bignews Summer 2014 A publication of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Stuart encouraged Ky’Antre to be a leader and become involved in school activities. He helped him excel by stressing the importance of his presentation skills, etiquette and showing respect for adults. “First of all, it’s a great experience. I look up to my Big Brother and always have. It’s the kind of relationship that’s always building.” -Ky’Antre In 2011, Ky’Antre received the Voices for Children Youth Award. This award is given to honor a young person who has personally triumphed in the face of challenging circumstances. Stuart’s life has changed for the better too. “Ky’Antre has been such a vibrant addition to my life, adding insight to how I see the world, how I see myself, and other people. I’ve adapted my personality and grown as a person.” -Stuart Chittenden Changed for the Better When you give to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands you are creating lifelong friendships. These friendships are professionally created and nurtured with a proven track record of success and longevity. Ky’Antre graduated this spring from Benson High School and will be attending Iowa Western Community College this fall. Thanks to your continued support, we will make more lifelong friendships like Stuart and Ky’Antre’s a reality. In 2006, then ten year old Ky’Antre met his Big Brother Stuart Chittenden for the first time. Like many Littles in our program, Ky’Antre was having behavior problems at home and in school. His father was in prison back then and he remained absent from his life for many years. Anxious to find a positive male role model for her son, his mother enrolled him in Big Brothers Big Sisters. When Stuart volunteered to be a Big Brother, he didn’t foresee that one step would lead him to change a young boy’s life for the better, forever. In the beginning they worked together on their communication and explored common interests. Stuart became the role model Ky’Antre needed during a pivotal time in his development. FOLLOW US ONLINE: @BBBSMIDLANDS Ky’Antre and Stuart the night Ky’Antre received the Voices for Children Youth Award in 2011. FACEBOOK.COM/BBBSMIDLANDS 1 From the CEO Community Partnership Feature Whether you are inspired to give by the data that proves our impact like donors Jasmine and John, or by stories like Little Brother Ky’Antre’s, you are changing our community for the better, forever. Big Brothers Big Sisters is all about relationships…the relationships between the Big and the Little, the Little’s family and our match support staff and the relationship we have with you, our donors. These relationships are vital yet we sometimes forget the larger impact they have on the strength and success of our community. When you make a gift that allows us to provide professional support to a mentor and we coach that mentor to help their Little through a challenge in school it doesn’t help just one child. If the Little is struggling less and is behaving better in class it helps the whole classroom. Your own child or neighbor could be in that classroom. When the school day runs more smoothly for kids from all walks of life it positively impacts their relationships with their family. You can imagine how the ripples continue throughout our community. The short and long term impacts of your investment are far reaching and powerful. The teacher in the Little’s classroom and their students may not know you are there but we do and we are so grateful to you for changing their lives and transforming our community. I hope you enjoy reading your copy of the Big News as it highlights what you are accomplishing through your giving. Want to know more? Contact me anytime at 402.505.4132 or [email protected]. Corporate Partner of the Year Lincoln Financial Group and the Lincoln Financial Foundation are incredible supporters of our Littles and their success. During the past 7 years Lincoln Financial has invested thousands of dollars in our kids through education focused grants. Lincoln Financial employees have participated in Bowl for Kids’ Sake, served on our Board of Directors, run activities at our annual winter carnival, and served as Big Brothers, Big Sisters and Big Couples. Thank you for all you have done for the youth we serve. Lisa Taylor-Jones, HR Business Partner at Lincoln Financial, receiving the award at the Big Appreciation Brunch. You Gave. You Bowled. We All Won. A few quick results from 2014 Bowl for Kids’ Sake: • You raised over $350,000 to make more matches in our community • Over 1,000 participants made it to the lanes • Corporations invested over $70,000 in sponsorships We truly appreciate everyone who donated and participated in this year’s event. With the substantial amount you raised we will be able to make more matches and change lives for many children who are facing adversity in our community. We are already planning for 2015 to be even bigger and better! How can you make a difference today? Nichole Turgeon, CEO P.S. Please start another ripple through our community by signing up to be a Big or a Match Maker today. Not interested in a monthly commitment? Return the enclosed donation envelope or make a gift online at 2 It’s easy by becoming a Match Maker. You can register through our secure website, or contact Sheryl Lindau at 402.905.3342. Give the amount that works best for you, and start a success story every month. Scan here to Learn More! Start Something ™ Donor Feature John Means Business Numbers. Research. Facts. As a donor these words mean a lot to you. While our matches are out in the community having fun and building one-to-one life changing relationships behind the scenes, it is the numbers, research and facts that reassure our donors they are making a wise investment when giving to Big Brothers Big Sisters. John Gilbreath was drawn to our agency because of our proven success. John was introduced to Big Brothers Big Sisters by his brother, who volunteered as a Big. John’s involvement with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands bloomed over time from participating as a bowler in Bowl for Kids’ Sake to now serving as a board member and Match Maker. Jasmine Hermanek & John Gilbreath John, a financial analyst, chose to become a Match Maker because of his understanding of numbers, research and facts. “It would be easier for the organization to manage its cost and expenses knowing it can count on monthly gifts.” John Gilbreath A Match Maker is a monthly giver to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands In addition to being Match Makers, John and his wife Jasmine are supporters of our program in a variety of ways. As a social worker, Jasmine refers the children she serves to our program knowing they will receive the one-to-one attention they need to succeed. •It is easy to sign-up •Any amount can make a difference •You are helping to match a child every month! Like you, John and Jasmine are making a difference in our community by being donors and advocates for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands. You can make a difference, sign up to be a Match Maker today! Meet Board Member John Gilbreath Vice President of Finance at Tenaska Capital Management Board Member since January of 2014 Who have been the leaders and mentors in your life’s journey? “My dad was my mentor. He was a good role model. When someone doesn’t have someone like my dad, Big Brothers Big Sisters steps in.” How does your philanthropy reflect your values? “I performed my due diligence to make sure I am giving my money to an organization that is effective and is run efficiently.” How do you feel Big Brothers Big Sisters impacts our community? “It helps kids in our community to be more successful with a stable adult figure in their life. Big Brothers Big Sisters serves as a grassroots effort to steer kids away from joining a gang or criminal behavior, it is hitting the issue head on.” FOLLOW US ONLINE: @BBBSMIDLANDS FACEBOOK.COM/BBBSMIDLANDS 3 We are bringing the party to Iowa! Did you know that Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands serves families in Pottawattamie and Mills counties in Iowa? Help us spread the word and help more children in southwest Iowa by participating in Bowl for Kids’ Sake in Council Bluffs. No training required! Form a team today, collect a few donations and have a great time with friends, all while helping kids in the greater Council Bluffs area receive a mentor. What: 2014 Bowl for Kids’ Sake Council Bluffs When: September 12-13 Sessions at 6 & 8pm. Where: Thunderbowl 1900 Madison Ave Council Bluffs, IA 51503 National Big Sister of the Year Congratulations to Dakotah Taylor for being named the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America 2014 Big Sister of the Year. Dakotah and her Little Sister, Peggy, traveled to Chicago in June to receive her award during the 2014 National Leadership Summit. Dakotah and Peggy with Jamie Foxx, the national spokesperson for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America You did it again! The 2014 Omaha Gives! campaign was a huge success! Thanks to generous supporters like you, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands received $14,588 in donations and matching funds from 158 donors in just 24 hours. Because of your support, more children in the greater Omaha area will have a Big Brother, Big Sister or Big Couple in their life guiding them to achieve success in school and life. Thank you to those who donated and to the Omaha Community Foundation for hosting this annual event. 4 Program Feature Big Appreciation Brunch Thanks to our generous partnership with the University of Nebraska Omaha, we were again able to recognize the great work our Bigs do at the annual Big Appreciation Brunch held on the UNO campus. The brunch is a special event to celebrate the life-changing work that goes on every day in our program. It is also an opportunity to recognize our graduating Littles and those who have gone above and beyond in our program. The power of your generous gifts to change the lives of children facing adversity is reflected in quotes from the nominators of our 2014 award recipients. The 2014 Parent of the Year Award Robin Frederick “Robin has faced a lot of challenges in her life and yet always puts her kids first. She supports Jaden’s relationship with his Big which allows him to support and trust us.” The 2014 Big Couple of the Year Award Brian and Linda Reddish “Little Brother Jaxson, has started reading more on his own, which helps him in school. He has also learned to be more responsible and that it’s ok to try new things.” The 2014 Big Brother of the Year Award Karl Foxhoven “Karl helps me learn stuff. He’s helped me learn to ride a bike. Karl deserves this because he’s one of the nicest people I know. I’m not one of the fastest learners and Karl’s fine with that.” The 2014 Big Sister of the Year Award Traci Shaffer “Traci has been matched with her Little Sister Hannah for only a year, but in that year they have endured more struggles than really any match ever does. Traci has been the only consistent person in Hannah’s life for the past year and has made it her mission to make sure Hannah gets to experience life as a kid.”
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