FEBRUARY 12, 2012 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastoral Team Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Community welcomes all searching for God while growing together in faith by God’s grace through prayer, service and sharing. 2270 S. Oneida Street w w w . n a t i v i Green Bay, Wisconsin t y p a r i s h . c o m Pastor Fr. John H. Harper Social Concerns Director Deacon Michael Schmidt Pastoral Associate Laurie Johnson Worship Director Wayne Efferson Faith Formation Director Jamie Whalen Faith Formation Coordinator Andrea Sabor Coordinator of Youth Ministry Peter Leitermann Parish Staff Faith Formation Secretary Charmaine Berchmans Office Assistant Danielle Berchmans Housekeeper Mary Greene Accountant/IT Specialist Vicki Matuszak Business Administrator Paul Muhs Early Childhood Coordinator Heidi Stubb Secretary Mary Troge Maintenance Supervisor Mike Wightman Confirmation Facilitator Christine Wolf Parish Office Hours ........ Monday-Friday 8 am-4 pm Phone ............................. (920)499-5156 Fax ................................... (920)429-9285 E-mail ..... [email protected] Faith Formation Office Phone ............................. (920)499-6012 Mass Schedule Monday & Thursday .............. 9:00 am ............ (Communion Prayer Service) Tuesday & Friday ................... 9:00 am Wednesday ............................ 8:00 am Weekend................ Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am & 10:15 am Holy Day ...........................Eve 6:30 pm, Day 9:00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 pm or by appointment. Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 9:30 am-3:00 pm FEBRUARY 12, 2012 • PAGE 2 A PARISH STEWARDSHIP fter using the following prayer by Thomas Merton last weekend, I had a number of requests that it be printed in the bulletin. February 4th & 5th, 2012 Sacrificial Offering .............................. $11,692.00 Loose Offertory.................................... 860.00 Auto Bank Withdrawal ........................ 3,585.00 Total ..................................................... $16,137.00 To meet our budget, we need an average of $16,000.00 each week. My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I do believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. Vision and Spirit .................................. Maint. & Improvement ........................ $885.00 $809.00 As of March 1st we will be offering Online Giving for parishioners who prefer to donate through automatic draft. Online Giving is a secure and personalized way to give to the parish. Online Giving can stand on its own as a means of donation or can be used in conjunction with your offering envelopes. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at www.nativityparish.com after March 1st. BAPTISMS: Parents may schedule their child’s baptism after they have completed a two-part preparation program. Call the Parish Office at least 60 days before Baptism for interview and preparation session. 2012 BAPTISM DATES: April 15th, May 13th, and June 17th. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: (following 8:30 AM Mass—See Dates Listed Below) This Sacrament is offered to anyone in need of Christ’s healing touch. The Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament for those who are in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. Think of friends and loved ones who may want to receive this sacrament and invite them to this Mass. CATHOLIC YOUTH EVANGELIZER SPIRITUS Evangelization Ministry is seeking passionate Catholics, 21-29 years of age, who want to ignite the faith of thousands of young Catholics. SPIRITUS evangelizes through dynamic youth, young adult and retreat ministry. Team members live in community and travel to parishes and schools throughout Wisconsin. Team members receive training, formation, spiritual direction, lodging, food, a monthly allowance, health insurance and a $2,000 stipend upon completion of the 9-month program. This is an awesome opportunity to serve our Lord and help young Catholics grow in faith. The only requirement is love for God and the Catholic faith. For more information and an application, please visit us at www.spiritusonline.org. You can also contact Leah Thibodeau, SPIRITUS Recruiter, at [email protected] or (920) 722-8918. 2012 ANOINTING OF THE SICK DATES: March 25th, July 29th, September 30th, December 30th. RCIA—Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Do you want to know more about the Catholic faith? Are you or someone you know interested in becoming baptized or confirmed as a Catholic? For more information about this process call Wayne Efferson (490-1352, ext. 206) or [email protected]. MARRIAGE PREP WORKSHOP DATES: (These are preferred dates. Couples may sign-up for any of the workshops once you have had the first meeting with the priest). SCRIP Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Why not pick up a Parmentier Floral Gift card to buy flowers for someone you love...or maybe a restaurant certificate for a night out, Marcus Theater gift cards to continue the evening, and Family Video cards to keep the kids entertained. You want it, we have it! Check us out after Mass in the narthex. Buy what you'll use and be a good steward for Nativity at the same time. Thanks for your support! DATE WEDDINGS IN MONTHS OF: April 28, 2012 September, October, November, & December 2012, and January 2013 CRISIS CENTER 436-8888 2 PREGNANCY HOTLINE 433-9955 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • PAGE 3 RELIGION EDUCATION SESSIONS CONTINUE CATHOLIC HEART WORK CAMP Tuesday, February 14, 6:30-7:30 PM—Gr. 1-5 Wednesday, February 15, 6:30-8:00 PM—Gr. 6-11 Join Catholic Heart Work Camp or an EPIC SERVICE MISSION TRIP where you will LOVE, SERVE & CONNECT. Step out of your comfort zone, laugh out loud, sing to the Lord, interact with new people, play hard, pray hard, and work hard! Projects at this camp include: 3 summer bible school programs, neighborhood clean up, Soup Kitchen, Outreach East, Food Bank, fixing and painting homes and more! WHO: Youth currently in Grades 9-12 WHEN: July 14 – 21, 2012 WHERE: Davison, Michigan COST: $465.00 (includes transportation, housing, meals, t-shirt & snacks) FUNDRAISING AVAILABLE! Looking ahead, Wednesday, February 22 is Ash Wednesday. There will be no Religion Education sessions Tuesday, February 21, or Wednesday, February 22. All families are encouraged to attend Mass at 9 AM or 6:30 PM on Ash Wednesday, or one of the Prayer Services with Distribution of Ashes (6:45 AM or Noon). Clean clothes are something many of us take for granted. For others, having the cash needed for a trip to a Laundromat can be a strain. Please consider a donation that will allow Nativity’s Social Concerns Commission to provide vouchers for area Laundromats to families in need. Children and youth can bring donations to Faith Formation classes this week, or next weekend at Mass. Poor winter conditions sometimes make cancellations necessary. For Religion Ed. Sessions, please know that if public school classes are cancelled for the day, then there will be no Religion Ed. Sessions that evening. Late starts will not affect evening sessions. If weather worsens during the day, call the Religion Education office at 499-6012; notification of any cancellation will also appear on the major TV stations. Click on the “Faith Formation” tab at www.nativityparish.com for the Religion Education session schedule, or contact Charmaine Berchmans (490-1352 ext. 102) for more information. EXTREME FAITH CAMP Get ready for a summer to remember! Extreme Faith Camp offers a week of outdoor recreation, including, swimming, canoeing, archery, and fun recreational activities. Teens will also grow in their faith as they discover God’s Love through dynamic speakers, awesome praise and worship music, daily Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! WHO: Youth currently in Grades 6-8 WHEN: June 11-15, 2012 WHERE: Camp Tekawitha, Shawano, WI COST: $270.00 FUNDRAISING AVAILABLE! MEN AND WOMEN’S NIGHT OUT Featuring Bishop Robert Morneau Thursday, March 1, 2012 Rock Garden Supper Club, Green Bay STUBENVILLE NORTH YOUTH CONFERENCE The Westside Green Bay Catholic Churches present the annual “Men and Women’s Night Out” Thursday, March 1, 2012 at the Rock Garden Supper Club, 1951 Bond St., Green Bay. Bishop Robert Morneau, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay and Pastor at Resurrection Parish, will be the featured speaker for this event. Join Bishop Bob as he examines the topic “Who do we turn to, to deal with the big questions of life?” Social hour with a cash cocktail bar begins at 5:00 PM, followed by dinner at 6:00 PM and Bishop Morneau’s presentation. The cost is $16.00 per person; singles, couples, and groups are welcome. Registration forms are available at all church entrances. Pre-registration is required by Thursday, February 23, 2012. There are still a few spots available for this dynamic youth conference! WHO: Youth currently in Grades 8-12 WHEN: July 27-29, 2012 COST: $265.00 Please Contact Peter Leitermann for more information and Registration Materials St. Agnes Office (920) 494-6450 Nativity Office (920) 499-6012 WELCOME HOME Welcome Home in conjunction with the Green Bay Catholic Diocese will offer training for anyone interested in the experience of incarceration and parole. It will be held at Bona Hall off Riverside Drive on February 18, 2012 from 8:30 to Noon. This training will give an overview of the correctional system, personal witness to the reality of living life behind bars and the many challenges to successful re-entry back into our community. At the end of the session, there will be a question and answer period and brainstorming the future of helping those recently released from prison or jail to our community. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Soup and Substance, our Lenten program, is scheduled for March 8, 15 and 22 at 6:00 PM. We begin with a simple meal of soup, bread and dessert, followed by the “substance”, a speaker on a Lenten topic. BLAH-BEATER BUNCO HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED! Thursday, February 23rd, 6:00 PM in the Narthex The cost of the training is $5.00 if completed by Friday, February 10, 2012. Otherwise, the cost will be $7.00 at the door. The training is partially funded by the Bishop’s Appeal. Please contact Orrie Kotecki at (715) 927-5991 or for a registration form or to register by phone. Unfortunately, Blah-Beater Bunco was cancelled in Jan. because of the weather. Please call the office (499-5156) to sign up again to come on February 23rd. We’ll have fun, food, prizes and socializing! If you don’t know how to play Bunco, we’ll teach you! 3 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD PARISH • GREEN BAY • PAGE 4 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION February 12, 2012 Congratulations to the couples celebrating 25, 40, 50, 55, or more years of marriage during 2012. On behalf of the whole parish, the Pastoral Team, and the Family Life Commission, thank you for your faithfulness in love and for your witness to us. May the God of Love continue to bless you. May your devotion and love continue to deepen through the years. 67 YEARS Elsie and Lawrence Sikowski (59) Alveda and John Yashinsky (59) Lois and Jerry Fletcher (58) Lorraine and Robert Fronsee (58) Marlene and Jerome Kuskowski (58) Lois and Gerald Ravet (58) Audrey and Myron Rentmeester (58) Rose and James Diring (57) Ann and Clarence Gajeski (57) Helen and Duane Huss (57) Gladys and Tony Ledvina (57) Audrey and Joe Leisgang (57) Patricia and James Miller (57) Charlotte and Richard Nelson (57) Margeurite and Earl Patton (57) Donna and Gerald Puissant (57) Beverly and Robert Sitka (57) Ann and Floyd Skochinski (57) Monica and Loren Spaude (57) Betty and Leroy Stevens (57) Patricia and Dcn. Glenn Teske (57) Jean and Gerald Vander Velden (57) Rosemarie and Martin Wied (57) Donna and Martin Beno (56) Patricia and George Detampel (56) Carole and William Greatens (56) Evelyn and Leonard Hodkiewicz (56) Lorraine and Peter Klarkowski (56) Evelyn and Robert Rausch (56) Alice and Levi Roskom (56) Lois and Donald Smits (56) Rose Ann and Gerald Van Lanen (56) Patricia and Harold Wenninger (56) Mary and Ronald Wichman (56) Nancy and Charles Yost (56) Henry and Beverly Van Munn 60-66 YEARS Marjorie and Robert Servais (66) Adele and Marvin VandenHeuvel (64) Adeline and Leonard Wisneski (64) Audrey and Clayton Burckle (63) Frances and Tony Frigo (63) Dorothy and Art Vogel (63) June and Francis Anderson (62) Carol and Richard Bachmann (62) Bernice and Alvin Gigot (62) LaVerne and Robert Kriescher (62) Lorraine and Merlin Lardinois (62) Rita and Ben Mach (62) Darlene and Wayne Bogart (61) Betty and Cletus Brown (61) Sylvia and Roy Gerrits (61) Helen and Samuel Lemley (61) Alice and Jerry Plog (61) Barbara and Jim Reignier (61) Doreen and James Roarty (61) Delores and Howard Schweitzer (61) Jackie and Ed Seyler (61) 56-59 YEARS Marie and Richard Burkard (59) Arlene and Bernard Ebben (59) Charmaine and Ronald Ehlen (59) Phyllis and Don Gajeski (59) Sally and Donald Hecker (59) Mary and Charles Ingold (59) Pat and Roger Mohr (59) Carol and David Rhode (59) 4 FEBRUARY 12, 2012 • PAGE 5 55 YEARS (40 yrs. continued) Pamela and Donald Stelzer Deborah and Anthony Vicario Elizabeth and Ronald Vieau Phyllis and Daryl Vincent Nancy and Dennis Zirbel Marjorie and Jules Bader Dorothy and Marvin Bertrand LaVonne and James Bogart Donna and George Garrity Donna and Robert Hendricks Ted and Jane Houle Florence and Roy Kipke Shirley and Walter Kotarek Mary and Jerry Menne Cecelia and Anton Rowinsky Beatrice and Karl Rudolph Sharon and Tom Thelen ♥25 YEARS Frances and Alva Beams Roxanne and Larry Blochowiak Nancy and Dale De Laruelle Cynthia and Jerome Diederich Meg and Tony Hemery Christina and Paul Jablonski Tracy and Tom Jacques Mary Beth and Kyle Gigot Ginny and Mark Laukka Amy and James Manders Annette and Tony Phillippi Katie and Dcn. Mike Schmidt Nancy and George Semenak Carol and Albert Swiecichowski 50 YEARS Judith and Richard Adams Dot and Jim Appleton Jeanae and John Behnke Janice and Ronald Cavil Sheri and Gordon Dittmer Helen and James Droll Marilynn and Jerry Jauquet Shirley and Roger Liebeck Judith and Wayne Schaut Meredith and Roger Schmechel Darlene and Robert Stocki Mary and Terry Vandertie Mary and Clarence Wacek Marian and Lloyd Witte 40 YEARS Francine and Richard Bitters Diane and Eugene Bohm Jane and Ron Cherney Janet and Charles Copley Robyn and Daniel Englebert Mary and Michael Gerrits Marian and Frederick Krumberger Maureen and David Mulloy Mary and Ron Nuthals Barb and John Otis Cindy and Tim Randall Juliana and Jerry Ruenzel 5 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD PARISH • GREEN BAY • PAGE 6 EASTER BANNERS 2013 OUR LENTEN JOURNEY—February 22nd If all goes well, we’ll retire our current Easter banners after using them in 2012; they’ve been in use for over twenty years and are overdue for replacement. Thanks to several generous memorial gifts, the Worship Commission will soon begin the ambitious project of replacing the Easter banners and are looking for a few good people to join us in this project. If you have the interest and/or skills that would lend themselves to any part of the design, proposal, or fabrication/installation process of these banners, please contact Wayne Efferson at 490-1352 ext. 206. When we come Ash Wednesday to be marked with an ashen cross on our foreheads and hear the words, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel”, again we will be reminded of the reality of our dying and rising with the Lord that we celebrated through the waters of baptism. Lent is a time to look within our hearts to find why we chose and continue to be a follower of Jesus. During Lent you will notice the water remaining in our Baptismal Font and in the holy water bowls at the entrances. It will serve as a reminder of our call to live our baptismal commitments. We invite you to bless yourself with the sign of the cross as you enter/leave each liturgy. With this Water of Life, all other seasonal decorations remain subtle. However, our simple Cross [the Tree of Life; more than symbol of death, but rather a place and the experience in which death is transformed into life (“beta crux”, the blessed cross)] is accented with purple cloth which leads the eye to the Font. And our “bare” church environment conveys a sense of being “emptied out” and being sustained by God alone. This journey to Easter is not just for us Catholics who have received the sacraments of initiation but also for those who want to join us: the Catechumens (the unbaptized who will be fully initiated into our faith at the Easter Vigil through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Holy Communion) and Candidates (baptized non-Catholics who want to be fully initiated into our faith through the sacraments of Confirmation & Holy Communion). It is our hope that during these 40 days each of us will be renewed in faith through the dying and rising of our Lord (the Paschal Mystery). Though the most appropriate time for baptism is the Easter Vigil and the Easter Season until Pentecost, baptism is also celebrated on Sundays of the year. Because the days of Holy Week, from Monday to Thursday inclusive, have precedence over all other celebrations, it is not fitting that baptisms or confirmations be celebrated on these days since they have their natural place in the Easter Vigil. TAIZE PRAYER Wednesday, February 15th—6:30 PM—Chapel Come together at the end of the day for a time of prayer, silence, and reflection on the Word of God. In the soft glow of candle light and with the simple melodies of the Taize community (Taize, France) open yourself to the transforming power of God’s spirit. ASH WEDNESDAY (FEBRUARY 22ND) begins our Lenten Journey of 40 days as we prepare for Easter. Masses will be at 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Also, there will be two Liturgy of the Word with the distribution of ashes at 6:45 AM and at 12:00 PM. All Liturgical Ministers are requested to assist at these liturgies. Please sign up in the Sacristy and Ushers’ Room. 4TH – 7TH GRADE STUDENTS How would you like to meet some other students your own age who attend Mass at Nativity Parish while volunteering? If so, here’s a chance! The Worship Commission would like to remind you that our parish community needs more Altar Servers for all of our Masses. Any student 4th grade or higher (parents included) is welcome to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 5:00 PM (Bona Hall). Also, all current Altar Servers are invited to attend so that those interested students can practice with our “seasoned” Servers. We will begin with a pizza dinner and then give you an overview of what an Altar Server does at Mass; we will end sharply at 6:25 PM so that students who have a religious Education session can attend their class. Won’t you come and see what it is all about? RSVP to Wayne Efferson, Director of Worship at 920-490-1352 ext. 206 or [email protected]. LENTEN FASTING Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd By itself, fasting is probably not very useful spiritually. But along with prayer, fasting can help us to recognize our deep need for God. Physical hunger can help awaken our spiritual hunger. Fasting can help us realize how attached we are to superficial comfort and pleasure, challenging us to rethink our priorities. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fasting can be an act of solidarity with those who regularly experience hunger, giving us a brief glimpse of their daily struggle. Two Styles Offered—Traditional and Contemporary Traditional (scripture based) and Contemporary (reflections by Sr. Joan Chittisler Gateway to Resurrection). Note dates vary: During your fasting this Lent, you might want to learn more about hunger and its causes. Here are just a few of the many web sites you could visit to learn more about or to get involved in solving the problem of hunger: Tuesday, February 28th, (Contemporary) Tuesday, March 6th, (Traditional) Tuesday, March 13th, (Contemporary) Tuesday, March 20th, (Traditional) Tuesday, March 27th, (Contemporary) Tuesday, April 3rd, (Traditional) www.secondharvest.org America’s Second Harvest www.bread.org Bread for the World www.heifer.org Heifer International www.thp.org The Hunger Project http://orb.crs.org Operation Rice Bowl www.poverty.com Poverty.com Stations of the Cross are held at 6:30 PM in Church. 6 7 FEBRUARY 12, 2012 SUN: Sunday, February 12, 8:30 Shirley Seeman 10:15 Richard Vandermause 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM Monday, February 13, 9:00 Communion Prayer Service Tuesday, February 14, 9:00 Frank Thomas Wednesday, February 15, 8:00 Leonard Anderson 2:00 Fr. Tony Dolski (Woodside) Thursday, February 16, 9:00 Communion Prayer Service 2:00 Members of the Parish (San Luis) Sunday, February 19, 8:30 Elsie & Henry Graikowski 10:15 John Schumerth & Sam Albers Welcome RCIA-Lounge Worship Commission Meeting-Library Nativity Choir Children’s Choir Early Childhood Church Time Wedding Anniversary Celebration-Church and Bona Hall MON: 9:30 AM 12:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration-Chapel Quilting Group-Lounge TUE: 9:00 AM 6:30 PM Pray & Play-Lounge Religious Ed Sessions (Grade 1-5) WED: 4:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Children’s Choir-Lounge Taize Prayer-Chapel Confirmation Candidate/Sponsor Meeting -Bona Hall Religious Ed Sessions (Grade 6-11) Youth Group-JP2 Room THU: 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Stephen Ministry Meeting-Classrooms Nativity Choir-Church SAT: 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Songleader/Organist Children’s Choir Rehearsal-Lounge SUN: 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM Friday, February 17, 9:00 Harvey Heimerl Saturday, February 18, 5:00 Al Jenquin • PAGE 8 RCIA-Lounge Songleader/Organist Songleader/Organist Early Childhood Church Time Rest In Peace Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether visitors, long-time residents, or newly arrived in the Parish. If you would like to join Nativity of Our Lord Parish please call the Parish Office at (499-5156) or go to our website www.nativityparish.com for a registration form. Please Keep the Families of Kathleen Hoeft & Elaine Pasono In Your Prayers. If you are already a registered Parish member and need to make changes, you may use this form to update your records. Please complete this form and place in the collection basket or return to the Parish Office. Thank you. SUNDAY MORNING HOSPITALITY Name______________________________________ There will not be coffee and donut holes served after the 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM Mass this Sunday. Phone______________________________________ Email______________________________________ NATIVITY PARISH RUMMAGE SALE Address_____________________________________ City____________________ New address 2nd annual Nativity Parish Rummage Sale sponsored by the Women's Guild will be on April 20th 8:30 to 4:00 PM and the 21st 8:30 to noon. We will be in need of your rummage items and books, bakery will be an added feature this year. Clean usable items only, clothing accepted, no electronics. Please drop off your items in Bona Hall marked Rummage Sale. Zip Code________ New phone number Moving, please remove from membership list Questions, call Mary at 494-3088 or Marge at 494-0244. 8 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • PAGE 9 CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS!!! February 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Andy Vondrasek ......... $25.00 5th Mary/Bill Wobosel ........ $50.00 Fred/Arlene Kaminski . $25.00 6th Neil Loomis ................... $25.00 Jim Reignier ................ $25.00 7th Darla Schmitz ................ $25.00 Mark Mongrain ........... $25.00 Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing payment. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF FEB. 12TH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/ Mk 1:40-45 Jas 1:1-11/Mk 8:11-13 Jas 1:12-18/Mk 8:14-21 Jas 1:19-27/Mk 8:22-26 Jas 2:1-9/Mk 8:27-33 Jas 2:14-24, 26/Mk 8:34—9:1 Jas 3:1-10 /Mk 9:2-13 Is 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25/2 Cor 1:18-22/ Mk 2:1-12 Featuring Tony Orlando Christmas Show, The Miracle of Christmas, Pierce Arrow, Yakoff Smirnoff and Danny O’Donnell, visit Stone Hill Winery, and time for shopping!. In St Louis visit the Gateway Arch and tour the Budweiser Brewery. NOVEMBER 4 – 9, 2012 6 – day tour $695.00 Per Person (Double Occupancy) This is a Nativity Parish Fundraiser; Bay Bus will donate $50.00 per person to Nativity Includes: Motor Coach Transportation, 3 Dinners and 4 Breakfasts, Branson Shows and St. Louis, Mo. Tours Deposit of $250.00 due at time of reservations, Final payment due 60 days prior to departure Trip insurance is available call Bay Bus at (920) 468-7738 or (920) 680-3977 Questions call Nativity Parish at (920) 499-5156 Reservation forms available in the Parish office.
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