Document 52914

M>il>wriptlon, 91.50 P « Year
Tdephona Carterst 8-1*00
Published by Carteret Prew
w ^ H l K C T O N A V E , C A K t E R E T , N. J.
,, n ; ROflENBUJM
8porti Editor
'!, , ,1 Cartewt, N. J., Poit Olne«, under
An in(«rqsting dispatch, published in the |
Chicago Daily News and other newspapers,
from "Somewhere in Europe." report* that
in seven day* recently a Hamburg newspaper printed 82 death notice*.
The population of Hamburg is more than 1
a million, or about one-eightieth of the modern Reich. |f the same percentage holds true
ettewhorc Aft notice* imply a death rate of'
about 6.500 a week, o,r 85,000 for the 13
weeks fighting against Russia.
fnt,.,-od an i««ond clam matUr Jun« 6,
v i of March ff, 1879.
Ii^rr nre American* 10 bu»y talking about
L,M,n,,inum," a subject of which thsy know
,„ nothing, that they overlook the re,,,!,„,! of the Soviat government in ad
M in the eight-point declaration of prmP< recently enunciated by th« President
\\r Winston Churchill.
Hrrhns in London the representatives of
,j|,rd nntions endorsed the aim* of the
hurter, altkowgri several of them,
,;.], Poland, Czechoslovakia and Free
ntkrA for "security," mggttting that
. nu.t be tome safeguard ag*m*t the
,,,r, ii,,n of German militarism.
Music For Ears Of Democracy
'Streamlined' Government
Aim Of State Taxpayers
Comparison of state tax trends in New Jersey with '
trends in the entire nation during the past t#n y*art reflects rha result of this Hate . iteady refusal to adopt the
many nsrw taxes whkh art in force in most other stats*.
It is particularly encouraging whan rhas* favorable state tax figures are coupled with recent gaim in the field
of local tanas -reduction of loral I*I rates in a majority
of New Jersey munteipsritie* for two consteutiva year*—
constant improvement in local tai collection*—*«M|y
reduction of the debt burden—strengthening of spending
cftntrola—and greatly improved municipal credit.
An interesting dory is told in the nation wide rite' '•
in itate tax collections from 1930 to 1940, a period
whkh coincide* with the organization and expansion of •
New Jersey's taxpayer movement under the guidam-e and
stimulus of the New Jersey Taxpayer* Aisc*i*tion
Recent tax fact* and figures released by Tax
Foundation rcvssl that in 1930 state tax collections in
the United Stats* totaled $1,760,34^000; in 1940 eollectiona soared to the total of 13.310,447.000. In New
Jersey the increase wss comparatively small. Collecttions in 1930 totaled $66,720,000 and in 1940 totaled
$93,542,000. During this time New Jersey's per capita
state tax made a surprising shift. In 1930 the per capita
tax of $21.71 was eighth highest in the nation; ifi 1940
the per capita tax of $22 40 wai only slightly higher,
and had dropped to thirtieth place in the nation.
This is' close, to the announced German
losses .but the correspondent points out that,
closer examination reveals greater losses.
Death notices are usually published by families able to buy advertising space but, more
significantly, 67 of the Hamburg notices related to commissioned or non-commissioned
officers. Only '13 were soldiers.
Military experts guess thnt loner of officer*
aggregate around 15 per cent of the total
casualties. Applying this ratio to the Hamburg notices, reveals that the Reich lost 86,*
000 a week for 13 weeks, or 1,100.000 during the three month* of the eastern campaign.
"Bitterness wa* scarcely concealed in some
notices," says the writer. cnHinjr attention to
the phrase, in severak which told of the death
of a son killed "as his father in 1916."
ulil be. natural to assume that, after
John Hay, American statesman, whose
-While the citizen* if the majority of stares haVS
,...f ..( th* present war, the victors will birth was celebrated on October 8, is rememytaMfd to pressure for new Im levies mirh as a etlM
. ,,.-.f»»*ry *r«ps ro clinch ih*ir sue
bered as the man who first sponsored the
tax or an income tax, all effort* in impow permanent new
h<- Hefeat of Germany will undoubt- policy known as the Open Door.
taxes in this state have failed. Spending by the *t*»*
i, r.iHowcd by s«*in measures, designed
From the American standpoint, the Open
has bean kept in <h*ck by the simple formula
,,r,. ^ni the rise of another HitU*.
Door policy meant the maintenance of Ameriof shutting off sources of new lax revenue.
,U.,nwKile, the people of this country can rights in a China rapkily being closed by
. Public opinion in New J«r*ey n no emilitantly op,i \,r prepared to support whatever
"sphere* of influence."
posed to new state taxes thst rvm thr politicians find it
i w ' i become neeesaary to force the GerHay'* stand for the Open Door was made
good campaign strategy to oppose them. Right now
n* in ntafforge the spoils that they have
during the Boxer Rebellion, the Chinese upwhen the Federal government hat levied a multitude of
.inr'fl from the people* of other nation* rising to drive all foreigners out of the counnew taxes upon many kinds of commodities and ha*
I,,r<T of arms. This refers not only to , try. He did not want the countries putting
paved the way for staggering increase in next year'*
v but also to plastt*. facilities and down the rebellion to use it a* an excuse to
that these new burden* are not superimposed upon itate
take over spheres of influence in China and |
income levies, New Jersey's itixcens are especially thankful
thus shut out American trsde.
income and tale* taxes.
This policy of protecting Chinese integrity
The favorable position of New Jeney taxpayers,
The suggestion, advanced by Secretary of met with much enthusiasm at the time and
gratifying as it may be, it no excuse for taxpaytn to
treasury Morfanfehau, that corporation promised to become s great step in direction
relax their efforts. Continuous taxpayer alertness and
i be limited to six per cent during the of world peace. However, the last decade
activity is necessary to thwart the attempt* of organitad
tional emergency, has the advantage of has seen thi* policy mutilated by Japane«e
minorities to increase the colt of government. It is
tiding to avoid inflation and, also, prevent* aggression.
necessary not merely to prevent rises in state and locil
In the recent peace talks between Amerv
undue profits out of me defense protaxes, but to get them drastically reduced lo relieve in
can and Japanese officials it has been resome measure the impact of greatly increased Federal
Moat Memorable Voyage
JFranMy, we thiak the suggestion is good. ported that an agreement can not be reached
taxes for defense.
In History Completed
vertheless, there is little or no chance for because Washington insists on preserving Chicosts. And prices will keep rising
The battle to cut down slate and local Ux«t it
October 12, 1492
to become law. There are too many cor- nese integrity, according to the Open Door j conference last week the President steadily unless Leon HendcrnOn has
being waged on two front*—state and local. On the
his way . . . Japan may be rtcet»About five hundred years ago In
t _ ^ ^
_ w
irahon», malting more than six per cent, polity- This would mean that the Japanese j « - _-t o ^
Ing many polite expressions of
state front taxpayer* are stepping up effort* for a
the busy hsrbor of Oenoa. Italy, a
they are entirely too powerful in consmall boy of great vision witched
"streamlined" government, to reorganize the preterit
piled that we are building guns (or
of aggression as a failure.
the ships come and go At school
iciinn with matters, of legislation.
unwieldly at*te government into a more compact body
ships as fast u we can. When the United Stales.
he was studying Latin, mathematSo we see that John Hay's Open Door Pol- asked further whether the United
| Kvmiually, the nation will probably come
ics, and astronomy and w u becomwith greater efficiency and lower cost. On the lotal
icy, inaugurated in 1899 when he was Secre- States could legally arm merchanting a &lllful mtksr of map* Uti
front the New Jersey Taxpayers Association is conduct»rat regulation of the profit* of corporamen of South American republics,
cntrt* used J»y nawtgatosw.
tary of State, is still popular in Washington tbe President answered that we
ing a statewide drive to cut 1942 local budget*, recomThe nattoaaj emergency k a good
persuadquarters. Thete is also another attitude of can lend-lease guns to them, p
ed him st an early age to enter on
mending the appointment of « non-salaried "econoniy
lo ta|k about l l * proposal because there
It would appear that not only our
a seafaring career In his first years
Hay* that t* very strong in the United States own but all ships for the western
survey directo*" in each community to search for every
merit in the, i4aa that eaces* earning*
hemisphere will be ready to take
now: Anglo-American cooperation.
him living at Lisbon, Portugal,
possible economy. The goal of the&e two campaign!
care of themselves in a diort time
uld help pay the cost of defense, which is,
which had become the center of
American foreign policy prevented the dipit to trim many millions of dollar* from the cost of
The Yankee* Win
|tfi all, protection for our corporations, a*
geographical knowledge as a result
lomatic marriage of the two English-speak- The Gallup poll does not always Many a brave heart beyond the of the explorations of Prince HenItate and local governments.
a« other btutea*.
ing nations at the turn of the century. Since hit the bull's eye, but it usually East River was broken#Iwt night, ry, the Navigator, who was continubut
Tke idea that profits, above six per cent.
manages to land very near. The
that rime, however. World War I and Wdrld latest survey reports that 60 per will bring It* consolation. It Is clear down the const of Africa,
tit be classed as "axce**" will strike mo*t
War II have pulled the nations closer to-1[<*nt of tbe Republicans voters can- enough now that from the very
Realizing that the earth wa«
tioa* as extremely radical. In fact,
I vassed favor the administration's
round, Columbus became convinced
I (orelgn policy The nation's preu against Lady [>uck. But It was In that the shortest route to India
dffing from some revelation* as to the practhe
harrowBy H. S. Sims, Jr.
The close cooperation of the two English- 'almost unanimously backs this pol- Ing game In series history, that she would be to sail west, rather than
jt« of corporations and their earning*, six
icy and favors repc»l of the Neuspeaking nation* Joday in the war against trality Act; and the press, as was proved herself a Jade. The Dodgers go around the continent of Africa. 1
unknown and without money. TREND IN WASHINGTON lants and other war materials
cent is onJy a starter.
won that game, no doubt about It,
totalitarian aggression and various move- shown in the last presidential cam- only to loee it by the palm of a this middle-aged man began look- J Q W A R D SMALLER ARMY are required-every fun that b
turned over to the Army is Juil
paign, Is approximately 80 per cent
[The limitation of corporate* profits would
I '"'."
f ftft '""*»"""
financial backer
—»—>.• 1n
••• order
ment* for even closer cooperation in the fu- Republican.. All things taken Into hand. It was not merely four run51 '"•
one less gun for those' countries •
hlfh Washington
tend to reduce the temptation to secure
actually fighting Otfmtny.
° "I
* w I T *, r e a U t y ; i " th«re Is a (rowing trend
ture testifies to the popularity of John Hay* consideration, It would seem that that skidded off Mickey Owen's I l M
3 h(1 p
since the Neutrality Act has been glove
nopolwtic control of various enterprise*,
- . _ . - but
L..L •_„
Z.Z. 1/
presented h b plans to John
And what asset would a Urge
all real, hope
of viM^rvi
great hope.
This trend is a result of Ule suc- ,irmy be to America? W*U, It
largely circumvented, it will be re- In the series, It was all very well
Portugal; John was Interested, but!
ill, the basic reason for the desire to
resistance and the would be of no value units* It wM
pealed as a matter of national hon- to talk of a rally on Monday, but
not interested enough.
realization that a largt U 8 Army :;ent over to the war for the purun a monopoly is to make more profits
trho could rally from a blow like
will take years to perftct.
i » « of fighting; of ««arse tk«
he Bpent wandering from one court!
there wouldn't be much use in making
people of the Units* Stats* d*n't
There » tome impatience in Great Britain, Reporta from underground sources In the end there w u glory enough to another. In these different
if they could not be paid to the stockfor two fine teams. The Dodgers, court* he was ridiculed, treated as< A r«»r H O «b«M government I w r i t Uib. Nevertheless, ieven Iff
in this country, over the failure of the ! of information in Italy tend to con- battling
- - • •the
- - people
.- decide
. . — . J - to
»- send
- . - J our
through ye»re of frustra- a beggar, ijeluded by false prom officials were compelled bj world
firm rumors of widespread dissatis•ers.
British to take the offensive in the west while faction and even rumblings of re- tion to a peak of form that had Ises, and betrayed.
j conditions to begin orfanislnf a army to the front, it will bj an
I frankly, w* have no idea that Mr. Morgenwhole nation Interested, made
But, finally, with the aid of a' large army. The picture »t that Impossibility to send t n effective
German soldiers are engaged in their stupen- volt in that unfortunate country- the
According to our informants, the a gallant effort. There Is something simple monk, this heartbroken man'time was very dark. Prance had fighting force for years to come.
' proposal wiH get very far. While on- dous struggle with the Red army.
But Enjlund and Rnstla dsnt
Italian people are war weary and about them that everybody loves; persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella I been overrun; England expected
Brooklyn's world of Mlght-Have- of Spain to help him In fitting out a German Invasion, and , Russia want as to send an arm; sver In
K the idea generally, we anticipate treCertain strategists declare that a golden want peace with Britain now. Fuel in
Been the
will remain forever
idous difficulties in it* execution. Be opportunity is being lost to create the "two- has been, added to the slowly rising heroes. The Yankees, champions an expedition His crew was made'was cooperating with the success- five reara. They ,\tri help Mm'.
Thtiy would rather hate our *rupheaval by Rome's admission thai
up of criminals who agreed to ful Nazi
> despite the talk of patriotism, there is front" war. They should add, however, that twtnty-ntne troop ships and 300,000 once more, step easily Into the make this dangerow voyage as an There' was the possibility that my'* equlpcutnt today, than w
Tal agreement that the end of business a "two-front" war requires . two armies able ton* of shipping bound for Libya have carved for them. And the rest alternative U> the Spanish dun - Hitler would be In control of the army and equipment tomorro*!
If we do not send all possible
have been sent, to the bottom by
I Profit and the way to increase production to hold against an enemy offensive.
British and Dutch submarines In of us, with a big sign, turn back
Only a strong and courageous months. This would leave UU! aid to the front now, there m«y
the past month.
man could have kept this crew of United States between two pow- not be a Russia when wo get
'" multiply profits, whether one want*
routine that becomes strangely
The question that confronts the British is
:ut-thrpats sailing toward what they erful navies with only a one- ready to go into action.
A dispatch Iron] Switzerland fur- humdrum. New York Tunes.
" munitions or peace-time goods.
believed to be certain death But|rcean navy to Intercept possible
not whether they can obtain a foothold on j tb £ r repor(a U m t Germany has orNot only will & until U S,
this man was strong, lie was cour- invasion u n both the Atlantic snd
the continent but whether they can maintain . dered Mussolini to declare martial
Army make more aid possible, to
Recognition of de Gaulle
ageous. and the success of this voy- j p a c |fl c
it, after they land. To attack, with insuffi- ties wide-police powers at the first Recognition of tile de Gaulllst age meant more lo him than any- Had they b;en able to land on England and Ru.toia but the released coii5~ilpti'Cb will help solv*
throw the thing else.
sign of revolt. According to Vlrglnlo movement would
uur shore at that time, half a the nation's labor shortage.
In the.long run," says Henry Morgenthau, cient forces, would be to present Germany
Finally, with mutiny in the sir,
Other Editors
Forward March!
rc £^^^r«\2A\rL%
Secretary of' the Treasury, "the worat sufft
> from inflation are farmers themselves." j
<• are not expert upon the subject but we
« some recollection* a* to what occurred
''21 and it i* our solemn opinion that
»poka a mouthful.
Plight of agriculture, in the United
*t(A after 1921, was deplorable. Farmers!
country can »til] testify to the blightourgo that bankrupted agriculture a*
""lustry. They should be very careful
|' u t c following (ha lure of excewive price*.
^ think the farmer* should concentrate
effort* upon the attainment of parity.
should resolutely oppose exorbitant
level* (or other service* and supplies.
'he only way to permanent prosperity
comforting to hear some leaders talk"bout new high prices for agricultural
""""Cities but farmers, before joining in
r> •.. L i Oayda, British agents are promot- weight of American prestige on the
side of those lighting for freedom
and the liberation of France, It
would, put French ships In American porU and French gold In American vaults within reach of the
It likewise
would opt=n fur th« Unittti Stattr
French colonial possessions In Afsprawling army to a more compact rica h*4d by the Free Fisnah forces
tack upon Germany upon the Western front, and efficient smaller army. The for air and naval bases.
but holding out the promise that "the quick- reason la primarily the ever-present There la no other logkal course
one ot "priorities." A huge army re- to pursue than to recall Ambassaer we get the hammers, the harder we shall quires
equipment—tanks, airplanes, dor Leahy from Vichy and send
automatic rifles, antl-atrcralt guns, him to the Free French National
e t c But there is a war going on Council in. London. The CoarferThe German*, it ia believed, have at least now, *nd British leaders have been Joarnal, LoiOttUle, K j .
500,000 men in the occupied area* of western 'c king the President to devote the
products ot the American arsenal
Religion In RiM*i*
Europe. To successfully attack this force to help the British and Russian
Washington Is conducting Intriarmies
woiild require numerical equality and heavy
cate dlplwnstlc maneuvers to inthey point out, we m a ; ml**
duce Russia to restore religious
mechanical preponderance, on land and in, boat entirely.
liberty. What political objectives
the air. To make a half-hearted attack would
He behind this campaign can be
BR1BT8: The President agrees only conjectured. The results may
be folly.
with Secretary ot the 1 Treasury be worth the effort, It the ImIsorgeathau that the government mense authority or the Human
should tax all profits abov* six per Catholic Church can be thrown
the Axis.
Some indication of the progress of rearma- cent ot capital Invested. The chanc- against
But who is so naive that he
es thst Congress will agree to Uil#
ment i* to be found in the report of Robert are slim during peacetime, hut this will take wrlouily any concasC. Patterson, Under-Secretary of War, whowill be changed, when and It shoot- nlons to religion* sentiment that
. Big man'utacturiiuj Stalin can now be persuaded to
t around the clock maksf When tlw devil nted* help
« * • *•* • « f ™ ' 1 ™ cottA*[ Uo%" """i
o n t need salesmen' to « U their he'U pay say pries to get It.
have Garand «mi-auton>anc rtne, % next dproducts
to D a d s 0aat. Young men Stalin would keep hi* bargain s o l /
•tarttog their carters would do well as long u it ssr«*d the purpose.—
has bean <KMM •igument about to sssa other fields than i^etman- Newark
shjn . . . The rite In
in living
Uvtn* ooste,
with an opportumty to another British | l n g r e v o l l ] t i o n ta I t a ] y a n d \ BUC.
cessful, will replace Mussolini as
head of the state wlUi Crown Prince
Recent speculation has been increased by pubert.
an article in a Lor\don newspaper by Wur
David Margeuon, seemingly dis- According to sources CIOSB to the
White Hoir.e, the President Is concourtfing the likelihood of any imipediate at- sidering a shift from a large,
' »nand, should rely upon the-sound adexpert, who«* their prob, !
They should p . u « , just long enough
'" the void** of tho put which will re<Kem of the bard w*d they travellqd
tha merit* o* the Garaad rife, wort
to be one Issue (Of poll-
• •
Spike, a St. Bejmrd
— — ' - ^"-mWM
soldiers could
tills great leader promised his crew have taken ov«r the country
to sail home If land was not sighted Thus, a strong land force was
within three daye.
needed to delend
the United
Before the three days 'were up. States against a poMlble invasion
however, land was sighted- it was
y»n Salvador, In the Bahamas.' But the Invasion
period had
T i n t day, October 12, I-UKJ. became 1
11 historical landmark
Columbus' stronger; the courageous speeches
had discovered America!*
«, Columbu*fled,he ^ ^ ^ ^ Z X Z ^ ^
fl the two-ocean
cred a failure, for . sfter jwhen
Navy It com
four trips to the New World h« had pitted.
not succeeded In finding a western
And, It should also be remem
route to India, He did not realise
bered that before Hitler can look
that he had discovered a new world
enviously across the Atlantic, lie
and that this was an infinitely
must trample down the Russian
gritaUtr discovery than a new route
to India
In other words, before Uiil»r
He had made the most msnurcan f a n e s ths United l i U t u he
able voyage In history, yet he dlotj
SHst defeat BastU, consolidate hU
broken In spirit and in health and
gain*, ao4 Nearer Iron the w»r
without recognition.
a* most a*fe*4 Eofland and reToday, Columbus Day takes a
cover I and then he must m»k« ar
new meaning. The. KnglUh. Rusnuifemsnts (or Mwsasrtuif
sian and Chinese people, and the
Urge army to the United tttalcs
people in the conquered territories,
•utd *rranf« tor Maintaining them
Jlut think what "twice u uiiaoll .
pay and half as n u n ; wl(ll*»" •
would do fur thr murale of Alhrrl,*!
A small army now would me»J)
that afltr the national emJrge|Kj£'*
there would be no problem Of d W "
missing Jitldirr;, and having them
Join the ranks of the unemployed.
Another Ihinf a larfc *nHT C*8
turn a democracy Into * dlotalar,hi)>--hlstory t«llfles to the Wrll •
of (rwdoms la a coantry with a '
Urge army.
On the other hand, no
liow large die U. 3. sir torceMtVT , umci, no matter hoiv much lh(
U. S, Navy to enlsrgstj, there. JfcJ^, |
no (ltin«ei of the American pto-,
pie losing the right to .
themselves. Th«t«for«, 1st It*
rect all uur eflorls now
defeatuig Hitler by supplying
land and R u u k ; 1st Ul aJao
up our eir force, our navy,
production of war materials far
future ufety and prettige ot
one that will 'take at least rive United States.
the arsenal" that Is now dedicated,
to end totalitarian aggretsion.
As for «ar snaf.' «
Thug, it appears nbgurb lor any
m e to argue that the United rsdaood U on* mlQfen sr
BUMS may be Intruded before our seaWy. B*t
U « waWow»ri A h l g s w
The building of Oft? new re- two*oeean Navy is completed.
my *f SkUM mtOuom
flnerlw, at a cost of «1».000.000,
Is being ooosldsTed In order to If a large army Ic iw longer mind trsinlni with misdaji'
trtbfe the output ot 100-octane ne*d*d for protection agtihtb In- It
syitjtyon gssojlne, Scorttary Ickas vasion, left focus our attention
u y s Wist the praunt producUon on ths part a large army plays In Osraan army flf»» trataa*
" " s tv and that dsftsting must.