East Hills Public School `working together for our children’s future` NEWSLETTER 20th February 2014 Lucas Road East Hills NSW 2213 Ph: 9773 8468 Fax: 9792 3948 [email protected] www.easthills-p.school.nsw.edu.au Term 1 Week 4 Coming Soon ARE YOU READING WITH YOUR CHILD EVERY NIGHT? st Whole School Assembly 11:30am Friday 21 February EHBHS Reading Program ……………… Clean Up Australia Day ………………….. P&C Extraordinary Meeting …………….. PSSA Sport Commences ………………. Swim Scheme – Support Classes ……... Swim Scheme – Mainstream …………… 26 February 28 February 5 March 7 March 17 March 31 March IF NOT, WHY NOT?? IT’S IMPORTANT PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH READING STRATEGIES Dear Parents and Caregivers Welcome to week 4. We have some exciting news for this newsletter and the school has been busy with many fun activities like our recent Swimming Carnival and a visit from some wellknown athletes to help spread the news on bullying. There is a lot of information this week so please take some time to become familiar with what’s coming up. Jon Godwin Principal ‘ONE LAP TOP PER CHILD’ INITIATIVE Our school is purchasing several class sets of XO computers for use in all K-6 classrooms! The XO computers will be purchased shortly from an organisation called One Laptop per Child (OLPC). Founded in 2005, OLPC is a global organisation that has enhanced the education of over 2 million children across the world. At the heart of OLPC’s work is a revolutionary piece of technology – a low-cost device custom-made for children, called the XO. Research indicates that children are more engaged in their learning when using technology. The more children engage, the more they learn. The XO is designed for primary school age children; however nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. After negotiations with the company we are able to purchase these computers at a very reasonable cost. OLPC Australia is revolutionising the learning process in countless classrooms across Australia – from inner city schools to remote communities. Through technology and education, the company facilitate a new kind of learning experience for primary school students, teachers and community members. They help students engage, connect, collaborate, create – and ultimately become prepared for the world that lies beyond the classroom walls. All our teachers will be provided with an XO computer and are required to receive training before we are able to introduce the computers Page 1 to our students. The company will also offer ongoing support to teachers, resources and inspiration, enabling our teachers to lead the learning experience. The computers will remain the property of the school, and therefore will be securely stored at school and will not be for use at home. It is envisaged that the order will be placed with the company by the end of this week – keep watching this newsletter for further updates! weaker students are not stuck if concepts are not understood in class. Mathletics is a wonderful tool to complement and supplement classroom teaching. Our Year 5/6 students (Class: Rubies) will shortly commence a two week trial of the software program, after which an order will be placed for an annual computer licence permitting access by all our K-6 classes. MATHELETICS PROGRAM In addition to new computers, the school is also purchasing a mathematics software program called Mathletics. The program is designed to transform a routine mathematics lesson in to a fun-filled experience. The program offers competitive challenges in reinforcing mental computational skills and as a support resource and a learning tool for all students. It provides teachers with the flexibility to record, mark and collate data effectively and can be accessed by all students not only at school, but at home. Therefore, teachers will be able to set homework tasks for their students to complete. All students will be given their own username and password enabling them to login from any computer with internet connection, either at school or at home. Some of the outcomes of adopting this tool in our curriculum delivery will include: VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have already paid the voluntary contribution for this year. I understand that families face additional expenses at the beginning of the school year; however the contributions are funds that we use to purchase necessary teaching and learning resources for your child’s classroom. The family contribution amount is $55 and the individual student amount is $35. These contribution amounts have remained unchanged for a number of years Therefore I consider the amounts to be both fair and reasonable. If any parent or caregiver is experiencing difficulty in making the payment please make an appointment to see me through our school office. • Students motivated to do Mathematics and homework • Parents are engaged with their child's learning • Students love the competitive nature of Mathletics • Students are having fun and learning at the same time Teachers from other school settings currently using the program, have noticed that their students are more prepared for concepts and even work ahead of the program by doing the tasks on Mathletics before they are done in class. The top students have been motivated by the program to extend themselves and the RESOURCE FUNDING LETTER In addition to our request for Voluntary Contributions this year, we have introduced a resource fee of $30 per child, payable annually. Workbook and Resources fee letters were sent home with all students last week. The fee this year will be used primarily to supplement school funds to purchase the new computers as well as the Mathletics software program and annual licence fee associated with maintaining this program in our school. In addition, the school has a number of already existing programs e.g. FOR36 and TEN which also require funding to maintain. Your understanding and cooperation with this matter is appreciated. Page 2 SRC SELECTION We are pleased to announce the following children as our Student Representative Committee for years 1-6: and Communities (DEC), as it is envisaged that we will proceed with a tendering process to find a suitable OSHC operator to conduct this much needed community service. Crystals: Diamonds: PLAYGROUND CLIMBING EQUIPMENT I have recently met with our local member for East Hills, Mr Glenn Brookes MP requesting his assistance with replacing our existing play equipment which unfortunately we have had to close due to the wear and tear of some parts. Last year I spoke to a playground company seeking quotations to replace these parts however due to the age of the equipment parts are no longer available. Mr Brookes is currently contacting council to see if they are able to assist with locating current DEC standard play equipment that is no longer required for use by the public. Topaz: Rubies: Sapphires: Emeralds: Opals: Ciaran-Cian Boweslyon Aliyah Sabbagh Mohammed Fadel Hamed Hadid Moneba Etri Osman Kaade Celia Nguyen Liana Mansour Aaliyah Guzman Ricardo Bolivar Agatha Ang Jack Chau James Loukaitis Jack Brown Maya Toukatake TEXTBOOKS Notes were sent home to all parents and caregivers earlier this term regarding the purchase of textbooks. Your prompt payment is appreciated. PARENTS CAREGIVERS OF PRE- SCHOOL CHILDREN A reminder to all parents and caregivers with pre-schoolers that you are most welcome to visit the school, however it is imperative that your preschool child does not disturb the learning in classrooms, morning assemblies as well as our fortnightly formal assemblies. Your assistance with this matter is appreciated. OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE (OSHC) SURVEYS Thank you to all our parents and caregivers who have returned the OSHC surveys that were recently sent home with your child. There has been an overwhelming response indicating the need for a centre to be established on our school grounds. I am now awaiting further instruction from the Department of Education RAISING RESPONSIBILITY BEHAVIOUR PROGRAM The following information is provided for new parents and caregivers to our school re our current Student Welfare and Discipline Policy and procedures. A copy of which is available upon request from our school office. In line with our beliefs about student welfare which is about promoting students to develop inner control of their behaviour, each class at East Hills Public School implements the “Raising Responsibility System”. The belief behind the system is that each class is like a small community and every student is a citizen who acts in accordance with the expected standards of behaviour. Each class identifies a list of behaviours which are acceptable and unacceptable. We encourage students to exercise self-discipline through reflection and self-evaluation. Students learn to control their own behaviour, rather than relying on an adult for control. If a student displays behaviour that is unacceptable he/she will be asked to reflect on his/her behaviour by identifying the level that Page 3 he/she is currently working at and the level at which he/she needs to be working. If the behaviour continues then the student will be asked to complete a self-reflection sheet either in class or under the supervision of another teacher. If the behaviour still persists then the student will be referred to the team leader (Assistant Principal: Semester 1 – Mrs Sol Fletcher and Semester 2 – Mrs Jenny Lonergan) and a note will be sent home to inform parents/carers. Students who have unresolved conflict with another student(s) will attend a planning room meeting at lunchtime in an attempt to resolve the issue and reach a harmonious decision. Students are also encouraged to request planning room meetings if they believe there is unresolved conflict between themselves and another student(s). Level C Co-operation I co-operate and do what is expected when someone is watching me or asks me to do it. Level B Bossing/Bullying We aim to make our classrooms and school encouraging and conducive to learning at all times. In this way students develop positive attitudes and behavioural skills which are necessary for successful lives. The following is our level system. Levels “D” and “C” are acceptable levels of behaviour although we encourage our students to aim for Level “D” at all times. Level A Anarchy I bother others. I bully others. I am off task and give up easily. I blame others as an excuse. I don’t ask for help when I need it. I am noisy. I am unsafe. What Level Are You Today? Level Who Am I? Level D Developing Responsibility I can work by myself. I can stay on task. I do things because it is the right thing to do and this is who I want to be. I ask for help when I need it. I see problems as a challenge. ENROLMENTS 2014 – HURRY East Hills Public School is still accepting enrolments for Kindergarten to Year 6 for 2014. Kindergarten enrolments are open to children turning five years of age prior to 31 July 2014. Please advise anyone you may know with children eligible for enrolment to contact our school office for an enrolment form. Page 4 NEW TO THE SCHOOL Changing schools can be an anxious time for your child. There are new friends to make, new schedules to work out and a whole new school layout to contemplate. The latest issue of the School Parents ezine contains information on helping your child adjust to a new school. It includes expert advice from preparing for the move, choosing a school and settling in. There are also special links for advice for travelling teens and defence families. Check it out at: www.schools.nsw.edu.au/ezine. PARENTS APPROACHING OTHER STUDENTS IN SCHOOL GROUNDS A reminder to all our parents and caregivers that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to approach another child in the school grounds. This includes both the classroom and playground or any venue outside the school. If you would like to discuss any issues or concerns you may have about another child then please see me or your child’s class teacher. YOU ARE WELCOME AT SCHOOL! Children love to see their parents and carers at their school, whether helping out in the classroom or being involved in other ways. Research shows that students perform better at school when their parents or carers take an active interest in their school work. Your contribution to the school is needed and valued. Ways you might get involved: help in the classroom listen to children read help children on computers help with school excursions If you are interested in volunteering your time to assist our teachers in classrooms throughout the school please contact the school principal. HOME READERS To encourage our students to read on a nightly basis, we allow all students to borrow Home Readers, from their class library. Unfortunately in the past, some students are not returned their Home Readers claiming that they have lost them. If Home Readers are not returned, other students miss the opportunity to borrow these books. If you receive a letter or a phone call from your child’s class teacher because they have not returned their Home Reader for some time, then I ask that you assist us by having a close look at home for the reader and return it to school ASAP. Until the book is returned, your child will not be able to borrow any more books. As you can appreciate the cost of replacing Home Readers is expensive therefore if the book is not returned, a fee will apply. SCRIPTURE A reminder that our Scripture classes commenced this week on Tuesday 18 February 2014 from 11.20am -12.00pm. Our classes this year will be for the following religious denominations: Anglican Catholic Muslim and, Non-Scripture Unless parents and caregivers have indicated otherwise, your child will be participating in the denomination scripture class according to the information contained in school records. This information would have been given by you on your child’s enrolment form. If you do not wish for your child to participate in scripture, then please contact Mrs Sol Fletcher or the school office ASAP. EAST HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL AND EAST HILLS BOYS HIGH READING PROGRAM As in previous years selected Years 5 and 6 Boys from East Hills Public will participate in a weekly reading program with Year 9 boys from Page 5 East Hills Boys Technology High School. However this year, selected Year 4 boys will also be given the opportunity. The high school boys chosen to work with our students will be positive role models and are passionate about reading. The purpose of the program is to: Promote reading Improve reading skills, particularly reading comprehension and vocabulary Foster links between East Hills Primary and East Hills Boys High Schools Enhance the transition to high school Expand social skills Develop tutoring skills The Reading Program will be conducted at East Hills Boys High School each Wednesday and will be supervised by high school teacher, Ms Meryl Warton – Learning and Support Teacher (LaST). The program will commence next Wednesday 26 February commencing at 11.55am and concluding at 12.45pm. Permission notes for those boys who have been selected to participate will be sent home shortly. CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY On Friday 28 February, most schools across the country will be participating in Clean Up Australia Day. We will be asking our Students and Teachers to get out around the school grounds and help make our School free of any loose rubbish. A note will be sent home shortly advising parents and caregivers more about this event. EXTRAORDINARY P&C MEETING I wish to advise that that I will be calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of the P&C on Wednesday 5 March 2014 at 2.00pm in our school staffroom. The purpose of the meeting is to elect office bearers for the following positions in 2014: P&C President Vice President Secretary I encourage all interested caregivers to attend. parents and PSSA SPORT East Hills Public School students will be participating in Season 1 of PSSA this year. Please encourage your child to participate in this valuable program. We will be forming a junior and senior boys Touch Football and a mixed junior and senior Newcombeball teams. Notes were sent home on Monday to all students in Years 3 to 6. Please ensure that the notes as well as payment are returned to the school office ASAP. PSSA will commence on Friday 7 March 2014 (Week 6/Term 1). SWIMMING SCHEME COMMENCES The School Swimming Scheme (Learn to Swim) will be provided this year for ALL mainstream students in Yrs. 1-6 from the 31 March – 4 April and ALL support class students from 17 – 28 March. It is strongly recommended that your child attends the program. The lessons are free; however there is a charge per day for bus and pool entry. As a result of this cost, there will be no other excursions this term, as we recognise that this valuable life skill is the number one priority for all children! Please allow YOUR child to participate! Page 6 UNIVERSITY OF NSW CURRICULUM COMPETITIONS East Hills Public School is inviting students to enter the Curriculum Competitions administered by The University of NSW. The competitions are for the following curriculum areas and will be conducted at various times throughout the year - Computer, Science, Spelling, Writing, English and Mathematics. Notes will be sent home informing you of the details. PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Thank you to those parents and caregivers who gave up their time to attend our parent information evening on Tuesday night 18 February 2014. Unfortunately, there were a number of parents and caregivers who did not attend. It is important that you attend these meetings as it is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher and contribute to your child’s educational program. For those parents and caregivers who were unable to attend and, require an appointment with your child’s class teacher, please inform either the class teacher or contact our school office. For parents and caregivers of children in our support classes’ letters have been sent home to you requesting a suitable meeting time for your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Please ensure that any therapist or outside agencies working with your children are aware of the meeting time and encourage them to attend. If they cannot be there in person then the opportunity to be on speaker phone is always available. If not, then please bring to the meeting any reports or information you have that will assist in developing a quality IEP for your child. Mrs Sol Fletcher and class teachers will also be contacting all Aboriginal parents and caregivers shortly to arrange a suitable meeting time with yourself and all relevant stakeholders to formulate your child’s Personalised Learning Plan (PLP). To all our parents and caregivers, please remember that an interpreter service is always available to assist you in a variety of languages. To access this service please advise our school office in advance so that an interpreter can be arranged. SWIMMING CARNIVAL Last week, students from years 1 to 6 attended the East Hills Public School Swimming Carnival at Peakhurst West Public School. It was fantastic to see such a large number of students competing and contributing valuable points to their respective houses. Non competing swimmers were given time to enter novelty events and also enjoy some supervised play in the water. The winning house on the day was Banks with 155 points, closely followed by Bass on 132 points. Flinders and Cook houses finished on 117 and 92 points respectively. Congratulations to all who supported and participated in the carnival. Winners and placegetters will be presented with their ribbons at this week’s assembly on Friday 21st February 2014. Also could we ask all parents to check their children’s clothing from the day to ensure that all towels, swimwear etc came home with the rightful owner. Please see further on in the newsletter for pictures of the day and results. BULLDOGS VISIT Players from the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs last week visited East Hills Public School to deliver the NRL’s “Tackling Bullying” message. Tony “T-Rex” Williams and Pat O’Hanlon spoke about some of the effects of bullying and its unacceptability both at school and in the wider community. Despite a busy schedule, the players were able to autograph some Bulldogs gear brought in by some very keen students at the end of their presentation. Page 7 GETTING OFF TO A GOOD START Wondering how to help your kids do well at home and at school this year? The department’s parent resource School A to Z has a webcast full of expert tips for you to help your children have a more successful year. The ‘Getting off to a great start webcast’ has a number of chapters on how to motivate children for learning, advice on peer relationships and how to handle bullying, communicating with children and the importance of strong home-school relationships. The expert panel features advice from a child psychologist, an experienced family doctor and the department’s deputy director-general (schools) Greg Prior. Watch the webcast at: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/d evelopment/getting-off-to-a-good-start WE’VE GOT SCHOOL COVERED Practical help for parents is available online at the School A to Z site. Created by the Department of Education and Communities, this is a thriving online community with comprehensive homework and school life support for parents that is easy to use, relevant and engaging. There are free apps to download, informative podcasts, videos and articles by experts in the field. Check it out and save it to your favourites: www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au LUNCHES BROUGHT FROM HOME Food brought from home should be refrigerated as soon as possible and thrown out if it has been out of the fridge more than 2 hours (see doggy bag link below from NSW Food Authority) Parents should are requested to ensure any food brought from home has been stored at the correct temperature prior to being brought to school (i.e. it has been refrigerated and not left at room temperature for more than 2 hours). Best practice would be that the food comes straight from the refrigerator at home, into a cool bag with several ice bricks or if possible, put straight into the fridge at school. Parents are responsible for ensuring they have provided safe food to the school http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer s/keeping-food-safe/eating-out/doggy-bags/ http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer s/keeping-food-safe/key-tips/ ENCOURAGING LITERACY SKILLS AT HOME Let your child help you write shopping lists. This is a great way to get them reading words that don't always come from a storybook. Children can help you read recipes and then write out lists of items you need and link names to products that you point out in the refrigerator or the pantry cupboard. More ideas at: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/news/ezine/yr2 009/issue01/shopping/index.php Reading with children is fun and one of the best ways to help prepare them for school. Tip: Try not to let television intrude on reading time - set aside some uninterrupted time to read with your child. WHAT IS KIK AND WHY IS IT POPULAR? Kik is a free texting app popular with younger teens who generally have a limited texting plan or use an iPod Touch. Find out more about Kik messenger: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/t echnology-az//technology_glossary/7w0F/5353/Kik+messeng er Page 8 Find out why experts say it's the No.1 social media problem involving kids: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-lifenews/experts-warn-of-apps-hidden-dangers20131130-2yif3.html#ixzz2mYlkXFyd SUN SAFETY Five ways to be SunSmart this summer. The Cancer Council recommends these five ways to protect against sun damage when the SunSmart UV alert is 3 or above: SCHOOL WEEKS Q: Why does the school use "week 6" instead of dates? A: We find it useful for planning each term. Here are the actual dates for the rest of this term for most of NSW. 1. Seek shade 2. Wear protective clothing that covers your arms and legs and body 3. Wear a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face and neck 4. Wear wrap-around sunglasses 5. Apply SPF30+ broad spectrum waterresistant sunscreen every two hours. TERM Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10/2 17/2 24/2 3/3 10/3 17/3 24/3 31/3 7/4 Find out more at www.cancercouncil.com SCHOOL UNIFORMS A reminder that East Hills Public School is a uniform school. Uniforms are available for purchase from Moorebank Uniforms and Embroidery where they currently have plenty of stock at very reasonable prices. HELPING WITH HOMEWORK How much should you help your child with homework? When your child makes a mistake, should you fix it? Teachers talk about how parents can help kids take responsibility for their homework and avoid Thursday night meltdowns. The uniform shop is located at 34 Anderson Avenue, Panania, ph. 9771 0825. In addition, it is important that students wear covered footwear to school to protect their feet. For this purpose, black leather shoes are required footwear for all our students under our current school uniform policy. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/homeworkand-study/homework-tips/helping-yourprimary-school-child-with-homework A second-hand uniform shop operates through our school P&C. Second hand uniforms can be purchased by contacting Mrs Maha Mekkaoui on 0468 918 670 or via the school office and arranging a suitable time. BACK TO SCHOOL Homework, hot weather and class sizes – here are some answers to frequently asked questions about going to a NSW public school. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/en/homewor k-and-study/planning-for-the-future/back-toschool-2014 School hats are available for purchase for $10 through our school office and NOT through the uniform shops. The P&C organise the ordering and supply of school hats and any profit from their sale is donated to the P&C and is used to purchase resources for our school. EAST HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL RULES 1. Come to school prepared to learn. 2. Look after and show pride in our school. 3. Be safe and fair. 4. Treat everyone with respect During the winter term we have school beanies available for purchase also at a cost of $10.00 though our school office. Page 9 A reminder that BLACK LEATHER SCHOOL SHOES are the correct school uniform footwear. This type of footwear not only protects the children’s feet but raises the standard of dress of our students. Please assist the P&C and the school in ensuing that your child is wearing the correct footwear. Please see example below: SPORTS T-SHIRT REMINDER As part of our ‘School Uniform Policy’, East Hills Public School has a dedicated sports tshirt to be worn on Fridays and all sports days. These t-shirts, in consultation with the P & C introduced from Term 1 2013. It is now expected that all students of East Hills Public School will wear the sports t-shirts on these days. The t-shirts are $38.50 each. If your child is participating in PSSA they must have a sports shirt to be able to participate! Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter. SCHOOL HATS Overall our students are consistently wearing their school uniforms. A reminder however to those parents and caregivers of children who do not have a school hat, that they are part of the ‘East Hills Public School Uniform Policy’. The hats are broad brimmed, designed to ensure that appropriate sun safe measures are enforced. Please support the school, and the P & C in this matter by purchasing one for your child from the school office for $10.00. All proceeds go to the P & C to help their fundraising for valuable resources and equipment for the school. EAST HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL AWARD SYSTEM As we have a number of new parents and caregivers the following will explain our school award system. It will also be a refresher for those parents and caregivers who may have forgotten! Your child receives awards for a number of reasons and each one is based on a point value system leading up to our school medal. Ten (10) points will qualify a student for an Award of Excellence. Classroom awards (not stickers) will have a half (1/2) point value. The following awards will have one (1) point value: Athletic, swimming, cross-country ribbons Assembly Awards Principal’s Awards External Competitions Presentation Day Awards Swimming Scheme Certificates A school medal will be awarded to students who have accumulated eight Awards of Excellence. If you have any further questions please contact me via the school office. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking is now on a Friday. Banking resumed on Friday 14th February 2014. Please have your child give their bank book to their teacher on a Friday morning. All new applications will be processed once a week so allow a week or two until the account is open. All redemption gift tokens will be processed fortnightly. For further information regarding this worthwhile program please contact our School Banking coordinator Ms Sanaa Chemaissem 0451 119 307. Page 10 PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS VISITING THE SCHOOL ALL parents and caregivers are requested when visiting the school during school hours, to sign the visitor’s book and wear a visitors badge located in the school office. Parents and caregivers will be directed by school staff to do so if they are in the school grounds without having complied with our regulation. The primary purpose of this exercise is Safety! Firstly, we are aware of who is in our school for the safety and wellbeing of all our students, and secondly, it will enable us to determine who is in the school should we need to implement our evacuation or lockdown procedures. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. SMOKING Parents please be advised that smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of the school gates. If you want to smoke you will need to cross the road. IMPORTANT REMINDER We welcome information from parents about your child’s health, even if you are not requesting specific support from our school. Our school asks for medical information when you enrol your child. It is also important that you let us know if you child’s health care needs change or if a new health condition develops. Information about allergies, medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes and other health care related issues (including prior conditions such as medical procedures in the last 12 months) should be provided to the school by parents. Please provide this information in writing to the principal. This will greatly assist our school in planning support for your child’s health and wellbeing. Please also remember to notify staff in the school office of any changes to your contact details or to the contact details of other people mentioned as emergency contacts. We appreciate your assistance in this regard and assure you that any information you provide the school will be stored securely and will only be used or disclosed in order to support your son or daughter’s health needs or as otherwise required by law. MEDICATION If your child needs to take medication, please bring it the office fill out the necessary authorisation for its administration. Under no circumstances are children permitted to have any form of medication in the classroom or in their schoolbags. MAKE SCHOOL AWARE OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Any changes to your child's family situation can impact on their emotional and academic wellbeing. Inform your child's teacher and principal about any changed circumstances so that the child can be supported if necessary. Examples of special circumstances include the birth of a sibling, divorce or the death of a loved one. IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL If your child has to be absent from school for any reason, please tell your child's teacher or send a signed note explaining the reason for the absence within seven days. MOBILE PHONES If you deem it necessary for your child to bring to school a mobile phone, they must hand it in at the office before school and collect it when school is dismissed. MUSIC BUS A reminder that the Music Bus operates in our school each Tuesday. For a small fee of $14 per week (incl. GST) and a 10% discount for an additional child children have the opportunity to learn a variety of musical instruments. For further information please check out the website at www.THE MUSICBUS.com.au Page 11 LATE ARRIVALS Children who arrive at school after the morning assembly must go to the office and collect a late note. Please do not accompany your child to their classroom if they arrive late as this tends to unsettle the classes and interrupt valuable learning time. Children should proceed to class themselves (children requiring assistance to their classrooms will be assisted by our office staff). Any messages may be left with our office staff, who will pass them on to the teachers at the next break time. BOTTOM SCHOOL GATE LOCKED A reminder that our school gate on Lehn Road will be locked shortly after the morning assembly each day and will be reopened at approximately 2.30pm. The purpose of locking this gate is to prevent visitors from walking through our school grounds and for the safety of our students. All visitors to our school will be able to enter through the gate on Lucas Road whereby the path leads them directly to our front office. Thank you for you cooperation with this important matter. A CHILD SAFETY REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS A reminder to all parents and caregivers to take note of the sign on our school driveway gate asking you to STOP! Please do so in the interest of student safety! It has been reported to me that a number of our parents drive into the driveway to drop their children off at school. This is NOT PERMITTED AT ANYTIME. The driveway is used by staff and special transport taxis as well as the YMCA bus, all of whom have access at designated times. Also, if you are in the school grounds during the day you MUST REPORT to our school office prior to visiting your child’s classroom. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to approach another child in the school grounds. SCOOTERS AND BIKES A reminder that students who ride either bikes or scooters to school MUST wear a helmet. Furthermore, when they enter the school grounds they MUST NOT ride their bike or scooter through the playground. DON’T FORGET TO LABEL YOUR CHILDS BELONGINGS You can: use a permanent laundry marker to label clothes, hats and shoes, or sew or iron on personalised labels go through your child’s bag with them each night check that labels haven’t faded with washing if something doesn’t come home, check the lost property bin located in the staffroom building LOST PROPERTY Our school lost property box has a number unclaimed school uniform items. This includes jumpers, jackets and hats and miscellaneous items. If your child has lost any school uniform clothing articles you are welcome to come to the school, and search our lost property box located in the foyer outside our school staffroom. Please label all clothing and property e.g. lunchboxes and drink containers with your child’s name and class so that they do not get misplaced. Unclaimed clothing will be given to the P&C-run second-hand uniform shop for resale at the end of the school term. P&C Our next P&C General meeting will be held on Wednesday 5 March 2014 at 2.00pm in our school staff room. It is important that we get as many parents and caregivers to attend these meetings as possible so that we have a good representation of our school community present. Look forward to seeing you there! Page 12 SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Our next whole school formal assembly will be held on Friday 21st February in our school hall at 11:30am – 12:30pm. At this assembly our SRC representatives will be presented with their badges and Swimming Carnival participation certificates will be awarded. Your attendance at our assemblies is always welcome! Thank you for your continued support. The following children will receive Principals Awards at Fridays Assembly: Agatha Ang James Brown Brayden Hunt Alexis Kennedy Angelina Luong Kim Nguyen Razan Mekkaoui Jessica Owen Matthew Phillips Jesscia Wiraatmadja Jon Godwin Principal The following students will receive a Gold Dollarmite Certificate: Abdul-Salam (Hamzah) Agbere CLASS OF THE WEEK: The following class was selected for their excellent behaviour during our last whole school assembly held in Week 2 Term 1. The following students will receive a Silver Dollarmite Certificate: Matthew Phillips PEARLS Page 13 Class news: Rubies During Visual Arts lessons, our class has been learning the art of etching. The students’ task was to create a durable leaning mat (similar to a placemat) to be used in class activities. This was a follow-up to a ‘getting to know you’ class activity. The students used a short form of their name, or had the option of using a nickname, when creating their artwork. A discussion arose as the use of nicknames, i.e. use it only when a person encourages you and only in a positive manner. The students used a range of visual arts skills, were able to express their ideas through their artworks and demonstrate their creativity. Page 14 Page 15 SWIMMING CARNIVAL 14TH FEBRUARY 2014 Page 16 SWIMMING CARNIVAL RESULTS 25m Freestyle 8 year girls 1st 8 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 9 year girls 1st 9 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 10 year girls 1st 2nd 3rd 10 year girls 1st (2nd race) 2nd 10 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 10 year boys 1st (2nd race) 2nd 3rd 11 year girls 1st 2nd 3rd 11 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 11 year boys 1st (2nd race) 2nd 12 year girls 1st 12 year boys 1st 13 Year Boys 1st 25m Breastroke 8 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 9 year boys 1st 2nd 10 year girls Jessica Mohamed Ali James Sophie Declan Hamed Robbie Emily Lauren Naokii Amanii Sarah Owen Hadid Fadel Loukatis Kaade Pearson Hadid Alameddine Brown Bolivar Frail Mozakzak Owen Jack Brown Benjamin Fedotov Hamzah Agbere Ben Blake Harrison Maya Hayley Chevonne Luong Ogden Threadgold Tokutake McKenna Brown Hatem Mubayyid Dannis Tran Ricardo Bolivar Matthew Phillips James Brown Jaida Ayoubi Gordan Dai Omar Kaade Mohamed Taylan Moses Declan Hamed Hadid Bozat Fedotov Pearson Hadid 10 year boys 11 year girls 11 year boys 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Robbie Emily Amanii Naokii 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd Jack Benjamin Blake Maya Chevonne 1st 2nd 25m Backstroke 8 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 9 year girls 1st 9 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 10 year girls 1st 2nd 10 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 11 year girls 1st 2nd 11 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 12 year girls 1st 2nd 3rd 50m Freestyle 8 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 9 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd Alameddine Brown Mozakzak Frail Brown Fedotov Ogden Tokutake Brown Matthew Phillips James Brown Mohammed James Ciarin-Cian Kae-Kae Declan Hamed Steven Lauren Emily Hadid Loukaitis Boweslyon Boweslyon Pearson Hadid Nguy Bolivar Brown Jack Michael Blake Chevonne Hayley Brown Collins Ogden Brown McKenna Ricardo Dannis Hatem Jaida Celia Agatha Bolivar Tran Mubayyid Ayoubi Nguyen Ang Taylan Mohamed Moses Declan Hamed Robbie Bozat Hadid Fedotov Pearson Hadid Alameddine Page 17 10 year girls 10 year boys 11 year boys 1st 2nd Naokii Frail Emily Brown 1st 2nd 3rd Jack Brown Hamzah Agbere Blake Ogden 1st 2nd 3rd Matthew Phillips Guy Fletcher Dannis Tran 50m Breastroke 8 year boys 1st Mohommed Hadid 2nd Moses Fedotov 3rd Taylan Bozat 9 year boys 1st Declan Pearson 2nd Hamed Hadid 3rd Robbie Alameddine 10 year girls 1st Emily Brown 2nd Naokii Frail 10 year boys 1st Jack Brown 2nd Benjamin Fedotov 11 year boys 1st Matthew Phillips 2nd james Brown 13 year boys 1st Omar Kaade 50m Backstroke 8 year boys 1st 2nd 9 year boys 1st 2nd 3rd 10 year girls 1st 2nd 10 year boys 1st 2nd 11 year boys 1st 2nd 12 year girls 1st Taylan Mohamed Declan Hamed Robbie Emily Naokki Bozat Hadid Pearson Hadid Alameddine Brown Frail Jack Brown Blake Ogden Ricardo Bolivar Dannis Tran Celia Nguyen Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21
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