Money Matters Offertory Collection last weekend: £699.16 of which £448.00 was Gift Aided. Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please consider filling out the Gift Aid form which is in the church porch to receive a box of weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then please use the Green envelopes. Please remember to write your name, address, sign and date the green envelope. Thank you for supporting our Parish. Responsorial Psalm: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia! Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold We remember in our prayers Those whose anniversaries (6th Feb) Patrick O’Brien, Margaret Geraghty, Joseph Whitley, Randall Maddocks, Thomas Allen, Mary Hynes, Christine Thornton (7th Feb) Ann McDonough, Joseph Maguire , (8th Feb) Ann Duffy, Louis Turner (9th Feb) Helen Parker (10th Feb) Mary Magdalene Shannon, Helen Baker, Patrick Walsh (11th Feb) Mary Ann Burns, David Bryn Jones (12th Feb) Francis Mitchell, Elizabeth Roberts Let us pray for the Sick Ian Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne Turner, Mary Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe Goggin, Joe & Luisa Desena, Peggy Edwards, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo McManus. Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI, St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH Email: [email protected] 01352 752087 Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121 Website: 7th February 2016 LITURGY OF THE WEEK: Psalter Week I 6th February Saturday Mass 5.30pm Int. Sean Neeson (Maire and Michael Greaney) 7th February Sunday Mass 11am Stations of the Cross. Wednesday 7pm during Lent (from 17th) Parish groups (or individuals) are once again invited to lead the Stations. Different weekly formats allow us to reflect on the Stations very personally. Therefore please take the opportunity to sign up on the sheet at the back of church. The Prayer Group following the Life in the Spirit Seminar will meet as always in the hall at 7.0 pm on Thursday 11th February. Steve Halsall For People of the Parish Monday : 8th Feb Tuesday: 9th Feb 10th Feb Thursday 11th Feb Friday 12th Feb 5th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C Liturgy of the day Mass 9.15am (Chao Long Lin& Mary Wu) Liturgy of the day Mass 9.15am Int. Anne Tunstan (HF.Wrexham) Ash Wednesday Mass 9.15am (Int. Ping Yu Chen) Mass 7pm (Holy Souls) Our Lady of Lourdes, World day of the Sick Mass 9.15am Lord Harlech RIP (Pam Moore) Liturgy of the day Mass 9.15am Michael Baker RIP &Maureen Edwards RIP (Mandy Doyle) 13th February Saturday Mass 5.30pm 14th February Sunday Mass 11am For People of the Parish Laurence Simmons RIP (Agnes Christmas) Eucharistic Adoration with Rosary and Benediction Every Friday following the morning Mass at 9.15am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays 10.30am to 11.30am & Before the Vigil Mass (4.45-5.20pm) Sundays before the Mass (10.30-10.50am) FAITH IN FOCUS: W DEEPER WATER e all like to feel comfortable and we all have our own little ways of doing things that we’ve got used to. That’s because by nature we’re creatures of habit. We don’t like to be put out or troubled by having to learn new ways. We like a quiet life. R eligious people sometimes use their faith in the same way. It becomes a comfort and a crutch, a way of doing things that makes them feel secure and unthreatened. Faith becomes the spiritual insurance policy that guarantees peace of mind. B ut at the heart of faith is risk. Faith involves making that leap, walking along the path with no signs, trusting when you know that everything could go wrong. Faith is an invitation not to remain where we are but to seek ever new and more enriching pas- tures, to stretch ourselves, to be challenged in ways that we cannot even suspect but which will carry their own rewards. Christian faith, in particular, is not an anaesthetic but an adventure. I n today’s gospel we see Jesus telling Simon Peter to put out the boats into deeper water. Normally you don’t catch many fish by the edge of a lake; you have to be bold and move into the middle. And, sure enough, having fished all night long and caught nothing, it was when the disciples obeyed Jesus’ request to put out into deeper water that they not only caught fish but netted a catch that astounded them. T he deeper the water the more uncomfortable people feel, because you can’t touch the bottom. But the deeper the water the greater the catch. Our sluggishness encourages us to remain static in faith. We’re content to catch fish when Jesus promises us that we could be catching people, encouraging men and women to come to Christ. We’re prepared to do the basic minimum in our faith, to enjoy the view close to the shore, when Jesus promises us a magnificent experience on the high seas. T oday’s liturgy challenges us to be bolder in our relationship with God and with others, to grow in faith and trust, to move to areas in our lives that are as yet uncharted. Yes, we’re bound to have doubts about our safety. But God does not promise us a calm passage…just a safe landing. History of St David's church building. Congratulations On Friday the Welsh Government published the School Categorisations. I am delighted to share with you that St David's Catholic Primary School is graded as Yellow, demonstrating that it is an effective school, with good achievements and is a self improving school. Congratulations and thanks to Governors, staff and pupils with all the achievements. Mr. Simon Hughes We are collecting items of historical interest with regard to the 50 years of our church building. Mr Hughes has kindly agreed to make room to store and collect any items in the school. Mr Eddie Saul will scan and copy photos, and documents, and Mr Mark Philpot will organise and catalogue items. If you have anything relating to the history of Congratulations to Mr. Simon Hughes too the church which we can display, please let any of the above know, or take it to Nursery Preference Forms 2016 the school. Please ensure items are The Nursery Preference Forms for September marked with your name, for return. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Renewal Programme As we renew our commitment on Maundy Thursday, we each promise to undertake some formation. The parish will offer this again this year on Saturday March 19th from 10 am until 12 noon. The format will be Reflection, Practical Discussion and adoration. We will review the changes made last year, and consider any further 'improvements'. All Ministers are asked to make every effort to attend. 200 Club 2016 Update You have done exceptionally well in the first 3 weeks . So far 93 have renewed. 11 new members have joined our ranks. 45 have still to renew and we still have space for 51 more. so a very big thank you for renewing and joining and Mike and I will hang around after the weekend masses to collect from those who still want to renew or join the club. we are planning to collect for the next 5/6 weeks and have the first 3 draws the last weekend of March Once again thanks for all your support its very much appreciated and all the profits go back to OUR church. Tony Gent No Choir Practice this Tuesday/9th 2016 have now been sent out (for return by 19th February). These forms have only been sent out to those parents who have registered an interest in their child attending St David’s Nursery, so if you know anyone with a child who will be 3 by 31st August 2016 who may be interested , please ask them to contact the school office on 01352 752651. For parents with slightly younger children (minimum 2 years 4 months), there are places available in St David’s Playgroup, which can be contacted directly on 07766 627615. Mr. Simon Hughes, Headteacher, St. David’s School 'Contact The Elderly' is a national charity which organises monthly afternoon tea parties for those who are aged 75 or over and live alone. The SVP is holding a tea and cakes afternoon in our church hall next Sunday 14th February between 3-5pm. If any parishioner would like to go you will be made very welcome and transported to and from the event. Please ring 01352 755067 for details. Brian Cullen Fairtrade Real Easter Eggs Anyone wishing to order Easter Eggs please email Alan at the usual address - or leave a written order with your contact details in the box at the back of Church by the Fair Trade Shop :[email protected] You can see an example of both eggs and their contents at the back of Church. Alan Morris
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