East Hills Public School `working together for our children’s future` NEWSLETTER Lucas Road East Hills NSW 2213 Ph: 9773 8468 Fax: 9792 3948 [email protected] www.easthills-p.school.nsw.edu.au 12th December 2013 Term 4 Week 10 Coming Soon ARE YOU READING WITH YOUR CHILD EVERY NIGHT? th Whole School Assembly 11:30am Friday 13 December End of Year Excursion …………………… 17 December Year 6 Farewell …………………………… 18 December Last Day of Term …………………………. 18 December First Day of Term 1 2014 – Yrs 1-6 ……… 29 January First Day of Term 1 2014 – Kindergarten .. 30 January IF NOT, WHY NOT?? IT’S IMPORTANT PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH READING STRATEGIES Dear Parents and Caregivers Classes and Teachers for 2014: As this is the final newsletter for 2013, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every parent and caregiver of our East Hills Public School community for your continued support throughout the year. We have a terrific school and one which I am very proud of. K/1 – Mrs Margot Ruppas (Mon - Wed) and Ms Kirsty Maddocks (Thurs/ Fri) Thank you also to those parents and caregivers in attendance yesterday at our annual Presentation Day held in the auditorium of East Hills Girls Technology High School. It was great to see so many in our audience. Your children love to see you at events where they are acknowledged for their achievements. 4/5 - Ms Kate Miller The semester two reports will be distributed to all students in all classes tomorrow Friday 13 December. Remember, if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s report please make an appointment before the end of the Term by contacting either your child’s class teacher or through our front office staff. 1/2 - Ms Francine Frouxiou 3/4 - Mrs Merilyn Cowen (Mon – Thurs) and Mr Glenn McLennan (Fri) 5/6 - Mrs Sol Fletcher Support Classes: **Please note that classes are subject to change due to unfilled vacancies in the support unit** K-3 – Mrs Kim Manganaro/Ms.Rebecca Flynn (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Odette Mezrani (ThursFri) 3-5 – Mrs Meg Heywood Borkowski/ Ms Narelle 4-6 – Mrs Jenny Lonergan/Ms Lynette Parker Page 1 Students will be informed of their teachers and the class they will be in, first day back in Term 1, 2014. A reminder that school finishes for all students next Wednesday 18 December 2013 and resumes for student’s Years 1-6 on Wednesday 29 January 2014. To each and every one, a safe and happy festive season and I very much look forward to working with you all again next year. We also had the parents and caregivers come and watch their children receive trophies, certificates and medals. Our presentation day was fun, sophisticated and sensible. Emilija BUSHFIRE APPEAL FUNDRAISER Today EHPS had a Christmas Red and Green themed Mufti Day. Out of Uniform penalties of a gold coin donation raised at total of $150. All money received goes towards the Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal. Thank you to all that participated. P&C AGM The annual P & C AGM was held on Dec 4 and the following Committee was voted in for 2014. President: Janet Pope Vice President: Kirsty Geddes Secretary: Karen Tokutake Jon Godwin Treasurer: Lorna Pearson Principal Canteen Buyer: Lorna Pearson SCHOOL AMBASSADOR Emilija Gasoska RECENT DONATIONS Recently we received two very generous donations from local supporters. We would like to thank Revesby Workers Club Ltd for their donation of $3,000 and also the Panania Congregational Church for their donation of $150. All funds are very much appreciated and will be going towards Asia literacy resources and new school play equipment. PRESENTATION DAY On the 11th of December East Hills Public School had their presentation day. There we had awards given, had choir, senior and junior dance. Lots of deserving students got terrific awards that were presented by our special guests. BOOK CLUB A special thank you to all our parents and caregivers that bought books via the Book Club in 2013. We have been advised that our sales for this year were up by 35% and that our bonus points have allowed us to purchase more valuable resources for the school library and class rooms. Page 2 READY FOR HIGH SCHOOL Can you recall what you were most apprehensive about when you started high school? This video of Year 7 students explain why teens shouldn’t be worried about starting high school, and how they can get off to a great start in the first few days. Watch the videos: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/d evelopment/what-happens-in-year-7 EAST HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL RULES 1. Come to school prepared to learn. 2. Look after and show pride in our school. 3. Be safe and fair. 4. Treat everyone with respect KIK MESSENGER Does your child use Kik? Police have described it as ''the No.1 social media problem involving teenagers'', but most parents would barely have heard of messaging app Kik before last week. Find out what it is: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/t echnology-az//technology_glossary/7w0F/5353/Kik+messeng er 1. Seek shade 2. Wear protective clothing that covers your arms and legs and body 3. Wear a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face and neck 4. Wear wrap-around sunglasses 5. Apply SPF30+ broad spectrum waterresistant sunscreen every two hours. Find out more at www.cancercouncil.com Why cyber safety experts are concerned: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-lifenews/experts-warn-of-apps-hidden-dangers20131130-2yif3.html#ixzz2mYlkXFyd CHOOSING SCHOOL SHOES Are expensive school shoes the best option for happy feet? Let's face it. School shoes have never been at the cutting edge of fashion. In fact if you look at what your parents were wearing, the humble school shoe really hasn't evolved much at all. Tips for choosing shoes: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/h ealth/choosing-the-right-school-shoes TEACH YOUR KIDS TO BE WATER PROOF As temperatures rise, the risk of drowning increases too. Review these water-safety tips to help keep your family safe this summer. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/h ealth/water-safety-tips SUN SAFETY Five ways to be SunSmart this summer. The Cancer Council recommends these five ways to protect against sun damage when the SunSmart UV alert is 3 or above: SPORTS T-SHIRT REMINDER As part of our ‘School Uniform Policy’, East Hills Public School has a dedicated sports tshirt to be worn on Fridays and all sports days. These t-shirts, in consultation with the P & C introduced from Term 1 2013. It is now expected that all students of East Hills Public School will wear the sports t-shirts on these days. The t-shirts are $38.50 each. If your child is participating in PSSA they must have a sports shirt to be able to participate! Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter. SCHOOL HATS Overall our students are consistently wearing their school uniforms. A reminder however to those parents and caregivers of children who do not have a school hat, that they are part of the ‘East Hills Public School Uniform Policy’. The hats are broad brimmed, designed to ensure that appropriate sun safe measures are enforced. Please support the school, and the P & C in this matter by purchasing one for your child from the school office for $10.00. All proceeds go to the P & C to help their fundraising for valuable resources and equipment for the school. Page 3 EAST HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL AWARD SYSTEM As we have a number of new parents and caregivers the following will explain our school award system. It will also be a refresher for those parents and caregivers who may have forgotten! Your child receives awards for a number of reasons and each one is based on a point value system leading up to our school medal. Ten (10) points will qualify a student for an Award of Excellence. Classroom awards (not stickers) will have a half (1/2) point value. The following awards will have one (1) point value: Athletic, swimming, cross-country ribbons Assembly Awards Principal’s Awards External Competitions Presentation Day Awards Swimming Scheme Certificates A school medal will be awarded to students who have accumulated eight Awards of Excellence. If you have any further questions please contact me via the school office. ARE YOUR DETAILS UP TO DATE? Please fill out the current 2013 contact detail form that went home and return to the school office. It is important that we have up to date details of our students in case of emergencies. PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS VISITING THE SCHOOL ALL parents and caregivers are requested when visiting the school during school hours, to sign the visitor’s book and wear a visitors badge located in the school office. Parents and caregivers will be directed by school staff to do so if they are in the school grounds without having complied with our regulation. The primary purpose of this exercise is Safety! Firstly, we are aware of who is in our school for the safety and wellbeing of all our students, and secondly, it will enable us to determine who is in the school should we need to implement our evacuation or lockdown procedures. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. SMOKING Parents please be advised that smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of the school gates. If you want to smoke you will need to cross the road. SCHOOL UNIFORM CANTEEN VOUCHER Teachers have been keeping a record of students who are consistently wearing our school uniform. Teachers will be targeting students who are wearing the appropriate black school shoes! At our fortnightly assembly on Friday, names of students who have consistently worn the full school uniform for the fortnight will be placed in a box and a name will be drawn and the student will be given a $5 canteen voucher courtesy of our P&C to spend at the East Hills Public School canteen. So…..start wearing the full school uniform and you could be the next WINNER! STUDENT MEDICAL FORMS During Terms 3 and 4 we will be updating our medical records systems to ensure we have the most up-to-date information on your child’s health. All students will receive a new medical form and parents will need to complete it and return it to the office as soon as possible. The good news is we have already started collecting some of this information, which means less for you to do. The new forms will help us collect your child’s important medical information and the introduction of new systems will mean we'll be able to better manage the daily and emergency health needs of your child. Page 4 We appreciate your support as we start collecting the information, and if you have any questions please call the School Office. SCHOOL BANKING Please have your child give their bank book to their teacher on a Thursday morning. All new applications will be processed once a week so allow a week or two until the account is open. All redemption gift tokens will be processed fortnightly. For further information regarding this worthwhile program please contact our School Banking coordinator Ms Sanaa Chemaissem 0451 119 307. IMPORTANT REMINDER We welcome information from parents about your child’s health, even if you are not requesting specific support from our school. Our school asks for medical information when you enrol your child. It is also important that you let us know if you child’s health care needs change or if a new health condition develops. Information about allergies, medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes and other health care related issues (including prior conditions such as medical procedures in the last 12 months) should be provided to the school by parents. Please provide this information in writing to the principal. MEDICATION If your child needs to take medication, please bring it the office fill out the necessary authorisation for its administration. Under no circumstances are children permitted to have any form of medication in the classroom or in their schoolbags. MAKE SCHOOL AWARE OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Any changes to your child's family situation can impact on their emotional and academic wellbeing. Inform your child's teacher and principal about any changed circumstances so that the child can be supported if necessary. Examples of special circumstances include the birth of a sibling, divorce or the death of a loved one. IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL If your child has to be absent from school for any reason, please tell your child's teacher or send a signed note explaining the reason for the absence within seven days. MOBILE PHONES If you deem it necessary for your child to bring to school a mobile phone, they must hand it in at the office before school and collect it when school is dismissed. This will greatly assist our school in planning support for your child’s health and wellbeing. Please also remember to notify staff in the school office of any changes to your contact details or to the contact details of other people mentioned as emergency contacts. We appreciate your assistance in this regard and assure you that any information you provide the school will be stored securely and will only be used or disclosed in order to support your son or daughter’s health needs or as otherwise required by law. MUSIC BUS A reminder that the Music Bus operates in our school each Wednesday. For a small fee of $14 per week (incl. GST) and a 10% discount for an additional child children have the opportunity to learn a variety of musical instruments. For further information please check out the website at www.THE MUSICBUS.com.au Page 5 LATE ARRIVALS Children who arrive at school after the morning assembly must go to the office and collect a late note. Please do not accompany your child to their classroom if they arrive late as this tends to unsettle the classes and interrupt valuable learning time. Children should proceed to class themselves (children requiring assistance to their classrooms will be assisted by our office staff). Any messages may be left with our office staff, who will pass them on to the teachers at the next break time. BOTTOM SCHOOL GATE LOCKED A reminder that our school gate on Lehn Road will be locked shortly after the morning assembly each day and will be reopened at approximately 2.30pm. The purpose of locking this gate is to prevent visitors from walking through our school grounds and for the safety of our students. All visitors to our school will be able to enter through the gate on Lucas Road whereby the path leads them directly to our front office. Thank you for you cooperation with this important matter. A CHILD SAFETY REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS A reminder to all parents and caregivers to take note of the sign on our school driveway gate asking you to STOP! Please do so in the interest of student safety! It has been reported to me that a number of our parents drive into the driveway to drop their children off at school. This is NOT PERMITTED AT ANYTIME. The driveway is used by staff and special transport taxis as well as the YMCA bus, all of whom have access at designated times. SCOOTERS AND BIKES A reminder that students who ride either bikes or scooters to school MUST wear a helmet. Furthermore, when they enter the school grounds they MUST NOT ride their bike or scooter through the playground. SCHOOL UNIFORMS A reminder that East Hills Public School is a uniform school. Uniforms are available for purchase from Moorebank Uniforms and Embroidery where they currently have plenty of stock at very reasonable prices. The uniform shop is located at 34 Anderson Avenue, Panania, ph. 9771 0825. In addition, it is important that students wear covered footwear to school to protect their feet. For this purpose, black leather shoes are required footwear for all our students under our current school uniform policy. A second-hand uniform shop operates through our school P&C. Second hand uniforms can be purchased by contacting Mrs Maha Mekkaoui on 0468 918 670 or via the school office and arranging a suitable time. We are in need of any second hand Dresses, please drop them into the office at your earliest convenience. School hats are available for purchase for $10 through our school office and NOT through the uniform shops. The P&C organise the ordering and supply of school hats and any profit from their sale is donated to the P&C and is used to purchase resources for our school. During the winter term we have school beanies available for purchase also at a cost of $10 these can be purchased through our school office. Also, if you are in the school grounds during the day you MUST REPORT to our school office prior to visiting your child’s classroom. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to approach another child in the school grounds. Page 6 BLACK SCHOOL SHOES Overall our students are consistently wearing their school uniforms. However, after discussions at our last P&C meeting, concerns were raised regarding the choice of footwear some of our students wear. A number of our students are wearing inappropriate footwear that is clearly not part of the ‘East Hills Public School Uniform Policy’. This includes white or coloured sneakers, coloured laces and/or open toe shoes. Our school uniform policy clearly states that black school shoes are the correct school uniform footwear. This type of footwear not only protects the children’s feet but raises the standard of dress of our students. Please assist the P&C and the school by ensuing that your child is wearing the correct footwear. DON’T FORGET TO LABEL YOUR CHILDS BELONGINGS You can: use a permanent laundry marker to label clothes, hats and shoes, or sew or iron on personalised labels go through your child’s bag with them each night check that labels haven’t faded with washing if something doesn’t come home, check the lost property bin located in the staffroom building clothing articles you are welcome to come to the school, and search our lost property box located in the foyer outside our school staffroom. Please label all clothing and property e.g. lunchboxes and drink containers with your child’s name and class so that they do not get misplaced. Unclaimed clothing will be given to the P&C-run second-hand uniform shop for resale at the end of the school term. P&C AGM Our next P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday 19 February 2014 at 5.30pm in our school staff room. It is important that we get as many parents and caregivers to attend these meetings as possible so that we have a good representation of our school community present. Look forward to seeing you there! SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Our next whole school formal assembly will be held on Friday 13th December in our school hall at 11:30am – 12:30pm. Your attendance at our assemblies is always welcome! Remember if at any time you wish to contact either myself or a class teacher regarding any matter that is of a concern to you please do not hesitate to do so by making an appointment through our school office staff. Thank you for your continued support. Jon Godwin Principal LOST PROPERTY Our school lost property box has a number unclaimed school uniform items. This includes jumpers, jackets and hats and miscellaneous items. If your child has lost any school uniform Page 7 CLASS OF THE WEEK: The following students will receive a Gold Dollarmite Certificate: The following class was selected for their excellent behaviour during our last whole school assembly held in Week 8 Term 4. Melisa Bozat The following students will receive a Dollarmite Gift: Melisa Bozat Taylan Bozat EMUS The following children will receive Principals Awards at Fridays Assembly: Rabih Moralli The following children will receive an Award for Excellence at Fridays Assembly: Brayden Hunt Calleigh Hunt The following children will receive an Award for participating in the Year 6 Primary Links program at Fridays Assembly: Tauris Bunyan Ashley Chand Emilija Gasoska Jasmine Huynh Aisha Sabbagh Tasnim Vucetic Page 8 The following children will receive a Medal for 100 % Attendance for any two terms at Fridays Assembly: Benjamin Fedotov Bettina Nguyen Guy Fletcher Georgio Skalkos Taumata Gray Sarrinah Syeda Danniyal Ali Anthony La Mohamed Hadid Rebecca Ton Agatha Ang Richard La Violet Knibbs Tasnim Vucetic Abbiegail Baldwin James Loukaitis Benjamin Luong Jessica Wiraatmadja Analise Bolivar Matthew Mansour Matthew Mansour Priscilla Wiraatmadja Lauren Bolivar Liana Mansour Deean Zakaria Ricardo Bolivar Georgia Mills Ciaran-Cian KaedeKealeigh Jack Boweslyon Rabih Moralli Boweslyon Madison Mudditt Brown Nhien Nguyen Chevonne Brown Celia Nguyen Mya Cabello Vien Nguyen Jack Ricky Nguyen Hamza Agbere Richard La Jacey Nguyen Danniyal Ali Hoang Lai Andy Chau ClinchPhillips Dang Kim Nguyen Agatha Ang James Loukaitis Anne Dang Bianca Nguyen Bolivar Matthew Mansour Moses Fedotov Jessica Owen Boweslyon Madison Mudditt Benjamin Fedotov Sarah Owen Ricardo CiaranCian Jack Brown Michael Nguy Nathan Freeman Andreas Phillips Ashley Chand Bianca Nguyen Emilija Gasoska Sarrinah Syeda Anne Dang Celia Nguyen Sam Ha Maya Tokutake Tamara Demirovic Jacey Nguyen Mohamed Hadid Rebecca Ton Jasmine Huynh Rebecca Ton Benjamin Dinh Kim Nguyen Alexis Kennedy Dannis Tran Ali Fadel Vien Nguyen Kyle Kennedy Tasnim Vucetic Mohammed Fadel Jessica Owen Kristina La Priscilla Wiraatmadja Jessica Wiraatmadja Benjamin Fedotov Sarah Owen Nathan Freeman Andreas Phillips Emilija Gasoska Aisha Sabbagh Sam Ha Aliyah Sabbagh Mohamed Hadid Ishaq Sabbagh Brayden Hunt Connor Shakespeare Huynh Sarrinah Syeda Serenity The following children will receive an Award for 100 % Attendance for Term 1 at Fridays Assembly: The following children will receive an Award for 100 % Attendance for Term 2 at Fridays Assembly: Adam Agha Liana Mansour Jasmine Danniyal Ali Georgia Mills Alexis Kennedy Maya Tokutake Agatha Ang Rabih Moralli Kyle Kennedy Rebecca Ton Jaida Ayoubi Muhammed Mustafa Anthony La Dannis Tran Kristina La Tasnim Vucetic Nathan La Priscilla Wiraatmadja Abbiegail KaedeKealeigh Taylan Baldwin Jacey Nguyen Boweslyon Nhien Nguyen Bozat Kim Nguyen Tauris Bunyan Celia Nguyen Mya Cabello Vien Nguyen Jack Chau Henry Nguyen Page 9 The following children will receive an Award for 100 % Attendance for Term 3 at Fridays Assembly: Agatha Ang Kristina La Analise Bolivar Anthony La Lauren Bolivar James Loukaitis Ciaran-Cian KaedeKealeigh Boweslyon Liana Mansour Boweslyon Jacey Nguyen Chevonne Brown Celia Nguyen Mya Ricky Nguyen Serenity Cabello ClinchPhillips Jessica Owen Andy Dang Sarah Owen Moses Fedotov Andreas Phillips Nathan Freeman Maya Tokutake Emilija Gasoska Rebecca Ton Andrew Hill Dannis Tran The following children will receive an Award for 100 % Attendance for Term 4 at Fridays Assembly: Abbiegail Baldwin Richard La Taylah Baldwin Benjamin Lin Analise Bolivar James Loukaitis Lauren Bolivar Angelina Luong Ricardo Bolivar Matthew Mansour Ciaran-Cian KaedeKealeigh Jack Boweslyon Liana Mansour Boweslyon Georgia Mills Brown Rabih Moralli Chevonne Brown Madison Mudditt Jack Nhien Nguyen Ricky Nguyen Andy Chau ClinchPhillips Dang Vien Nguyen Anne Dang Bianca Nguyen Moses Fedotov Kim Nguyen Benjamin Fedotov Jessica Owen Nathan Freeman Sarah Owen Emilija Gasoska Declan Pearson Sam Ha Andreas Phillips Jayden Hang Romel Quant Calleigh Hunt Kimia Shiralizadeh Jasmine Huynh Rebecca Ton Alexis Kennedy Dannis Tran Kyle Kennedy Jessica Wiraatmadja Anthony La Priscilla Wiraatmadja Serenity Page 10 Emus - Cooking Pancakes On Tuesday 10th December the Emus participated in a cooking lesson as part of their social skills and cooking program called “Sprinkles and Spread.” The students took turns at pouring the pancake mixture into the frypan and waiting for the bubbles to appear before flipping the pancakes over. They also cut the pancakes into festive Christmas shapes with cookie cutters. Finally, the students enjoyed eating what they had cooked! Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17
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