Ressursark Who Was Alaska Young and Who Are We

Tittel: Who Was Alaska Young and Who Are We? – Engelsk, 10.trinn
Kort beskrivelse:
Jonathan and his mother are discussing the book Looking for Alaska and some of the problems and
challenges teenagers may experience today. Looking for Alaska is a story about a group of teenagers
at high school, especially about Pudge and the beautiful and reckless Alaska Young.
Some words you might be wondering about:
use sexually explicit language=bruker tydelig seksualisert språk
achiever=en som oppnår gode resultater
Oppgaver for diskusjon/refleksjon/samtale
1. What did Jonathan and his mother think of the book after they had read it?
2. Why has the book been complained about?
3. What things does Jonathan’s mother believe parents worry most about concerning their
4. What does Jonathan say about the information given to teenagers about these topics?
5. What information are you given about Alaska?
Further Work
1. Jonathan agrees with his mother that alcohol, sex, drugs, bullying etc. are difficult
challenges for all teenagers. What do you think is the most difficult challenge for teenagers
when growing up? Give reasons.
2. Jonathan says, “We are all trying to find out who we are and where we are going.” Is this a
good description of being a teenager? Give reasons.
3. In the novel Looking for Alaska, Alaska experiences her problems like a labyrinth which she
is trying to find her way out of. What is a labyrinth? Do you think this is a good description of
the problems that may be experienced by a teenager? Give reasons.
4. The novel takes place at a boarding school in the United States. The teenagers are about 16
or 17 years old. Many teenagers in the UK, the USA and Norway go to boarding school or
move away from home to go to school when they are 16. What do you think about this? Are
there positive and negative aspects of living away from home?
5. How would you describe a “top achiever”? Do you think there are different demands and
expectations for boys than there are for girls to be top achievers? Explain.
6. If you have read the novel Looking for Alaska, write a description of the main characters.
What do you think happened to Alaska? Did she commit suicide or not? Give reasons.
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vise evne til å skille mellom positivt og negativt ladede uttrykk som refererer il
enkelteindivider og grupper av mennesker
Kultur, samfunn og litteratur
drøfte levesett og omgangsformer i Storbritannia, USA, andre engelskspråklige land og
samtale om og formidle aktuelle og faglige emner