Can Neurofibromas Cause Male Organ Bumps

Can Neurofibromas Cause Male Organ
Doing regular self-checks on the manhood is a good idea for male organ
health reasons. Part of a self-check should involve looking and feeling all
along and around the member for any new male organ bumps that may have
developed. Male organ bumps are quite common, and there are numerous
kinds and equally numerous causes, so a man shouldn’t panic if he does
discover some new male organ bumps during a self-check. Many are
generally benign, such as those that might appear if a man has
neurofibromas on his manhood.
Neurofibromas? What are those?
A neurofibroma is a non-cancerous tumor that can develop anywhere on the
body where nerves are present, including, therefore, the member. These
tumors develop from the cells and the tissues that cover nerves. When
neurofibromas are present, they usually form soft bumps on or under the
skin. Sometimes the tumor may form from several bundles of nerves, in
which case it is known as a plexiform neurofibroma. (In some cases,
neurofibromas may develop without actually creating visible bumps;
however, bumps are a very common sign.)
Much of the time, neurofibromas are not accompanied by pain, unless they
are pressed on or struck. However, sometimes the tumor may form in such a
way that it lays uncomfortably upon a nerve, causing a more consistent pain.
In some cases, the pain can be quite severe. This is more common when the
neurofibroma is on a spinal neve. When they form male organ bumps, the
discomfort is more likely to come when they are touched – and this of
course, can be problematic, as it is the touching of the delicate and sensitive
manhood nerves that makes sensual activity enjoyable. Often, therefore,
when neurofibromas form male organ bumps, they impede a man’s ability to
have sensual activity.
In some instances, people report that neurofibromas may itch, although this
is not the case for all those with the disorder.
Causes and treatment
Scientists still are working to determine why neurofibromas develop.
However, in some – but not all – cases, there is a genetic component to it.
People who have the gene for neurofibromatosis are much more likely to
develop neurofibromas, sometimes beginning to appear during or shortly
after puberty.
If a person suspects he has neurofibromas on his manhood (or elsewhere), he
should consult with a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes this may
involve the use of an MRI scan in order to get a better picture of just where
the tumors are and whether there are some that may be small and underneath
the skin.
Because most neurofibromas are benign, they don’t necessarily need
treatment from a strictly medical point of view. However, some people may
wish them removed due to the way they appear. Additionally, if they present
as male organ bumps, a man may need them removed so that he can engage
in sensual activity without discomfort.
Treatment typically would involve observation and continued monitoring.
Again, with male organ bumps (or in other situations in which there is pain
or in which cosmetic reasons prevail), it is likely that treatment would mean
removal via surgical procedure.
Neurofibromas can return, so even after surgery it is wise to be monitored
and to be on the look-out for possible recurrence.
Self-checking for male organ bumps like those caused by neurofibromas
should be part of a comprehensive male organ health regimen. It should also
include daily application of a first-class male organ health oil (health
professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven
mild and safe for skin). When selecting the oil, find one that contains a
combination of moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. Male
organ skin requires adequate hydration to prevent flakiness and dryness. The
oil should also include L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties to
help protect manhood sensation.