Document 54190

St Mary’s Catholic Parish Community
185 Billinghurst Crescent,
Upper Coomera Qld 4209
PO Box 219 Upper Coomera QLD 4209
Telephone: (07) 5529 9144
Fax: (07) 5529 9644
Email: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri: 9am to 1pm
Office closed on Tuesdays
Parish Priest
Fr Antony Vadakara CMI
Parish Office: 5529 9144
Presbytery: 5573 0341
Mob: 0457 838 770
Email:[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Mrs Helena McKenna
Telephone: 5529 9144
Email: [email protected]
Baptism & Marriage Enquiries
Parish Office: 5529 9144
Finance Council Chairperson
Gerry Conway - 0417786954
Pastoral Council Chairperson: Tom McGuire
Pastoral Council Vice Chairperson: Jeff Sommers
5546 6899
Youth & Children’s Ministry Coordinators
Susan Ryan: 0433031637
Pastoral Care Coordinator
John Lynch: 5577 8841
Adults Becoming Catholic (R.C.I.A.)
Mrs Anne Cheung: 5577 9489
St Vincent de Paul help line
Telephone: 5561 4702
Centacare Family Counselling Services
Telephone: 5527 7211
Jubilee Primary School
Principal: David Sewell 5502 8566
Out of School Hours Care
Cassie Walkerden 5573 7726
Assisi Catholic College
Principal: Dora Luxton 5656 7100
Out of School Hours Care
Robyn Smith 5580 5648
St Mary’s Play Group
Anthea : 0416431333
St Mary’s Childcare Centre
Telephone: 5502 3014 or Email below
[email protected]
Saturday: 6pm - St. Mary’s Worship Centre
Sunday: 7.30am & 9am - St. Mary’s
Worship Centre
5pm - Jubilee Primary School Hall
Indonesian Mass 4th Sunday of each month
at 3pm followed by refreshments
(plate to share)
Saturday 5.00 to 5.30 pm (SMC); or anytime
by appointment
SMC = St Mary’s Church, Upper Coomera
Monday 18th November
9.30am-noon Playgroup - CWC
10am Mass - Arcare Residential
Aged Care Facility
Next Week’s Communion & Liturgy Ministers
Saturday November 23rd 6pm Mass: Marie Eason & Bernadette Chinia (Communion).
Greg Casey & Marina Guillaume (Readers). Power Point Bev
Sunday November 24th 7.30am Mass: Alex Navarro & Karin Olson (Communion). Beryl
Robertson & Corinne Tench (Readers). Power Point Karen
Sunday November 24th 9am Mass: Tony & Carmel Naidoo (Communion). Ethan &
Katherine Pinto (Readers). Power Point Clara
Sunday November 24th 5pm Mass: Gerda Moeller (Communion). Jill Bulgin & Monica
Live (Readers). Power Point Judith
*If for any reason you are unavailable for your rostered Mass, can you please ring around
and try to find a replacement for yourself.
Tuesday 19th November
9.30am-noon Playgroup - CWC
6pm Rosary - SMC
Break Open the Word
Any Liturgy Minister who wishes to purchase a copy of Break Open the Word Year A, we
have some copies available for the reduced price of $10.
There are only 8 copies so it will be first come, first served. Please call the parish office
5529 9144 during opening hours if you would like a copy.
Wednesday 20th November
Thank you!
Please remember the sick in your prayers:
6pm Mass - SMC
Parishioners and Friends:
Thursday 21st November
Tracey Hastie, Sophie Hastie, Carmel Bannister, Kathryn Tuxworth, Amy Rose
Poynting, Carmel Donnelly, Pat Garrett, Richard Newman, Peter Hegarty, Alfred,
Sharee MacKay, Janette Lovrincevic, Sue Bagenal, Carl Mason, Molly Cook, Kevin
Partridge, Sr. Patricia Hallam, Marjory Beutel
St James Park: Lia, Vic, June, Tasma, Eileen
9.15am Morning Prayer - SMC
9.30am Mass - SMC
Friday 22nd November
9.15am Morning Prayers - SMC
9.30am Mass - SMC
Gold Coast Homestead - Nursing Centre:
Betty, Michael, Christine, Mary M, Audrey, Anne, Mary S, John D, John C, Lydia,
Aniela, Beryl, John Corvai, Catharina, Barbara, Liala, Kevin, Brian, Victoria, Mick
Gold Coast Homestead - The Lodge Joy, Joan, Mary, Eileen
Arcare Residential Aged Care Facility: Val, Eileen, Elizabeth, Shirley, Bev,
Norman, Klara, Peter, Theresia, Doris, Priscilla, Robyn, Phyllis, Fred, Maria
Please pray for eternal rest to be given to:
Recently deceased: Reg Naidoo
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Coomera - Hazel Webber 0422000859
Jubilee Mass Contact
Robin & Coral Lancaster 5665 7037
Anniversaries and remembrances: Touchard Le Cordier Ross, Beverley Mary
Liturgy Rosters (Ministers of Word and
Mr Bill Cole: 5530 1889
Birthday Remembrances:
Music Co-ordinator
Marianna Moes:
Please contact Linda McGrath on 0416 078 458
If you wish to have a loved ones name mentioned in the Parish bulletin for
Anniversary, Remembrance or prayers for the sick, please contact the Parish office.
Focolare Contact:
Sarah Gardner: 5501 9445
Note: All prayers for the sick, anniversary & death notices will remain in the bulletin
for one month.
Next weeks Readings
Malachi 3:19-20
2 Thessalonian 3:7-12
Lk 21: 5-19
Envelopes to request Masses to be offered for the sick, dying, deceased or special
intentions are available in the foyer. Mass cards are available from the Piety Stall.
Words to Live by
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ
has forgiven you.
( Eph 4:32)
Born to Eternal Life
Reg Naidoo
Kindness: wanting the good of others. It means ‘making ourselves one’ with
them, approaching them being completely empty of ourselves, of our own interests, our
own ideas, of the many preconceptions that cloud our vision, to take on ourselves their
burdens, their needs, their sufferings, and to share in their joys.
Our prayers are with Stanley,
Bernanette & all the Naidoo & Chinia
It means entering into the hearts of the people we meet in order to understand
their mindset, their culture, their traditions, so as to make them, in a certain sense, our
own, and really understand what they need and be able to discern those values God has
planted in the heart of every person. In a word: kindness means to live for whoever is
near us.
Tender-heartedness: welcoming others as they are, not as we would like them to
be, with a different character, with our political views or our religious convictions, and
without those faults and habits that annoy us so much. No, we need to expand our
hearts and make them able to welcome everyone, with their differences, their shortcomings and troubles.
Saturday Nov 30th, 7.30 -10.00am
Weeding, pruning and general tidy up in
preparation for Christmas.
Please bring garden gloves, tools and
something to share for morning tea.
Meditation by Chiara Lubich Foundress of Focolare (Work of Mary)
Special Collection Next Weekend
The Peter’s Pence Collection is an annual collection of the Catholic Church around the
Monday & Tuesday Play Group
The collection allows the Holy Father to respond to the most needy throughout the
world, to offer timely, effective emergency assistance to our suffering brothers and
The Monday & Tuesday playgroup are
looking for parents with young children
to come along and join in the fun.
In our Parish this collection will be done NEXT WEEKEND.
It is a great way for parents & young
children to meet new friends.
The Annual Memorial Mass to celebrate the lives of deceased Christian Brothers,
Nudgee Old Boys and Members of the Nudgee Family will be celebrated
in the College Chapel on Saturday 30th November at 7.30am.
The playgroup runs every Monday &
Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am here at St.
Mary’s Worship Centre during the
school year.
All Members of the Nudgee Family are welcome. Breakfast follows.
New Life
CCR Brisbane celebrates "NEW LIFE" on 23 Nov 2013 at CCR Centre, Corner of
Nudgee and Fraser Roads, Northgate. 10am – 1pm including talk / presentations,
Mass by Fr Francis Onwunali and shared lunch.
Enquiries: Miriam 3202 6856
You know that at the
end of earth-time,
every thing will be
Be sure there is a monument
to your earth-love in heaven.
Listen to
Talk to someone about your vocation, contact the Vocation Office:
(07) 3336 9203.
[email protected]
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ABN 99705246938
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Phone: 07 5556 0134 Fax 07 5556 0468
Moving House, Spring Clean, Exterior etc....
Call Heru or Michelle on 0430 056 718
If you are new to our Community OR there are changes to your
information please complete this slip and place in the collection plate
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________
Mobile _________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Thank You for completing this form
Mass Attended
SUN 9 am
SUN 5 pm