Diocese of Charleston Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Mission Statement

Diocese of Charleston
1061 Folly Road
Charleston, South Carolina 29412
Third Sunday of Easter
May 4, 2014
Mission Statement
We strive to be a faith-centered, Catholic community. By virtue of Baptism, we are called forth to minister to one another the Gospel message of Jesus
Christ through education, evangelization, social justice and ecumenism. We reach out in love, respect
and support for all as we seek to do the will of God.
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil
Mon, Tues, Wed
Emmaus Amazement
Today’s Gospel has some surprises for the disciples going to Emmaus. The first is that Luke tells us Jesus appeared to them, “but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him” (Luke 24:16). More likely, they were prevented
by their lack of faith. They knew that Jesus had died, so
this man who looked familiar couldn’t be him. All they had
heard was that Jesus’ body was missing from the tomb.
That leads to the second point. They were amazed at how
Jesus explained the scriptures. Even the disciples had not
thought of them as predicting Jesus’ suffering and death.
Yet they seem to know the truth of what Jesus was saying. Their story can help us, too.
If you find you are not always able to see Jesus in the
people or events of your life, you may need to stretch
your faith. One way to do that is to discuss it with others.
The two disciples were stretching their faith as they discussed what they had heard. Your faith will grow as
you learn to express it.
Another way to stretch your faith is to read and pray
over the scriptures. Ask what God is trying to tell you in
them. The disciples on the way to Emmaus began to see
how Jesus fulfilled the promises found there.
Ask God to help you see Jesus in other people. Receive
Jesus in Communion as often as you can (at least once a
week). Trust him and expect to see Jesus both in people
around you and in the changes that come into your life.
The more you look for Jesus, the easier it is to see him.
….Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
5:30 pm
9:00 and 11:30 am
5:15 pm
9:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:15 to 5:00 pm and by Appointment
Weekday Rosary in the Church
Mon, Tues, Wed
4:50 pm
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Office: 843-795-3821 / Fax: 843-795-2714
e-mail: [email protected]
website: www.nativitycharleston.org
May Procession and
The Parish School of Religion May
Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary will
be in the School Hall on Sunday, May
4th at 10:45 am.
This devotion is the closing event for the
2013-2014 PSR year.
All are invited to attend
Nursery: Is available for children age 6 weeks to 4 yrs
old during the 9:00 am Mass. It is located at the right
hand side of the school’s breezeway entrance. For more
information or to volunteer to help, please contact
Jennifer Bunn at [email protected] or 795-3821.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Is offered to 4
year olds through 5th graders during the 9:00 am Mass on
Sundays. Children are dismissed after the opening
prayers and re-join their parents for the Liturgy of the
Religious Education Programs: Nativity School
serves students enrolled in grades K4 through 8. The
Parish School of Religion (PSR) is offered for other parish
children, grades K4 through 8. PSR classes are held in
the School Building from 10:00 to 11:15 am on Sunday
mornings during the school year. To register, please
contact Mary Smith at 795-3821 x 24.
Creating Safe Environments: All volunteers who
minister in programs involving the children of Nativity
Parish/School are required to complete screenings and
awareness/prevention training (VIRTUS). For more
information, please contact Mary Smith at 795-3821 x 24.
Pastor: Rev. Thomas Kingsley
[email protected], 795-3821
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Janet Chafe
[email protected], 795-3821 x 21
Financial Secretary: Mrs. Carolyn Miller
[email protected], 795-3821 x 22
Religious Education: Mrs. Mary L. Smith
[email protected], 795-3821 x 24
Music Director:
[email protected], 795-3821
School Principal: Mrs. Patti Dukes
[email protected], 795-3975
School EDP Director: Ms. Darice Norton,
[email protected], 762-2498
Pastoral Council: Mrs. Claire Bergstrom (Chair)
[email protected]
Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services:
843-853-2130 x 209
Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister:
Baptism: To schedule a Baptism preparation class, a
parent should be an active parishioner. For more
information, contact Mary Smith at 795-3821 x 24.
Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First
Eucharist and Confirmation: A two year
preparation period is required for these sacraments. If
you would like to have your child receive the sacraments
of First Reconciliation and Eucharist in the 2nd grade, the
child must have participated in a 1st grade PSR or
Catholic school program. If you plan to have your child
receive the sacrament of Confirmation in the 8th grade,
the child must have participated in a 7th grade PSR or
Catholic school program. For more information please
contact Mary Smith at 795-3821 x 24
An Active Parishioner
is registered with the parish for at least 3 months,
attends liturgies weekly
makes regular and identifiable contributions using parish
the priest at least six months prior to the proposed
wedding date. Please contact the parish office at 7953821.
These criteria are used to verify parishioner status for
weddings, sponsor certificates for Baptism and Confirmation, and to receive parishioner tuition rates at Catholic
schools. An extended time with no activity will place a
person or family on inactive status.
Care of the Sick and Homebound: We care
Please be an active parishioner
Sacrament of Marriage: Couples need to contact
about you. To arrange for a pastoral visit, please contact
the parish office at 795-3821.
For Parish Pre-Registration,
Parishioner Contact Information Changes
or to learn more about Nativity
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): is
a program for adults who wish to become Catholics. For
information or to register please contact the parish office
at 795-3821.
Please provide the appropriate information and drop this
into the Offertory basket so we can contact you.
New Parishioners: Welcome to our parish family! To
register with our parish, please fill out a registration form
located at www.nativitycharleston.org. Forms are also
located at the church entrances. For more information,
please call the parish office at 843-795-3821.
Please support our Advertisers
whose funding makes this bulletin possible.
Good Friday Collection
for support of the Holy Land
Offerings for April 26-27
$ 10,967.00
$ 11,346.00
$ - 379.00
Registered Households
Envelopes Used
Offerings for April 19-20
$ 11,346.00
$ - 3,246.25
Registered Households
Envelopes Used
Special Offerings for Easter
$ 15,580.00
Envelopes Used
Continued Next Column ----->>
Liturgical Ministers for May 10-11
5:30 pm Mass
Marina Churchill,
Mary & Paul Tew
Patrick Beebe, Nathanael Borick,
Doom Dennis
Ernest Bergstrom, Debbie Blalock,
Ashley Dale, Eileen Easler,
Terry Harris, Lamar Watkins,
Maritza Zeisel,
Claire Bergstrom
Emmett Alphonse, Jon Benthal,
Donald Blevins, Leroy Holseberg
9:00 am Mass
Horner Family,
Knight Family
Joseph Hart, Kathleen Hart,
Kevin Hart
Lisa Kynoski, John Lavelle,
Patricia Palmer, Hal Perry,
David Puchir, Daniel Suggs,
Tamme Suggs
Amber C. Knight
Jim Anderson, Richard Bragiel,
Jerry English, Randall Lannie
11:30 am Mass
Ann & Joe Ginn
Sheila Griner
Carly Duffy, Finn Duffy,
Owen Duffy
Laurie Charles, Karen Cellars,
Matt Cellars, Susie Delorme,
Pam Everitt, Patty Edwards,
Ann Ginn
Eric Zolman
Chuck Everitt, Joe Ginn,
Barry Lingenfelter, Gilbert O'Brien
Please arrange for a substitute if you are
unable to fulfill your ministry as scheduled
Special collection for Catholic
Home Missions Appeal $,807.00
Please use your envelopes.
If you need envelopes, call the parish office at 795-3821.
For Members of our Community who
have requested our prayers
Recently Added: Stella Megna
From previous months: Melissa Baker, Allene Barans,
Beverly Blevins, Herman Connor, Nora Faust, Benji
Griner, Angela Harbuta, Jimmy Johnston, Linda Kay,
Mary Lobianco, Jeannie Moore, Daniel Nail, Nancy Nixon,
Marjorie O’Brien, Sherrill O’Brien, Ed and Terry Pop, Danny Pritchard, Stephen Reyes, Austin Taylor, Deborah
For our service men and women and
their families throughout the world.
For Members of our Community who
have recently lost loved ones
To have names added or removed from these lists,
please contact the parish office at [email protected]
or 795-3821.
Mass Intentions for this Week
5:30 pm Celebration of canonization of
Pope John XXIII, patron of
K of C Council 6250
9:00 am Lynda McGuire
11:30 am For the people of Nativity
5:15 pm
5:15 pm
5:15 pm Alice Herrmann +
9:30 am Roger J. Wilkie +
7:00 pm For the Newly Confirmed
5:30 pm Jim & Marie Donovan +
9:00 am Celebration of canonization of
Pope John XXIII, patron of
K of C Council 6250
11:30 am Carlos De La Ossa +
Envelopes for Mass Intentions
are at the church entrances. Please fill one out and put it
in the collection basket. Please include your telephone
number in case your requested date is unavailable.
Nativity School is accepting applications
for grades K4 through 8 for the 2014-2015
school year. Please contact the school office at 795-3975. We will gladly mail you an information
packet and schedule a time for you to visit our wonderful school, talk with teachers and staff and
take a tour of our campus. For more information please visit our website at www.nativity-school.com
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Through HALOS Summer Camp
program, we provide funds to
make sure children can enjoy their
summer break and that their caregivers can rest assured
that they are safe during the work day.
Summer is a time when kids should be kids, and the HALOS Summer Camp program provides this opportunity to
the children in the community who need it the most.
We will be accepting donations after the Masses
These children appreciate your generosity
James Island Outreach is located at 1853 Maybank Highway (Bethany United Methodist Church) and is the collaborative effort of the
Churches of James Island to offer services to
our neighbors in need.
One of the ministries is a
food pantry for the poor of James Island. The Food Pantry
is open 3 days a week from 9:30 to11:30 am and is operated by volunteers from James Island Churches. Each
church concentrates on one particular nonperishable food
item each month. There is a jelly church, a cereal church,
etc. Nativity is the “soup” church. We ask that you add
a can or two of soup to your regular food donation.
Food Collection
The Weekend of May 17 & 18)
Containers will be placed at the church entrances.
Please deliver all items to the church by 12:30 pm
If you are interested in volunteering at the James Island
Outreach, please call Claire Bergstrom, 795-5265.
Junior Camp Counselors are needed for our Annual
Summer Camp starting June 9th and continuing through
August 15th, 2014. This a great job for students who enjoy young children, outdoor activities and high energy
days! Qualified applicants must be at least 15 years of
age and able to work Monday through Friday for the duration of Summer Camp.
Skills Instructors: Are you a scratch golfer? Can you knit
a sweater? Do you work in an exciting field? Nativity EDP
Summer Camp Needs You!
We are looking for dedicated adults to teach a class to
our campers ages 4 through 14. Our classes generally
run for one hour per day for a week or once a week for
one month. Classes can be tailored for specific age
groups and can be held indoors or out.
Skills of interest include tennis, golf, softball, soccer, sewing, cake decorating, crafts, knitting, crochet, dance, gymnastics, gardening, photography, yoga, chess, fencing,
voice, guitar. A stipend will be paid to instructors.
All who work with youth must complete the “Creating Safe Environments Program”.
For more information on “Creating Safe Environments” please contact Mary Smith
at 795-3821 ([email protected]).
For more information, please contact Darice Norton at
[email protected], (843) 224-2498 or 795-3975
Vacation Bible School June 23-27, 2014
Mon through Friday, 9:00 am to noon. If you can help us,
please contact Ryckie Watkins at 795-4194
([email protected]) or Mary Smith at 795-3821
([email protected]). All adult volunteers who
work with youth must complete the “Creating Safe Environments Program”. For more information please contact
Mary Smith.
Mark Your Calendars!!! Save the Date!!!
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