative Stirred my emotions Is enjoyable Told me something new Is confusing VERBATIMS 50 100 150 135 87 115 78 90 87 115 78 99 200 250 Matrise for tolkning av resultatene Kontakt oss gjerne! © 2015 Ipsos. Lindsay Troy Kathrine Steen Andersen Business Development Director Senior Research Manager [email protected] [email protected] +46 70 766 80 02 +47 909 28 562
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