Se vedlagt program for detaljer og foredragsholdere.

Invitation to seminar
What is the role of the university in
building a sustainable society?
Friday, October 2, 11am – 2 pm,
Campus Kristiansand, auditorium: B3 007. Free entrance
We hereby invite you to an interesting seminar and presentations and discussion related to the book:
Higher Education in a Sustainable Society: A Case for Mutual Competence Building. The book presents
different perspectives on how universities can address the challenge of sustainability.
The seminar will have presentations form different authors of the book and a discussion on the
sustainability challenge for universities. The seminar is organized by University of Agder in
cooperation with Regional Forum Agder (VRI Agder, Regional plan Agder 2020 and RIS Centre)
You are welcome to participate.
Dag G. Aasland, Hans Chr. Garmann Johnsen, Stina, Torjesen, Richard Ennals
Higher Education in a Sustainable Society: A Case for Mutual Competence -Ennals.
Short presentation of the book: Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. Short presentations by:
Richard Ennals
Aslaug Kristiansen
Harald Knudsen
Astrid Stifoss-Hanssen
Tom Viggo Nilsen
Stina Torjesen
Short presentation of the sustainability perspectives in the regional plan for Agder:
Terje Damman
Break - Food and drinks will be served.
Panel diskusjon: Frank Reichert (UiA), Dag G. Aasland (UiA), Terje Damman (VAF), Fylkesvaraordfører
Jon-Olav Strand fra Aust-Agder Fylkeskommune, Siri Mathisen (NHO), Jan Roger Olsen (SSHF)
Round up: Where do we go from here?
Dag G. Aasland