PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN’ S SCHOOL A N N U A L R E P O RT O N G I V I N G 2 012 - 2 013 HEAD OF SCHOOL James Dawson LIFE TRUSTEES Charlotte M. Ford Ernest H. Frank Peter P. Nitze BOARD OF TRUSTEES Eileen Dieck Chair Harold S. Spitzer Chair Emeritus Donald B. Brant, Jr. Vice Chair Jack Murrin Treasurer Marilyn Yanowitch Secretary Gregory Abbott Rachel Antonoff* L. David Clark James Dawson Charles E. Fagan Kimberley Fiterman-Duepner Stephanie J. Hull Denise Jackson Sutherland* Diane Kenney John B. Murray Ann W. Sethness Sarah Shepard Schmieder* Leslie Uggams* *Alumni COVER PHOTO : Sarah Brooks P RO F E S S I O N A L C H I L D R E N ’ S S C H O O L supporting the Arts celebrating the Mind FROM THE HEAD OF THE SCHOOL James Dawson . . . supporting the passion encountered throughout PCS not only produces powerful artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and technology mavericks, but also ensures that we graduate well educated citizens of the world. This past year, the last of our first one hundred years, was, true to form, filled with ongoing evidence of the kind of sustained, enthusiastic, unwavering support that has ensured PCS’s ability to support the arts and celebrate the mind over this first century. Our Annual Fund, our Concert Celebration, our Centennial Fund to eliminate our IDA Bond debt, our specially designated funding efforts, such as the one supporting Tuition Assistance in honor of the long and noteworthy service of Carol Kleban or the Senior/Eighth Grade Gift in support of our technology initiative, are all a part of the larger fabric of strong belief in what we do, in the students we serve, in the noble and proper notion that supporting the passion encountered throughout PCS not only produces powerful artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and technology mavericks, but also ensures that we graduate well educated citizens of the world. Each of the ways in which the many donors noted herein directed their giving helped each of our directed students to find their voice in the cacophony of noise endemic to the modern world. Each of the foci that received the generous underwriting, the gift in kind, the designated gift, the general support, and the extraordinary gesture of giving made us a stronger school, created a stronger community, and ensured a stronger future. It is only as the result of the past energy and generosity of this remarkable community of supporters that we can be assured of the future ability to succeed at touching the lives of the remarkable young people who continue to be entrusted to us. PCS takes this trust to the heart; we are proud of the work that we do, touched by the lives that intersect with ours, dedicated to an ongoing search for the proper tools to educate through our commitment to excellence in teaching and concomitantly, excellence in support of our curricular goals, be it through technology, professional development, mentoring, or evolving pedagogy. The success of PCS is the result of a partnership among our parents, our students, our faculty and support staff, and only comes to fruition as a result of the caring, committed individuals who make our work possible through their generous support of our program and our needs. The past recedes behind us at the close of every day and the future pulls us forward with every dawn. No organization, no special institution, no place of learning and affirmation, no place of unyielding hope and endless possibility can survive if it is not sustained by believers in the mission, purpose, scope and work of that body. It is the silent but powerful work of all of our supporters – each of you noted herein – which has made this first century a realized dream and which allows us to move forward into the second century with certainty and assurance. Thank you for making it possible to sustain this very special place called Professional Children’s School. It is a place filled with exceptional young people, affirmed by each of us as we endeavor to believe in them and in their own individual, unique and extraordinary journey that boldly takes them forward into the next one hundred years, filled with boundless hope and endless possibility. Anthony Roth Costanzo ’00 performing as Tolomeo in Tolomeo at Glimmerglass Opera Clair McAdams; Leslie Uggams and Smaggu Productions, Inc. Leslie Uggams ’60 3 FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Eileen “Lee” Dieck As I enter my first year as Board Chair for Professional Children’s School, I am profoundly grateful to be part of an organization which holds a unique and important place in the lives of the students it serves. As the mother of an alumnus, I know firsthand the “lifetime of possibilities” that PCS ensures for its students; with its emphasis on rigorous education, flexibility of schedule and guided study, PCS enables its students to acquire an excellent college preparatory education while pursuing their passions in the arts, athletics and entrepreneurship. There simply is no other school like PCS, and we are all fortunate to be a part of this institution. I am grateful to our faculty and staff for the work they do so well on behalf of our students. I know firsthand the “lifetime of possibilities” that PCS ensures for its students; with its emphasis on rigorous education, flexibility of schedule and guided study, PCS enables its students to acquire an excellent college preparatory education while pursuing their passions in the arts, athletics and entrepreneurship. As we begin our centennial year, the Board of Trustees has focused on celebrating the legacy of our first 100 years while simultaneously looking toward ensuring the future of PCS. The Centennial Fund has been established to recognize this incredible milestone, and the money raised through this effort will be used to pay down the IDA bond which enabled our school’s expansion in 2004. In addition, numerous celebratory events will be held throughout the coming year. We hope you will join us at these events as we celebrate both our rich history and our promising future. James Dawson, our gifted Head of School, and John Tucker, our tireless Director of Public Relations and Assistant to the Board, have spent hours interviewing many of our alumni about the role PCS has played in their lives. The resulting video, A Century of Dreams, offers inspiring testimony about the importance of PCS to our alumni and reminds us of the important work we do to support not only our students, but also the rich cultural climate of New York City and, indeed, the United States and the world. This year we welcomed three new trustees to our board, John Murray (father to Jesse, class of 2015), Sarah Shepard (alumna, class of 1987) and Leslie Uggams (alumna, class of 1960). A celebrated architect and author, John brings his skills to the Finance and Building committees. Sarah, whose expertise is in the area of social media and communications, is working with the Committee on Trustees as well as the Institutional Advancement Committee. Leslie’s legendary career in music, theater and television, along with her long-standing commitment to PCS as an alum and parent (Justice Pratt, class of 1994) will enhance our efforts in Institutional Advancement as well. As we welcomed new members to our board, we simultaneously expressed our gratitude to trustees who retired from the board at the end of June. Andres Rios rotated off the board after completing his term as parent trustee. Mark Rosenberg retired from the board after providing tremendous support as Treasurer and Chair of the Finance committee, and Carol Canter retired from the board after 15 years of service including her time as Chair of the Committee on Trustees and Secretary. At the end of this report you will find a tribute to our beloved trustee colleague and friend, Judith Mandrakos, who passed away suddenly this fall. A fund in Judith’s name has been established for tuition assistance, a focus that was near and dear to Judith’s heart. This year we have also welcomed three new administrators to the PCS Family. Alex Shaurette joined us this summer as the Upper School Head, Shari Honig, well known to many of us in her prior faculty role, has assumed the position of Director of Admissions, and Christopher Haley joined PCS in September as our Director of Institutional Advancement. Their energy and enthusiasm is infectious and I am excited about what they will accomplish in their respective roles. As always, the Board and I are deeply grateful for the constancy of leadership offered by James Dawson. We are indeed fortunate to have him at the helm! As we commence the celebration of the first 100 years of Professional Children’s School, I look with anticipation to the future of this school that has played such an important role in the lives of talented children. I am grateful for your ongoing support and am hopeful that you will continue to be generous as we work to ensure the future of PCS for the students yet to come. 5 F R O M T H E D I R E C TO R O F I N S T I T U T I O N A L A DVA N C E M E N T Chris Haley What an exciting time to be a part of the PCS community as we enter our 100th year. PCS, like our students, has a lifetime of possibilities ahead. We have so much to be thankful for in 2012-2013. We are particularly grateful to our more than 350 parents, alumni, trustees, and friends who contributed $1,254,138 during the 2012-2013 academic year. Our Class of 2013 families raised nearly $36,000 to advance PCS’s technological capabilities through the purchase of iPads and accessories. The iPads are being used to facilitate multimedia interaction with a multitude of subjects. Thanks to our Class of 2013 families, we now have 60 iPads for use throughout the school by middle-school and upper-school students alike. Students in art, history, science, and math classes are now using tablets on a regular basis to enhance the classroom experience. What an exciting time to be a part of the PCS community as we enter our 100th year. PCS, like our students, has a lifetime of possibilities ahead. PCS Concert Celebration, held at the historic Colony Club, delighted attendees with performances by 14 incredibly-talented PCS students and a special alumni guest. The performers played before a sold-out audience, and the event raised almost $85,000 (gross) toward tuition assistance. As most of you know, Carol Kleban, our beloved administrator, teacher and friend, retired after 33 years of dedicated service to PCS. In her honor, PCS created the Carol Kleban Tuition Assistance Fund, to raise funds to provide financial aid support to deserving students. In 2012-2013, more than $14,000 was raised in Carol’s honor toward this most worthy cause. Also, PCS is proud to have a new Centennial logo which graces our website, school letterhead, and this publication, thanks to a generous gift from PCS trustee, Charles Fagan, and his creative team at Polo Ralph Lauren. During 2014, we will invite our extended community to join us for a number of special events to celebrate our 100th year. We hope you will be able to join us. I look forward to becoming acquainted with our wonderful community of generous supporters in the coming years, and I am exceedingly proud to be a part of this vibrant institution. I N S T I T U T I O N A L A DVA N C E M E N T C O M M I T T E E 6 Kimberley Fiterman-Duepner, Chair James Dawson Ann W. Sethness Lee Dieck Denise Jackson Sutherland Gregory Abbott Charles E. Fagan Leslie Uggams Rachel Antonoff Chris Haley Marilyn Yanowitch Candice Brown Sarah Shepard Schmieder Philanthropic Support: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 Giving to the Annual Fund by Constituencies* Annual Fund Unrestricted 364,184 Trustees Annual Fund Restricted 197,899 Parents 442,842 Centennial Fund Gifts 579,360 Alumni 34,738 Parents of Alumni 98,964 $ In-Kind Gifts 14,726 Special Events 97,969 Total Giving to PCS $1,254,138 Faculty and Staff (past and present) $ 428,862 8,518 Grandparents and Friends 131,923 Foundations, Corporations, and Grants 207,750 reporting purposes, individuals in multiple categories have been counted * For more than once. 7 Named and Restricted Funds at Professional Children’s School The Bob Avian Scholarship (established 1997) Sir Cameron Macintosh established this endowed scholarship fund to honor his friend and colleague, producer/choreographer Bob Avian. The scholarship is awarded to a PCS student with an interest in the field of dance and is based on academic and artistic merit. Faculty Salary Endowment (established with an Edward E. Ford Foundation grant in 1981) This endowed fund supplements faculty salaries, helping to keep them competitive with other independent schools. It allows the school to keep tuition at a reasonable rate while continuing to maintain an excellent professional staff. Centennial Fund for the Future (established in 2012) The Centennial Fund for the Future was created by the PCS Board of Trustees to raise funds toward paying off the School’s IDA Bond. The Dani Brenner Dare to Dream Fund (established in 2010) The Dani Brenner Award, supported principally through the generosity of the Brenner family, is given annually in memory of PCS student Dani Brenner (1978-1995) to a member of the junior class for excellence in creative and expository writing. The Edward E. Ford Foundation Young Dreamers Fund (established in 2008) The Edward E. Ford Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund (established 1973, additional grant in 1990) These endowed funds provide tuition assistance for outstanding students in good standing with financial need. Faculty Enrichment Fund (established with an Edward E. Ford Foundation grant in 1987) This fund provides grants for faculty members to attend special workshops, seminars, and embark on special projects of their own design in order to further professional and personal growth. Faculty-Staff Travel Grant Fund (established in 2001) Two grants annually are awarded to members of the full-time faculty and/or staff who have been continuously employed at PCS for a minimum of four years. Grants can be used for any purpose involving travel within the United States and/or international destinations. The grant program is designed to support travel to fulfill a personal or professional goal, and recipients are selected at the discretion of the Head of School. The Gladys Brooks Foundation Endowment Grant for the Library (established in 1997) This endowed fund supports the technological components of the PCS Library, allowing students access to the wide range of modern research resources. Centennial Fund for the Future The Jackson Family Fund for Student Support (established in 2006) This fund was created by PCS alumna and Trustee Denise Jackson Sutherland, in memory of her parents Audrey Keppel Jackson (PCS ’39) and John Henry Jackson (PCS ‘35). The fund supports student needs not covered by tuition assistance. Income from the fund provides for the purchase of books, transportation to and from school, eyeglasses, class trips, and other expenses beyond the reach of students with financial need. The Lavinia Reese Fund (established in 2009) An endowed fund providing need-based tuition assistance for PCS’s African-American students was established with a bequest in December 2009 from Lavinia Reese. Ms. Reese was an employee of the School for more than 34 years until her retirement as business manager in November 2005. The Readers Digest-Dewitt Wallace Endowed Scholarships (established in 1992) This fund provides tuition assistance for students with financial need. The Robert J. Mariano Memorial Fund (established in 2003) Robert Mariano (PCS ’61) was the director of the first “All of Us” musical in 1960, with fellow students Marvin Hamlisch, Leslie Uggams, Christopher and Glen Walken and Lorin Hollander. The show evolved over the years into the annual Spring Benefit. In 2003, his many classmates and friends established this memorial fund to help support the building and operation of the Peter Glenville Theatre at PCS. We are grateful to the many alumni, friends, parents, faculty and staff who have made gifts to support our community over the years. Additional gifts to any of these funds are especially welcomed as we work to advance the mission of PCS. The following individuals have generously contributed toward paying off the School’s IDA Bond. Once the bond is retired, approximately $300,000 will be available annually to directly support the School’s operating needs. PCS will then enjoy the benefits of additional dollars for faculty and staff salaries and benefits, for ongoing building improvements, for additional support for our tuition assistance fund, and for growing the endowment. Gregory and Marcia Abbott Alexandra Ansanelli ‘99 Rachel Antonoff ‘99 Donald and Susan Brant Carol and Stephen Canter Mr. and Mrs. L. David Clark Daniel and Ellen Crown James Dawson and Shaun Mattivi William and Eileen Dieck Greg Duepner and Kimberley Fiterman-Duepner Charles Fagan Dolly J. Fiterman Charlotte M. Ford Ernest and Kay Frank Stephanie J. Hull David H. Koch Denise Jackson Sutherland ‘69 Diane William J. Kenney Susann Malin and Joel Solomon Judith D. Mandrakos John Murrin and Wendy Murdock Peter and Susan Nitze Andres Rios Mark and Rochelle Rosenberg Ann Sethness and John Russell Smith Harold Steven Spitzer Michael and Marilyn Yanowitch PCS Graduating Class of 2013 Ian H. Abbott Shay Abeson Daniela Arnedo Aldrich Zachary Allen Lily Arnell Aimée Anne-Caroline Auguin Qiuyi Hazel Chen Alexa Davis Ariane de Selliers Chiara Dello Joio Gabrielle Estep Rachel Filsoof William Fisher Brianna Gentilella Paulina Gerzon Jarrett Grempel Greg Grossman Lauren Holappa Timothy Holmes Jonathan Kiembock Margot Maimon Krisberg Leo “Yuan” Liao Huahua Liu Lulu Liu Mel Maetzener Jesse Baxendale Manning Sun Young Min Rebecca Minsley Kako Miura Jack Morgan Leland Murrin Arisa Onoda Lily XiaoXia Overmyer Jasmine Perry Luke Marcus Rosen Jonathan Russell Emily Safron Jacob Savransky Skyla Schreter Eun Kyung “Tori” Shim Nina Skoko Congratulations to our seniors!!!!! PCS Middle School Closing Exercises 2013 16 Class of 2013 College Acceptances Allison Snyder Hee So Son Sarah Steele Julia Goldani Telles Emma Katherine Turner Samantha Perri Tutelman Nicoline von Finck Betty Jane Walsh Mengqi “Miko” Wang Yijia Wang Nathaniel Wolff Noelle Yatauro Yuqing Zeng Shiqi Zhong PCS Eighth Grade Class of 2013 Amanda Asciutto Sophia Berman Darius Black Conor Carroll Sabrina Cmelak Finlay Doyle Max Greenberg Ethan Haberfield Theodore Karakitsos Samantha Kasowitz Chabeen Lee Charles Plummer Gianna Reisen Emily Robinson Rosina Standora Muyun Tang Mirei Toyama Academy of Arts University of San Francisco American Academy of Dramatic Arts University of the Arts, Philadelphia University of Arizona Arizona State University Art Institute of Philadelphia Bard College (2) Bates College Baylor University Beloit College Bennington College Berklee College of Music Boston College Brandeis University University of British Columbia Butler University University of Chicago Cleveland Institute of Music University of Colorado (2) Columbia University Concordia University Connecticut College CUNY - Hunter CUNY - Lehman CUNY- Queens Curtis Institute of Music (2) Dartmouth University University of Delaware University of Denver DePaul University Dominican University Drew University Drexel University Eastman School of Music University of Edinburgh Eugene Lang College (4) Fairleigh Dickinson University Fordham University (5) George Washington University Harvard University Indiana University Ithaca College Johnson & Wales University The Juilliard School (3) Lafayette College Lawrence University Loyola University New Orleans Loyola Marymount University Manhattan School of Music (6) Mannes School of Music (3) Marymount Manhattan College McGill University New England Conservatory (5) New York University (8) Oberlin College Oberlin Conservatory Pace University (4) Peabody Institute Pennsylvania State University Point Park University Rider University/ Westminster Choir College University of Rochester Royal Welsh Conservatoire Saint John’s University University of San Francisco Sarah Lawrence College (3) Savannah College of Art & Design University of Scranton Skidmore College University of South Carolina SUNY - Albany SUNY-Purchase (2) Trinity College (Connecticut) Trinity University (Ireland) University of Vermont Wheaton College (Mass.) Whittier College (2) 17 Special Events PCS Concert Celebration February 6, 2013 PCS trustees, parents, faculty, staff and friends gathered at the Colony Club for a wonderful evening of music and camaraderie in support of the Tuition Assistance Fund. Our incredibly talented performers included Hiu Sing Fan (Class of 2014), Jarrett Grempel (Class of 2013), Ye Huang (Class of 2016), Olivia Kapell (Class of 2014), Tian-Yi Li (Class of 2016), Teng “Claire” Long (Class of 2014) Qingxi Meng (Class of 2015), Jesse Burnside Murray (Class of 2015), Jiadi Pei (Class of 2016), Jonathan Russell (Class of 2013), Jacob Savransky (Class of 2013), Hee So Son (Class of 2013), Mengqi “Miko” Wang (Class of 2013), Sihan Yue (Class of 2015), Shiqi Zhong (Class of 2013), and very special guest Anthony Roth Costanzo (Class of 2000) A Retirement Celebration Honoring CAROL KLEBAN JUDITH KAPLAN SHERRIE HINKLE May 9, 2013 at PCS Three beloved members of the PCS community retired at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. Carol Kleban, who joined PCS in 1979, retired from her position as Associate Head of School; Sherrie Hinkle, who served as our Director of Admissions, retired after 15 years of service; and Judith Kaplan, our Learning Specialist, retired from PCS after being with us for six years. The three extraordinary women were honored at a brief program at the school on May 9, 2013. We are grateful to each of them for their service and dedication to PCS and for the countless PCS students they’ve impacted over the years. Invest in the Future of PCS For many alumni, families, and friends, PCS has played a significant role in their growth and development. If you would like to ensure that future students and families have the same opportunities, please consider investing in the future of PCS with a gift from your estate. Encore Society In 1994, Betty Ivey Martin inspired the creation of the Encore Society, an honorary group formed to recognize those who have included a provision for PCS in their estate plans. Bequest intentions qualify for membership in this esteemed society. If you would like to become a member of the Encore Society by making a gift to secure PCS’s future, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 212-582-3116 x115. Encore Society Members James He and Wendy Zang Aimee Hepting Ellen W. Johnston Murray and Teri Kessler Betty Ivey Martin Hildegarde H. Preston Dolores Quinton Lavinia Reese Frank Streeter Henryette Hunt White 19 PCS Faculty and Staff 2012-2013 Will Acevedo Building Manager Rocio Izurieta Custodian Alexandra Ochoa Spanish Teacher Debra Alago Cafeteria Manager Lizbeth Johnson Academic Technology Specialist Thomas Orefice English Teacher Ben Baskerville Head Custodian In Loving Memory of Judith Mandrakos January 10, 1938 – October 15, 2013 In 2013, Professional Children’s School lost a long-time beloved Board member, donor, supporter, and friend. Judith Mandrakos was an extraordinary supporter of PCS who cared deeply for the remarkable young people entrusted to our care. Her silent, often unbeknownst, generosity frequently made the difference between attending and leaving the school for families in crisis or financial difficulties. Judith cared for our school at every moment and in myriad ways. If service, generosity, and selflessness are the mark of grace and elegance, then there is no one who showed more grace, more elegance, and more care than Judith did. All of us at PCS, students, faculty, staff, and trustees, benefitted from her graciousness. We are profoundly grateful to Judith for the countless ways she supported PCS. Her loving presence and participation will continue to be missed for many years to come. Amanda Bastian Associate Director of Development Bernardo Belloso Custodian Candice Brown Administrative Assistant Ernestine Byer-Tyre Biology and Chemistry Teacher Kevin Casey Physical Education Teacher Paul Chalmers Math Teacher and Technology Coordinator James Dawson Head of School Christine Dziegielewski Receptionist Dalila Hannouche French Teacher Sherrie Hinkle Director of Admissions Judith Kaplan Learning Specialist Carol Kleban Associate Head of School Ayana Pena-Espina Assistant to the Middle School Head and Attendance Officer Erika Petersen History Teacher Roberta Kosse Music Teacher Guthrie Porter Math Teacher Jeffrey Laguzza English and Social Studies Teacher James Reilly English Teacher Valerie Leger French Teacher Victoria Mancuso Business Manager Marcy Mann Academic Dean Raquel Martinez Bookkeeper Joseph Mayes Cafeteria Staff Peggy M. Meertins Administrative Assistant to the Associate Head of School Briane Miccio Middle School Math and Science Teacher Kevin Rodd Science Teacher Kerry Roeder Librarian Antonio Rodriguez Cafeteria Staff Vincent Sagona Drama Teacher Robert Mark Savage History Teacher Jean J. Scales Business Office and Admissions Assistant Shellie Sclan English Teacher Elizabeth Snyder Math Teacher Jennifer Morganstern Spanish Teacher John Tucker Director of Public Relations Caroline Holder Art Teacher Vincent Napolitano History Teacher Alissa Wall Math Teacher Shari Honig ESL Teacher Dania Nauholnyk Head of Middle School Patricia Wallendjack Director of Development William Hirt History Teacher and College Advisor PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN’S SCHOOL 132 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 212-582-3116 A D M I N I S T R AT I V E T E A M 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 14 James Dawson Head of School Marcy Mann Associate Head for Academic Affairs Alex Shaurette Head of Upper School Dania Nauholnyk Head of Middle School Chris Haley Director of Institutional Advancement Victoria Mancuso Business Manager Shari Honig Director of Admissions John Tucker Director of Public Relations O F F I C E O F I N S T I T U T I O N A L A DVA N C E M E N T Chris Haley Director of Institutional Advancement Candice Brown Assistant to the Director of Institutional Advancement This Annual Report lists all gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. In compiling our lists of contributors, we have tried to be as accurate as possible. If your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please let us know and accept our very sincere apologies. DESIGN AND PRINTING Action Graphics PHOTOGR APH S Sarah Brooks Caroline Holder Clair McAdams Kerry Roeder Alex Shaurette John Tucker Leslie Uggams and Smaggu Productions Inc. Professional Children’s School is committed to using the world’s resources wisely – now and into the future. We are making use of electronic communications for invitations, newsletters, and reports, and would like to make this our primary means of communication with our alumni and friends. If you would prefer to receive information from PCS via the Internet rather than the US Postal Service, please send your email address to advancement @ or call 212-582-3116, ext. 118. Thank you for your support. PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN’S SCHOOL 132 West 60th Street New York, New York 10023
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