Parishes of St Joseph, Cockermouth and Our Lady & St Charles, Keswick Presbytery: Crown Street, Cockermouth CA13 0EJ Tel: 01900 822121 Mobile: 07808 061016 Email: [email protected] Website: St Joseph’s Parish Hall Bookings: Carole Thompson Tel: 01900 268853 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School: 01900 829859 Website: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School News 100 Club: December’s Draw winners are: 1st prize £25 91 Kathleen McNichol, 2nd prize £15 79 Noelene Hunter, 3rd prize £10 50 Joanna Fleming. If you still haven’t got a number and would like one just put £7 subscription for the remaining 7 draws in an envelope with your name and a contact telephone number. Hand your subscription in to Mike Rooney, Phil Taylor or me; Teresa Readman. Winnings can be collected from the school office or from me; Teresa Readman – I usually attend the Saturday evening mass. Last Week: The children have been learning about ‘Crosses’ and visited church on Thursday to look at all the crosses there. The children really enjoyed the chance to have a good look around the church building, led by Fr Tom. It was a great opportunity to look at the Stations of the Cross prior to Lent and Easter when they’ll be studied at greater depth. Dan Maher a blues guitarist from America visited school and Friday afternoon. He took a few of our pupils who play or own a guitar and gave them a short tutorial. Toward the end of the afternoon he also gave the children a performance of classic American blues guitar music; a great experience for our children. This Week: Year 6 from Our Lady and St Patrick’s, Maryport will be visiting our class 3 to share with us the work that they did for RE week and we in turn will share with them what we’ve been doing. Section 48 RE Inspection: we are due to have our RE inspection from the diocese this term. Included in the criteria for inspection is ‘community links’. We would welcome you comments on our school parish links. These can be in the form of a letter addressed to either the school or if you’d prefer directly to the inspection team. We hope some of you will find the time to do this. St Joseph’s Church, Cockermouth Linked with Our Lady of the Lakes and St Charles, Keswick Parish Priest: Fr Tom Singleton LANCASTER R OMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE TRUSTEES - C HARITY N O. 234331 Parish Bulletin 1 February 2015 4th Sunday in ordinary time (B) Parish Mass Book p. 59 North Lakes Foodbank Make That Change Event Friday 6th February at Whitehaven Golf club, proceeds will be used to help support the work of the North Lakes Foodbank. It would be great to see as many people there as possible to support this event which is unfolding to be what looks like a great night. Many people are expected and the golf club does have a capacity policy, so please do be there at 7pm prompt to get a seat and not be disappointed! Cost of entry £2. Doors open 7.00pm Cafod and the Society of the Holy Child Sisters are pleased to be offering the 7th year of 'Step into the Gap' – a year out experience for 18-30 year olds. The programme offers young adults a fully funded 10 month placement with a vibrant school chaplaincy or youth ministry team in the UK. During their ten months they will also visit grassroot development projects run by Cafod. As you read this, the current gap year volunteers are visiting Cafod's programmes in Zimbabwe and Nicaragua. Closing date for applications is 23rd of February. For more information see Bulletin Notices (deadline Thursday) - Please send to Barbara Cunliffe Email: [email protected] Tel: 01900 822664 PLEASE KEEP NOTICES BRIEF. In their synagogue just then there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and it shouted, ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.’ But Jesus said sharply, ‘Be quiet! Come out of him!’ And the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions and with a loud cry went out of him. Mark 1:23-26 Sat Sun Jan 31 VIGIL Feb 1 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6.45 pm People of the two parishes 11.00 am Helen Taylor & family Mon Feb 2 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Tues Feb 3 Week 4 of Ordinary Time Wed Feb 4 Week 4 of Ordinary Time 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word 9.30 am Jim Byrne 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Thur Feb 5 St Agatha 9.30 am Marie Dobinson Fri Feb 6 SS Paul Miki & Companions 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Sat Sun Feb 7 VIGIL Feb 8 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6.45 pm Holy Souls 11.00 am Richard Taylor Rosary 9.10am on weekdays Children’s Liturgy at Mass on the second Sunday of the month. Parish Pastoral Group First Tuesday of the month at 6.45pm in the presbytery. New members always welcome. Just come along. Requests for visits can be made to Michael Mapleton on 826423 or Shirley Forker on 268079 Scripture Group (Sunday Readings): Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery All welcome. Enquirers' group (RCIA) Fortnightly on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery PLEASE PRAY FOR : Our sick and housebound: Errol Nixon, Hilary Whelan, Margerie Hornsby, Peter Swinburn, Bernard Simmons, Jo Simmons, Bernard Coker, Colin Coates, Michael Cain, Paula Silk, Harry Armstrong, Ted Lord, Angela Ryan, Lisa Maria Rainford, John Clifford, Betty Rushworth. Also for those whose anniversaries are at this time. May they rest in peace. Offertory Collection Last Sunday: £452.78 Mass Attendance: Vigil: 61 11.00am: 85 Ministers Next Weekend (Please arrange replacement if necessary) Readers: Vigil W Finn, S Bober 11am C Joyce, A M Tiffin Eucharistic Ministers: Flowers: Vigil M Tinnion, M Rooney, R Owens 11am E Walsh, J Gleed, C Proctor Maria Clifford This weekend: Special Collection f o r C a t h o l i c Education Services Next weekend (February 7/8) there will be an appeal at all the Masses on behalf of the Augustinian Missions. A second chance to see Fr Tom's pictures of the pilgrimage walk from Canterbury to Rome – the Via Francigena. This will be at Neil & Shirley Forker's house (54 Fitz Rd), on Tuesday 17th February at 7.00pm. There will be snacks available. Bring a bottle if you wish. Because of the limited space it is first come, first served. There is a list at the back of church for names and contact telephone numbers. The Parish Council AGM will be held on Sunday 22 February after the 11am mass. There are vacancies for the posts of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary plus members of the council. If you wish to serve on the Parish Council for the coming year please complete the nomination form on the church notice board. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN COCKERMOUTH Sat 7 Feb 8am CTiC prayer meeting led by Christ Church Sat 7 Feb 7pm in Brigham Methodist Church 'Tethera', Cumbria's all girl vocal harmony trio, present "Girls in Green" an evening of popular classics, easy listening, musical theatre and jazz followed by 'posh puddings', £10 per ticket. Accompanied children free. Tickets available from Fiona Weakley 07584415511 or email [email protected] Sun 8 Feb 3 pm OASIS AT ALL SAINTS CANDLEMAS followed by afternoon tea. To help towards raising £2,000 for the ‘Hands On’ projects we are going to hold a monthly “Home Produce Stall” after Masses on 3rd weekend in month. First will take place February 14/15th. Any donations of ‘produce’ (in the widest sense) will be gratefully accepted. KITUI – our project supporting the water programme. Could you please empty your cardboard collection box, if you took one home at the beginning of Advent. You could continue to use it, if you open it carefully! We have committed, as a Parish, to give £2000 per year to this ongoing project. A notice board has been put up at the back of church, which has more information about the project. A new project will begin in April, and information about that will be available shortly. Lent Fast Day this year is Friday 27th February UGANDA COFFEE MORNINGS 8th and 22nd FEB and MARCH 29th. Sponsor a Suitcase Appeal. Coffee and cake available.. Further information can be obtained from Anne on 01900 827404 or 07766497039. Your continue support is always appreciated. Thanks Anne Keswick Choral Society Choral Evensong at St Patrick's Church, Patterdale on Sunday February 8th at 4.00pm Also we are holding a coffee morning on Saturday February 14th 10.30-12.30 in Crosthwaite Parish Room ( next to the Co-op.). Castlerigg Just to remind you that we have our Follow meeting on Sunday, 1st February, 6pm-8.30pm for young people, years 9 and above. Food will be provided; on the menu this time is Lasagne and Garlic bread. Please let us know if you are coming and let others know.
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