Esimerkkejä ITK:n opiskelijoiden suorittamista kursseista vaihtokohteittain* * huom. JY:n kurssi määritetään aina opiskelijakohtaisesti tarpeen mukaan! (Suluissa kurssin taso, jos ei muuten ilmene) Erasmus-kohteet: Alankomaat Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi University of Twente Managing People in Global Context Business Law International Business Strategic Marketing & Business Research Ubiquitous Computing Network Security Innovation and Entrepreneurship (15 op) Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Studies Abroad Valinnaisia opintoja (UoT) International Business Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot Ubiquitous Computing Network Security Innovation and Entrepreneurship Data: From the Source to the Senses (15 op) Data: From the Source to the Senses Immigrant Integration in a European Valinnaisia opintoja (UoT) Perspective ULMO414 ULM0I09 ULM0I44 ULMI007 ULMI189 TIES327 Economics of Global Policy Issues Modelling of Software Intensive Systems Advanced Database Systems Labour Economics Debating Development Artificial Intelligence Studies Abroad/ Modelling of Software Intensive Systems ULMO414/ ULMI197 Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot ULMI007 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla/ Artificial Intelligence Database Systems Model Driven Engineering Software Testing Software Reengineering Programming Paradigms Data Mining Scientific English ITKA701/ ULMI196 ULMI199 ULMI198 ULMI214 (S) ULMI213 (S) ULMI212 (S) TIES445 ULMI219 Käyttöjärjestelmät Opintoja ulkomailla Muita opintoja (Cadiz) Ulkomailla suoritettuja TJTopintoja Valinnaisia kieli- ja viestintäopintoja IT-alan opintoja Muita opintoja ITKA203 ULMO995 ULM0995 ULMI188 Muu kieli ja viestintä MUUO031 ULMI217 ULMI218 ULM0I09 (A) Belgia University of Antwerp Database Systems Model Driven Engineering Software Testing Software Reengineering Programming Paradigms Data Mining Scientific English Espanja University of Cádiz Installation and maintenance of computers Technical English Dirección estratégica I Dirección de sistemas de información Inglés aplicado a las finanzas University of Granada Operations management and technology International marketing World Economic Structure Portuguese Economic Sociology Law and Informatics Business Economics MUU0031 ITKA701 ULMO736 1 Business English. Communication and Documentation English Computer Graphics Artificial Intelligence and Engineers Systems Decision Support Concurrent programming Literatura en lengua (ingles) Office automation Tourism Business Accounting English for Marketing Economy of the European Union Englannin opintoja ULMO526 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Kirjallisuuden opintoja Ajankohtaiskurssi ULMH222 TJTSE69 International Economic Organization Irlanti Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi National University of Ireland Databases Tietokannat ja tietohallinnon perusteet ITKA204 Italia University of Milan Web Communication Valinnainen syventävä opintojakso TJT0L91 Economics of Communication Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 Italian Language Course (60 hours LIV A1) Kielikeskus Mobile Applications Studies Abroad ULM0414 Information Visualization IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKS701 Selected Topics IT Security IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKS701 Engineering and Business Informatics Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMI007 Oliosuuntautunut suunnittelu Technology Enhanced Learning (e-Learning) Introduction to Knowledge Management Introduction to Information Security IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKP113 Itävalta Graz University of Technology Databases 1 ITKP701 Recommender System Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Technology Enhanced Learning (e-Learning) Introduction to Knowledge Management Introduction to Information Security General Management and Organization ULMI185 ULMI186 ULM187 ITKA701 Leading Project Management Societal Aspects of Information Technology 2 Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) German course for International Students German course for International Students (MCI) International Human Resource Management(MCI) E-Tourism Management (MCI) Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMI052 Alpine Tourism I ja II Alpine Tourism (MCI) ULMI074 Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management International Tourism Management (MCI) sivuaineeseen ULMI113 Opintoja ulkomailla (MCI) ULMI166 Opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla ULMI007 Introduction to Digital Media IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 Virtual Team Management Virtual Teams ULMI163 Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management Business Intelligence & Analytics Ulkomailla suoritettuja TJTopintoja ULMI188 Business Ethics ULMI075 (A) Business Psychology Ethics and Principles of Business Organisational Behaviour Organizational Behaviour ULMI115 (A) Sales Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot ulkomailla Opintoja ulkomailla (TUW) IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMI007 (A) Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Opintoja ulkomailla (TUW) ULMI007 International Human Resource Management E-tourism Management Product Development & Innovation ULMI076 ULMI114/ (ULMI155) ULMY015 Business & Strategic Management International Consumer Behavior International Tourism & Leisure Markets Destination Management ULMI155 Sustainable Tourism Development Intercultural Management Vienna around 1900 Entrepreneurship Innovation Management Current Topics of Economics Turnaround Management Management of Distribution & Sales Marketing Communication Price Management Change Management Organizational Development Introduction to International Business Vienna University of Technology Multimedia Production 1: Materials & Tools Information Search on the Internet Web Science Management of Software Projects E-Commerce Seminar Engineering Management Management and Leadership ULMI111 ITKS701 ITKA701 ITKA701 ULMI111 3 Johannes Kepler University Linz Driving Innovation - Research Strategies in Research Organisations and Universities Strategic Management Organization Theory Resource Efficiency Ecology and Sustainable Development Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Special Topics in CS: Industrialised Software Development: Methods and Tools in Practice International Business International Market Entry Valinnaisia johtamisen aineopintoja Muita opintoja ulkomailla Tietotekniikan syventäviä opintoja IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 TIES510 Introduction to International Business (JKUL) ULMI077 Bioinformatics Cultural Sensitivity Training Introduction to IT Security Mobile Computing Artificial Intelligence (kanditasolla!) IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Cultural Sensitivity Training Tietoturva Mobile Computing IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 ULM049 TIES326 ULMI167 ITKA701 Introduction to Advertising Greek Language Marketing Communications Security of Information Systems Introduction to Advertising Greek Language Marketing Communications Security of Information Systems Information Systems Studies Consumer Behaviour ULM206 (A) ULMI234 ULMI204 (A) ULMI205 (A) TIEP114 Software Engineering Tietokoneen rakenne ja arkkitehtuuri Software Engineering Research Project Research Project ULMI247 (A) Networks – Part II Sports Networks – Part II ULMI248 (A) Sports IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMI098 (A) ITKA701 Muita opintoja (INSA Lyon) ULM0I71 Koodi ITKS701 Kreikka ATEI of Thessaloniki Information Systems I Consumer Behaviour ULMI188 (A) ULMI206 (A) Ranska INSA Lyon Computer Architecture Theories of Artificial Intelligence Legal Aspects of Companies Information System Architecture, SOA English French ULMI092 (A) Saksa Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: RTWH Aachen Advanced Internet Technology Advanced Internet Technology Computer Vision Computer Vision Multimedia Internet Technology Virtual Reality Multimedia Internet Technology Virtual Reality Web Science Web Science ULMI200 ULMI201 4 University of Passau University of Koblenz-Landau University of Potsdam ja Hasso-Plattner Institute E- und M-business IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Strategic Information Management ULMI116 Basics of Business informatics Introduction to multimedia and interactive media Information management Organisation IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 ITKA701 Ajankohtaiskurssi TJTSE69 Introduction to E-Government Introduction to Information Systems in Business and Public Administration LAW Data Mining Privacy Theoretical Computer Science Data-Oriented XML Information Integration Model-Driven Software Development Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry Ajankohtaiskurssi IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla TJTSE69 ITKA701 Tiedonlouhinta Tietoturva TIES445 TIES326 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKS701 ITKS701 ITKS701 Middleware and Distributed Systems Software Adaption Advanced Software Engineering for Embedded Systems HPI Design Thinking: Basic Track IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Ohjelmistojen ylläpito IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKS701 TJTSS63 ITKS701 Valinnainen syventävä opintojakso Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla Muita opintoja (UoP) TJT0L91 International Economic Relations: Current Issues and Problems New Challenges for Development Cooperation Dependable Systems HCI Project Seminar on Interactive Fabrication and Muscle Interfaces Future Interactive Technology HCI Project Seminar on Virtual Reality Gaming Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry I: Inner Mechanics of In-Memory Databases Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry II: Development of Enterprise Software IT-Entrepreneurship I Introduction to Design Thinking University of Hohenheim ITKA701 Semantic Web Grundlagenmodul Marktorientiertes Management / Basic IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMI007 (S) ULMM049 (S) ITKS701 Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla ULMI007 Muita opintoja ULM0610 Valinnainen syventävä opintojakso Ulkomailla suoritettuja TJTopintoja IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Studies in Marketing TJT0L91 ULMI188 ITKS701 ULMO602 module market-oriented management Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung / MarketOriented Management 5 Slovakia Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi University of Žilina Informatics 2 Mathematics 2 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 MATP162 Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi University of Maribor E-Business Information Systems Systems of Electronic Commerce TJTSE56 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 Algoritmit 1 ITKA201 Vapaavalinnaiset opinnot ulkomailla/ Innovation Man Ulkomailla suoritettuja opintoja/ Total Quality Management Tietohallinnon johtaminen Web Programming Object-oriented Programming in Java Business English I Business English II (maisterin kielet 10op!) ULMI007/ ULMI182 ULM0414/ ULMI181 Slovenia Governance and Strategic Management Development and Use of Components in Java Algorithms and Data Structures Innovation Management Total Quality Management Information Systems Management Web Programming Object-oriented Programming in Java Business English I Business English II TJTST20 ULMI215 ULMI216 ULMI183 ULMI184 Tanska Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Technical University of Denmark Experimental Course in Optical Communication Teletraffic Engineering and Network Planning Logic in Computer Science, AI and MultiAgent Systems Introduction to Computer Game Prototyping Rendering - Introduction Computational Geometry Processing Computer Graphics - Introduction IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKA701 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ITKS701 Tietokonegrafiikan perusteet TIEA311 Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi University of Debrecen Introduction to the Python Programming Language Decision Supporting Systems Introduction to the Python Programming Language Decision Supporting Systems Data Security Data Security ULMI230 (A) Database Administration Database Administration ULMI231 (A) Unkari ULMI228 (A) ULMI229 (A) 6 Information Systems in Practice Information Systems in Practice ULMI232 (A) Hungarian Language Course (beginner) Unkari I XUN0001 Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Middlesex University Economics Of The Firm Ajankohtaiskurssi TJTSE69 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Valinnaisia kieli – ja viestintäopintoja Intelligent Computing ITKA701 Database Systems ULM0795 ULM0797 University of Sheffield University of Teesside Buyer Behaviour Translation and Technology 2 An Introduction to English Language Language in the World Machine Learning Foundations 3D Computer Graphics Bio-inspired Computing Adaptive Intelligence Computer Games Technology The Intelligent Web Machines and Intelligence Evolution of the Global Economy Database Systems Windows Programming Web Services Enterprise Project Mobile Games Programming Artificial Intelligence Programming Introduction to 2D Computer Animation Perspective and Figure Drawing History of Moving Picture Advanced Java Programming Programming for Mobile Devices Computer Animation MUUO031 ULMI112 ULM0798 ULM0128 ULM0129 ULM0799 ULMI117 7 Nordlys Norja Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Tietotekniikan aineopinnot/ Programming Languages Tietotekniikan aineopinnot/ Low-level Programming ULMI196 ULMI006 (A) ULMI226 ULMI006 (A) ULMI227 Programming Languages Low-level Programming Ruotsi Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Karlstad University Database Techniques Tietokannat ja tiedonhallinnan perusteet Tietotekniikan syventäviä opintoja Automaatit ja kieliopit IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Vapaavalintaisia opintoja ulkomailla ITKA204 Performance Modelling and Simulation Stockholm University (Ruotsi) Programming Languages Internet Search Techniques & Business Principles of Computer Security Practical Project Management Business Strategy & IT Projects Mobile Business within the IT area TIES509 TIEA241 ITKA701 ITKS701 ULMI007 Informatics, Team Work and Project Management Mobile Business within the IT area Systems Theory and IT Organizations, IT-systems and Management Ulkomailla suoritettuja TJTopintoja Muu kieli-ja viestintäopinto Business Administration, Culture and Leadership in International Business Logistics, Transport Management Informatics, Team Work and Project Management Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi University of Copenhagen IT Innovation & Change Knowledgebased Entrepreneurship IT Innovation & Change Knowledgebased Entrepreneurship Interactive Data Exploration Advanced Topics in HumanCentered Computing Danish Language ULMI235 (S) ULMI236 (S) Valinnaisia opintoja (K yo) ULM0051 Systems Theory and IT Organizations, IT-systems and Management University of Agder (Norja) Örebro University (Ruotsi) Hands-on e-Business for Entrepreneurs Norwegian for Int’l Students Business Administration, Culture and Leadership in International Business Logistics, Transport Management ULMI188 MUU0031 ULMI176 ULMI177 ULMI178 Tanska Interactive Data Exploration Advanced Topics in Human-Centered Computing Danish Language Course (Oral & Written Proficiency 1&2) Danish Culture Course ULMI250 (S) ULMI251 (S) ULMH288 8 Euroopan ulkopuoliset ja muut (esim. ISEP) kohteet: Chile Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi University of Chile Acondiciomente Fisico Mixto Muita opintoja (U de Chile) ULM0844 Chile, Los Chilenos y Su Cultura Chilen kulttuuri ULMH042 Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Udayana University (Asia Exchange) International Tourism Management The Indonesian History, Ethnology, Culture and Customs Economy and Business of South East Asia Business Law and Legal Tradition on Trade and Investment Indonesian Language International programme on Asian Studies ULMI107 MUUO031 Numerical Computation Muu kieli- ja viestintäopinnot Numeeriset menetelmät Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Kyoto Sangyo University General Japanese (Listening and Comprehension 3 ja 4) B ja A,(Grammar 4) A, (Conversation 4) A, (Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension 4) A, Religion in Japan, Historical Origins of Modern Japan, Modern Japanese Literature, Japanese Society Studies I General Japanese kielikursseja World Heritage Sites in Japan Introduction to Japanese Literature Japanin kieli ja kulttuuri (Kyoto Sangyo University) ULMH293 Japanin kielen opintoja Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla ULMI173 ULMI007 Applied Sport Science Japanese Culture in Historical Perspective Issues in Japanese Society Introduction to Science and Engineering Cross-cultural Interactions II Muita opintoja ulkomailla Opintoja Japanin kulttuurista ja yhteiskunnasta (K S Univ.) ULMY015 ULMY023 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Valinnaisia kieli- ja viestintäopintoja Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla Japanin kielen opintoja Japanin kieli ja kulttuuri (Saga University) ITKP701 (A) MUU0031 Japanilainen kulttuuri ja yhteiskunta (Saga University) ULMI225 Indonesia TIEA381 Japani Saga University Field Work on Japanese Affairs A & B Integrated Japanese II Integrated Japanese I Japanese Speaking I Japanese Reading I Integrated Japanese II Modern Trends in Environment Conservation in Japan - Technology, Lifestyle etc. Japan & Southeast Asia in the Colonial & Postcolonial World ULMI007 (A) ULMI173 (P) ULMI224 9 Tokyo Metropolitan University Global Mindset Social Change in Japan Fundamental Japanese (kurssit a-f) Fundamental Japanese (kurssit g-i) Vapaavalintaiset opinnot ulkomailla Japanin kieli ja kulttuuri ULMI007 (A) Japanin kielen opintoja ULMI173 ULMI193 Kanada Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Brock University International Dimensions of Entrepreneurship E-Business Applications Systems Analysis and Design Professional Practice Money & Financial Institutions Critical Thinking and Writing Science Fiction Introduction to Bioinformatics Studies in Entrepreneurship and Management TJT-opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULM0601(A) ULMI354 (A) ULMI222 (A) Interactive Storytelling Valinnaisia opintoja (UoPEI) Introduction to Bioinformatics Interactive Storytelling Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Beijing Foreign Studies University Marketing in China Money and Finance Business law Developing Business Intro to corporate finance The changing Chinese Business Environment Chinese Culture Studies Business in China (sivuaine) University of Prince Edward Island ULMI188 (A) ITKA701 ITKA701 ULMI223 (A) Kiina Business Ethics Hong Kong Baptist International Business University Financial Planning & Investment Analysis Banking and Credit Introductory Mandarin for Non-Chinese Speakers Entrepreneurship and New Venture e-Marketing Brand Management Consumer Behaviour Chinese Culture Studies (BFSU) Business Ethics (BFSU) Muita opintoja (Hong Kong Babtist University) Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMI127 Opintoja ulkomailla TJT-opintoja ulkomailla Muita opintoja (HKBU) ULMY015 ULMI188 ULMH588 Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Johdatus e- liiketoimintaan TJTA238 ULMI126 ULMH588 ULMY015 Korea Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Ewha Womans University Korea-opintoja Understanding Computer Graphics Business Communication Mass Media and Society Library Automation Introduction to Electronic Commerce Information Retrieval 10 Soonchunhyang University English Journalism for Beginners Basic Engineering Design Introduction to Documentary Film Opintoja ulkomailla (Soonchunhyan) Korean kieli ja kulttuuri (sivuaine) Korean kielen opintoja ULMY015 Korea opintoja ULMA680 Taekwondo Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Kasetsart University (Asia Exchange) Analysis of International Economics Strategic Planning for Competitiveness International Business Special Problems Thai Conversation in Everyday Life Discussion of Korean as a Foreign Language ULMI180 ULMM060 Expression of Korean as a ForeignLanguage Cultural Internship I Global Strategies of Korean Businesses Thaimaa ULMH259 USA Korkeakoulu Alkuperäinen kurssin nimi Hyväksiluettu kurssi: Koodi Pittsburg State University Transitions Zumba Geography of the Global Economy Global Women’s Issues Performance Appreciation Information Assurance and Computer Security 1 Information Technology and Accounting Systems Transitions Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 Tietoturva TIEA222 IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla ULMI012 Opintoja ulkomailla / Muita opintoja (P S Uni) ULMI012/ ULMH174 (A) General Psychology ULMI119 Labor Economics General Psychology International Trade Visual Basic Programming Studio Product Photography English Composition for International Students Object Oriented Programming (Java) Introduction to Graphics Technologies Raster Graphics Armstrong Atlantic State University Mobile Application Development Introduction to System Administration Pilates, Weight training… Fund of Information Technology Intermediate Algebra IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Englannin kielen opintoja (Pittsburg State University) Tietotekniikan aineopinnot IT-alan opintoja ulkomailla Opintoja ulkomailla (Pittsburg State University) Tietotekniikan aineopinnot IT-alan opintoja Muita opintoja (Pittsburg) IT-alan opintoja ULMI118 ULMH351 ULMI006 (A) ITKA701 ULMI012 (A) ULMI006 (A) ITKA701 ULMH174 ITKA701 ULMI124 11 Texas A&M International University Northern Arizona University Chapman University (California) E-commerce Risk management Managerial Finance Management Information Systems (paljon kauppatieteellisiä opintoja) Cultural Memories Digital Introduction to the Game Industry First Aid & CRP Bowling Weight-Training Introduction to Food Science Liiketoiminta tietoyhteiskunnassa TJTA239 Management Information Systems ULMI179 Cultural Memories Digital Age Introduction to the Game Industry Muita opintoja ULMI220 (A) ULMI221 (A) ULM0610 Muita opintoja ulkomailla ULMY015 (A) *Tyhjät kohdat eivät tarkoita, että kurssia ei ole saatu hyväksiluettua tutkintoon, vaan että kurssi on esim. hyväksiluettu toisessa tiedekunnassa. 12
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